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Adopted Budget_1963_12/5/1962
ti TOWN OF MAMARONECK TAX BUDGET I 1963 f y• ADOPTED: DECEMBER 5, 1962 TOWN OF MAMARONECK Mamaroneck, New York TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAMARONECK , NEW YORK T o the Residents of the Town of Mamaroneck -- The gross amount of the combined General Town, Part Town, and Dis- trict budgets for 1963 is $1, 471, 038. , or $209, 631. more than that of 1962. The gross sum of the combined estimated revenues, however, is $485, 204. , or $102, 647. more than in 1962, thereby resulting in a net increase of $106, 984. Your Town Board has carefully weighed eachex- pend.iture and believes it has prepared a budget that provides all of the necessary services at the lowest cost consistent with safety and ef- ficiency. The General Town tax shows a decrease of 1' per thousand over 1962. The tax rate for the unincorporated area is $19.06 per thousand, which with the General Town tax of. 3 per thousand, totals $19.09 compared to $18. 25 in 1962 or an increase of 84 per thousand. To facilitate your study of this budget, the following points are called to your zt.ttention: Cornpene tion In addition to a general 3% increase granted to all full-time employees, the 1963 budget provides for certain merit increases, adjustment in- creases in the Fire Department, and payment of increments in accor- dance with the Compensation Plan. Personnel Provision has been made in the 1963 budget for the addition of one patrol- man in the Police Department and one laborer in the Park Department. Elections The increase in the 1963 Election budget covers the cost of creating one new Election District and purchasing three new voting machines. Town Offices The addition of the third floor to the general offices explains the increase in rental for the Town Office building. Civil Defense - ~ The further expansion of the Civil Defense program in the unincorporated area and Village of Larchmont, along with the purchase of electronic equipment and completion of the radio room, accounts for the inclusion of $4, 777. in the 1963 budget. (Such equipment as is available is purchased under the Federal Matching Funds Program. ) Receiver of Taxes Implementation of the State Law passed in 1962 allowing payment of school taxes in two installments necessitates the purchase of certain ad- ditional equipment in the Tax Office and is reflec`ed in the increased bud- get for 1963. Town of Mamaroneck Budget - 1963 page two -- Park Department The contribution of $93, 165, (principal plus interest) to the new capital • improvement, Myrtle Boulevard Park and Playground, plus the addition of a full-time year-round employee to the staff accounts in the main for the net increase of $25, 195, in the 1963 Park Department budget, Recreation The cost of the Recreation share of constructing the new Park and Play- . ground, together with an expanding, growing recreation program, is shown in the increased gross budget of $48, 659. This sum, however, is decreased by increased estimated revenues in the amount of $21, 188„ thus leaving a net increase over 1962 of $2, 723. in the 1963 Recreation budget, Highway Department Included in the increased Highway budget is $6, 600, to cover the cost of reconstructing Baldwin Avenue, this Department's share of the Park and Playground construction, In addition, Item I of the Highway budget provides for capital improve- ments totaling $19, 500, including the construction of a traffic safety is- land. at Lafayette Road, drainage installations, and various miscel- - laneous public works projects, Item III provides $17, 600, for the purchase of a new Highway truck, a Sweeper, and numerous other equipment items. Also included in this budget is the sum of $6, 000, allocated for the preparation of plans and specifications for construction of the much- needed and long-sought Highway Garage, which is made possible by the 1961 amendment to the Highway Law, Sanitation Are �-tcreasing population in the unincorporated