HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdopted Budget_1964_12/4/1963r ;/. r TOWN OF MAMARONECK BUDGET K V A J 1 964 ADOPTED: DECEMBER 4, 1963 TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAMARONECK, NEW YORK TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAMARONECK, NEW YORK To the Residents of the .. . Town of Mamaroneck -- I The gross amount of the recommended combined General Town, Part Town, and District budgets for 1964 is $1, 416, 127. 00, or $54, 911. 00 less than that of 1963. The gross sum of the combined estimated rev- enues is $422, 042. 00, or $63, 162. 00 less than in 1963, thereby re- sulting in a net increase of $8, 251. 00. Requests from the various departments for the 1964 budget totaled $1, 584, 177. 00. The Town Board has carefully discussed and weighed each requested expenditure, and believes that the recommended bud- get provides all of the necessary improvements and services at the lowest cost consistent with safety and efficiency. The General Town Tax is 27 per thousand - a decrease of 7q from the actual rate of 34 per thousand in 1963. The tax rate for the unin- corporated area is $19. 03 per thousand, which includes the General Town tax of 2• N and results in a reduction of 370 per thousand as com- pared to the actual rate of $19. 40 in 1963. The lower rates reflect an increase of $4, 419, 543. 00 in assessed val- ." - uation for the Town resulting from $1, 398, 900. 00 of new construction and $3, 020, 643. 00 from changes in assessments on property filed on the 1963 tax roll. With regard to compensation and personnel, the 1964 budget provides for a general 3% increase for all full-time employees, certain ad- justment increases in the Police and Park Departments, payment of increments in accordance with the Compensation Plan, and the addi- tion of one Police Patrolman, one School Crossing Guard, one Park Department laborer, and one Fireman as required by State Law. The following significant items are also called to your attention to fa- cilitate your study of this budget: General Town Town Attorney Due to the mandatory retirement of the Town Attorney, the sal- ary shown has been reduced to $7500. 00, and an appropriation included for special attorney fees. Elections • The increased cost shown for Election inspectors results from • the additional Registration. Day required in Presidential elec- tion years. Comptroller This budget shows the transfer of the Town Accountant's salary from Town Offices to this department in anticipation of the L • Town of Mamaroneck Budget - 1964 page two -- I . General Town Comptroller (continued) appointment of the Accountant as Comptroller. The sum of $400. 00 for a Deputy Comptroller is included. Town Offices This budget provides for the replacement of necessary office equipment including an Electric Mimeograph, an Electro- static Copier, and a new Checkwriter. Public Safety The additional amount in the Humane Society Contract has been provided in order to relieve the Villages of former dup- licate charges and equitably apportion the costs of expanded services. Recreation The gross budget for 1964 is $55, 541. 00 less the estimated revenues of $18, 928. 00, resulting in a net budget of $36, 613. 00. This department's share of the cost of equipment, capital outlay and operation of the new Memorial Park facility ac- counts for the $9, 142. 00 net increase in the budget. Miscellaneous A new appropriation of $2, 000. 00 has been included in this budget to cover the cost of preparatory work for clearing the Cross County Strip. Part Town Police An adjustment increase of $355. 00 has been provided for all Police Officers in order to bring this department in line with other communities and the County. Planning This budget includes one-half of the unincorporated area's share of the cost of the Master Plan. Miscellaneous This budget shows an increase in the Public Library Contract covering the unincorporated area's share of the cost of cap- , ital improvements and increased operational costs. Town of Mamaroneck Budget - 1964 page three -- Hi.ahway Fund Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 A decrease of $26, 106. 00 is shown in Items I - 4 repre- senting fewer necessary capital improvements in 1964. The purchase of a Dump Truck, car for the Highway Super- intendent, Leaf King, and Spreader is included in this budget. In addition, a new Item 5 - Town Garage Construction Ac- count - in the amount of $3, 750. 