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Adopted Budget_1973_12/20/1972
} 40 Y'‘ a m = s n FOUNDED 1661 TOWN OF MAMARONECK NEW YORK FOUNDED 1661 1973 ANNUAL LUP•GET SUPERVISOR CHRISTINE X. HELWIG COUNCILMEN N RAYMOND P. FAIOLA JOSEPH F. VANDERNOOT LEE H. BLOOM THOMAS E. WHITE JOSEPH ALTIERI COMPTROT.W/DIRECTOR OF FINANCE ADOPTED DECEMBER 20, 1972 - ?'OWN LAW SECTION 109 lV EXCEPT FOR THE COVERS THIS BUDGET HAS BEEN REPRODUCED ON Ecolo-Wove 50% Recycled Paper MEETS G.S.A. STANDARDS 1 TOWN OF MAMARONECK 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK. N. Y. .CHRISTINE K. HELWIG OW 8-8300 SUPERVISOR January 1973 To the residents of the Town of Mamaroneck -- The Annual Budget for 1973 as adopted by the Town Board on December 20th, 1972 is presented herewith. The final budget indicates a tax rate of $34.26 per $1 ,000. for resi- dents of the Unincorporated Area - an increase of $2.60 per $1 ,000. over 1972. The rate of $34.26 includes the rate of $1 .64 per $1,000. Town Wide - which is 50$ per $1 ,000. less than 1972. The final rates are decreased from those predicted in the Preliminary Budget which indicated an increase of $4.23 per $1 ,000. in the Unincor- porated Area and 15( per $1 ,000. Town Wide. The Board was able to effect these decreases in several ways: 410 1) Cuts in Departmental requests 2) Increases in Recreation user fees. 3) Increases in water rates to eliminate the necessity of a Water District levy 4) Inclusion of 1972 Federal Revenue Sharing Funds to re- duce the increases in property tax rates for Town Wide and Town Outside Villages These reductions were achieved in spite of an additional amount of $32,493. in the Police Department budget - the result of the contract agreement with the P.B.A. for 1973 and 1974 salaries. The Town Board is grateful to the various Commissions, Department Heads and staff members who devoted much time and study to the oper- ational needs and long term requirements of the Town. We also appre- ciate the constructive suggestions received from residents at our hear- ings and their continued interest in assisting us to provide essential services as economically as possible. We will continue to use your taxes as prudently as we can while maintaining the kind of services you expect from your Town government. Respectfully submitted, Y • Christine K. Helwig Supervisor For the Town Board b) TABLE OF CONTENTS • TITLE PAGE Taxpayers Guide to the 1973 Budget 1 Total Appropriations, Revenues and Tax Levy 2 Appropriations by Budget Category 3 Appropriations Chart 4 Personnel Costs CSEA Contract 5 PBA and Fire Contracts 6 Comparison of Total Taxes- State, County, Town and School 7 Assessment Roll Exemptions 8a Annual Budget 1973 8 Comparison of Tax Rates & Assessments 9 Appropriations - General Fund - Town Wide Schedule I Town Board ,4/olo,o 10 Justices /1i 11 l n .0 11 Supervisor /9 11-''o. 12 Comptroller 4 j 3 i " 13 Independent Auditing 14131-0;c 14 Receiver of Taxes A 1330" 0 15 Assessor hi 135 , o 16 Town Clerk A ,'f-f i° 17 Town Attorney A I'f}o` 0 18 Engineer / 14'I-0 o 19 • Elections I -so. 20 Town Offices A /6)-0.0 21 Public Safety 22 Parking Fields A 5650,E 23 General Recreation 24 & 25 Community Beautification /91-4/6:0 26 & 27 Miscellaneous 28 & 29 Appropriations - General Fund - Town Outside Villages Schedule 2 Police 13/ ° o 30 & 31 Building & Plumbing ,836 vv' 32 Board of Appeals (Zoning) ê( /00 33 Planning Board ,8 g"o Yo"0 34 Miscellaneous 35 & 36 Estimated Revenues General Fund - Town Wide Schedule 3 37 & 38 Estimated Revenues General Fund - Town Outside Villages Schedule 