area brings an in- creased waste tonnage to the Incinerator with parallel increased costs in the 1963 Sanitation budget, It is the belief of your Town Board that the proposed budget for 1963 provides for continued high-level maintenance of Town services and facilities at minimum cost and the construction of capital improve- . ments which will be of major benefit to this community at the present time and far into the future. Respectfully submitted, THE TOWN BOARD TO WN OF MAMARONECK November 14th, 1962, L TOWN OF MAMARONECK • ANNUAL BUDGET 1963 Estimated • Approp, Revenues Tax Levy ,GENERAL FUND • Town Wide Schedules 1 &3 300, 581 259, 113 41,468 Part Town Schedules 2 &4 342, 778 9,400 333, 378 HIGHWAY FUND Items 1, 2,3,4 Schedules 5 &6 207,251 40, 528 166, 723 SPECIAL DISTRICTS • Garbage Schedule 7 129,296 3,000 126,296 Water Schedule 8 79, 133 71,498 7, 635 Street Lighting Schedule 9 32, 000 1, 500 30,500 Sewer Schedule 10 97,386 7, 000 90,386 Park Schedule 11 170, 313 93, 165 77, 148 Fire Schedule 12 112, 300 -0- 112,300 " TOTAL 1,471, 038 485,204 985,834 -1- 1. SCHEDULE 1 APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 1962 1963 Ado'ted GENERAL GOVERNMENT • SUPERVISOR 100 PERSONAL SERVICES • 101 Supervisor 7500 7 500 7500 102 Secretary to Supervisor & Administrative Assistant 5200 6000 6180 12700 13500 13680 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Automotive 0 0 1818 202 Typewriter 0 0 461 0 0 2279 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 374 500 500 TOTAL 13074 14000 16459 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Justices of the Peace (2) 6400 6400 6400 102 Clerical Assistance 1688 1650 1650 8088 8050. 8050 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 337 450 750 TOTAL 8425 8500 8800 =Ems TOWN BOARD 100 PERSONAL. SERVICES 101 Councilmen (4) 9519 9600 9600 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Pub.ishing Notices, Reports, & Supplies 1069 1400 1400 402 Travel and Convention 199 600 400 126-6 2000 1800 TOTAL 10787 11600 11400 -2- L _ SCHEDULE 1 - (conld) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 1962 1963 Adopted TOWN CLERK • 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Clerk 827 1 8471 8725 102 Deputy Town Clerk 3640 3840 3955 11911 12311 12680 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 636 700 700 TOTAL 12547 130/1 13380 ISINIMIK=1110 tleSSESSOR • 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Assessor 8271 8471 87 25 102 Senior Typist 4520 4720 4860 103 Assessment Clerk 4760 4960 5110 104 Intermediate Clerk 3200 2472* 105 Board of Review 750 750 750 106 Assessment Survey 4800 1600 18301 26901 23517 * Salary Apportioned - 1/2 Assessor 1/2 Town Office 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Adding Machine 347 202 Air Conditioner 0 0 400 347 0 400 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 891 1100 930 402 Travel & Car Expense 312 350 350 403 Appraisals, Cert., etc. 300 2500 3000 7563 3950 4280 TOTAL 20151 30851 28197 RECEIVER OF TAXES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Receiver of Taxes 827 1 8471 9000 102 Deputy Receiver of Taxes* -- 0 5105 827 1 8471 14105 * - Transferred from Town Offices 200 E QUIP MENT 201 Burroughs Machine 0 0 .2222 0 0 3000 • 400 OTI ER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1925 2100 3000 • TOTAL 10196 10571 20105 -3- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 .... 1262 ___.1911.12Etscii . . TOWN ATTORNEY . - • 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Attorney E311 9011 9280 102 Stenographic Service 2063 2000 2000 10874 11011 11280 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Typewriter 193 0 0 .., 193 —Tr 0 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 868 500 600 402 Travel Expense 214 535 300 - 1082 —1035 900 TOTAL 12149 32046 12180 3====.... wzremzesom E.i;IGINEER 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Engineer 8420 8800 9450 102 Jr. Engineering Aide 320 600 600 103 Sr. Engineering Aide 2500 2600 2675 104 Intermediate Typist* - - 3705 11240 12000 16430 * - Transferred from Town Offices and Building and Plumbing 1 . 