00 has been established. SEecial Districts Water District The Board plans to bond two necessary additions to the water distribution system: 1) A new 10-inch main along Old White Plains Road to tie in to the Prince Willows water main net- work. This improvement will eliminate this area's dependence on the Village of Scarsdale water supply. • 2) A new connecting water main from Palmer Ave- nue to the Post Road, which will serve the new school and improve the water supply in the Hommocks - Post Road area. It is expected that the Board of Education and the Town will share the cost of this installation. Street Lighting District An increase of $5, 000. 00 to continue and accelerate the Street Lighting Improvement Program throughout the unin- corporated area has been provided in this budget. Sewer District Revenue for this district is increased by receipt of $12, 500. 00 from the sale of the Cargill Park property to Union Free School District No. 1. No major sewer con. struction is contemplated in 1964. Park District The net increase of $9, 431. 00 in this year's budget reflects the cost of further improvement and planting in Memorial Park between Murray and Chatsworth Avenues, and the con- struction of retaining walls and steps from Murray Avenue to the end of Baldwin Avenue. Certain salary adjustments are also included. Town of Mamaroneck Budget • 1964 page four -- It has been said, ''There is no perfect budget". Though mindful of this admonition, in submitting this budget to our citizens, your Town Board believes that it is geared to the needs of our Town and will provide the funds necessary to continue to render that quality of service at a reasonable cost, which our residents have come to expect. Finally, we wish to express our appreciation to all the citizen members of our Boards and Commissions and to the members of the Town Government staff for making a difficult and onerous task less so. The responsibility of errors of omission and commission, however, are ours. Respectfully submitted, THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF MAMARONECK November the 13th 1 9 6 3 b) TOWN OF MA1VIARONECK ANNUAL BUDGET 1964 Estimated Approp, Revenues Tax Levy GENERAL FUND Town Wide Schedules 1 &3 304,953 271,4)1 33,462 Part Town Schedules 2 &4 379,893 5,450 374,443 HIGHWAY FUND Items l, 2, 3, 4 &5 Schedules 5 &6 184,895 57,051 127,844 SPECIAL DISTRICTS Garbage Schedule 7 133,901 3,800 130,101 Water Schedule 8 78,550 65,750 12,800 Street Lighting Schedule 9 36,000 2,500 33,500 Sewer • Schedule 10 86,232 15,000 71,232 Park Schedule 11 86,,579 - - - 86,579 Fire Schedule 12 125,124 1,000 124,124 TOTAL 1,416,127 422,042 994,085 l' -1- SCHEDULE 1 APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1962 1963 1964 Adopted GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISOR 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Supervisor 7500 7500 7500 102 Confidential Secretary to Supervisor 6000 6180 6365 13500 13680 13865 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Automotive - - 1818 - - - 20 2 Typewriter - 461 - - 2279 - 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 642 500 500 TOTAL 14142 16459 14365 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Justices of the Peace (2) 6400 6400 6400 102 Clerical Assistance 1650 1650 1650 8050 8050 8050 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 583 750 750 TOTAL 8633 8800 8800 TOWN BOARD 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Councilmen (4) 9600 9600 9600 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Publishing Notices, Reports, & Supplies;407 1400 1400 402 Travel and Convention 414 400 40Q 821 1800 1800 TOTAL 10421 11400 11400 -2- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'cl) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1962 1963 1964 Ado.ted TOWN CLERK 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Clerk 8471 872.5 8985 10 2. 1...-Tuty Town Clerk 3840 3955 4500 12311 1.2680 13485 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 443 700 600 TOTAL 12754 _ 13380 14085 -1448-t SSOR 11)0 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Assessor 8471. 