4 39 Appropriations - Highway Fund Schedule 5 40 & 41 Estimated Revenues - Highway Fund Schedule 6 42 Appropriations - Special Districts Garbage District #1 Schedule 7 43 • 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE • Appropriations - Special Districts Water District #1 Schedule 8 44 Street Lighting #1 Schedule 9 45 Sewer District #1 Schedule 10 46 Park District #1 • Schedule 11 47 & 48 Fire District #1 Schedule 12 49 & 50 Tax Rates 1943 - 1972 Schedule 13 51 Yearly Amortization & Interest Charges on All Bonds - Issues as of January I, 1973 Schedule 14 52,53 & 54 Recommended Salary Structure Schedule 15 55 List of Classes Recommended by Job Group Study Schedule 15 56 & 57 Schedule of Salaries & Wages - All Funds Schedule 16 58 - 62 Incl. Capital Budget & Improvement Program Schedule 17 63 1111 • TAXPAYERS GUIDE TO THE 1973 TOWN BUDGET In the following pages we are presenting some analyses of the Town Budget which we hope will be useful to you in understanding how your tax money is used. The total appropriations of $3,409,979. for Town services are divided into four major categories. 1 . Public Safety - $1 ,492,566. - 4308% Public Safety includes all costs of Police and Fire Protection, the Town Courts, Street Lighting and Signs, Building Inspection, the Humane Society Contract, Narcotics Guidance Council, Parking Fields and Civil Defense. 2. Public Works - $993,916. - 29% This includes all costs of Highway, Street and Road Repairs, Gar- bage Collection and Disposal, Sewer Repairs and Maintenance and • Water Service. 3. Recreation, Parks, Library - $485,694. - 14.3% Included here are Recreation Programs and Facilities, Parks, Community Beautification, the Composting Program, the Town share of the Larchmont Library, Contributions to the Com- munity Action Program and Patriotic Observances. 4. General Government - $437,803. - 12.9% Administrative and Executive costs include Assessments, Collec- tion of Taxes, Finance, Legal Services, Engineering, Elections, Planning and Zoning and Contingent Funds. The Annual Budget for 1973 is shown on page 8. Assessments for 1972 and 1973 are shown on page 9 with a compariosn of tax rates which indicates the increases or decreases in the rates for 1973. • - 1 - • TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS, REVENUFS AND TAX LEVY • The total budget for 1973 is $3,409,979. , an increase of $246,235. over the modified 1972 budget, or 7.79%. Estimated revenues and unexpended balances for 1973 total $873,098. , an increase of $99,265. from the modified 1972 budget, or 12.83%. We have estimated the impact of funds that will he received covering the period from 1/1 - 12/31/72 as our share of Federal Revenues at this time. The net tax levy has increased $146,970., or 6.2% over 1972 as shown below: Comparison of Tax Levy 1972 1973 Inc. General Fund Town Wide $ 337,501 . $ 259,888. $ (77,613.) Town Outside Villages 865,854. 958,951 . 93,097. Highway Fund Items 1 ,2,3,4,5 336,846. 379,238. 42,392. • Special Districts Garbage 303,682. 366,581 . 62,899. Water 20,000. -0- (20,000.) Street Lighting 33,312. 42,370. 9,058. Sewer 109,808. 121 ,054. 11 ,246. Park 82,900. 92,650. 9,750. Fire 300,008. 316,149. 16,141 . Net Levy 2,389,911 . 2,536,881 . 