200 EQUIPMENT ' 201 Prints & Transit 679 0 - • 202 Blue Print Cabinet 0 0 250 203 Typewriter 0 0 414 679 0 664 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 847 1000 1100 402 Outside Tracing Help 0 0 800 847 1000 1900 TOTAL 12766 13000 ==== 18994 E LEG TIONS • 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Custodians 400 400 600 102 Wages 961 1186 1030 103 Election Inspectors & Poll Clerks 8159 8567 8655 9520 10153 10285 • 20'7; EQUIPMENT • 201 Voting Machines & Election Booths 0 137 4143 202 Furniture, etc. 0 450 0 0 587 4143 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 238 200 400 • 402 Rental Polling Places 735 800 850 403 Transportation Equipment 703 900 1500 • 1676 1900 2750 TOTAL 11196 12640 17178 -.4- — _ SCHEDULE 1 - conic'. Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 -- 1962 1963 Adopted I COMPTROLLER I ' 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Comptroller -0- 600 600 I 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 431 300 400 TOTAL 431 900 1000 _ TOWN OFFICES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES • 101 Town Accountant 7070 8471 9000 102 Int, Account Clerk 4520 4720 -0- 103 Int, Acct. Clk. tz Typist 4245 4720 4860 104 Int. Clerk 4520 1600 2472 ' 105 Int. Typist -0- 2400 -0- 106 Custodian, PT 1298 1398 1440 107 Office Manager 200 -0- -0- 21853 23309 17772 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Office Equiptt. , Etc. -0- 1895 730 202 Furniture, Etc. -0- 1.50 145 --............ -0- ---204-5 —87g . 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 3710 2640 2800 402 Telephone 2349 2600 2700 403 Light 586 700 800 404 Rent 4500 4500 5700 405 Independent Audit 2.700 3500 2700 406 Dues, Assoc. of towns 250 250 250 14095 14196— 14950 TOTAL 35948 39544 33597 — TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 147670 166663 181290 . - .- -5- L SCHEDULE 1 -( con'd) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 1962 1963 Adopted PUBLIC SAFETY 500 Dog Enumerator 251 300 330 501 Humane Soc. Contract 2090 4090 2090 TOTAL 2341 4390 2420 CIVIL DEFENSE 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Radio Communications -0- 3701 -0- 202 Radiological -0- 731 376 203 ii,lectronic -0- -0- 1475 -0- 4432 1851 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies &Other Expenses 342 600 1000 402 Radio & Work Room -0- -0- 1350 403 Repairs, Replacements& Tools, Radio -0- -0- 288 404 Supplies & Other Expenses, Radio -0- -0- 288 342 10__ 292_6 TOTAL 342 5032 4777 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 2683 9422 7197 I • -6- _ SCHEDULE 1 - (cou'd. ) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 1962 1963 Agi IlfaPtect • RECREATION • • L.:':. NERAL RECREATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Suptt. o Recreation 7200 7800 8310 102 Commission Secretary 90 90 95 103 Maintenance-Wages 1114 1300 1800 104 Steno Svce. (summer' -0- -0- 700 8404 —9190 10905 ZOO EQUIPMENT 201 Myrtle Pk, & Playground -0- -0- 5000 202 Dillon Park. -0- 1200 -0- 203 New Tender -0- 3500 204 P A System -0- 275 -0- 205 Station Wagon -0- 2100 -0- 206 Typewriter -0- 356 -0- 7431 5000 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1598 2050 2370 TH RECREATION 500 PERSONAL SERVICES 12942 14190 17328 501 OTHER EXPENSES &SUPPLIES 5564 7008 7733 18506 21198 25061 LT RECREATION 600 PERSONAL SERVICES -0- 2350 3030 • 01 OTHER EXPENSES &SUPPLIES 2068 1290 2293 2068 3640 5323 'AL RECREATION 30576 43509 48659 -7- P. SCHEDULE 1- (con1/41, ) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 1962 1963 Adopted • ENTERPRISES PARKING FIELDS • 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies &Other Expenses 980 1000 1000 402 Repairs, Parking Meters -0- -0- 2500 980 1000 3500 • CEMETERIES 500 OTHER EXPENSES 501 Supplies &Other Expenses 300 400 400 TOTAL ENTERPRISES 1280 1400 3900 DEBT REDUCTION NOTES 300 Bond Anticipation Notes 8000 8000 8000 MISCELLANEOUS 500 Veteran's Organizations Rooms 600 600 600 501 Patriotic Days Observances 985 1000 1000 502 Shade Tree Fund 2450 5000 5000 503 Bond FA Coupon Svce, Fees 240 275 275 . 