HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdopted Budget_1965_12/9/1964 52777' • 4, - t•• • • ■15' ' 1965 • BUDGET Town of Mamaroneck ADOPTED ON r ° December 9 , 1964 .0 . . . . . • L _ TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAMARONECK, NEW YORK To the Residents of the Town of Mamaroneck -- The proposed budget of the Town of Mamaroneck for 1965 indicates an increase of $1. 38 in the tax rate, or a rate of $20. 41 for the residents of the unincorporated area, including the increase of 164 per thousand in the General Town tax. Residents of the two villages will pay 43c per thousand, including the 164 increase. The reason for this increase is two-fold: first, increased costs due to improvements and expansion of services; and second, reduction of the sources and basis of income. The cost increases stem mainly from a continued Public Works program, County-mandated salary increments, and State-mandated personnel additions, to- gether with an increase of labor and material cost. The reduction of income is caused mainly by three factors: (1) the relatively small increase in assessed valuation in the entire Town, namely $437, 021. , together with reductions made by our citizen Board of Review; (2) the removal of the New Haven Railroad property from the rolls in the amount of $ 1, 133, ^40; and (3) a reduction of rer Capita State Aid in the amount of $2, 708. as the result of recent State legislation. Your Town Board has carefully weighed each of the departmental requests received from the various departments for this budgetand believes it has prepared a budget that provides all the necessary services at the lowest cost consistent with safety and efficiency. The gross amount of the recommended combined General Town, Part Town, and District budgets is $1, 496, 583. , or $80, 456. more than that of 1964. The gross sum of the combined estimated revenues is $410, 653. , or $11, 389. less than in '64, thereby re- sulting in a net increase of $92, 045. in the tax levy. The following major points are herewith called to your attention to facilitate your study of this budget: • Compensation No general salary increase is provided. Increments are granted in accordance with the Compensation Plan. In addition, certain adjustment increases have been made in accordance with the rec- ommendations of our citizen Boards and Commissions in order to provide a more equitable compensation. The Board proposes to adopt the so-called "8% take-home-pay" provision in accord with the amendments to the Retirement and Social Security Law enacted by the 1964 legislature. Very sim- ply,' this provides for an additional 3% in take-home-pay to the 5% provision adopted by this Board in 1960. Personnel The results of a study indicated that the Town, in order to oper- -1- ate efficiently and continue its long-established policy of main- taining Town services and facilities at its customary high level, required the following additional personnel: One Police Patrol- man and one Fireman as required by State Law; a Senior En- gineering Aide to assist the Engineer and Building Inspector; an Intermediate Typist and a full-time Recreation Maintenance Man. General Town .elections This budget shows a decrease of $15, 620 because rather than )urchase outright the ten additional voting machines required t:o provide the necessary voting facilities for the Town, the Board authorized a Bond Anticipation Note in the sum of $15, 000. to be paid over a period of five years, Public Safety The additional amount of $1, 217. in the Humane Society Con- tract has been provided in order to relieve the villages of dupli- cate charges and apportion equitably the costs of the expanded services. Recreation The gross budget for '65 is $62, 651. less estimated revenues of $21, 593. , resulting in an estimated net budget of $41, 058. , or an increase in the net budget of $5, 647. This increase re- flects personnel additions and salary adjustments. Both the part-time Intermediate Typist and the Maintenance Man will be placed on a full-time basis. Other additions to staff are part- time specialists engaged to accommodate growing enrollments and improve an expanded summer program. It should be noted that actual revenues for 1964 were $21, 540. exceeding the estimated revenue by $2, 612. More than $1, 000. of this actual additional revenue was realized from the opera- tion of the tennis courts at Memorial Park. Enterprises `1 Here the increase of $4, 300. represents the estimated payment by the Town to the County of a share of the proceeds received from parking meters after operating costs have been deducted in accordance with the terms of the lease for the station park- ing lots. Sheldrake River Trails - Conservation Area An increase of $3, 000. in this item is requested by the newly- appointed citizen Conservation Advisory Committee. $2,000. of the total $5, 000. appropriation would be for salary of a part-time Custodian-Ranger. Improvements to trails, con- struction of bridges and culverts, fire fighting equipment, etc. are estimated at $2, 000. $1, 000. is requested for publications (such as the new "Walk Booklet"), supplies and other miscel- laneous expenses. -2- Horn Tri 0 C.k.S Area. hp-orovemeiot .../_,...