HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdopted Budget_1961_11/15/1960 4 _faitimp.ioeoNsvaD TAX 13 1."/D :E T • o r L96 4 'I' 0 N OF MAFIARONECK 1.q. A 5.A RONECK . NEVv YORE: 4 4• — — TOWN OF MAMARONECK MAMARONEC/ K. , NEW 'YORK • To the Residents of the Town of Mamaroneck -- The proposed budget of the Town of Mamaroneck for 1961 indicates a reduction of 3 per thousand in the tax rate for the residents of the unincorporated area of the Town, and no tax for the residents of either of the two Villages due to the elimination of any General Town tax., thereby resulting in a decrease of 23l per thousand . Your Town Board has carefully weighed each proposed expenditure • and believes it has prepared a budget that provides all of the neces- sary ser-eices at the lowest cost consistent with safety. The gross budget has increased by $55, 391, but the increase of $47, 575 in es - timateci revenues results in a net increase of only $7, 816, This small increase is more than absorbed by a rise in assessed vallia- tion of $3. 5e0, no,. to a total of $114, 513. 216, The following major points in this budget are herewith called to your 1 . Compensation No general increase is provided [Increments are granted in accordance with the Compensation Plan. '1,n addition, a few classifications have been adjusted to provide a more equitable compensation. The Town Board proposes to adopt the so-called "5% take- home-pay" provision, Very simply, this provides all em- ployees who are members of a retirement plan a reduction in contributions to the retirement plan of 5% of the gross before deductions:. No loss of pension rights is involved by adoption of this plan, and under it, those few employees who are not presently members of a retirement plan would , . be able to become members at little or no cost With the exception of the payment due to the local Police Pension Fund, there would be no cost to the taxpayer during 1961 The fret payment by the Town would be due jri 7\l ay 064, and eeen this would be for only 25% of a full _year's coat.. The first full year's payment for this plan would be charged to the taxpayers in 1963. 2: Personnel The results of a study indicate that the Town departments eau be operated with one less in personnel with the prosi- , &-4M that at certa:in times of the year:. additional tw!nperars clerical assistance snay be necessary: 6;Ach assistanc , needed, v,,oeld be prosided by a neseefes r` , i the '1'e r, GA. Ma sear c;ne,c,, Trace two I 3 Recreation The Recreation Commission has recommended that the summer program be expanded to include a sailing class and a. dramatics and dance class, Due to the inclusion of these additional pro- grams, the gross budget for recreation in 1961 is increased to $30. 678; However, the estimated revenues are also increased with the result that the net cost to the taxpayer for recreation in 1961 is decreased by $955, from $19, 442 in 1960 to $18, 487 , in 1961, 4 Contingency Fund The contingency fund has been increased to $10, 000 .Appropri- ations for which no proper basis to form an estimate is avail-. able have been eliminated with the intent to transfer from this fund if and when it becomes necessary to authorize such ex- penditures 5 Police' Department 