146,970. The major share of the 6.2% increase shown is in salaries and benefits for Police and Highway employees as a result of contract agreements. $54,000. of the $146,970. increase is due to the impact of the 20-year retirement plan in our Police and Fire contracts. The other major increase in the Garbage District reflects four addi- tional men (positions transferred from Highway) as well as the pro- jected increase to $8.50 per ton dumping fee at Croton. • 2 J BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS BY CATEGORY • Salaries and Fringe Benefits Salaries and fringe benefits amount to $2,176,179. , or 63% of the total. In 1973 the Town will have 124 full time employees and 27 on a part time basis. On pages 58 - 62 you will find a listing of titles and salaries by department. In addition, we employ 131 sea- sonal recreation attendants, 4 conservation men and 102 election workers. 12 individuals receive set fees for special assignments. Since fringe benefits are very substantial, we have made an anal- ysis to show the total cost for 4 typical employees in various de- partments. (pages 5 and 6) Contractural Expenses These amount to $772,532. , or 23% of the total appropriations and cover a wide variety of expenditures. For example: $66,295. in Recreation - largely for school rentals 61 ,850. in Police - building and equipment operation • traffic signals and professional training 102,634. in PartTown • Miscellaneous -$92,250. for Town's share Library 158,800. in Highway - general repairs, equipment main- tenance, gas, oil and snow removal 148,326. in Garbage - $135,326. for Town's share of In- cinerator operation 38,792. in Street Lighting - $33,000. for energy 39,795. in Sewer - $37,745. for construction costs Debt Service $257,255. , or 8% of all appropriations Debt Schedules - pages 52 - 54 Miscellaneous Unclassified - $140,533. $82,833. for the Narcotics Guidance Council is offset by revenues from the County - (page 28) $10,000. is in Part Town Contingency - (page 35) • - 3 -, J H fti 0 z� H d t• *3 u W bd y n tii C o ttnnn tn a : H co ° N y H D -1 cn n b q) t+i * -(n- -1 -fir O H N -0 •-.1 (Jt -J H rr N hi 0 U' 01 lb 3 N -) 3 CO s....9 C o a ai y 1 o • D N ( W 3 o tt C N fD O o 5 .p . % -., C a z o H �•�n H CD L i CD tn 0 H n,..3 CD H H in tai] ti CO tri to cc y n H H ,II H H d■ trl rn t3 W VI 01 tt CO U, H 0 o .w -vs 0 A. . U7 (V W W (J1 (w: N I PERSONNEL COSTS - CSEA CONTRACT 1972 1973 • ACTUAL ESTIMATED 1. Senior A/C Clerk (M) Base Salary $ 8,770.00 $ 9.290.00 Fringe Benefits State Retirement System (16.6%) 1,455.82 (18.7%) 1,737.23 Social Security Taxes 1972 - Based 9,000 @ 5.2% 456.04 1973 - Based 10,800 @ 5.85% 543.47 Group Life Insurance 110.40 110.40 Disability Insurance -- 32.40 Group Health Insurance, 468.24 (7.50% Inc,) 503.36 Total $ 11,260.50 $ 12,216.86 % of Fringe Benefits Over Base Salary 28.40% 31.51% 2. Motor Equipment Operator (M) Base Salary 8,425.00 8.945.09 Overtime 876.86 929.47* 9,301.86 9,874.47 Fringe Benefits • State Retirement System (16.6%) 1,544.11 (18.7%) Social Security Taxes 1,846.53 1972 - Based 9,000 @ 5.2% 468.00 1973 - Based 10,800 @ 5.85% 577.66 Group Life Insurance 110.40 110.40 Disability Insurance -- 32.40 Group Health Insurance 468.24 (7.50% Inc.) 503.36 Total $ 11,892.61 $ 12,944.82 of Fringe Benefits& Overtime Over Base Salary 41.16% 44.72% - 5 - • PERSONNEL COSTS - PBA AND FIRE. CONTRACTS 1972 1973 ACTUAL ESTIMATED • Patrolman (M) Base Salary $ 11,085.00 $ 11,750.00 * Holiday Compensation 507.00 537.00 * Overtime 272.28 288.00 * 11,864.28 12,575.00 Schooling 780.74 800.00 State Retirement System (17.6%) 2,088.11 (27.2%) 3,420.40 Social Security Taxes 1972 - Based 9,000 @ 5.2% 468.00 1973 - Based 10,800 @ 5.85% 631.80 Group Life Insurance 110.40 110.40 Group Health Insurance 468.24 (7.50% Inc.) 503.36 Total $ 15,779.77 $18,040.96 % of Fringe Benefits Holiday Comp. & Overtime Over Base Salary 42.35% 53.54% Fireman (M) Base