8725 8985 102 Senior Typist 4720 4860 5005 103 Assessment Clerk 4960 5110 5265 104 Intermediate Clerk 3200 24)2* 2545 105 Board of Review 750 750 750 106 Assessment Survey 2470 1600 24571 23517 22550 * - Salary Apportioned - 1/2 Assessor 1/2 Town Office 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Air Conditioner — 400 - =:400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1412 930 750 402 Travel & Car Expense 684 350 450 403 Appraisals, Cert. , etc. 369 5789 4280 4200 TOTAL 3 0360 28197 26750 =tam= Iff===== RECEIVER OF TAXES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES • 101 Receiver of Taxes 8471 9000 9270 102 Deputy Receiver of Taxes* 5105 5260 8471 14105 1453 0 * - Transferred from Town Offices; 200 E QUIPMENT 2n 1 Burroughs Machine 3000 — - 400 JTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 2277 3 000 3000 TOTAL 10748 20105 1753 0 -3 SCHEDULE 1 - (contd.) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1962 1963 1964 Adopted TOWN ATTORNEY 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Attorney 9011 9280 7500 102 Special Attorney Fees - - - - - - 2000 103 Stenographic Services 1952 2000 2000 10963 11280 11500 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 887 600 600 402 Travel Expenses 530 '300 300 1417 900 900 TOTAL 12380 12180 12400 ENGINEER IGO PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Engineer 8800 9450 9735 102 Jr. Engineering Aide 540 600 600 103 Sr. Engineering Aide 2600 2675 2675 104 Intermediate Typist* - - - 3705 3705 11940 16430 16715 *Transferred from Town Offices and Building & Plumbing _ 200-EQUIPMENT 201 New Tax Map Cabinet - - - - - - 500 • 202 Blue Print Cabinet - - - 250 - - - 203 Typewriter - - - 414 - - - - 664 500 *Includes disposal of existing safe. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1151 1100 900 402 Outside Tracing Help - - 800 650 1151 1900 1550 TOTAL 13091 18994 18765 ELECTIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Custodians 600 600 600 102 Wages 586 1030 1030 103 Election Inspectors & Poll Clerks 7879 8655 10485 9065 10285 12115 200:EQUIPMENT 201 Voting Machines & Election Booths - - - 4143 - - - 202 Furniture, etc. 450 - - - --:-.2...- - 450 4143 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 206 400 550 402 Rental Polling Places 1107 850 980 403 Transportation Equipment 732 1500 1500 2045 2750 3030 TOTAL 11560 17178 15145 -4- SCHEDULE 1 - con'd, Budget as Tentativ,' Expended Modified Budget 1962 1963 1964 Adopted COMPTROLLER 100 PERSONAL SERVICES . 101 Compi -oiler* 600 600 927'.a 102 Deputy Comptroller - - - - - — 400 *Town Accountant transferred from 600 600 9670 Town Office. 400 OTHER EL ENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 369 400 50O TOTAL 969 1000 1C'1'0 TO : ' OrFICES �.t_3 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Accountant* 8471 9000 - - - 102 Int. Account Clerk 4720 - - - - - - 103 Int. Acct.. Clk. & Typist 4720 4860 4425 10'. Int. Clerk 1600 2472 2545 1�i Int. Typist 1874 - - - - - - 106 Custodian, P.T. 1398 1440 1485 *Transferrci to Comptroller's Dept. 22783 8455 200 EQUIPMENT 201 .)ff7 cc Equip't. , Etc. 1895 730 1850 202 Purni , Etc. 90 145 - - - 1985 875 1850 • 4 " JTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 4372 3845 35n^ 402 Tele?hone 2 506 2 700 GI 0 403 Lig:it 571 800 800 404 Rent 4700 5700 5'00 405 Irdependent Audit 3500 2700 27`10 406 1 .es, Assoc. of Towns 250 250 251 15899 15995 15650 TOTAL 40667 34642 2__,,,559955 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 165725 182335 175365 • -5- SCHEDULE 1 -( cord) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1962 1963 1964__Licloatecl PUBLIC SAFETY 500 Dog Enumerator 265 330 300 501 Humane Soc. Contract 2090 2090 • 7922 TOTAL . 2355 2420 8222 .......----.--......._ ;._—' CIVIL DEFENSE 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Radio Communications — - 3514 1500 202 Radiological — - 376 — _ 203 electronic 1 '......_:..." 1475 - _ Z...-:-.....:— 5365 1500 '100 OTT-TF,R EXPENSES 401 Supplies &Other Expenses , - 396 1000 1000 Radio & Work Room - — 1350 - 40_ Repairs, Replacements& — - 288 — Tools, Radio 404 Supplies & Other — 288 — Expenses, Radio • . 