'included in the Police Department budget is an item of $6, t4)3 . for payment to the local Police Pension Fund This is nece•s . sary to meet the existing obligations of the fund and will be a recurring item with the probability that the amount will in- ' crease in the future as additional members elect to retire, 6.. Highway Department •=ncluded in Item 1 are capital improvements totaling $26, 000, in addition to the regular cost of the maintenance of Town highways • The purchase item of $4, 500.. contained in Xtem 1 't is to co'er the cost of numerous small articles of equipment averaging $500,. each. Item IV contains an appropriation for rodent control as do the budgets for the Park and Sanitation departments 7., Sanitation Department The cost of replacing a collection truck is included in this bud- get. By purchasing a larger truck, the necessity for dividing the existing three routes into four with a large increase in • personnel is deferred for the present. The cost of disposing of refuse, and especially rubbish, is growing by leaps and bounds This situation is under study and it is hoped that another year' s experience will provide a satisfactory solution of this problem 8 Street Lights The Town Board is presently studying the feasibility of repiac ing the present lighting system with a modern, up-to-date To the Residents of the Town of Mamaroneck ti - page three system conforming to today's standards, If deemed advis- able. part of such a program may be implemented this year 9, Park Department Planting to restore Station Park and the Larchmont Gardens Lake areas has been completed and the Park Department budget therefore reduced by approximately $7,400. The de- partment's recommendation for a new truck has been incor- porated into this budget. 10.. Fire Department Provision has been made for the purchase of a modern truck to replace two obsolete trucks., One-half of this cost is in- . eluded in this budget with the balance to be paid in 1962.. Please note the new format used for the first time in presenting this budget which follows the recommendation of the New York State Department of Audit and Control,, Also. please note the informational schedules forming a part of this budget - which we hope will assist you in your study of this budget.. It is the belief of your Town Board that the proposed budget for 1961 re- flects a continuation of the long-established policy of maintaining Town ser- vices and facilities at a high level at minimum cost founded in a sound and economical plan of financing. Respectively submitted, THE TOWN BOARD of the TOWN OF 3vMAMARONECK • by George D. Borchelt, Chairman C. Benjamin i'rush, Jro Christine Ko klelwig Peter Fa Kane, Jr• Battista J, Santoro Councilmen November the 15th I 9 6 0 r TOWN OF MAU ARO?.`BECK ANNUAL IBUDGET 1 9 6 1 Estimated Approp. Revenues Tax Levy GENERAL FUND Town Wide Schedules I & 236136 236136 - Part Town Schedules Ii & IV 301850 8593 293257 HIGHWAY FUND Items 1, 2, 3,4 Schedules V & VI 161350 41020 120330 SPECIAL DISTRICTS Garbage Schedule VII 136250 3705 132545 Water Schedule VIII 65649 65649 - Street Lighting a Schedule IX 28780 563 28217 Sewer Schedule X 95630 1226 94404 Park Schedule XI 53655 1494 52161 Fire Schedule ?al 110450 1228 109222 TOTAL 1189750 359614 830136 -1- SCHEDULE 1 • APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND Budget as Ter:tative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISOR 100 Personal Services Supervisor 7500 7500 7500 Clerk to Supervisor 4774 5200 5200 • 12274 12700 12700 200 Equipment 2000 - 400 Other Expenses A-13 ' 415 375 — 500 TOTAL 12689 15075 13200 JUST:ICES OF THE PEACE 100 Personal Services Justices of the Peace 2 6400 6400 6400 Assistance,. 