Salary $ 10,985.00 $ 11,644.00 * Holiday Compensation 483.32 512.00 * Overtime 467.79 495.00 * 4110 11,936.11 12,651.00 Schooling -_ __ State Retirement System (17.6%) 2,100.76 (27.27,) 3,441.07 Social Security Taxes 1972 - Based 9,000 @ 5.2% 468.00 1973 - Based 10,800 @ 5.85% 631.80 Group Life Insurance 110.40 110.40 Group Health Insurance 468.24 (7.50% Inc.) 503.36 Total $ 15,083.51 $ 17,337.63 % of Fringe Benefits Holiday Comp. & Overtime Over Base Salary 37.31% 48.90% Contracts do not include Workmen's Compensation & Public Liability Insuarance * Estimated at 6% increase for comparative purposes • - 6 - • * • al •'•d L'= cu V ' N-4 o C:r+ E4 cn e.tl D bn A H F 't° 4 0 + 3-1 0.) 'L C 4 C 6.r+ 043 $..1.0 ,0 ..9 _� ft ++ 0 C G! 0 r, 0 s+ K f i c I J3 r . cN C U r or( .•d oct 4.1 P-PG �i r- e00 = ,-a >.N 1- .4 .-4'0 0 0 CI 0 • ro E c:1 1 of 4J rn M ,-1 •.4 ,-1 C 4t c If) , H r h N 0 •'rd 0 W U' M rU O N v r-1 O L+ 0 ta "4 W ) J _ 'C t <! b ,.a r C l i a 4O 4 O iCl i* O sA -.4 'O H •W JJ 0 ' 0 0 O ••; ro01 0 U C. 3 l+ ' CJ � 4-4 h E-4 N d4 u) W 4 7 C3 H CO p VI- �` v 'C a3 sV la PQ 0 co g A i 01 of00Ff 4 Cl ..t .1.3 43 GH D k H H 41 a, O l t 4+ v C.) CO ii N al � .-1 N 0 00 O 0 .1 0 co -U Q ~ )4 • C O i O A A 0 0 in r-+ 1.-1 .4 • cr1 'C o 14 V C ■'O •t 4 0 N Cr) , N "...I •-t 'O U 8 $+ v)-Q a V 0 •1•4 +ra C) 1 U R 33 0 Ill cl 0- • >, v v r t '0 O Q r+ C I• g In ..4 c„ H O U 41 w N O Er to QS E' •0- `� ar a 4) 0 U GI coi N °' • C) m 0..u-.a) en .0 b a ro Qi 0 X 43 i.+ _ > C3 C `et H O r_} to ,-4 u.. `� f 0 p 0 0 .-4 H y H tl cm-- CNI m pp 9,,u 0 CC Ir N N 3 W O r; co 0 .-a H 0 44 i 0 ' A XO 0 Ln W LO k0 ,.0,O V •'�v 4.) 00•M CT 4 •.-1 A N U ON N N .t p N N <00 • N 0 C • rt Pa p s• C C) 0 0 0 O EA r f - 6 0 Q'< U L •Pr C)N CO TO coil -0 CO C) 4.1 CC a, .i-3 ,O W Cl. al N cC 4J ' 0 v, 0 1.4 • a P. o +J k IJ •1-1 4.3 m 0 co 0 U'-+ 0 C a U is al 45 k CO 1J 0 E.O., '`� v ..1 y •.+ O 0 tal *4) O 4.) b V C) � a x c C r+ >, C O al ` x .c + a v.n � u r, a l v r+ '.0 0 b0,—r 14• H `r{ U U 0 � 0 '14 11.. 14 V v .a C/ 'b 0 C) k 'a CI Cl Cl CO A W Q tl O Q t � C 1> W 0 0 ›,u E+r a• (0- O N * c,3. E-' a • TOWN OF MAMARONECK ASSESSMENT ROLL - 1972-73 EXEMPTIONS TOWN OF MAMARONECK $ 904,600. VILLAGE OF LARCHMONT 1,020,400. VILLAGE OF MAMARONECK 1, 344, 970. TOTAL $ 3, 269,970. $3,269, 970. U.S. POST OFFICE $ 196,600. COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER 711,500. CEMERTERIES 67, 300. LARCHMONT MANOR PARK 60,504. METRO. TRANS. AUTH. 1,114, 986. TOTAL $ 2,150, 890. $2,150,890. MINISTRIES $ 10,500. COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER 3,098,000. WEST. JOINT WATER WORKS 262, 900. MISCELLANEOUS 1,021, 900. BOARD OF EDUCATION 11,037,600. CHURCHES 4,037,000. TOTAL $19,467,900. $19,467,900. VETERANS ' EXEMPTIONS $ 1, 751, 100. OLD AGE EXEMPTIONS 682,650. TOTAL $ 2,433, 750. $2,433, 750. $ 27, 322,510. SUMMARY WHOLLY EXEMPT $ 5,420,860. PARTIAL EXEMPT 21, 901,650. TOTAL EXEMPTIONS $27, 322,510. • - 8a - TOWN OF MAMARONECK ANNUAL BUDGET 1973 ESTIMATED FUNDS SCHEDULES APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES* TAX LEVY GENERAL FUND Town Wide Schedules 1 & 3 902,308.00 642,420.0017 259,888.00 Less: Federal Sharing Revenue Schedules 1 & 3 75.420.00 75,420.00 - - 826,888.00 567,000.00 2594888.00 Town Outside Villages Schedules 2 & 4 1,064,896.00 105,945.00 958,951.00 Less: Federal Sharing Revenue Schedules 2 & 4 57,730.00 57_.730.00 - - 48,215.00 958,951.00 HIGHWAY FUND • Items 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Schedules 5 & 6 437,038.00 57,800.00✓ 379,238.00 SPECIAL DISTRICTS Garbage Schedule 7 366,581.00 - - 366,581.00 Water Schedule 8 47,933.00 47,933.00✓ - - Street Lighting Schedule 9 42,370.00 - - 42,370.00 Sewer Schedule 10 124,854.00 3,800.00✓ 121,054.00 Park Schedule 11 99,850.00 7,200.00✓ 92,650.00 Fire Schedule 12 324,149.00 8,000.00/ 316,149.00 TOTAL 3,409,979.00 , 873,098.00 2,536,881.00 *Includes Unexpended Balances. • -8- COMPARISON OF TAX RATES AND ASSESSMENTS TOTAL TAXABLE VALUATION 1972 1973 • General Fund - Town Wide 157,735,040. 