„..____ New storm d.v.Lins to partially en.:::-_lose East Creel:I. b6.',t,:;, een the Hommocks and Flint Park zi.re r ecornrn.ended at an estimated cost of $18, OCIO. required in order to undertake the develop- ment of th::.s a.r ea: f 0 r public us e 1.)y tlie re.sidents Of the entire Town. - Part Town . ________,..............— Highway Fund Items 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 ........***.....v.4444,,...a..4,,,,,44,......, 4 The decrease of $4, 160. in items I through 4 is largely due to a decrease this year in the purchase of replacement equipment. However, funds for certain capital improvements and the pur- clia.se of al- envy Duty Highway Dump Truck with Snow Plow are included in this budget. A new item 5 - Town Garage Construction - in. the amount of $1.3, 588, includes interest of $1, 588. and a Capital Note of $12, 000. In order to construct the Town Garage in 1%64, the Town sold. Bond Anticipation Notes in the amount of $160, 000.. In 1965; the Town will sell 30-y ear bonds in the amount of $160, 000. and pay off these notes. The additional $12, 000. borrowed for completion of the Ga.rage has been. included in this budget. Special Districts Garbage District The 'increase. of .$10, 752. in this bu.d.ge.t reflects chiefly one- half the cost ($7, 000, ) of pil.rehas:11g a I..oa.d.pa.ck.:7:-.r; the IT:al-• arif e Will be paid in Viat,,,.;:r Di.strict A decrease of $1,14, 090, is reflected. in this budget duk:. to a de- crease in water Systone C a I.>1 ta i costs anticip a t C..d 5 and in the , . . bonded indebtedness due in i 965, Included here is first-year payment of the bond anticipation note of $3, 500. plus ..i.nt e r est I _ relative to the Car ."1 . .1:1. Road. Water Ma.11,7). Project and the r elirnin.a...ry. (0 for the bonding of the nev,, 10-inch ra5n. along Old White Plains Road, These projects will result in providing au improved and expan.ded water distribution system in the unincorporated area of the Town, and upon completion., will decrease fire insurance costs and depe.adency upon Scarsdale for .water supply at premium rates. Sewer District. ....... .„, 'The proposed budget shows an increase of $18, 546. in sewer construction, costs over 1964. Provision has been made in. this budget for the preliminary costs necessary for: (I) the con- struction of a sewer system to serve as an extension of Sewer District No, I, Section "R" (Trun sev.iP.3.-- in. Griffen ,Avenu,..); ivf and. (..?.,) til t-. contemplated trunk. se,,ver in die Prince Willow s Street Ifighting District Althongi-1 an appropriation of $18, 000. to continue and accelf,,:r- ate the Street 1.,i;:jiting Imbro,„,c.rnen.t. Program throughOut the un in c 0 rp0 17 at e c i. area i s p r(,.ry i d d. in this budge2t, the n et inc r e.::PA. e in the tax levy i Ei only $1., 000. rnor c. than in 1964 due to the es- timated cash available at the en.d of la st ,ear. Park District A net decrease in the Park budget for 1965 of $9, 488. reflects cash available of $3, 000. and a smaller appropriation, for Me- , rnorial Park improvements. In the interest of both efficiency and economy, it is the recommendation of the Park Board that landscaping and planting of the area between Murray Avenue and North Chatsworth Avenue be done entirely by the Park De- partment staff with final completion of the job scheduled for 1966. Fire District Here the increase of $12, 896. is due chiefly to the State- mandated addition. of one fireman, payment of salary adjust- ments, and. provision of funds for the purchase of a Utility Pick-up Truck and, one-half the cost of a new auxiliary whistle with the balance thereof to be paid in '66. The proposed 1 9 65 budget has been. prepared with the full reali- zation that the challenge to economize in spending falls upon. all levels of government, Town government is no exception as it is closest to the people and provides those services which are most crucial to the daily fan.ctioning of modern society. With today s growth and constant changes, however, has come an ever accelerating i 11 crease in the complexity and in the de- mands for improved and expanded local government services and this despite an era of increasing costs for material and qualified personn el,. Your Town. Board and the many citizens who helped. in its prep- aration are fully cognizant of the deep responsibility in sub- .- mining this budget which will provide the funds required to provid.e the quality and range of public services traditionally expected. by our citi Z ffri.E'l, A public budget should. not be the brain child, of any one or any few persons. This budget cer- t.