504 Real Estate Taxes 494 500 500 505 Pay't, Retirement System 11225 12595 13580 306 Social Security Tax 2711 3000 3225 507 Contingency Fund -0- 5890 7500 508 Interest on Notes 130E: 1500 1280 509 Pub1icit- Fund 2000 -0- -0- 510 Improvement Homrnocks Area -0- -0- 7800 3060 40760- INSURANCE 600 Workmen's Compensation 639 575 635 601 Official Bonds &Undertakings 195 420 600 602 Fire Liability & Other 5001 7005 7700 603 Group Health Insurance 1846 1820 1840 • 7581 9820 10775 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 29591 40180 31535 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 219800 269174 300.5B1- -8- SCHEDULE 2 - PART TOWN APPROPRIATIONS—GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentiative Expended Modified Budget , . 1961 1962 1963 Akbittd_ POIJCE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Police Officers 177496 189550 203400 102 Custodian, PT 2767 2867 2955 103 School Guards 3696 4100 4100 ........ — --- 183959 19;517 2.1045-5— 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Automotive 5956 6795 6200 202 Uniforms, etc. 3637 3000 3000 203 Radios -0- 800 200 . 204 Other 701 550 1200 10294 11145 10600 400 OTHER EXPENSES 40/ Building Operation 2944 1500 1500 402 Telephone 2315 2700 2700 403 Light, Gas &Water 668 600 650 404 Gas & Oil 2687 2700 3000 405 Equipment Operation 5770 5500 5500 406 Supplies 3471 3300 2800 407 Traffic Signals &Signs 2981 2500 2200 408 Ins. Comp. &Liability 4780 5400 5940 409 Group Health Insurance 2480 2740 3112 410 Pay't, Retirement Syst. 17147 20134 22005 411 Pay't, Police Pension rd. 8563 10963 11563 412 Social Security Taxes 3983 4330 5356 413 Travelling Expense 596 725 725 58385 - 63092 67051 TOTAL 252638 270754 288106 ...===- PLANNING BOARD 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Secretary 90 90 95 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies &Other Expenses 1.55 450 310 —______ ......"—..... —............—.._ • TOTAL 245 540 405 • BUILDING & PLUMBING 100 PEASONAL SERVICES • 101 Building &Plbg. Insp. 5350 5450 5615 102 Int. Typist -0- 1200 -0- 103 Examining Bd. ofPlbrs. 125 150 150 _ ---57ifg- ;800 5765 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Automotive 1624 —...-0- -0- _ — I • -9- L SCHEDULE 2--(contd. ) _ — - ---- Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 1962 1963 Arloptiat BUILDING & PLUMBING (contd. ) 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies &Other Expenses 380 400 400 TOTAL 7479 7200 6165 0 ARD OF APPEALS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Sec retary 90 90 95 400 OTHER EXPENSES • 401 Supplies &Other Expenses 238 250 250 • TOTAL 328 345 MISCELLANEOUS 500 Public Library Contract 29324 29478 36877 501 Registr at Vital Statistics 61 50 50 502 Publishing Reports -0- 950 950 503 Pay't. Retirement System 401 510 1320 504 Social Security Taxes 92 150 350 505 Contingency Fund 977 1500 506 Interest on fond 33 -0- -0- 507 Group Health Pin 68 100 150 508 Ins. Cot-op. & Liability 70 175 200 509 Dutch Elm Disease Program 1000 1000 510 Miscellaneous .Appral stale -0- 300 -0- TOTAL MISCELLANIVIIIS 30099 33690 42397 PUBLIC HEALTH 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101. Public Health. Nurse 3076 4973 5360 REDEMPTION of DEBT 300 Pine Brook Drainage Bds 3000 -0- -0- GRAND TOTAL—GENERAL FUND PART TOWN APPROPRIATIONS 296865 317497 342778 . ' -10- r SCHEDULE 3-=ESTIMATED REVENUES Other Than Real Property Taxes GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 1962 1963 44010_g4._ STATE AID State Aid-Per Capita 116602 117921 117921 State Aid-Mortgage Tax 50337 30000 30000 State Aid.