1657 1650 1650 • 8057 8050 8050 „ 400 Other Expenses 560 450 TOTAL 8617 8500 8500 r:!0„:VD, 00 Personal Services Councilmen 9587 9600 9600 0 Other Expenses • / Publishing Notices & Reports 3182 1300 1400 2- Traveling & Convention Expense's 356 300 600 3538 se 1600 2000 TOTAL 13125 11200 11600 T VN C LERK CO Pez'F.,onal Servir2es, Thy/xi Clerk 7803 8271 8271 Deputy T own C1r..1- 3183 3421 3640 109R: 3 aulpirlf)nt 215 4)3 Other Expenses 480 425 500 TOTAL 12332 12411 V----- / _ SCHE ULE 1 - Iconad Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted ASSESSOR 100 Personal Services Assessor 7803 8271 8271 Senior Typist 4264 4520 4520 Assessment Clerk 4264 4760 4760 Board of Review 750 750 _ 750 17081 18301 7;•8301 200 Eq uipment Adding Machine W - 325 400 Other Expenses / Supplies & Other Expenses 765 850 875 -y Traveling 8a Car Expense 298 350 350 3 Appraisals 850 500 - ' 1913 1700 1225 TOTAL 18994 20001 19851 RECEIVER OF TAXES 100 Personal Services Receiver of Taxes 7803 8271 8271 Senior Account Clerk 5345 5665 - 13148 13936 8271 400 Other Expenses 1895 2000 2000 ' TOTAL 15043 15936 10271 TOWN ATTORNEY 100 Personal Services Town Attorney 8313 8811 8811 Stenographic Services 1918 2000 2000 10231 10811 10811 200 Equipment - - 250 400 Other Expenses / Supplies li Other Expenses 982 900 675 .2. Traveling Expenses 77 175 275 _ 1059 10;7 5 950 TOTAL 11290 11886 12011 ENGINEER 100 Personal Services Town Engineer 4850 3450 8420 Senior Engineering Aide 6120 6487 2500 10970 9937 10920 200 Equipment - - 800 400 Other Expenses )-4---d't ' . ` 652 675 800 TOTAL 11622 10612 12520 -3- SCHEDULE 1 - Icon' d) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted ELECTIONS 100 Personal Services Custodians 400 400 400 Wages 622 900 1000 Election Inspectors & Poll Clerks 7282 8832 8010 8304 10132 9410 200 Equipment - 6099 - 400 Other Expenses Supplies & Other Expenses 489 200 200 y. Rental - Polling Places 560 740 900 Transportation of Equipment 623 900 900 1672 1840 2000 TOTAL 9976 18071 11410 COMPTROLLER 100 Personal Services Comptroller 2458 2606 8271 400 Other Expenses a\ . , i • ' 105 300 650 TOTAL 2563 2906 8921 1101••••••111111=1 IIM•11111111111111in TOWN OFFICES 100 Personal Services Town Accountant 7803 8271 - Intermediate Account Clerk 4264 4520 4520 Intermediate Account Clk, & Typist 3590 3947 4245 Intermediate Clerk 3958 4195 4520 Custodian, Po T. 1224 1298 1298 Office Manager 200 200 200 21039 22431 14783 200 Equipment 339 - 525 400 Other Expenses Supplies & Other Expenses 1555 3775 1840 y Telephone 2207 2500 2600 3 Light 498 600 700 Rent 4200 4200 4500 8460 11075 9640 TOTAL 29838 33506 24948 500 Independent Audit 2700 2700 2700 501 Dues - Association of Towns 250 250 250 TOTAL--GENERAL GOVERNMENT 148173 163175 148593 -4- T ..