396 2926 1000 • TOTAL 396 8291 2500 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 2751 10711 10722 -6- SCHEDULE 1 - (contd. ) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1962 1963 1964 _ Adopted RECREATION GENERAL RECR;:ATION 100 PERSON, L SERViCES 101 Su -)tt. of Recr ation 7800 8310 8560 102 Co y imp*sion Secretary 90 95 95 103 Ma ater :once-Wages 1522 1800 2000 104 SveL o S' c.e. (summer) - - - • 700 700 105 Meuic_ial Park Attendants - - - - 3150 9412 10905 14505 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Memorial Park & Playg-oune - - - 5000 • 5414 202 Dillon Park 900 - - - - - - 203 New Teader 3440 - - - - - - 204 Tender Overhaul .. - - - - - 250 205 Station Wagon 2035 - - - - - - 206 Typewrit°r 355 - - 6730 5000 5664 400 OT)IER I:XPL 4SES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 2012 2370 36-0 • • YOUTH REOREATIOINN 500 PERSONAL SERVICES 14738 17328 18602 501 OTHER EXPENSES &SUPPLIES 6165 - 7733 8128 20903 25061 26730 ADULT RECREATION 600 PERSONAL SERVICES 1620 3030 3130 601 OTHER EXPENSES &SUPPLIES 1403 2293 1562 3023 5323 4992 Ti' DETAILED FIELD STUDY 500 - - TOTAL RECREATION 42080 49159 55541 -7- SCHEDULE 1- (con'd. ) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1962 1963 1964 Adopted ENTERPRISES PARKING FIELDS 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies &Other Expense - 744 1000 1000 402 Repairs, Parking Meters 2500 _- 744 3500 1000 CEMETERIES 500 OTHER EXPENSES 501 Supplies &Other Expense 219 400 400 TOTAL ENTERPRISES 963 3900 1400 DEBT REDUCTION NOTES 300 Bond Anticipation Notes 8000 8000 8000 MISCELLANEOUS 500 Veteran's Organizations Rooms 600 600 600 501 Patriotic Days Observances 964 1000 1000 502 Shade Tree Fund 2886 5000 5000 503 Bond & Coupon Svce. Fees 217 275 275 504 Real Estate Taxes 426 500 750 505 Pay't. Retirement System 13422 15509 17430 506 Social Security Tax 2967 3225 3360 507 Contingency Fund - - - - 5955 7500 508 Interest on Notes, etc. 999. 1280 1500 509 Mpromocks Area Drainage Ext. & Sea Wall , - - - - - - 3500 510 Improvement Hommocks Area - - - 7800 - - - 51l Maintenance of Land Acquired From - - - - - 2000 County 22481 41144 42915 INSURANCE 600 Workmen's Compensation 532 635 800 601 Official Bonds &Undertakings 593 600 600 602 Fire Liability & Other 6066 7700 7700 603 Group Health Insurance 1879 1840 1910 9070 10775 11010 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 31551 51919 5925 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 251070 306024 304953 -8- SCHEDULE 2 - PART TOWN APPROPRIATIONS--GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1962 1963 1964 Aclorite:1. . POLICE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Police Officers 189550 203400 219800 102 Custodian, PT 2867 2955 3045 1 103 School Guards 4092 4100 5600 196509 210455 228445 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Automotive 6416 6200 6850 202 Uniforms, etc. 1990 3000 3500 203 Radios 626 200 1000 204 Other _ 751 1200 1200 9783 10600 12550 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Building Operation 2212 1500 1500 402 Telephone 3256 2700 2700 403 Light, Gas &Water 662 650 650 404 Gas & Oil 2981 3000 3000 405 Equipment Operation 6657 5500 5500 406 Supplies 3872 2800 2800 407 Traffic Signals &Signs 2422 2200 2800 4t.,•_. Co -;.ip. &Liability 3316 5940 6100 • 409 Group J . 'th Iusur°anc_c 2651 3112 3560 410 Pay't, Retirem nt ..,, ,zt% 19535 24019 31920 411 Pay't. Police Pension. Fd. 09 3 11563 11307 412 Social Security Taxes 4275 5356 5604 413 Travelling Expense 536 725 725 63338 69065 78166 TOTAL 269630 290120 319161 A \1I);11,C '1 0_:iR.D C . ,...", \T.: :3ER v'il. ,S 101 Secr•eia. 90 95 100 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies &Other Expenses 184 310 300 402 Master Plan-One Half Cost - - - 1650 184 310 1950 TOTAL 274 405 - 2050 BUILDING & PLUMBING 100 PERSONAL SERVICES • 101 Building &Plbg. Insp. 5450 • 5615 5865 102 Int, Typist 937 - - -� - - - IC ) Lxai,,.in.icig Bd. ofPlbrs, 150 150 150 6537 5765 6015 7-- - - - SCHEDULE 2--(con'd. ) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1962 1963 1914 A.L12219.4. BUILDING & PLUMBING (con'd.. ) . 