158,892,524. General Fund - Town Outside Villages 69,997,348. 70,279,320. Highway Fund 69,997,348. 70,279,320. Garbage District 69,997,348. 70,279,320. Water District 70,003,348. 70,303,320. Street Lighting 70,003,348. 70,303,320. Sewer District 64,379,748. 64,618,720. Park District 66,794,408. 67,148,180. Fire District 69,997,348. 70,279,320. 1972 1973 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES Actual Estimated Increase Decrease General Fund - Town Wide 2.14 1.64 - - .50 . General Fund - Town Out- side Villages 12.37 13.65 1.28 • - Highway Fund 4.81 5.40 .59 - - Garbage District 4.34 5.22 .88 . - Water District .29 - - - - X29 Street Lighting District .48 .60 .12 - - Sewer District 1.71 1.87 .16 - - Park District 1.24 1.38 .14 - - Fire District 4.28 4.50 .22 - - 31.66 34.26 3.39 .79 1972 1973 SUMMARY BY AREAS Actual Estimated Increase Decrease Village of Mamaroneck 2.14 1.64 - - .50 Village of Larchmont 2.14 1.64 - - .50 • Unincorporated Area 31.66 34.26 2.60 - - t -9- • SCHEDULE 1 GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1273 Adopted A1010.0 TOWN BOARD 1010.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Councilmen (4) 12000. 12000. 12000. 12000. • 12000. 12000, 12000. 1010.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Publishing Notices, Reports, etc. 706. 1300. 1000. 402 Travel & Conventions 16. 300. 300. 722. 1600. 1300. 1300. TOTAL • 12722. 13600 13300] 13300. • , -10- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted A1110.0 JUSTICES 1110.0 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Justices (2) 11400. 11400. 12400. 102 Court Clerk 6820. 7685. 8205. 103 Court Clerk 5670. 6510. 7370. 104 Court Clerk P.T. 1931. 2500. 2750. 25821. 28095. 30725. 30725. 1110.2 EQUIPMENT 0 201 Office Furniture 3291. 925. 45. 202 Tape Recorder 215. 400. - - 203 Adding Machine - - 135. - - 3506. 1460. 45. 45. 1110.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 3645. 5785. 5060. 402 Part Time Cleaner - - •1000. 1050. 3645. 6785. 6110. 6110, TOTAL 32972. 36340. 36880. 36880, • -11- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) • GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted A1220.0 SUPERVISOR 1220.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Supervisor 8000. 8000. 12000. *102 Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant 5738. 5988. 6248. 103 Senior Stenographer 6581. 7615. 8.549-1 20319. 21603. 26788. 26788. 1220.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Typewriter - - 520. - - 202 Office Furniture - - 475. - - - - 995. - - - - • 1220.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 894. 960. 960. 402 Travel & Conventions - - - - 200. 894. 960. 1160,. y1160. TOTAL 2I213„ 23558. 27948. 27948. *Supervisor's Office (1/2) and Town Clerk's Office (1/2) . S . -12- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted A1315.0 COMPTROLLER/DIRECTOR OF FINANCE 1315.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Comptroller/Director of Finance 18475. 20020. 21220. 102 Senior Account Clerk 7925. 8770. 9290. 103 Senior Account Clerk 7185. 8345. 9290. 104 Junior Accountant 7389. 8720. 9910. 