-linly is not such - but rather represents the thinking of many, including members of Our various citizen. Boards and Com- missions as well as that of our Town government staff. To all of them for their generous help, we are deeply appre- ciative. The ultimate responsibility, however, is our's -- and we accept it. Respectfully submitted, THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MA MAR ON ECK • TOWN OF MAMARONECK ANNUAL BUDGET 1965 Estimated Approp. Revenues Tax Levy ;GENERAL FUND Town Wide Schedules 1 &3 337,429 284,073 53,356 Part Town Schedules 2 &4 397,834 16,200 381,634 HIGHWAY FUND Items 1, 2, 3,4&5 Schedules 5 &6 190,573 32,180 158,393 SPECIAL DISTRICTS Garbage Schedule 7 144,653 4,500 140,153 Water Schedule 8 64,460 59,700 4,760 Street Lighting Schedule 9 43,500 9,000 34,500 Sewer Schedule 10 99,423 1,000 98,423 Park Schedule 11 80,091 3,000 77,091 Fire Schedule 12 138,620 1,000 137,620 TOTAL 1,496,583 410,653 1,085,930 -1- • • SCHEDULE 1 APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 Adopted GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISOR 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Supervisor , 7500 7500 7500 102 Confidential Secretary to Supervisor = Executive Ass't 6180 6365 6700 103 Junior Typist ? _ _ 275 _ - 4"0 Li fir.. � P{ _- 389a 13680 14140 14200 - 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Automotive Tni <<.. , T a 0 1526 - - 1800 202 Typewriter :i ; < <-f S . . . r- ,'" 3°6 460 - - - - �v 1986 - - 1800 9 � 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 499 500 500 TOTAL 16165 14640 16500 / 7 ^ q O t 710 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Justices of the Peace (2) 5a 6400 6400 6400 '7a o r, 102 Clerical Assistance " 1650 1650 1650 8050 8050 8050 8' 740 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 529 750 1000 1 > a a TOTAL 8579 8800 9050 !D IS-D. TOWN BOARD 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Councilmen (4) 9600 9600 9600 t r)-4 oac 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Publishing Notices, Reports, Etc 1410 1400 1400 402 Travel and Convention 272 400 500 1682 1800 1900 TOTAL 11282 11400 11500 15 96 0 -2- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget - -1963 1964 1965 Adopted I TOWN CLERK 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Clerk 8725 8985 9255 1 --,. =no 102 Intermediate :Typist 3117 rn 11842 13260 13395 14-:-;-__ _ ' 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expe 635 600 600 8 a a TOTAL 12477 13860 13„995_y I. f .f, �, ASSESSOR 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Assessor 8725 8985 8985 t 'r e-' 102 Senior Typist 4860 5000 5000 ., ,,e 103 Assessment Clerk 5110 5265 5600 , 104 Intermediate Clerk , ; ', 2472 2545 * - 105 Board of RAview 750 750 750 ' „ z, 21917 22545 20335 ;: n re, *Transferred to Rec. of Taxes (1/4) & Comptroller's Office (3/4) ZOO EQUIPMENT 201 Air Conditioner 400 - - - - 400 OTHER EXPENSES !' ✓ `, ;'F. '`-' 401 Supplies & Other Expense 1350 750 750 _. 402 Travel & Car Expense '369 450 ,.„. . 450 - ' 403 Appraisals, Cert. , etc. 300 • 3000 300 °' _ 0 ` a 2019 4200 4200 • _ • TOTAL 24336 26745 �� 24535 _„ r,. RECEIVER uP TAXES .. .• •,,, - x 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Receiver of Taxes 9000 9270 9670 ,,4=` " 102 Deputy Receiver of Taxes /7— 5105 5260 5375 103 It. Clerk - P.T. (1/4) - - - - * 1273 .2 _S ; . 14105 14530 16318 *Transferred from Assessor's Office & Town Offices 200 EQUIPMENT • • 201 Burroughs Machine 2500 - - 202 Monroe Calculator - - 445 2500 - - 445 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 2952 3000 3000 TOTAL 19557 17530 19763 2:.�o SCHEDULE I - (con'd) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 Ad o,to d TOWN ATTORNEY 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Attorney 9280 7500 8000 '' ' ',; 102 Special Attorney Fees - - 2000 - - 103 Stenographic Services 2507 2000 _1 600 2000 11787 11500 1 10000 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 610 600 600 402 Travel Expenses 144 300 300 754 900 900 TOTAL 12541 12400 10900 y.3 ac • i')-,S.' rJ ENGINEER 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Engineer 9450 9735 9735 19-, 0-) 102 Jr. Engineering Aide 594 600 - - 103 Sr. Engineering Aide 'y r�:4 4 t.«,...!„,, 2675 * 2675 5800 �..: z? 104 Intermediate Typist 3705 3705 - - 1.05 Intermediate Stenographer (1/2) - - - - _ 2325 .,_5 ",, 16424 16715 17860 200 EQUIPMENT 201 New Tax Map Cabinet - - 500 ** 600 202 Typewriter 414 - - 446 7. Ctt 1 a ' t, , ' c.. 414 500 1046 *Transferred to Building & Plumbing Dept. l **Includes disposal of existing safe. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1472 900 900 402 Outside Tracing Help 153 650 300 1625 1550 1200 TOTAL 18463 18765 20106. '.1) j ; ELECTIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Custodians 465 600 600 • 102 Wages 744 1030 1030 103 Election Inspectors & Poll Clerks 6974 10485 10015 ! '_ t,/.5- "e/?- ``/ 8183 12115 11645 200:•EQUIF NT 201 Voting Machines & Election Booths 4143 15000 - - 202 Furniture, etc. - - - - - - 4143 15000 400 OTHER EXPENSES • 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 130 550 400 402 Rental Polling Places 570 980 980 403 Transportation Equipment 808 1500 1500 1508 3030 2880 TOTAL 13834 30145 " 14525 ,.3 . -4- SCHEDULE 1 - contd. • Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 Adopted • COMPTROLLER 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Comptroller 600 9270 9670 / 1.C) C>' 102 Deputy Comptroller - - 400 - - 103 Int. Clerk - P.T. (3/4) <.. - - - - * 3817-` ' ``� ► U 104 Int. A/C Clerk & Typist - - - - ** 4950 ':";a 2oo 'i.4, 1.