-Senior Citizens -0- -0- 400 State Aid-Youth Bureau 1911 1911 2518 168850 149832 150839 - INTEREST &PENALTIES on TAXES 20071 14000 15000 LICENSES & PERMITS Dog Licenses 2058 2000 2050 DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS Town Clerk's Fees 2019 2000 2 200 Recreation Fees 10687 16650 18269 Justices Fees 3137 2800 3200 Misc. Inspection Fees 495 450 450 Parking Meter Receipts 10798 10000 11000 27136 31900 35119 OTHER REVENUES Civil Defense Refunds 149 3624 2805 Property Rentals 700 600 600 Engineering Charge Spec. Dist. 609 2000 2200 Int. on Deposits & Investments 9770 9000 10500 Cash Available 39676 52050 .40000 50904 ?)7274 56105 GRAND TOTAL--GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 269019 265006 259113 -II- [ SCHEDULE 4---PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES • Other Than Real. Property Taxes GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 1962 1963 Adopted DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS Police Department Fees 238 Vf.a. . 250 Planning Board Fees 20 50 50 • Board of Appeals Fees 330 250 300 Building ttz Plumbing Fees 1932 1600 1800 2520 2100 2400 •OTHER EARNINGS Cash Available 6693 7000 7000 GRAND TOTAL—GENERAL FUND PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES 9213 9100 9400 -12- SCHEDULE 5 APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget • 1961 1962 1963 Adopted HIGHWAY FUND ITEM I General Repairs 90134 98706 124966 Payment Retirement System 1502 8953 10900 Social Security Taxes 2722 2700 2785 Workmen's Compensation Insurance 2394 2500 2750 Group Health Insurance 1186 1350 1650 — — TOTAL 97938 114209 143051 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM II • Maintenance and Repair Labor 0 200 700 Materials 31 0 300 TOTAL —-31 200 1000 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM LEI Purchase 3504 21813 22920 Repair 12009 8000 7000 Storage 849 1750 1950 Gas and 011 4888 5000 5000 _ .-- — TOTAL 21250 36563 36870 ,,,....=. SNOW & MISC. FUND ITEM IV Salary - Town Superintendent 7907 8250 8495 Control of Ice and Snow 25324 23000 15000 Cutting Weeds and Brush 984 1500 2000 Other Miscellaneous 258 980 835 TOTAL 34473 33730 26330 GRAND T OT AL.. HIGHWAY APPROPRIATIONS 153692 184702 207251 mrie — -13- SCHEDULE 6 --ESTIMATED REVENUES Other Than Real Property Taxes • APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 1962 1963 Adopted .,:lIGHWAY FUND ITEM I State Aid 2255 2380 2428 • Unexpended Balance 23960 12500 17600 • TOTAL 26215 14880 20028 1PTGlIWAY FUND ITEM II BRIDGE Unexpended Balance 500 _ 500 __- _ TOTAL —500 500 -0- IGHWAY FUND ITEM III MACHINERY Gasoline and Oil Refunds, etc. 5326 5000 5000 Unexpended Balance 5472 -0- 11500 Rental Equipment Charges 1498 1500 1500 TOTAL 172-2W. 6500 18000 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM IV SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS Snow Removal Refunds 3944 3000 2500 . Unexpended Balance 213 -0- 0 TOTAL 4157 3000 2500 -sIND TOTAL ., HIGHWAY REVENUES 43168 24880 40528 • -14- SCHEDULE APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS GARBAGE DISTRICT #1 Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 1962 , 1963 Adopted APPROPRIATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries and Wages 58054 69494 67850 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Truck 10498 0 0 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Equipment Rental and Operation 4220 5800 6000 402 Supplies an.d Other Expenses 2267 1642 1853 403 Payment Retirement Fund 2731 4921 5120 404 Social Security Taxes 1767 1800 2270 405 Group Health Insurance 752 870 920 406 Insurance - Compensation and Liability 2541 2800 3080 407 Incinerator Operation 49510 30000 42203 63788 47833 61446 TOTAL 132340 117327 129296 1•211111111141111Wal ANIECOMMUMILM =====1011 REVENUES Cash Available 3705 5826 3000 TOTAL 3705 5826 3000 GAR B.P■.GE DISTRICT TAX LEVY 111501 126296 ste== =gm= -15- r SCHEDULE 8 • APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS WATER DISTRICT #1 . - . Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 1962 1963 Adopted APPROPRIATION 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Water District System Capital Costs 4871 10500 11000 402 Redemption of Bonds & Notes 31000 33000 41500 • 403 Interest on Bonds & Notes 24149 22745 21433 404 Refunds - Water Mains 6752 7000 _5200 TOTAL 67772 73245 79133 .t..