400 OTHER EXPENSES - 401 Supplies &Other Expenses 339 400 400 ----____ TOTAL 6876 6165 6415 BOARD OF APPEALS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Secretary 90 95 100 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies &Other Expenses 239 250 250 TOTAL 329 345 350 I ---- - ... MISCELLANEOUS 500 Public Library Contract 29478 36877 41317 501 Registrar Vital Statistics 49 50 50 502 Publishing Reports 53 950 — 503 Pay't. Retirement System 496 1383 1540 504 Social Security Taxes 124 350 330 505 Contingency Fund — 1150 1500 506 Interest on Bonds — — — • 507 Croup Health Plan 57 150 160 • 508 Ins. Comp. g.t Liability (11) 200 200 509 Dutch Elm Disease Program 1563 1000 1000 310 Misilaneous Appraisals 300 330 - — TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 32109 42460 46117 PUBLIC HEALTH 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Public Health Nurse 3956 5360 5800 GRAND TOTAL--GENERAL FUND PART TOWN APPROPRIATIONS 313174 344855 379893 e. 10 - . 1 . • . i ! . , SCHEDULE 3-ESTIMATED REVENUES Other Than Real Property Taxes GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative I ' Collected Modified Budget 1962 1963 1964 Adopted . . STATE AID I - State Aid-Per Capita 117921 117921 1.17913 State Aid-Mortgage Tax 36687 30000 35000 State Aid-Senior Citizens - — 400 ,. - - State Aid-Youth Bureau 2318 2518 2518 Stlte Aid - Railroads - _ — 1200 157126 150839 156631 INTEREST &PENALTIES on TAXES 16033 15000 18000 LICENSES & PERMITS Dog Licenses 2026 2050 2000 DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS Town Clerk's Fees 2727 2200 2400 Recre-l.tion Fees 12960 18269 16410 Jo sti,7n ... Fees 4024 3200 3600 MIsc, Tnspection Fees 435 450 250 Pa rkin6 Meter Receipts . 11478 11000 11500 — 31124 35119 34160 -------- OTHER REY/Ea:FES . Civil Defet 3C Refunds 208 2805 1250 Pr-;perty Rentals 1000 600 600 • Engineering Cha g e--! Spec., Dist, 2000 2200 2800 Int„ on Deposits & Investments 12333 10500 1300C Cash Available 52050 45861 43050 67591 61966 60700 GRAND TOTAL--GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED RE VENUES 273900 264974 271491 ---------=. = 11- SCHEDULE 4---PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES Other Than Real. Property Taxes GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative Collected Modified Budget 1962 1963_1264 AdcaLed DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS Police Department Fees 241 250 300 Planning Board Fees 20 50 50 Board of Appeals Fees 380 300 200 Building & Plumbing Fees _2001 1800 1900 2642 2400 2450 OTHER EARNINGS Cash Available 7000 9077 3000 GRAND TOTAL--GENERAL FUND PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES 9642 11477 5450 ======= -12- SCHEDULE 5 APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1962 1963 1964 Alcalati ----- HIGHWAY FUND ITEM I General Repairs 88458 124966 99010 Payment Retirement System 6722 10900 13605 Social Security Taxes 1916 2783 2790 Workmen"s Compensation Insurance 2310 2750 2750 Group Health insurance 1545 1650 1810 TOTAL 102951 143051 119965 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM II Maintenance and Repair Labor - - - 700 300 Materials 640 300 200 ------- _______ TOTAL _640 1000 500 _.....— HIGHWAY FUND ITEM III Purchase 14528 22.920 20490 Repair 4023 7000 6200 Storage 878 1950 1500 Gas and Oil 4294 _ 5000 5000 TOTAL 23723 36870 33190 ' SNOW & MISC. FUND ITEM IV Salary - Town Superintendent 8250 8495 8750 Control of Ice and Snow 23105 15000 15300 ' Cutting Weeds and Brush 1675 2000 1900 Other Miscellaneous 2565 835 1540 TOTAL 35595 26330 27490 _-- --- TOWN GARAGE CONSTRUCTION - ITEM V SPECIAL ACCOUNT - - - - - - 3750 ._----- ----_, --- GRAND TOTAL HIGHWAY APPROPRIATIONS 44* 207251 --_-__ 184895 , a SCHEDULE 6 --ESTIMATED REVENUES Other Than Real Property Taxes APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND Budget as Tentative Collected Modified Budget 1962 1963 1964 Adoited HIGHWAY FUND ITEM I State Aid 2255 2428 2451 Miscellaneous 283 — - Unexpended Balance 12500 17600 34000 TOTAL 15038 20028 36451 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM II BRIDGE Unexpended Balance 500 — 500 TOTAL 500 500 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM III MACHINERY Gasoline and Oil Refunds, etc. 4889 5000 5000 Unexpended Balance 11500 10000 Rental Equipment Charges J48 500 TOTAL 6378 18000 15500 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM IV SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS Snow Removal Refunds 2061 2500 2600 Unexpended Balance — - 2000 TOTAL 2061 2500 4600 GRAND TOTAL ALL HIGHWAY REVENUES 23077 40528 57051 ••■■•■■••.C.01...... • 14- SCHEDUI;F: APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS GARBAGE DISTRICT #1 Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1962 1963. 