�.,,;„ 600 9670 18437 400 OTHER EXPENSES 6 °:,) 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 181 500 500 ---- .3,...,0 TOTAL 781 10170 Wi 18937 .: _3o TOWN OFFICES r ,6/4,4 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Accountant 9000 - - - - 102 Int. Account Clerk • _ - - ( - - 103 Int. Acct. Cik. & Typist 4464 4650 , ( - - 104 Int, Clerk 2472 2545 - - 105 Int. Typist '� - _ - - 3640 106 Custodian, P.T, / •(G.,.,2.., 1440 1485 1485 / 5 80 17376 8680 5125 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Office Equip't. , Etc. 478 1850 928 202 Furniture, Etc. 145 - - 100 623 1850 1028 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses enses a 2 °� 402 Telephone- / 604 2700 2700 - , ' '-) c+ora 403 Light 587 800 800 'I n n 404 Rent 5700 5700 5700 ,r n A.A 405 Independent Audit 2700 2700 2700 : 7, r, 406 Dues, Assoc. of Towns 250 250 250 )- ::4 15302 15650 15810 TOTAL 33301 26180 21963 __ ,, Lt73 IT � , TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 171316 190635 181774 • * Transferred from Assessor's Office & Town Offices ** Transferred from Town Offices *** Transferred to Comptroller's Office -5- SCHEDULE 1 -( conic?) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 Adopted PUBLIC SAFETY 500 Dog Enumerator 256 300 300 501 Humane Soc. Contract 2090 7922 9139 • TOTAL 2346 8222 9439 CIVIL DEFENSE 200 EQUIPMENT 3514 1500 - - 201 Radio Communications. _ 202 Radiological 182 - - - - 203 islectronic 3696 1500 - — 400 OTHER EXPENSES 610 1000 1000 • 401 Supplies &Other Expenses 1146 - - - - 402 Radio & Work Room 403 Repairs, Replacements& 60 - 500 Tools, Radio • 404 Supplies & Other 42 - - - . - Expenses, Radio 1858 1000 • 1500 TOTAL a 5554 - 2500 1500 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 7900 •. 10722 10939 • f, r -6- SCHEDULE 1 - (could) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 . Adopted RECREATION GENERAL RECREATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Supt. of Recreation . 8310 8560 8985 j4 _•: 102 Commission Secretary 95 31 - - 103 Maintenance Wages 2439 2000 3150 104 Intermediate Typist 700 2214 3890 105 Memorial Park Attendants - - 3150 3150 11544 15955 19175 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Memorial Park & Playground 5000 5414 - - 202 Office Furniture • - - - - 250 203 New Sailboat - - - - 2500 204 Tender Overhaul - - 250 - - 205 Snow Brush for Ice Rink - - - - .250 206 Roller Skates - - - - 500 • 5000 5664 3500 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 2291 3650 4775 YOUTH RECREATION 500 PERSONAL SERVICES 16632 18602 22090 501 OTHER EXPENSES & SUPPLIES 8111 812'8 7330 24743 26730 29420 ADULT RECREATION 600 PERSONAL SERVICES 3471 3130 3380 601 OTHER EXPENSES & SUPPLIES 2492 1862 2401 ` 5963 4992 5781 701 DETAILED FIELD STUDY 500 - - - - TOTAL 50041 56991 62651 " 7 J' r / P -7- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'dj Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 Adopted ENTERPRISES PARKING FIELDS 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 920 1000 1000 402 Repairs - Parking Meters 3869 - - - - 403 Lease - County of Westchester - - - - 4300 4 /,x ) ' a 1 I 4789 1000 5300 1 CEMETERIES - 500 OTHER EXPENSES 501 Supplies & Other Expenses 223 400 400 . TOTAL ENTERPRISES 5012 1400 5700 • DEBT REDUCTION NOTES 300 Bond Anticipation Notes 8000 8000 3000 ir> MISCELLANEOUS 500 Veteran's Organization Rooms 600 600 600 501 Patriotic Days Observances 927 1000 1000 _ 502 Shade Tree Fund 1963 5000 2500 503 Bond & Coupon Service Fees 209 275 275 504 Real Estate Taxes 420 750 800 /0 :, o 505 Payment - Retirement System 15509 17430 17500 , 506 Social Security Tax 3171 3360 4080 ; .. 507 Contingency Fund . - - 5775 10000 - - / ' , 4, _', e; 508 Interest on Notes, Etc. 856 1500 • 1500 --- 509 Improvement H o m m cks Area `- -t;,,A , 8650 3500 18000 t t i o o v 510 Street Signs - _. , - - - - 380 - 57.1 Sheldrake River Project - - 2000 5000 ---- & ,,-, 32305 41190 61635 INSURANCE 600 Workmen's Compensation 770 800 800 601 Official Bonds & Undertakings 120 600 600 602 Fire Liability & Other 5088 7700 7700 .603 Group Health Insurance 1540 1910 2630 7518 11010 11730 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS & INSURANCE 39823 52200 73365 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS f 282092 319948 337429, -8- SCHEDULE 2 - PART TOWN APPROPRIATIONS -- GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 Adopted POLICE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Police Officers 203400 219800 228000 102 Custodian, P.To 2955 3045 3045 103 School Guards 3686 5600 5800 - 210041 228445 236845 ' 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Automotive 4829 6850 - 6800 202 Uniforms, etc. 4781 3500 3800 203 Radios 339 1000 1870 204 Other 922 1200 1000 10871 12550 13470 • 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Building Operation 1593 1500 2000 402 Telephone 2964 2700 2800 403 Light, Gas & Water 693 650 650 404 Gas & Oil 2871 3000 3000 405 Equipment Operation 6224 5500 5500 406 Supplies -- - -- 3516 2925 2900 407 Traffic Signals & Signs 3193 2800 2800 408 Ins. - Comp. & Liability 4166 6100 6100 409 Group Health Insurance 3093 3560 4020 410 Pay't. Retirement System 24019 31920 33360 411 Pay't. Police Pension Fund 11563 11307 12900 412 Social Security Taxes 5376 5604 5780 413 Travelling Expense 496 725 725 69767 78291 82535 TOTAL 290679 319286 332850 "' c ; .. I *_ , PLANNING BOARD . 