-_-::-.-.... - • A E V ENLI ES Water Revenues (Net) 53726 55745 55745 Pipe Line Rentals 0 0 3294 Cash Available, 12449 17500 12459 TOTAL 66175 71498 t...„:..„.. -..z......„....;.....- .....= WATER DISTRICT TAX LEVY (., 7635 ...==.• SCHEDULE 9 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #1 APPROPRIATION 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Street Light Operation 25066 27600 27000 402 Installation Street Lights 105 1750 5000 TOTAL 2I5171 :;,9350 32000 Ri:VENUES Cash Available 563 1500 1500 • • TOTAL 563 1500 1500 . . 3 TREET LIW-i.-171.1.-3G T AX LEVY 27850 30500 ..-..-?..-.= -16- SCHEDULE 10 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS SEWER DISTRICT #1 • Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 1962 1963 Adopt APPROPRIATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries and Wages 1386 3000 1500 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 842 1420 1800 402 Insurances Comp. -Liability 105 125 140 403 Sewer Construction Costs 2098 8600 12080 404 Redemption of Debt 55500 55500 55500 405 Interest on Notes and Bonds 31254 288.10 26366 89799 94455 95886 TOTAL 91185 97455 97386 RE ki ENUES Cash Available 1226 500 7000 TOTAL 1226 500 7000 SEWER DISTRICT TAX LEVY 96955 90386 •••Yr"••■•■"e, • • • • -17- • SCHEDULE , 11 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS PARK DISTRICT #1 Budget as Tentative . . Expended Modified Budget 1961 1962 1963 Adopt 2i, , . . APPROPRIATION 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Park Foreman . 7500 7700 8200 102 Assistant Park Foreman 5650 6000 6300 103 Laborers 11427 14625 21310 104 Secretary 90 90 95 24667 28415 35905 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Truck 4272 0 0 • 202 Rotary Power Mowers 0 0 150 4272 —Ca— 150 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 3527 2270 2645 402 Building Operation 288 1120 1290 • : 403 Equipment and Operating Costs 723 740 775 404 Payment Retirement System 1195 2513 2600 405 Group Health Insurance 385 400 612 406 Insurance, Comp. -Liability 1009 1200 1320 407 Social Security Taxes 610 750 1111 408 Redemption --•:f Debt 10000 10000 10000 409 Interest on Londs 4995 4545 4095 410 Myrtle Boulevard Park and Playground (Including Comfort Station) - 0 1700 109800 2732 25238 134258 TOTAL 51671 53653 170313 h EVENUES Cash Available 1494 1700_ 93165 TOTAL 1494 1700 ARK DISTRICT TAX LEVY 51953 77148 -18- SCHEDULE; 12 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS FIRE DISTRICT #1 Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1961 1962 1963 Adobted kj .lr'';,;.0:PRIA.TioN t 0 o PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries 58543 61100 65550 .i.100 EQUIPMENT 201 ,AiarIn System 2015 0 0 ,02 Pumper ., - 25000 0 203 Flagpole - 0 850 204 Clothing 1395 1000 1200 • --._ —0._ --- 3410 26000 2050 —__ 1,)0 OT1:-.1 :=R EXPENSS 401 Equipment - Opeva.tion 2,004 12:00 1 Z00 .102 Building Operation 1147 2800 2800 403 Supplies and Other Expenses 3583 4300 4000 04 Gas, Light, Water andHeat 1570 1900 1900 405 ins,pection and Travel 2409 2300 2300 406 Telephone and Alarm 1683 1500 1500 407 Payment Retirement System, 6916 9684 9975 408 Social Security Taxes 1440 1500 1750 =109 Group Health Tnsura.nce 813 92.0 92.5 410 Ir0,3urance,, C . np, -Liability 5192 6000 6600 - 4 1 I. Hydrant Rental 11516 11500 11750 38273 43604 44700 TOTAL 100226 130704 112300 9..7.,V li..'NUES Cash Available 1228 1 2500 0 T OT AL 1228 12,500 0 r.agossi,== slr=ammtur2 .1t 2 DISTRICT L EV 7: 118 Z04 112.300 • _ . . , • -19- SCHEDULE 13 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES AND ASSESSMENTS TOTAL TAXABLE VALUATION _1962 1963 Crener al Town 117, 352, 554 120,950, 660 Part Town 48, 871, 689 50, 381, 599 Fart Town-Highway 48, 871, 689 50, 381, 599 -,I•rbac/e District 48, 871, 689 50, 381, 599 Water District 48, 880,689 50, 389,099 Lighting District 48, 880, 689 50, 389, 099 7.