105 Temporary Additional Services - - - - 1500. 40974. 45855. 51210. 51210. 1315.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Typewriter - - - - 500. 202 Office Furniture - - 100. 100, . - CO 100. 600 i 600. 1315.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 995. 900. 1100. 402 Travel & Conventions - - - - 200. 995. 900. 1300. 1300. TOTAL 41969. 46855, 53110. 53110. 1111 ' -13- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) • GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted A1320.0 INDEPENDENT AUDITING 1320.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Independent Audit 4000. 4750. 4750. TOTAL 4000 4750. 4750. 4750. 1111 ' -14- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted A1330.0 RECEIVER OF TAXES 1330.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Receiver of Taxes 13320. 14120. 14950. 102 Senior Account Clerk 7925. 8770. 9290. * 103 Assessment Clerk 4135. - - - - 104 Temporary Additional Services 243. 500. 2400, 25623. 23390. 26640, 26640. 1330.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Calculator - - 320. 366. - - 320. 366. 366. 1330.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 410 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 3919. 4000. 4000. 3919, 4000. 4000. 4000. TOTAL 29542. 27710. 31006. 31006. *Transferred to Assessor's Department (1/2). 411/ -15- • SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS - Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted A1355.0 ASSESSOR 1355.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Assessor 15245. 15745. 16690. 102 Deputy Assessor 1438. - - 9930. * 103 Assessment Clerk 4135. 9200. - - 104 Assistant Assessment Clerk 6820. 7700. 7065. 105 Temporary Additional Services - - - - 700. 106 Board of Review 900. 1100. 1100. ** 107 Professional Appraiser - - 1500. - - 28538. 35245. 35485, 35485. 1355.2 EQUIPMENT II/ 201 Office Furniture - - 500. 150. - - 500. 150. 150. 1355.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1972. 1500. 2900. 402 Travel & Car Expenses 522. 700. 1100. 403 Appraisals, Cert., etc. 1237. 3000. 3000. 404 Tax Maps - - 500. 1000, 3731. 5700. 8000. 80001 TOTAL 32269. 41445. 43635. 43635. * Transferred from Receiver of Taxes Office. ** Transferred to A/C 403. • -16- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted X11410.0 TOWN CLERK 1410.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Clerk 13320. 13820. 14900. 102 Temporary Additional Services - - - - 2340. * 103 Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant 5737. 5987. 6247. 19057. 19807, 23487 . 23487. 1410.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 769. 700. 700. 769. 700. 700. 700. • TOTAL 19826. 20507, 24187. 24187. * Town Clerk's Department (1/2) & Supervisor's Department (1/2). • -17- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) • GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted A1420.0 ATTORNEY 1420.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Attorney 14500. 16000. 17500. 102 Contingent Professional Services 2000. 8200. 3500. 103 Steno. Services 6284. 7000. 7000, 22784. 31200. 28000. 28000. 1420.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1143. 900. 900. 402 Travel Expenses 215. 300. 300. 1358. 1200. 1200. 1200. 4110 TOTAL 24142. 32400, 29200, 29200. • -18- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) • GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted A1440.0 ENGINEER 1440.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Engineer 17335. 17835. 18905. 102 Sr. Engineering Aide 10870. 11975. 12495. 103 Additional Professional Services 500. 