100 PERSONAL SERVICES ' 101 Secretary 93 100 200 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 97 300 300 402 Master Plan - One Half Cost - - 1650 1650 403 Secretary - Jt. Planning - - - - 300 97 1950 2250 TOTAL 190 2050 2450 BUILDING AND PLUMBING i c .%) ( + 1 F-..._ 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Building & Plumbing Insp. 5615 5865 * 8985 z' , rse 102 Intermediate Steno. (1/2) - - - - 2325 103 Examining Bd. of Plumbers 150 150 150 5765 6015 11460 *Transferred P.T. Salary as Sr. Engineering Aide ($2675) from Engineering Dept. -9- SCHEDULE 2 - - (con'd.) Budget as Tentative • Expended Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 612ptII:i • BUILDING & PLUMBING (contd.) . 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 327 4(}0 .-,.� .. 400 TOTAL 6092 6415 11860 BOARD OF APPEALS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Secretary 93 100 200 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses . .--- 283 250 ..250.�..._� -. TOTAL 376 350 450 MISCELLANEOUS 501 Public Library Contract 36877 41317 388394 ±:;, 36'4 502 Registrar Vital Statistics 63 50 65 503 Pay't. Retirement System 1383 1540 1610 504 Social Security. Taxes 348 350 350 - 505 Contingency Fund - - 1325 1500 506 Miscellaneous (Noise Abatement) 350 50 50 507 Group Health Plan 148 160 170 508 Ins. - Comp. & Liability. y 80 200 200 509 Dutch Elm Disease Program _1481 1 000 000 w. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 40730 45992 43784 )fir. PUBLIC HEALTH • - 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Public Health Nurse 5446 5800 6440 .1 ` GRAND TOTAL - - GENERAL FUND PART TOWN APPROPRIATIONS 343513 379893 397834 E , / .w -10- SCHEDULE 3-ESTIMATED REVENUES Other Than Real Property Taxes GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative Collected Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 Adopted STATE AI7 State Aid-Per Capita 117 916 117 913 104618 State Aid-Mortgage Tax 45529 35000 41000 • State Aid-Senior Citizens State Aid-Youth Bureau 2518 2518 2518 State Aid - Railroads 1485 1200 1480 167448 156631 149616 INTEREST &PENALTIES on TAXES 24163 18000 18+500 LICENSES & PERMITS Dog Licenses 2010 2000 2010 DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS Town Clerk's Fees 2960 2400 2600 Recreation Fees 14975 16410 19075 Justices Fees 3529 3600 4600 Misc. Inspection Fees 360 250 500 Parking Meter Receipts 12355 11500 12000 34179 34160 38775 OTHER REVENUES Civil Defense Refunds 3345 1250 750 Property Rentals 600 600 1422 Engineering Charge Spec. Dist. 2200 2800 2800 Int. on Deposits & Investments 14073 13000 15500 Cash Available 40000 58045 54000 Miscellaneous Income - - 700 60218 75695 75172 GRAND TOTAL--GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 288018 286486 284073 • -11- SCHEDULE 4 -- PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES Other Than Real Property Taxes GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative Collected Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 Adopted STATE AID State Aid - Per Capita - - - - 10587 DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS Police Department Fees 450 300 475 Planning Board Fees 20 50 50 Board of Appeals Fees 210 200 250 Building & Plumbing Fees 1908 1900 2800 2588 2450 ,.3575 TOTAL 2588 2450 14162 OTHER EARNINGS Cash Available 7000 3000 2038 GRAND TOTAL - - GENERAL FUND PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES 9588 5450 16200 -12- TOWN OF MAMARONECK NEW YORK FOUNDED 1661 FREDERICK F. KELLOGG. JR., P. E. 158 WEST POST ROAD MAMARONECK. N. Y. TOWN ENGINEER • OWENS 8-8300 . October 11, 1965 M E i'i 0 .I To: Supervisor l urchell and all Councilmen From: � J From: Frederick F. Kellogg, Jr. , Town tFnineer Re: Items of Public F,'crks and Engineering for consideration :Fur the 1q66 Budget. The below listed job was brought to my attention after my earlier submission to you of October 4, 1965 and should be considered as .an addendum thereto. Addendum #1 Highway District Job 766-H-9, Drain from low point on Wood Street to ditch east of parking lot (Problem posed by Pr. Carmine Perciasepe) Two (2) catch basins, one (1) manhole, and 220feet of 12" pine. ?;aterial cost is $1,100.00 . Labor cost is $1,000.00 Total lob cost is $2,100.00 Please attach. this sheet to the flemo of October 4th. Respectfully submitted, r Frederick F. Kellogt , Jr. 1 , FFkjr:raj CC: Hr. Johnston, Town Attorney Mr. Gronberg, Town Clerk Mr, Fischer, Supt. of Highways Pro. Comstock fir. Altieri, Controller Pr. Perciasepe SCHEDULES APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 Adopted HIGHWAY FUND ITEM I General Repairs 90629 99010 102370 Payment Retirement System 13353 13605 13800 t ; Social Security Taxes 3177 2790 2800 Workmen"s Compensation Insurance 2251 2750 2750 Group Health Insurance 1657 1810 2210 • TOTAL 111067 119965 123930 • - HIGHWAY FUND ITEM II Maintenance and Repair • Labor 96 300 775 Materials 257 200 225 TOTAL 353 500 1000 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM III Purchase 20592 20490 10120 Repair 4807 6200 6500 Storage 1058 1500 2000 Gas and Oil 4985 5000 5000 TOTAL 31442 33190 23620 -}- • , '.. SNOW & MISC. FUND ITEM IV Salary - Town Superintendent 8495 8750 -1. 