1964 Adopted _APPROPRIATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 10 1 Salaries and Wages 64813 67850 71188 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Truck - - - 500 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Equipment Rental and Operation 4336 6000 5943 402 Supplies and OtherExpenses 451 1853 300 403 Payment Retirement Fund 4794 6004 6390 404 Social Security Taxes 1908 2270 244-0 405 Group Health Insurance 892 920 1060 406 Insurance Compensation and Liability 2372 3080 3080 407 Incinerator Operation - 30000 42203 43000 44753 6233 0 62213 TOTAL 109566 130180 133901 ===x REVENUES Cash Available 5826 3884 3800 TOTAL 5826 3884 3800 GARBAGE DISTRICT TAX LEVY 126296 130101 -15-- SCHEDULE 8 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS WATER DISTRICT #1 Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1962 1963 1964 Ado.ted APPROPRIATION 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Water District System Capital Costs 8621 11000 11000 402 Redemption of Bonds & Notes 33000 41500 41500 403 Interest on Bonds & Notes 22745 21433 20100 404 Refunds - Water Mains 6769 5200 5950 TOTAL 71135 79133 78550 REVENUES Water Revenues (Net) 59168 55745 52000 Pipe Line Rentals - 3294 3200 Cash Available 17500 12459 10550 TOTAL 76668 71498 65750 WATER DISTRICT TAX LEVY 7635 .,.._,12802,„ SCHEDULE 9 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #1 APPROPRIATION 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Street Light Operation 25842 27000 26000 402 Installation Street Lights 2571 5000 3,Doos) TOTAL 28413 32000 36000 REVENUES Cash Available 1500 1500 2500 TOTAL 1500 1500 __UAL_ STREET LIGHTING TAX LEVY 30500 33500 ••••111.11•16111=0•0111. • 1 6- SCHEDULE 10 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS SEWER DISTRICT #1 • Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1962 19011621Ateacl APPROPRIATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries and Wages 1152 1500 1500 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 575 1800 1790 402 Insurance, Comp, -Liability 37 140 220 403 Sewer ,Construction Costs 2000 12080 3300 404 Redemption of Debt 57520 55500 55500 40 5 Interest on Notes and Bonds 28829 26366 23922 88961 95886 84732 TOTAL 90113 97386 86232 ====== REVENUES Cash Available 2539 7000 2500 Sale of Land - _2_12500 TOTAL 2539 7000 15000 SEWER DISTRICT • TAX LEVY 90386 71232 • - 17- I - SCHEDULE 11 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS PARK DISTRICT #1 Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget . 1962 1963 1964 Adopted APPROPRIATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Park Foreman 7700 8200 8985 102 Assistant Park Foreman 6000 6300 6050 103 Laborers 14187 21310 27370 104 Secretary ..._ 90 95 100 ..------- 27977 35905 42505 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Leaf Blower ..- ... ._ - - - 100 202 Rotary Power Mowers - - - 150 - - - 2...1-L'- 150 100 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 3307 2645 2865 402 Building Operation 404 1290 1200 403 Equipment and Operating Costs 1077 775 950 404 Payment Retirement System 2445 3041 3930 405 Group Health Insurance 434 612 660 406 Insurance, Comp. - Liability 859 1320 1500 407 Social Security Taxes 725 1121 1324 408 Redemption of Debt 10000 10000 10000 409 Interest on Bonds 4545 4095 3645 410 Memorial Park and Playground (Including Comfort Station) 1716 109800 - - - 411 Retaining Wall & Steps - Baldwin Street ., - - - .- - 5600 412 Landscaping - New Section - Murray Ave. & North Chatsworth - - - - - 12300 25512 134699 43974 TOTAL 53489 170754 86579 . --...=== REVENUES Cash Available 1700 93606 Z....7.-Z___ TOTAL 1700 93606 - _ - =.