1000. 1000. 28705. 30810. 32400. 32400. 1440.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Radio - - - - 1000. - - - - 1000. 1000. 1440.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES • 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 904. 1500. 1500. 402 Travel & Conventions 200, 904. 1500. 1700. 1700. TOTAL 29609. 32310. 35100. 35100. III 1 -19- SCHEDULE 1 - (contd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted A1450.0 ELECTIONS 1450.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Custodians 625. 1200. 1200. * 102 Wages 1884. 2575. 2575. 103 Inspectors & Poll Clerks 12977. 17779. 16139 15486. 21554. 19914. 19914, 1450.2 EQUIPMENT ** 201 Voting Machines & Election Booths 4636. 2100. - - 4636. 2100. - - - - 1450.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 859. 150. 150. 402 Rental Polling Places 3529, 2210. 2080, 403 Transportation of Equipment 1196. 2100. 2100, 5584. 4460. 4330. 4330, " TOTAL 25706. 28114. 24244. 24244. * Custodians (Schools) 2275,00 Laborer (Delivering Supplies) 300.00 2575.00 ** Intend to purchase seven (7) new machines, less rental, net figure $10,521.00 through Bond Anticipation Notes. . III -20- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) • GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRI.ATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted A1620.0 TOWN OFFICES 1620.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 10I Temporary Additional Services (Vacations, Overtime, etc.) 5917. 6160. 660, 5917. 6160. 660. 660. 1620.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Alterations, Office Equipment, etc. - - 1835. - - 202 Postage Machine 1180. - - - - 203 Check Writer & Signer 755. - - - - 1935. 1835. - - - _ 1620.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES • 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 3386. 4000. 3500. 402 Stationery & Postage 608. 2500. 1000. 403 Telephone 4031. 7300, 7300. 404 Rent 7900. 8500. 8500. 405 Switchboard - Town's Share - - 3500. 3500. 15925. 25800, 23800. 23800. TOTAL 23777. 33795. 24460. 24460. • -21- 1 SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted PUBLIC SAFETY A3510.0 SAFETY OF ANIMALS 3510.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Dog Enumerator 594. 600. 650. TOTAL 594. 600. 650. 650. A3640.0 CIVIL DEFENSE* 3640.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Sirens 854. - - - - 854. - - - - - - 3640.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 463. 500. 400. 402 Repairs, Replacements & Tools, etc. 101. 150. - - 564. 650. 400. 400. TOTAL 1418. 650. 400. 400. TOTAL 2012. 1250, 1050. 1050. *Village of Larchmont (1/2) & Town of Mamaroneck (1/2) . • -22- SCHEDULE 1 - (con`d) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted A5650.0 PARKING FIELDS 5650.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401-1 Supplies & Other Expenses (Parking Field #1) 2092. 4500. 2000, 401-2 Supplies & Other Expenses (Parking Field k3) 226. 250. 250. 2318. 4750. 2250. 2250. DEBT SERVICE • A5650.6 Redemption of Bond Anticipation Note 13000. 13000. 13000. A5650.7 Interest on Note 2730. 1272. 1065. 15730. 14272. 14065. 14065. TOTAL 18048, 19022. 16315. 16315, • -23- SCHEDULE 1 - (coned) • GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted A7020.0 GENERAL RECREATION 7020.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Superintendent 15245, 15745. 16690, 102 Commission Secretary 300, 300. 300. 103 Recreation Attendants (Maintenance) 3989. 1500, 1500, 104 Maintenance Man (Repair) 7520. 8425. 8945. 105 Senior Typist 6090. 6955. 7840. 