8985 Control of Ice and Snow 18931 15300 16000 Cutting Weeds and Brush 1323 1900 2600 Other Miscellaneous 833 1540 850 TOTAL 29582 27490 28435 TOWN GARAGE CONSTRUCTION - ITEM V SPECIAL ACCOUNT 7863 175750 13588 GRAND TOTAL MICH:/AY APPROPRIATIONS 180307 356895 190573 7t 17 i[ t... c _{ ) ?") -13- 1 SCHEDULE 6 --ESTIMATED REVENUES Other Than Real Property Taxes APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND Budget as Tentative Collected Modified Budget 1963 1964 . 1965 Adopted HIGHWAY FUND ITEM I State Aid 2303 2451 2680 • Miscellaneous 894 - - - - Unexpended Balance _ 17600 34000 15500 ■ TOTAL 20797 36451 18180 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM II BRIDGE Unexpended Balance - -. 500 500 TOTAL - - 500 500 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM III MACHINERY Gasoline and Oil Refunds, etc. 4749 5000 5000 Unexpended Balance 11500 10000 3500+`" Rental Equipment Charges - - 500 - - TOTAL 16249 15500 8500 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM IV SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS Snow Removal Refunds 2751 2600 3000 Unexpended Balance . - - 2000 1000 —' TOTAL i, 2751 4600 4000 TOWN GARAGE CONSTRUCTION ITEM V - SPECIAL ACCOUNT Unexpended Balance - - - - 1000 TOTAL - - - - 1000 GRAND TOTAL ALL HIGHWAY REVENUES 39797 57051 32180 _/.. � ( O -14- SCHEDULE 7 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS GARBAGE DISTRICT #1 Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 Adored APPROPRIATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries and Wages 69921 71188 73050 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Truck - Garbage Loadpacker . - - 500 - 7000 (1/2) 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Equipment Rental and Operation 6200 5943 5462 402 Supplies and Other Expenses 151 300 300 . 403 Payment Retirement Fund 6004 6390 7210 404 Social Security Taxes 2437 2440 2441 405 Group Health Insurance 890 1060 1110 406 Insurance - Compensation and Liability 2693 3080 . 3080 407 Incinerator Operation 36752 43000 45000 55127 62213 64603 TOTAL 125048 133 901 144653 ,. f ..r REVENUES Cash Available 3884 3800 400 TOTAL 3884 3800 4500 GARBAGE DIS T RIC T TAX LEVY 130101 140153 -15- _LL_ . Water District 1;o. 1. t Water ;:uin Part .- , 01e( White Plains Fond should ?-e do.si nee and awarded as soon cas possible. Total cost estimated at $37,000.fl0 The 1 966 budget should include costs FFor survey, .final plans and srec,s, cost $3 ,4r'n.00 Porint contract , sa• Fart of job for 1966, sat; ;5,300.00 If financed over S years, -ay �7,L fl0.0�r for 191,6. Job }•'66-U-2, ^`i scellaneous hydrants, ad iustments: to claims of prior 'rears, and short extensions whose need arises without notice during t he middle of a fiscal year, say, n ,000.00 Joh P6F-6+-3, Half payment lawsuit unless this can be handled in some other way, say L;,300.00 I(L,t Job /716- -4, New 6" main in East Garden Toad l etween i i lsworth and Grevstone Road, as revue sted by M.r. c tr�1.lh, to reinforce the distribution system in this area. Total cost $1,900.00 Fespectfully submitted, L i ) FFK3r•raj Frederick F. YelloFq, Jr. CC: Mr. Johnston, Town Attorney Mr. Fischer, Hurt. cf Highways Mr. A.lt ieri, Controller Mr. Gronberg, Tcwn Clerk Mrs. Comstock SCHEDULE 8 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS WATER DISTRICT #1 Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 Adopted • APPROPRIATION 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Water District System Capital Costs 7375 11000 4750 402 Redemption of Bonds & Notes 41500 41500 37500 403 Interest on Bonds & Notes 21432 20100 18710 404 Refunds - Water Mains 8697 5950 3500 TOTAL 79004 78550 64460 REVENUES Water Revenues (Net) 56346 52000 53000 Pipe Line Rentals 3971 3200 3200 Cash Available 12459 10550 3500 TOTAL 72776 65750 59700 WATER DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 12800 4760 • SCHEDULE 9 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #1 APPROPRIATION 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Street Light Operation 25203 26000 25500 - 402 Installation Street Lights 4160 10000 18000 TOTAL 29363 36000. 43500 REVENUES Cash Available 1500 2500 • 9000 TOTAL 1500 2500 9000 • STREET LIGHTING TAX LEVY - _ 33500 34500 3. s I , oc -16- SCHEDULE 10 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS SEWER DISTRICT #1 BudEr,et as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 AdoLte.A. , 07'1"?.OPRIATION l '_X) PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salarief.; and Wages 1126 1500 1500 — Li OTHER laPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 764 1790 1800 402 Insurance - Comp. & Liability 220 220 300 Li Sewer Construction Costs 12015 3300 21846 /404 Redemption of Debt 55.500 55500 51500 405 interest on Not -s & Bonds 26366 23922 21477 406 Maintenance Sewer Purm? Stations (Murdock Woods - Kolbert Drive) 1000 94865 84732 97923 TOTAL 95991 86232 9%23 !-!