--.L; 1 - 71.C o a . - E-ucige.t as Tentative • Expemled ifgocliaeci .13uclget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted- 13 UZLIC SAFETY 500 Dog Enumerator 277 300 300 501 Humane Society Contract 1900 1900 2090 TOTAL 2177 2200 2390 CIVIL DEFENSE 400 Other F.,xpenses 359 325 250 .......-.,..--,...-=. -....-=......- .---,-.--_....... TOTAL -- PUBLIC ,az"::TETY 2536 2525 2640 RECREATION . - GENERAL, 100 Personal Services Superintendent of Recreation 6630 7027 7200 Commission Secretary 60 90 90 " Maintenance - Wages 954 900 1050 7644 8017 8340 400 Other Expenses 1409 1220 1808 V YOUTH RECREATION PROGRAM S Personal Services 8748 11662 11765 ,j Other II.,;xinenses 3739 :::049 5733 ....,_ —71271-57 14711 —17498 _ A) LT RECREATION PROGRAM • ).) Personal Services - 882 1040 Other Expenses 1978 2123 1992 X 1978 3005 3032 TOTAL -- RECREATION 23510 26953 30678 ...........,_ ....____ -:-.;- ..• SChEDULE 1 - (con' d) Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted ENTERPRISES PARKING FIELDS 400 Other Expenses 2099 2010 1000 CEMETERIES 400 Other Expenses 228 300 400 TOTAL .--ENTERPRISES 2327 2310 1400 ___,,..___ DEBT REDUCTION NOTES 300 Bond Anticipation Notes - 8000 8000 • MISCELLANEOUS 500 Veterans Organization Rooms 600 600 600 501 Patriotic Day Observances 968 1000 1000 502 Shade Tree Fund 3190 5000 5000 503 Bond & Coupon Service Fees 232 275 275 504 Real Estate Taxes 618 675 500 505 Payment - Retirement System 12604 10500 10500 506 Social Security Tax 3045 3300 2850 507 Contingency Fund - 2575 10000 508 Interest on Notes 531 2440 1500 509 Publicity Fund - - 2000 21788 26365 34225 INSURANCE . 600 Wonkman➢s Compensation - 570 565 601 Official Bonds & Undertakings - 420 410 602 Fire Liability & Other - 9285 7525 • • 603 Group Health Insurance 11270 2700 2100 11270 12975 10600 TOTAL -- MISCELLANEOUS 33058 39340 44825 GRAND TOTAL --GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS ATIONS 2O92 242103 236136 -6- ■ SCHEDULE II - PART TOWN APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted POLICE 100 Personal Services Police Officers 164748 175925 177496 Custodian, P. T. 2611 2767 2767 School Guards 3489 3990 4032 170848 182682 184295 200 Equipment / Automotive 4644 6500 6600 . Uniforms, etc. 3227 3000 3000 ,3 Radios - 1100 174 Other - 1750 550 7871 12350 10150 400 Other Expenses ' / Building Operation Costs 1765 1800 3700 2 Telephone 2448 2600 2700 3 Light, Gas and Water 653 600 600 f Gas and Oil 2867 3000 3000 ,S Equipment Operation Costs 7375 5450 5500 4 Supplies & Other Expenses 2797 2550 2550 i Traffic Signals & Signs, etc, 2735 2100 2000 i Insurance, Comp. Liability, etc. 5506 6000 5300 y' Group Health Insurance - 2240 2450 i0 Payment - Retirement System 14231 16400 17700 / / Payment - Police Pension Fund - - 8563 / y Social Security Taxes 3311 3510 4000 /3 Traveling Expenses 487 1925 725 44175 48175 58788 TOTAL 222894 242007 253233 PLANNING BOARD 100 Personal Services Secretary 60 90 90 • 400 Other Expenses ` 56 550 250 TOTAL 116 640 340 BUILDING & PLUMBING 100 Personal Services Building & Plumbing Inspector 2750 4700 5350 Examining Board of Plumbers 125 150 150 2875 4850 5500 200 Equipment Automobile - - 1800 400 Other Expenses 346 275 475 346 275 2275 , TOTAL 3221 5125 7775 -7- SCHEDULE IT Zcon da Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted BOARD OF APPEALS 100 Personal Services Secretary 60 90 90 400 Other Expenses 241 275 250 TOTAL 301 365 3s0 MISCELLANEOUS 500 Public Library Contract 26777 28039 29324 501 Registrar Vital Statistics 50 50 502 Publishing Reports, etc : 4341 2000 900 503 Payment - Retirement System 460 400 504 Social Security Taxes 117 120 150 505 Contingency Fund W 3ua 1500 506 Interest on Bonds 412 247 83 507 Group Health Plan F - 50 508 insurance, Comp.. Liability, etc, 175 TOTAL 31647 2:1216 32632 PI.,JBLIC HEALTH 100 Personal Services Public Health Nurse 4694 4530 4530 REDEMPTION DEBT 300 Pine Brook Drainage Bonds 3000 3000 3000 r GRAND TOTAL -- GENERAL FUND PART TOWN APPROPRIATIONS 265e7 a 288083 301850 L I' SCHEDULE [7.i. ESTIMATED REVENUES Other Than Re=al Property Taxes GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 196 0 1 X161 .A.doptc d STATE AID State Aid - Per Capita 117134 112644 114644 State Aid - Mortgage Tax 49287 26000 30000 State Aid - Youth Bureau 1911 1911 1911 165332 140555 146555 INTEREST & PENALTIES ON TAXES 15363 14000 13000 • • LICENSES & PERMITS Dog Licenses 2097 2100 2100 DEPARTMENTAL EARNTTGS Town Clerks Fees 1714 1600 2000 Recreation Fees 5424 5600 10280 Justices Fees 3387 2000 2400 Miscellaneous Inspection Fees 465 400 400 Parking Meter Receipts 4047 9800 10000 15037 19400 25080 OTHER REVENUES Civil Defense Refunds - 163 125 Property Rentals 1000 1200 600 >sEngineering Charge - Special District 1000 1000 2000 interest on Deposits & Investments 6863 6000 7000 Cash Available - 26178 8863 34541 1 GRAND TOTAL :r1 r : A FUND r1STiMATED RE' 1 r4UES 209692 210596 ; II36 SCHEDULE IV - PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES Other Than Real Property Taxes • GENERAL FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted DEPARTMENTAL EARN, NGS Police Department Fees 100 100 Planning Board Fees 20 50 50 Board of Appeals Fees 280 200 Z50 Building & Plumbing Fees in? 2000 1500 3509 23 50 OTHER EARMNGS Civil Defense Refund 890 • Cash Available 8350 2630 6693 8150 3520 669-i3 GRAND TOTAL GENERAL FUND PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES 11859 5870 8593 • SCHEDULE V APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted HIGHWAY FUND ITEM I General Repairs 85305 100300 113500 Payment - Retirement System - 1425 1600 Social Security Taxes - 1700 2400 Workmans Compensation Insurance - 2500 2200 Group Health Insurance - 1000 1050 TOTAL 85305 106925 120750 HIGHWAY FUND ITEM U Maintenance & Repair Labor 47 500 400 Materials 250 500 100 TOTAL 297 1000 500 MACHINERY FUND ITEM III Purchase 9757 10300 4500 Repair 6565 9617 8500 Storage 864 1130 1200 Gasoline and Oil 3287 - 4000 TOTAL 20473 21047 18200 SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS FUND ITEM IV Salary-Town Superintendent 6303 6771 7850 Control of Ice and Snow 9486 10000 11000 Cutting Weeds and Brush - - 1500 Other Miscellaneous 2572 2229 1550 TOTAL 18361 19000 21900 GRAND TOTAL -- HIGHWAY APPROPRIATIONS 124436 147972 161350 -11- SCHEDULE VI - ESTIMATED REVENUES • Other Than Real Property Taxes APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted HIGHWAY FUND ITEM I State Aid 2246 2372 2375 Unexpended Balance 6000 4332 23960 TOTAL 8246 6704 