--------. - PARK DISTRICT TAX LEVY 77148 86579 ======= ==0==== -18- L. F I , SCHEDULE 12 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS FIRE DISTRICT #1 Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1962 1963 1964 Ado•ted APPR OPRIATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES - 101 Salaries 61075 65550 73500 200 EQUIPMENT 201 ; Generator .. - . - 1750 202 Pumper 24883 - - 203 Flagpole - Mb IM 850 _ _ 204 Clothing 1187 1200 1200 26070 2050 2950 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Equipment - Operation 1349 1200 1200 402 Building Operation 1980 2800 3800 403 Supplies and Other Expenses 4730 4000 4000 404 Gas, Light, Water and Heat 1426 1900 1900 405 Inspection and Travel 2317 23 00 2510 406 Telephone and Alarm 1386 1500 1500 407 Payment Retirement System 9390 10840 12185 408 Social Security Taxes 1500 1750 1919 409 Group Health Insurance 867 925 1060 410 Insurance, Comp. -Liability 4658 6600 6600 - 411 Hydrant Rental 11553 ,, 11750 12000 41156 45565 48674 TOTAL 1283 01 113 165 125124 REVENUES Cash Available 12500 865 1000 TOTAL 12500 865 1000 FIRE DISTRICT TAX LEVY 1123 00 124124 -19- SCHEDULE 13 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES AND ASSESSMENTS TOTAL TAXABLE VALUATION 1963 1964 General Town 120,950,650 125,370,203 Part Town 50,381,599 51,901,542 Part Town-Highway 50,381,599 51,901,542 Garbage District 50,381,599 51,901,542 Water District 50,389,099 51,907,542 Street Lighting District 50,389,099 51,907,542 :Park District 48,169,449 49,689,142 Sewer District 729 523 44 s 45,933,822 Fire District 5003811,599 51,901,542 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES 1963 1964 Actual Estimated Increase Decrease _ MM..■■••■•■••*•,.../.■• ••■On. •. ' • • General Town. .34 ,27 .07 Part Town 6,62 7,21 ,59 Part Town-Highway 3 .31 2.46 .85 Garbage District 2,51 2,51 Water District . 1.5 .25 .10 Street Lighting District .61 .65 .04 Park District 1.60 1,74 .14 Sewer District 2.03 1.55 ;48 Fire District 23 2,39 19,40 19.03 1,03 1,40 SUMMARY BY AREAS Village of Mamaroneck .34 .27 Village of Larchmont .27 Unincorporated Area 19,40 19,03 -20- • 7 SCHEDULE 14 TAX RATES . Year Town County School Assessment 1 1964 19.03 125, 370, 203 1963 19.40 9.58 33.30 120, 950, 660 1962 18.25 9.45 29.32 117, 352, 554 1961 17. 55 9, 35 28. 53 114, 813, 216 1960 17. 56 9. 54 27. 90 111, 233, 241 1959 16.80 11. 26 26.90 108, 606, 648 1958 15.97 10, 82 25,86 106, 729, 722 1957 15.85 10.66 24. 32 103, 369, 000 1956 15.74 10.80 23.20 98, 679, 000 1955 16. 38 • 11. 13 21.45 95, 095, 000 1954 16. 06 11. 01 18. 87 91,702, 000 1953 16. 15 10. 93 18.94 89,456, 000 1952 15. 59 10. 25 18.81 87, 754, 000 1951 15.59 10. 24 17.87 85,445, 000 1950 14. 37 10. 54 16.94 83, 939, 000 1949 14.71 10.76 17. 38 81, 011, 000 1948 14.43 10. 10 15. 99 78, 602, 000 1947 15. 76 10. 63 16.64 77, 627, 000 1946 16.91 9. 21 13.49 75, 688, 000 1945 16. 78 7. 92 12. 37 76, 370, 000 1944 17,04 8, 52 11.78 77, 719, 000 1943 16.62 9. 02 10. 69 79,490, 000 -21- . - SCHEDULE 15 TOWN OF M.AMAP,ONECK YEARLY AMORTIZATION i,NID INTEREST CHARGES ON ALL BOND 1.6511E6 AS OF JANUARY ,,, 1964 Year Amortization lute].i,si Total _ ...._, ....___ 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 ?. 1976 $ 99, 500. 00 95,, 500, 00 95, 500. 00 91, 500. 00 84, 500, 00 80, 500. 00 79, 000.00 72, 000, 00 65, 000, 00 -e 64, 000. 00 55, 000, 00 4 , 000,,00 26, 000, 00 20, 000. rJ0 $ 47, 394, 62 43, 031. 37 38, 838. 12 34, 723. 62 30, 957. 87 27, 314, 62 23, 804, 50 20, 337, 50 1 , _,;65, 00 14 672, 50 12, 153. 50 10, 123, 00 8. 702. 50 7, 737, 50 $ 146, 894. 6‘. 138, 531, 37 134, 338. 12 126, 223, 62 115, 457.87 107, 814. 62 102, 804. 50 92, 337, 50 82, 385, 00 78, 672, 50 t7, 153, 50 52, 123, 00 34, 702, 50 1977 27, 737. 50 1978 15, 000. 00 6, 900. 00 21, 900, 06 . 1979 15, 000. 00 6, 300, 00 21 , 300. 00 1980 15, 000. 00 5, 700. 00 20, 700, 00 1981 15, 000, 0() 5, 100, 0() 20, 100, 00 1982 15, 000. 00 4, 500. 00 1f, 500. 00 1983 15, 000,00 3, 900, 06 18, 900. 00 1984 15, 000, 00 3, 3C0. 00 1.8, 300. 00 i985 15, 000, 00 2, 700, CO 17, 700, 00 1986 15, 000. 00 2, 100. 00 17, 100. 00 1937 15, 000. 00 1, 500, („q", i:,,, 500, 00 1988 15, 000. 00 900, 'JO 15, 900. 00 1989 15, 000, 00 300, 00 15, 600, 00 $ 1,150,000,00 $ 380,376,22 $ 1,530,376.22 Recapitulation: Water District Bond , $ 494,000.00 6 Park District Bond,, 86,000.00 Sewer District Bondr 510 ')00 00 $ 1 , 50,()00.00 -22- , SCHEDULE, 15 (continued) WATER DISTRICT BONDS Year Amortization Interest Total . 1964 $ 34, 000, 00 $ 19, 828. 25 $ 53, 828. 25 1965 34, 000. 00 18, 359. 25 52, 359, 25 1966 34, 000. 00 16, 890. 25 50, 890. 25 1 1967 30, 000, 00 15, 500. 00 45, 500.00 1968 23;000, 00 14, 346. 00 37, 346,,00 1969 23, 000. 00 13, 349,50 36, 349, 50 1970 24, 000. 00 12, 343.00 36, 343.00 1971 19, 000. 00 11, 326, 50 30, 326. 50 1972 17, 000.00 10, 584. 50 27, 584. 50 1973 16, 000.00 9, 932. 50 25, 932. 