%VLNUES (".355 Available 7000 2500 1000 Sale of Land I.L. 00 TOTAL 7000 15000 1,000 . — DISTRICT L'EVY 71.232 98423 4 • SCHEDULE 11 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS PARK DISTRICT #1 Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1963 1967+ 1965 Adopted • APPROPRIATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Park Foreman 8200 8985 8985 102 Assistant Park Foreman 5314 6050 6500 103 Laborers 19314 27370 27371 104 Secretary 95 100 200 32923 42505 43056 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Leaf Blower - - 100 - - 202 Rotary Power Mowers 160 - - 170 203 Gravely Tractor & Riding Sulky - - - 715 - _- 160 100 885 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 4819 2865 2500. 4.02 Building Operation ' • 775 1200 1300 403 Equipment and Operating Costs 349 950 900 - 404 Payment Retirement System 3041 3930 4675 405 Group Health Insurance 481 660 770 406 Insurances Comp. - Liability 1377 1500 1500 407 Social Security Taxes 1049 1324 1310 408 Redemption of Debt 10000 10000 10000 409 Interest on Bonds 4095 3645 3195 410 Memorial Park and Playground (Including Comfort Station) 107224 - - - - 411 Retaining Wall & Steps - Baldwin Street - - 12500 - -. 412 Landscaping - New Section. - Murray Ave, & North Chatsworth - - 5400 10000 7 133210 43974 36150 TOTAL 166293 86579 80091 REVENUES Cash Available 93606 - - 3000 TOTAL 93606 •- - 3000 PARK DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 56579 77091 I 1 -18- SCHEDULE 12 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS FIRE DISTRICT #1 Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1963 1964 1965 Adopted APPROPRIATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries 65495 73500 81400 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Generator - - 1750 - - 202 Utility Pickup Truck - - - 2500 203 Flagpole 750 - - - - 204 Clothing 928 1200 1200 205 New Whistle (Aux.) 1/2. - - - - 1500 1678 2950 5200 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Equipment - Operation • 1446 1200 1500 402 Building Operation 2594 3800 4000 403 Supplies & Other Expenses 5299 4000 4000 404 Gas, Light, Water & Heat 1831 1900 1900 405 Inspection and Travel 2130 2510 2600 406 Telephone and Alarm 2629 1500 1500 407 Payment Retirement System 10840 12185 13550 408 Social Security Taxes 1740 1919 2100 409 Group Health Insurance 892 1060 1270 410 Insurance - Comp. & Liability 5910 6600 6600 411 Hydrant Rental 11848 12000 13000 , 47159 48674 52020 ' TOTAL 114332 125124 138620 rEVENUES Cash Available 865 1000 1000 TOTAL 865 1000 1000 .."E DISTRICT _ ■ -�. LEVY 124124 137620 • .6 • ', 1( IC I . , . -19- L SCHEDULE 13 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES AND ASSESSMENTS TOTAL TAXABLE VALUATION 1964 1965 General Town 125,370,203 125,807,224 Part Town 51,901,542 52,490,403 Part Town-Highway 51,901,542 52,490,403 Garbage District 51,901,542 52,490,403 _ Water District 51,907,542 52,496,403 Street Lighting District 51,907,542 52,496,403 Sewer District 45,933,822 46,467,883 Park District: • 49,689,142 50,262,003 Fire District 51,901,542 52,490,403 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES 1964 1965 Actual Estimated Increase Decrease General Town .27 .43 .16 -'art Town 7.21 7.27 .06 Part Town-Highway 2.46 3 .02 .56 Garbage District - 2.51 2.67 .16 Water District .25 .09 .16 Street Lighting District .65 .66 .01 ' Sewer District 1.55 2.12 .57 a Park District. 1.74 1.53 .21 Fire District 2,39 2.62 .23 19.03 20.41 1.75 . .37 "MARY BY AREAS Village of Mamaroneck x27 .43 Village of Larchmont .27 .43 Unincorporated Area 19.03 20.41 -20- SCHEDULE 14 TAX RATES Year Town County School Assessment 1965 20. 41 125, 807, 224 1964 19. 03 9. 70 35. 30 125, 370, 203 1963 19.40 9.58 33.30 120, 950, 660 1962 18. 25 9.45 29. 32 117, 352, 554 . 1961 17. 55 9.35 28. 53 114, 813, 216 1960 17. 56 9. 54 27. 90 111, 233, 241 1959 16.80 11.26 26.90 108, 606,648 1958 15.97 • 10.82 25.86 106, 729, 722 1957 15.85 10.66 24. 32 103, 369, 000 1956 15. 74 10.80 23. 20 98, 679, 000 1955 16. 38 11. 13 21.45 95, 095, 000 ' 1954 16. 06 11.01 18.87 91, 702, 000. 1953 16. 15 10. 93 18. 94 89, 456, 000 1952 15. 59 10. 25 18.81 87, 754,000 1951 15. 59 10. 24 17.87 85, 445, 000 1950 14. 37 10. 54 16.94 83, 939, 000 1949 14.71 10.76 17.38 81, 011, 000 1948 14.43 10. 10 15. 99 78, 602, 000 - 1947 15.76 10. 63 16,64 77, 627, 000 . - 1946 16.91 9. 21 13.49 75, 688, 000 1945 16. 78 7. 92 12. 37 76, 370, 000 1944 17.04 8. 52 11.78 77, 719, 000 1943 16.62 9. 02 10. 69 79,490, 000 -21- SCHEDULE 15 ' TOWN OF MAMARONECK YEARLY AMORTIZATION AND INTEREST CHARGES • ON ALL BOND ISSUES AS OF JANUARY 1, 1965 ' Year Amortization Interest Total . 1965 $ I", 500.00 $ 43, 031.37 $ 138, 531,37 1966 95, 500. 00 38, 838. 12 134, 338. 12 1967 91, 500.00 34, 723.62 126, 223.62 1968 84, 500.00 30, 957.87 115,457.87 1969 80, 500.00 27, 314.62 107, 814. 62 1970 79, 000.00 23, 804.50 102, 804. 50 1971 72, 000.00 20, 337. 50 92, 337.50 1972 65, 000.00 17, 385.00 82, 385. 00 1973 64, 000.00 14, 672.50 78, 672.50 1974 55, 000.00 12, 153.50 67, 153.50 1975 42, 000.00 10, 123.00 52, 123.00 1976 26, 000.00 8, 702. 50 34,702.50 1977 20,000.00 7, 737. 