-irk District 46, 694, 139 48, 169, 449 District 43, 119, 369 44, 523, 729 Fire District 48, 871, 689 50,381, 599 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES 1962 1963 Actual Estimated Increase Decrease General Town . 04 . 03 . 01 Part Town 6. 31 6. 62 . 31 Part "row n-Hi g hw ay 3. 27 3. 31 04 Garbage District 2, 28 2. 51 . 23 Water District . 15 . 15 Street Lighting District . 57 . 61 . 04 Park District 1. 11 1. 60 . 49 Sewer District 2. 25 2. 03 . 22 Fire District 2. 42 2. 23 19 18. 25 19. 09 1. 26 . 4T- ,31.71v1MARY BY AREAS - Village of Mamaroneck . 03 Vill age of Larchmont 03 - Unincorporated Area 18. 25 19. 09 -20- I SCHEDULE 14 TAX RATES ` . Y. ).e. Town County School Nst- Assessment ....._.... c.4.4..c....t.D 31 r c, sta,to jukt,.., --x.--1 19. 09 120, 950, 660 18, 25 9.45 29. 32 117, 352, 554 i c 17. 55 9. 35 28. 53 114, 813, 216 17. 56 9. 54 27.90 111, 233, 241 16,80 11.26 26.90 108, 606,648 15.97 10.82 25.86 106, 729, 722 15.85 10, 66 24. 32 103, 369, 000 1 3,34-., 15. 74 10.80 23, 20 98, 679, 000 16. 38 11. 13 21.45 95, 095, 000 16, 06 11. 01 18. 87 91, 702, 000 16. 15 10. 93 18.94 89, 456, 000 15. 59 10. 25 18.81 87, 754, 000 15. 59 10. 24 ]7 . 87 85, 445, 000 . '.J.-. 14, 37 10, 54 16,94 83, 939, 000 ',--4', 14,71 10.76 17.38 81, 011, 000 14.43 10. 10 15. 99 78, 602, 000 ')47 15. 76 10. 63 16. 64 77, 627, 000 16.91 9, 21 13,49 75, 688, 000 -"•-tor5 16. 78 7. 92 12. 37 76, 370, 000 e14 17.04 8. 52 11,78 77, 719, 000 1943 16.62 9. 02 10.69 79, 490, 000 • -21- SCHEDULE 15 TOWN OF MAMARONECK YEARLY AMORTIZATION AND INTEREST CHARGES ON ALL BOND ISSUES . . AS OF JANUARY 1, 1963 Year Amortization Interest Total - ---- 1963 $ 99, 500.001 $ 51, 757, 87- $ 151, 257.87 :1964 99, 500.00 47, 394. 62 146, 894. 62 7963 9 , 500.O0 43, 031.37 138, 531. 37 1966 95, 500. 00 38, 838. 12 134, 338. 12 1967 91, 500.00 34, 723. 62 126, 223. 62 • 1968 84, 500. 00 30, 957.87 115, 457.87 1969 80, 500, 00 27, 314.62 107, 814. 62 ' 1970 79, 000.00 23, 804. 50 102, 804, 50 1971 72, 090.00 Z0, 337. 50 92, 337. 50 . 1972 65, 000.00 17, 385. 00 3 ., 385. 00 1973 64, 000.00 14, 672. 50 73, 672. 50 1974 55, 000.00 12, 153. 50 61, 153, 50 1975 42, 000.00 10, 123. 00 52, 12.L.00 1976 26, 000. 00 8, 702. 50 34,702. 50 1.977 20, 000, 00 7, 737. 50 27, 737. 50 1978 15, 000.00 6, 900.00 21, 900. 00 1979 15, 000, 00 6, 300. 00 21, 300. 00 1980 15, 10, 00 5, 700,00 20, 700. 00 1981 15, 000, 00 5, 100.00 20, 100. 00 1982 15, 000. 00 4, 500. 00 19, 500.00 1983 15, 000.00 3, 900. 00 18, 900. 00 1984 15, 000. 00 3, 300.00 18, 300. 00 .. 1985 15, 000, 00 2, 700. 00 17, 700. 00 1986 15, 000.00 2, 100, 00 17, 100.00 1987 15, 000. 00 1, 500. 00 16, 500. 00 1988 15, 000.00 900. 00 15, 900.00 1989 15, 000, 00 1000 00 4 300. 00 15, 3 .00 00 ---.....--. $ 1, 249, 500. 00 r432, 134. 09 $ 1, 681, 634.09 . ' Recapitulation: Water District Bonds $ 528, 000.00 • Park District Bonds 96, 000. 00 Sewer District Bonds 625, 500.00 - $1, 249, 500. 00 -22- SCHEDULE 15 (continued) WATER DISTRICT BONDS • , "f car Amortization Interest Total 1963 $ 34, 000. 00 $ 21, 297. 25 $ 55, 297. 25 191.-.1 34, 000, 00 19, 828. 25 53, 828. 25 1965 34, 000, 00 18, 359, 25 52, 359. 25 1966 34, 00/. 00 16, 890. 25 50, 890, 25 1967 30, 000. 00 15, 500. 00 45, 500,00 10E8 23, 000, 00 14, 346. 00 37, 346, 00 ' 1969 13, 000.00 13, 349,50 36, 349. 50 19-10 2.4, 000, 00 12, 343, 00 36, 343, 00 197 1 19, 000, 00 11, 3&',6„ 50 10, 326,, 50 17, 000. 00 10, 584. 50 27, 4,50 - 1973 16, 000,00 9, 9:)2,, 50 25, 932. 50 9-74 15, 009. 00 9, 300. 00 24, 300,00 1-175 15, 000, 00 8, 700. 00 23, "i 00. 00 11-, COO, 00 8, 100, 00 -2J, 100.00 1`917 15, 000. 00 7, 500, 00 22, 500, 00 1973 15, 000.00 6, 900, 00 21, 900,00 979 15, 000, 00 6, 300. 00 21, 300, 00 0 15, 000. 00 5, 700 00 "26, 700, 00 '081 15, 000. 00 5, 100. 00 20, 100,00 1982 15, 000.00 4, 500, 00 19, 500. 00 1933 15, 000. 00 3, 900, 00 18, 900,00 981 15, C00. 00 3, 300,00 18, 300„ 00 08 15, 000,00 2, 70C, 00 17, 700„00 1104, 1.5, e00, 00 2, 100,00 17, 100. 00 - 1937 15, 000.00 1, 500, 00 16, 500. 00 988 15, 000, 00 900,00 15, 900. 00 1989 15, 000. 00 _0_ 300, 00 15. 