26335 • BRIDGE FUND ITEM II Unexpended Balance 1000 1000 500 TOTAL 1000 1000 500 MACHINERY FUND ITEM III Gasoline and Oil Refunds 3807 - 4000 Unexpended Balance - 2371 5472 • Rental E juipment Charges 1344 1500 1500 Refund Civil Defense Radio - 270 - TOTAL 5151 4141 10972 SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS FUND ITEM IV Snow Removal Refunds 3238 3000 3000 Unexpended Balance - 1449 213 TOTAL 3238 4449 3213 GRAND TOTAL -- ALL HIGHWAY REVENUES 17635 16294 41020 • • I -12- • 1 SCHEDULE VII - APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS • - • Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 - APPROPRIATION Personal Service Salaries and Wages 60437 6 3750 65000 Equipment Truck ,. 12000_.__ __ ----- 12000 Other Expenses Equipment Operation Costs 4055 4750 4000 J Supplies & Other Expenses 1985 2550 3000 3 Payment - Retirement Fund 3140 3450 2800 I . - Social Security Taxes 1289 1390 1750 6 Group Health Insurance - 960 950 bInsurance, Comp. Liability, etc. 2432 3150 2750 Incinerator Operation Costs 21831 34800 44000 34732 5 501 0 59250 TOTAL 95169 114800 13 s REVENUES Cash Available 3000 3795 3705 TOTAL 3000 3795 3705 GARBAGE DISTRICT TAX LEVY 111005 132545 . . . OP 0 SCHEDULE VIII APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS WATER DISTRICT NO. 1 APPROPRIATION Water Distribution System Capital C osts 3915 6000 2500 • Redemption of Bonds 23000 33000 32000 Interest 'n Bonds 10814 25582 24149 Refunds. - Water Mains - - 7000 TOTAL 37729 64582 65649 REVENUES Water Rt venues (Net) 55004 61181 50000 Pipe Lin Rentals - 3400 3200 Cash Av;iilable 12449 TOTAL 55'004 645E1 65649 . WATER DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - - -13- SCHEDULE IX APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 1 APPROPRIATION Street Light Operation Cost 26721 27000 28280 Installation of Street Lights 866 1000 500 TOTAL 27587 28000 28780 REVENUES Cash Available - 1463 563 TOTAL - 1463 563 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT TAX LEVY 26537 28217 O O O.A O • SCHEDULE X APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 APPROPRIATION Personal Services Salaries and Wages 3096 3300 3000 Other Expenses / Supplies & Other Expenses 1001 1050 1400 2- Insurance, Comp. Liability, etc. 46 200 125 3 Sewer Construction 12507 1200 Redemption of Debt 55500 55500 59800 •6- Interest on Notes & Bonds 36143 33698 31305 • 105197 91648 92630 TOTAL 108293 94948 95630 REVENUES Cash Available - - 1226 TOTAL - - 1226 SEWER DrSTRIC T TAX LEVY 94948 94404 -14- I L F SCHEDULE XI APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 APPROPRIATION Personal Services Park Foreman 6630 7200 7500 Assistant Park Foreman 5100 5406 5650 Laborers 12913 13600 13600 Secretary 60 90 90 24703 26296 26840 Equipment Truck - - 4000 Other Expenses / Supplies & Other Expenses 5326 10875 3420 • — Building & Operating Costs 433 650 300 3 Equipment & Operating Costs 452 400 400 ,/ Payment - Retirement Fund 1050 1115 1300 5' Group Health Insurance - 400 450 4 Insurance, Camp. Liability, etc. 735 900 1200 Social Security Taxes 565 580 750 Y Redemption of Debt 11000 11000 10000 Interest on Bonds 5960 5467 4995 25521 31387 22815 TOTAL 50224 57683 53655 REVENUES Cash Available 4500 3275 1494 TOTAL 4500 3275 1494 PARK DISTRICT TAX LEVY 54408 52161 -15- j SCHEDULE XIH APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS Budget as Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1959 1960 1961 Adopted FIRE DISTRICT NO 1 APPROPRIATION Personal Services Salaries 48151 55077 5860. 