50 27,737.50 1978 15,000.00 6, 900.00 21, 900.00 1979 15, 000.00 6, 300. 00 21, 300.00 1980 15, 000.00 5, 700.00 20, 700. 00 , 1981 15, 000. 00 5, 100.00 20, 100. 00 1982 15, 000.00 4, 500.00 19, 500.00 1983 15, 000.00 - 3, 900. 00 18, 900.00 1984 15, 000. 00 3, 300.00 18, 300. 00 1985 15, 000.00 2, 700. 00 17, 700.00 1986 15, 000.00 2, 100. 00 17, 100.00 1987 15,000.00 1, 500.00 16, 500.00 1988 15, 000. 00 900+ 00 15, 900.00 1989 15, 000.00 300. 00 15, 300. 00 $1, 050, 500. 00 $ 332, 981. 60 $ 1 ,383, 481.. 60 - • Recapitulation: Water District Bonds $ 460, 000. 00 Park District Bonds 76, 000. 00 Sewer District Bonds 514, 000. 00 $1, 050, 000. 00 -22- L SCHEDULE 15 {continued} WATER DISTRICT BONDS Year Amortization. Interest Total ♦ 1965 $ 34, 000, 00 $ 18, 359. 25 $ 52, 359. 25 1966 34, 000.00 16, 890. 25 50, 890.25 . 1967 30, 000.00 15, 500. 00 45, 500.00 1968 23,000.00 14, 346. 00 37, 346.00 • 1969 23, 000,00 13, 349,50 36, 349,50 1970 24, 000. 00 12, 343.00 36, 343,00 1971 19, 000.00 11, 326. 50 30, 326. 50 1972 17, 000.00 10, 584. 50 27, 584. 50 1973 16, 000.00 9, 932,50 25, 932. 50 1974 15, 000.00 9, 300. 00 24, 300. 00 1975 15, 000.00 8,700.00 23,700.00 1976 15,000.00 8, 100.00 23, 100.00 1977 15, 000. 00 7, 500. 00 22, 500.00 1978 15, 000.00 6, 900.00 21, 900.00 1979 15, 000.00 6, 300. 00 21, 300.00 1980 15, 000.00 5, 700.00 20,700.00 1981 15, 000. 00 5, 100. 00 20, 100. 00 1982 15, 000.00 4, 500. 00 19, 500.00 1983 15, 000. 00 3, 900.00 18, 900.00 1984 15, 000.00 3, 300.00 18, 300.00 1985 15, 000.00 2, 700.00 17, 700.00 1986 15, 000.00 2, 100.00 17, 100. 00 1987 15, 000,00 1, 500. 00 16, 500.00 1988 15, 000. 00 900.00 15, 900.00 1989 15, 000.00 300.00 15, 300.00 $ 460, 000. 00 $ 199, 431. 50 $ 659, 431. 50 1965 $ 10, 000.00 $ 3, 195.00 $ 13, 195,00 1966 10, 000. 00 2, 745.00 12, 745.00 1967 10, 000.00 2, 295. 00 12, 295.00 1968 10, 000.00 1, 845.00 11,845.00 1969 6, 000. 00 1,485.00 7,485.00 1970 6, 000. 00 1, 215,00 7, 215,00 1971 6, 000. 00 945.00 6, 945.00 1972 6, 000. 00 675.00 6, 675.00 1973 6, 000. 00 405.00 6, 405,00 1974 6, 000.00 135.00 6, 135.00 $ 76, 000. 00 $ 14, 940. 00 $ 90, 940. 00 _23_ SCHEDULE 15 (continued) SEWER DISTRICT BONDS • Year Amortization Interest Total 1965 $ 51,500.00 $ 21,477.12 $ 72,977.12 - 1966 51,500.00 19,202.87 70,702.87 Y 1967 51,500.00 16,928.62 68,428.62 1968 51,500.00 14,766.87 66,266.87 . 1969 51,500.00 12,480.12 63,980.12 1970 49,000.00 10,246.50 59,246.50 1971 47,000.00 8,066.00 55,066.00 1972 42,000.00 6,125.50 48,125.50 1973 42,000.00 4,335.00 46,335.00 1974 34,000.00 2,718.50 36,718.50 1975 27,000.00 1,423.00 28,423.00 1976 11,000.00 602.50 11,602.50 1977 5,000.00 237.50 5,237.50 • $514,500.00 $ 118,610.10 $ 633,110.10 A. -24- SCHEDULE 16 SCHEDULE OF SALARIES AND WAGES - ALL FUNDS Rate of Total Title Number Compensation Appropriation SUPERVISOR Supervisor 1 7500 Confidential Secty. to Supervisor and I. Executive Assistant 1 6700 TOTAL 14200 JUSTICES OF PEACE Justices 2 3200 6400 Court Clerk PT 1 825 Clerical Help PT 1 825 • TOTAL 8050 COUNCILMEN Councilmen 4 2400 9600 TOWN CLERK Town Clerk 1 9255 Int. Typist 1 4140 TOTAL 13395 ASSESSOR • Assessor 1 8985 Senior Typist 1 5000 Assessment Clerk 1 5600 Board of Review 3 750 TOTAL 20335 RECEIVER OF TAXES Receiver of Taxes 1 9670 Deputy Rec. of Taxes 1 5375 Int. Clerk PT 1 1273 1273 Comptroller's Office 3817 TOTAL 16318 • TOWN ATTORNEY Attorney 1 8000 Steno. Services 2000 TOTAL 10000 ENGINEER Engineer 1 9735 (Balance 1950 paid by Jt. Incinerator Comm.) Sr. Engineering Aide 1 5800 Intermediate Steno PT 1 2325 TOTAL 17860 -25- SCHEDULE 16 - (con'd.) Rate of Total Title Number Compensation Appropriation Election Custodians 2 300 600 Temporary Employees 1030 Election Officials 100 10015 TOTAL 11645 COMPTROLLER • . Comptroller 1 9670 ' Int. Clerk PT 1 3817 4950 . Rec. of Taxes 1273 3817 TOTAL 18437 • TOWN OFFICES Int. Typist 1 3640 Custodian PT 1 1485 1485 Police Custodian 3045 TOTAL 5125 RECREATION Sup't. of Recreation 1 8985 Int. Typist 1 3890 Maintenance Worker 1 3150 Temporary Employees 28620 TOTAL 44645 POLICE . Chief 1 10190 Lieutenants 2 8075 16150 Detective Sergeant 1 7950 Sergeants 4 7600 30400 Detective 1 7370 Patrolmen 23 Wage scale 6040 - 7000 155940 School Guards 4 One @ 7 and Three @ 8 5800 Custodian PT 1 3045 3045 Town. Office 1485 TOTAL 236845 PLANNING BOARD r Secretary PT 1 200 BUILDING & PLUMBING 4' Building & Plumbing Insp. 1 gg85 Int. Steno. PT 1 2321 r xami.ning Board of Plumbers 3 150 TOTAL 11460 BOARD OF APPEALS Secretary PT 1 200 PUBLIC HEALTH Nurse 1 6440 -26- L SCHEDULE 16 - (cond.) Rate of Total Title Number Co ensation — _ Appropriation IGHWAY Sup't. of Highways 1 8985 Laborers 19 Wage Scale 4971 - 6500 plus overtime. 32375 (Note - Total of $103,875 - Laborers apportioned to Highway, Garbage .0 . and Sewer) TOTAL 91360 GARBAGE DISTRICT Collectors 10 5305 53050 Laborers (See Highway) 20000 TOTAL 73050 PARK DISTRICT Foreman 1 8985 Asst. Foreman 1 6500 Laborers 5 Wage Scale 4971 - 5096 plus overtime & additional 27371 Secretary 1 200 TOTAL 43056 SEWER DISTRICT Laborers (See Highway) 1500 FIRE DISTRICT Lieutenant 1 7165 Firemen 11 Wage Scale 5910 - 6960 73275 Inspector PT 1 960 TOTAL 81400 v -27-