300,00 $ 528, 000, 00 $ 2.40, ')57. 00 $ 768, T57, 00 PARK DISTRICT BONDS '.903 10, 000. 00 4, 095, 00 14, 095, 00 964 10, 000,00 3, 645,00 13, t 45,00 ±95 10, 000. 00 3, 19 5, 00 13, 195, 00 10, 000, 00 2, 745, 00 12, 745,00 . • 1.9 37 10, 000,00 2, 295 00 12, 295,00 198 10, 000, 00 1, 845.00 11, 845, 00 (,, 000, 00 1, 48E,, 00 7, 485, 00 1970 b, C./00, 00 1, 215. 00 7, 2.15, 00 • 1°71 6, 000. 00 945. 00 6, 945.00 197 2 6, 000. 00 675. 00 6, 675,00 0°3 6, 000, 00 405, 00 6, 405, 00 • 1074 6, 000, 00 13',,,,00 6, 135. 00 ......_____ $ 96, 000, 00 $ 22, 680. 00 $ 118, 680,00 -23- L SCHEDULE 15 (continued) . SEWER DISTRICT BONDS Year Amortization Interest Total 1963 $ 55, 500. 00 $ 26, 365, 62 $ 81, 865.62 1964 55, 500. 00 23, 921. 37 79, 421. 37 1965 51, 500. 00 21, 477. 12 72, 977. 12 • L966 51, 500. 00 19, 202. 87 70, 702.87 1967 51, 500. 00 16, 928.62 68, 428. 62 • [968 51, 500. 00 14, 766. 87 66, 266.87 1969 51, 500- 00 12, 480. 12 63, 980. 12 • 1.070 49, 000. 00 10, 246. 50 59, 246, 50 1971 47, 000. 00 8, 066.00 55, 066.00 . 1072 42, 000. 00 6, 125. 50 48, 125. 50 1973 42, 000, 00 4, 335. 00 46, 335, 00 1974 34, 000, 00 2, 718. 50 36, 718, 50 1975 27, 000, 00 1, 423,00 28, 423,00 1976 11, 000. 00 602. 50 11, 602, 50 1977 5, 000. 00 237. 50 5, 237. 50 $ 625, 500, 00 $ 168, 897. 09 $ 794, 397009 . . _ . -24- SCHEDULE 16 . SCHEDULE OF SALARIES AND WAGES -ALL FUNDS Rate of Total Number Compensation Appropriation -' • SUPERVISOR Supervisor 1 7500 • Confidential Seery. to Supervisor 1 6180 TOTAL 13680 TICES OF PEACE Justices 2 3200 6400 Court Clerk PT 1 1200 Clerical Help PT 1 450 TOTAL 8050 C.;(2=TINCILMEN Councilmen 4 2400 9600 " — '.1.'CA"..fr-s: CLERK Town Clerk 1 8725 Deputy T-wn Clerk 1 3955 TOTAL 12680 _=•,=--- •••••=- IS SSOR Assessor 1 8725 Senior Typist 1 4860 - Assessment Clerk 1 5110 • Int. Clerk PT 1 2472 2472 Town Offices 2472 Board of Review 3 750 _ Assessment Survey, Summer Program 4 1600 TOTAL ---23517 T:CE,IVER OF TAXES Receiver of Taxes 1 9000 Deputy Rec. of Taxes 1 5105 TOTAL 14105 TOWN ATTORNEY Attorney 1 9280 Stenographic Help 2000 1 . • TOTAL 11280 N 0.2,TE E R Engineer 1 9450 , . . (Bal. 1850 paid by Jt. Incinerator Commission) Junior Engineering Aide1 600 Sr. Engineering kith.- ( PT) 1 2675 2675 ( Bldg. & Plumbing Inspector) 5615 Intermediate Typist 1 3705 TOTAL 1:6430 ' . 25 • r _ SCHEDULE 16--(con.d) Rate of Total Ti e Number Compensation Appropriation __..... . .. ELECTION Custodians 2 300 600 71:ernporary Employee s 1030 Election Officials 100 8655 .7roT.AL 10285 COMPTROLLER Comptroller (PT) 1. 600 ........,....--... ..,===."...... TOWN OFFICES Town Accountant 1 9000 .• -nt..., Acct. Clk & Typist 1 1 4860 Int. Clerk (PT) 1 2472 2472 • .rAsfessor) 2472 C.ustodian (PT) 1 1440 1440 ( Police Custodian ) 2955 TOTAL 17772 ------- E CREATION -Sup'It. of Recreation 1 8310 Secretary (PT) 1 95 Temporary Employees 22858 TOTAL 31263 F 0 li—ol,C F e f 1 9835 1,7;eutenant 1 7720 Detective Sergeant - 1 74.95 • e rgeants 5 7135 35675 Detective 1 7015 Patrolmen 21 wage scale 5685-6645 135660 school Guards 3 1 at 6 and 2 at 8 4100 Custodian (PT) 1 2955 2955 (Town Office) 1440 TOTAL 210455 ---------z---- PLANNING BOARD Secretary (PT) 1 95 ...a.ftwawiamaimmor=seffleamem. BUILDING & PLUMBING Bldg. & Plumbing Ins pa (PT) (Engineer) 1 5615 &2675 5615 Examining Bd.. of I-Intel. 3 150 'TOT AL 5765 . . • I-'(..)P,RD OF APPEALS Secretary (PT) 1 95 PL, WIC TIE A L.T 11 Nurse 1 5360 1 . .. ,. -26- SCHEDULE 16-- (con. d) Rate of Total Title Number Compensation Appropriation HIGHWAY • •Supit„ of Highways 1 8495 Laborers 19 wage scale 4826-6074 plus overtime 75766 (Note Total of 98766 apportioned t Highway, Garbage & Sewer) TOTAL 84261 . .3=.1BAGE DISTRICT ollectors 9 5150 46350 .1.,;:iborers (See Highway) 21500 0TAL 67850 K DISTRICT Foreman 1 8200 't. Foreman 1 6300 Laborers 4 4826 plus overtime 21310 Secretary (PT) 1 95 TOTAL 35905 SZIATER DISTRICT .7,aborers (See Highway) 1500 • F.-IRE'. DISTRICT Lieutenant 1 6800 amen 9 wage scale 5580-6600 57790 .n.spector (PT) 1 960 TOTAL 65550 -27-