0 Equipment ay Alarm System - - 2100 y Radio System - 5307 - 3 Pumper - 1/2 Cost - - 10000 it Chief's Car - 2200 Clothing 1015 1000 850 1015 3507 12950 Other Expenses �L '/ Equipment Operation Costs 7664 1450 1200 - Building Operation Costs 3600 3000 1500 3 Supplies & Other Expenses 3881 3300 4300 Gas, Light, Water, & Heat 1894 1800 1900 Inspection & Traveling Expenses 1986 2100 2100 Telephone & Alarm System 1124 1500 1500 7 Payment - Retirement System 6638 6625 7200 Social Security Taxes 1080 1200 1500 Group Health Insurance - 715 800 /c Insurance, Comp. Liability, etc, 4141 5500 5500 // Hydrant Rental 11101 11500 11400 43109 "WW1 38900 TOTAL 92275 102274 110450 REVENUES Civil Defense Refund - 2653 - Cash Available - 3673 1228 -326 1228 • TOTAL - 6326 1228 • FIRE DISTRICT TAX LEVY 95948 109222 - SCHEDULE XIII . SCHEDULE OF SALARIES AND WAGES - ALL FUNDS Rate of Total Title Number Compensation Appropriation SUPER VISOR Supervisor 1 7, 500 Clerk to Supervisor 1 5, 200 TOTAL 12, 700 JUSTICES OF PEACE Justices 2 3,200 6,400 Court Clerk (P T ) 1 1, 200 Clerical Help 450 TOTAL 8, 050 COUNCILMEN Councilmen 4 2,400 9, 600 TOWN CLERK Town Clerk 1 8, 271 • , Deputy Town Clerk 3,640 TOTAL 11, 911 ASSESSOR Assessor 1 8,271 Senior Typist 1 4, 520 Assessment Clerk 1 4, 760 Board of Review 3 750 TOTAL 18, 301 RECEIVER OF TAXES Receiver of Taxes 1 8,271 TOWN ATTORNEY Attorney 1 8, 811 • Stenographic Help 2, 000 TOTAL 10,811 ENGINEER Engineer 1 8,420 ( Balance 1, 580 paid by Joint Incinerator Commission) Senior Engineering Aid 1 2, 500 2, 500 ( Building & Plumbing Inspector) 5, 350 TOTAL 10, 920 ELECTION Custodians 2 200 400 Temporary Employees 1, 000 Election Officials 90 8,010 TOTAL 9,410 -17- SCHEDULE XIII (cont) SCHEDULE OF SALARIES AND WAGES - ALL FUNDS Tit 1 e Nu m be r Compensation Appropriation COMPTROLLER Comptroller 1 8,271 TOWN OFFICES Intermediate Account Clerk 1 4, 520 kit. Account Clerk & Typist 1 4,245 Intermediate Clerk 1 4, 520 Custodian (P T) 1 1, 298 1, 298 ( Police Custodian) 2, 167 Office Manager (P T ) 1 200 TOTAL 14, 783 RECREATION Supt of Recreation 1 7, 200 Secretary (P T ) 1 90 Temporary Employees 13,855 TOTAL 21, 145 POLICE rh;pf 1 9, 182 Lieutenant 1 7, 135 Detective Sergeant 1 6,919 Sergeants 5 6, 563 32,815 Detective 1 6, 487 Patrolmen 19 5, 698- - 6, 130 114,958 School Guards 3 7 4, 032 Custodian (P T ) 1 2, 767 2, 767 (Town Office) 1 , 2Q8 TOTAL 184, 295 PL .NNING BOARD ecretary (P T ) 1 90 BUILDING Si PLUMBING Building & Plumbing Inspector P T 5, 350 5, 350 (Engineer) 2, 500 • BOARD OF APPEALS Secretary (P T ) 1 99 PUBLIC HEALTH Nurse 1 4, 530 HIGHWAY Sup't of Highway 1 7, 850 Laborers 20 4,493 plus overtime 67, 500 (note total of 93, 000 approtioned to Highway, Garbage tk Sewer) _ • T TAL 75,.350 • -18- SCHEDULE XIII ( coat) • • SCHEDULE OF SALARIES AND WAGES - ALL FUNDS Rate of Total Title Number Compensation Appropriation GARBAGE DISTRICT Collectors- 9 4,800 43,200 Laborers 21,800 (see Highway) TOTAL 65, 