50 1974 15, 000.00 9, 300. 00 24, 300. 00 1975 15, 000. 00 8, 700, 00 23, 700, 00 1976 15, 000,00 8, 100. 00 23, 100.00 1977 15, 000. 00 7, 500. 00 22,, 500.00 1978 15, 000. 00 6, 900, 00 23, 900.00 1979 15, 000. 00 6, 300. 00 21, 300. 00 - 1980 15, 000. 00 5, 700. 00 20, 700, 00 1981 15, 000. 00 5, 100, 00 20, 100. 00 1982 15, 000.00 4, 500. 00 19, 500. 00 1983 15, 000, 00 3, 90G. 00 18, 900. 00 • 1984 15, 000. 00 3, 30O .00 18, 300, 00 1985 15, 000,00 2, 700, 00 17, 700. 00 1986 15, 000, 00 2, 100, 00 17, 100. 00 1987 15, 000.00 1, 500. 00 16, 500, 00 1988 15, 000. 00 900.00 15, 900. 00 1989 15, 000. 00 - 300.00 15, 300,00 $ 494,000.00 $ 219,259.75 $ 713,259.75 PARK DISTRICT BONDS 1964 10, 000. 00 3, 645,00 13, 645,00 1965 10, 000. 00 3, 195. 00 13, 195.00 1966 10, 000. 00 2, 745,00 12, 745.00 1967 10, 000.00 2, 295, 00 12, 295, 00 1968 10, 000. 00 1, 845, 00 11, 845. 00 1969 6, 000. 00 1, 485. 00 7, 485.00 1970 6, 000. 00 1, 215. 00 7, 215, 00 1971 6, 000. 00 945.00 6, 945. 00 1972 6, 000.00 675, 00 6, 675.00 • 1973 6, 000. 00 405. 00 6, 405. 00 1974 6, 000. 00 135.00 6, 135. 00 $ 86,000.00 $ 18,585,00 $ 104,585.00 -23- i . • SCHEDULE; 15 (continued) SEWER DISTRICT BONDS Year Amortization Interest . Total --__. 1964 $ 55, 500.. 00 S. 23, 921. 37 $ 79, 411. 37 1965 51, 500. 00 21, 477. 12 72, 977. 12 1966 51, 500. 00 19, 202. 87 70, 701.87 1967 51, 500, 00 16, 918.61 68,428. 61 1968 51, 500. 00 14, 766.87 66, 166.87 1969 51, 500. 00 12, 480. 12 63, 980. 12 1970 49, 000. 00 10, 246. 50 59, 246. 50 1971 47, 000. 00 8, 066. 00 55, 066.00 1972 42, 000.00 6, 125.50 48, 115. 50 1973 • 42, 000. 00 4, 335. 00 46, 335.00 1974 34, 000. 00 2, 718. 50 36, 718. 50 1975 27, 000. 00 1, 423.00 18,413. 00 - 1976 .11, 000. 00 602. 50 11, 601. 50 1977 5,,000.00 237, 50 5, 237. 50 f, $ 570,000.00 $ 142,531.00 S 712,531.47 - . , r -24- . SCHEDULE 16 SCHEDULE OF SALARIES AND WAGES - ALL FUNDS Rate of Total Title Number Compensation Appropriation SUPERVISOR Supervisor I 7500 Confidential Sec'y. to Supervisor 1 6365 TOTAL 13865 JUSTICES OF PEACE Justices 2 3200 6400 Court Clerk PT 1 1200 Clerical Help PT 1 450 TOTAL 8050 COUNCILMEN Councilmen 4 2400 9600 TOWN CLERK Town Clerk 1 8985 Deputy Town Clerk 1 4500 TOTAL 13485 ASSESSOR Assessor 1 8985 Senior Typist 1 5005 Assessment Clerk 1 5265 Int. Clerk PT 1 2545 2545 Town Offices 2545 Board of Review 3 750 TOTAL 22550 RECEIVER OF TAXES Receiver of Taxes 1. 9270 Deputy Rec. of Taxes l 5260 TOTAL 14530 TOWN ATTORNEY Attorney 1 7500 Consultant Fees 2000 Stenographic Help 2000 TOTAL 11500 ENGINEER Engineer 1 9735 (Balance 1950 paid by Jt. Incinerator Commission) Jr. Engineering Aide 1 600 Sr. Engineering Aide PT 1 2675 2675 Bldg. & Plumbing Insp. 5865 Intermediate Typist 1 3705 TOTAL 16715 -25- SCHEDULE 16 - (con,`d) Rate of Total Title Number Compensation Appropriation ELECTION Custodians 2 300 600 Temporary Employees 1030 • Election Officials 100 10485 TOTAL 12115 COMPTROLLER Comptroller 1 9270 Deputy Comptroller PT 1 400 TOTAL 9670 TOWN OFFICES Int. Acct. Clerk & Typist 1 4425 Int, Clerk PT 1 2545 2545 Assessor 2545 Custodian PT 1 1485 1485 Police Custodian 3045 TOTAL 8455 RECREATION Supt. of Recreation 1 8560 Secretary PT 1 95 Temporary Employees 275_8 TOTAL 36237 POLICE Chief 1 10190 Lieutenant 1 8075 Detective Sergeant 1. 7850 Sergeants 5 7500 37500 Detective 1 7370 Patrolmen 22 wage scale 6040-7000 148815 School Guards 4 1 at 6 and 3 at 8 5600 Custodian PT 1 3045 3045 Town Office 1485 TOTAL 228445 PLANNING BOARD Secretary PT 1 100 BUILDING & PLUMBING Bldg. & Plumbing Insp. R PT (Engineer) 1 5865 & 2675 5865 Examining Bd. of Plumbers 3 150 TOTAL 6015 BOARD OF APPEALS Secretary PT 1 100 PUBLIC HEALTH Nurse 1 5800 -26- 6 SCHEDULE 16 - (con'd) Rate of Total Title Number Compensation Appropriation ' HIGHWAY • Sup't. of Highways 1 8750 Laborers 19 Wage scale 4971-6240 plus overtime. 79800 (Note - Total of 99438 appor- tioned to Highway, Garbage and Sewer) TOTAL 88550 GARBAGE DISTRICT Collectors 10 5305 53050 Laborers (See Highway) 18138 TOTAL 71188 PARK DISTRICT Foreman 1 8985 Asstt. Foreman 6050 Laborers 5 4971-5096 plus overtime & additional 27370 Secretary PT 1 100 TOTAL 42505 SEWER DISTRICT • Laborers (See Highway) 1500 • o . FIRE DISTRICT Lieutenant 1 7005 Fireman 10 Wage scale 5730-6800 65535 Inspector PT 1 960 TOTAL 73500 • -27-