000 PARK DISTRICT Foreman 1 7, 500 Park Foreman 1 5,650 Laborers 3 .4,493 Plus Overtime 13, 600 Secretary (P T ) 1 90 TOTAL 26,840 SEWER DISTRICT • - Laborers (see Highway) 3,000 FIRE DISTRICT Lieutenant 1 6, 150 Firemen 9 5,037-5,980 51,490 Inspector (P T ) 1 960 TOTAL 58,600 I l i i COMPARISON OF TAX RATES AND ASSESSMENTS ASSESSED VALUtTION i 1960 1961 General Town 111, 233, 241 114, 813, 216 Part Town 46, 857, 589 48, 192,021 Part Town - Highway 46, 857, 589 48, 192, 021 Garbage District 46, 857, 589 48, 192,021 Water District 46, 865, 089 48, 199, 521 Street Lighting District 46, 865, 089 48, 199, 521 Park District 45, 013, 039 46, 093,021 . - Sewer District 41, 286, 219 42, 548, 201 ,' I • , Fire District 46, 857, 589 48, 192,021 Ilh COMPARISON OF TAX RATES 1960 1961 Actual Estimated Increase Decrease General Town , 23 - - . 23 Part Town 6.02 6. 08 . 06 Part Town - Highway 2.82 2. 50 - , 32 Garbage District 2. 37 2.75 . 38 Water District - - - - . Street Lighting District 56 0 59 . 03 - Park District 1. 21 1. 13 - ,08 Sewer District 2. 30 2, 22r-7 - , 08 Fire District 2.05 2.26 . 21 - TOTAL 17. 56 17. 53 . 68 . 71 SUMMARY BY AREAS Village of Mamaroneck .23 - Village of Larchmont ..23 - Unincorporated Area 17. 56 17. 53 SCHEDULE XV I , TAX RATES r s Year Town County School Assessment 1961 17. 53 114, 813, 216 1960 17. 56 9. 54 27. 90 111, 233, 241 1959 16. 80 11. 26 26. 90 108, 606, 648 1958 15, 97 10. 82 25. 86 106, 729, 722 1957 15. 85 10. 66 24. 32 103, 369, 000 1956 15. 74 10. 80 23. 20 98, 679, 000 1955 16. 38 11. 13 21. 45 95,095, 000 1954 16. 06 11. 01 18. 87 91, 702, 000 ` - 1953 16. 15 10. 93 18, 94 89,456, 000 , , 1952 15, 59 10. 25 18. 81 87, 754, 000 1951 15. 59 10. 24 17. 87 85,445., 000 1950 14. 37 10. 54 16. 94 83,939, 000 1949 14, 71 10. 76 17. 38 81,011, 000 1948 14. 43 10. 10 15. 99 78, 602,000 1947 15. 76 10. 63 16. 64 77, 627, 000 1946 16. 91 9. 21 13. 49 75, 688,000 1 1945 16. 78 7. 92 12. 37 76, 370, 000 1944 17. 04 8. 52 11. 78 77, 719, 000 1943 16. 62 i 9. 02 10. 69 L , s 79,490,000 L .,, \_'1, -21-- A ..... SCHEDULE XVI ow ml, Mos TOWN OF MAMARONECK YEARLY AMORTIZATION AND INTEREST CHARGES ON ALL BOND ISSUES AS OF JANUARY 1, 1961 1 Year Amortization Interest Total 1961 100, 500 60,480 160,960 1962 98, 500 56, 100 154, 600 1963 99, 500 51, 758 151,258 1964 99, 500 47, 394 146, 894 1965 95, 500 43,031 138, 531 1966 95, 500 38,838 134, 338 1967 91, 500 34, 723 126, 223 1968 84, 500 30,958 115,458 1969 80, 500 27, 314 107,814 1970 79, 000 23,804 102, 804 1971 72, 000 20, 337 92, 337 1972 65, 000 17, 385 82, 385 1973 64, 000 14, 672 78, 672 1974 55, 000 12, 153 67, 153 1975 42, 000 10, 123 52, 123 1976 26, 000 8,702 34, 702 1977 20,000 7, 737 27, 737 1978 15, 000 6,900 21, 900 • , 1979 15, 000 6, 300 21, 300 1980 15, 000 5, 700 20, 700 1981 15, 000 5, 100 20, 100 1982 15, 000 4, 500 19, 500 1983 15, 000 3, 900 18, 900 1984 15,000 3, 300 18, 300 1985 15, 000 2, 700 17, 700 1986 15, 000 2, 100 17, 100 1987 15, 000 1, 500 16, 500 1988 15, 000 900 15, 900 1989 15,000 300 15, 300 1, 448, 500 548, 709 1,997, 209 Recapitulation: General Town Bonds -0- Outside Village Bonds 3,000 Water District Bonds 593,000 i Park District Bonds 116,000 / P f • Sewer District Bonds 736,500 1,448, 500 -22-