106 Memorial & Hommocks Park Attendants 8579, 9000, 7600. 41723. 41925. 42875, 42875. 7020.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Memorial Park & Play- ground - - 2850, 1000. 202 New Gestefax & Mimeo - - - - 1111 Machines 2708. 203 Overhaul Launch Engine 682. - - - - 204 Picnic Shelter (Located at the Hommocks- For use of Community Organizations) - - - - 6000. 205 New Maintenance Truck (1/2 ton) - - 3000. - - 206 Equipment - Hommocks Area - - 3500. - - 3390. • 9350. 7000. 7000. 7020.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES I 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 10933. 9325. 11100. 10933. 9325. 11100. 11100. TOTAL 56046. 60600. 609751 60975. III -24- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS • Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted GENERAL RECREATION (con'd) A7180.0 POOL (TOWN'S SHARE) 7180.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 45198. 41508. 41508. 7180.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 30169. 23500. 32500. 75367. 65008. 74008. 74008. A7310.0 YOUTH PROGRAMS 7310.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 36606. 41875. 46149. 7310.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 12827. 16151. 15817. 49433. 58026. 61966. 61966. A7620.0 ADULT RECREATION 7620.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 4596. 7123. 7284. 7620.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 6233. 8419. 6878. 10829. 15542. 14162. 14162. TOTAL 191675. 199176. 211111. 211111. REVENUES (See Pages 37 & 38) Estimated State Aid 4028. 4553. Estimated Fees 92570. 110775 TOTAL 96598. 115328. NET APPROPRIATION 102578. 95783. NET DECREASE FOR 1973 6795. • -25- S - (could) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted A8510.0 COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION 8510.1 PERSONAL SERVICES ' 101 Consultant 1000. 1000. 1000. 102 Maintenance Foreman (Gardener) 9160. 9935. 10980. 103 Laborers 3712. 4100. 4800. 104 Secretary 845. 300. 300. 105 Temporary Additional Services - - 540. 600. 14717. 15875. 17680. 17680. 8510.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Equipment Rental & Operation 3804. 1800. 1900. 202 Used Station Wagon 2485. - - - - 203 Bulldozer Rental 3075. 900. 200, 9364. 2700. 2100. 2100. 8510.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 4161. 2950. 4200. 402 Travel & Conventions - - - - 500. 4161. 2950. 4700. 4700. TOTAL 28242, 21525, 24480. 24480, r J • • -26- • SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION (con'd) A8560.0 SHADE TREE FUND 8560.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1625. 1750. 1750. 1625. 1750. 1750. 1750. A8810.0 CEMETERIES 8810.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 443. 400. 400. • 443. 400. 400. 400. TOTAL 30310. 23675. 26630. 26630. • -27- SCmEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS • Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS A1680.4 Data Processing - Payroll 1104. 1300. 1440. A1910.4 Official Bonds and Undertakings 452, 600. 600, A1920.0 Municipal Association Dues 250, 400. 400. A1950.0 Real Estate Taxes 2190. 3900. 3000. A1990.0 Contingency Fund - - 5485.* 2162 Y 21625. A5010.1 Supt. of Highways 15245. 15745. 16690. A5010,1 Bookkeeper - P.T. Supt. of Highways 520. 520, 520, A6410.4 Street Signs 576, 1200. 900. A6510,4 Veteran's Organization Rooms 900. 900. 900. A7550.4 Patriotic Days Observances 1117. 1250. 1250. TOTAL 22354. 31300. 47325. 47325. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS IIIA9010.8 State Retirement System 34703. 42700. 43000: A9030.8 Social Security Taxes 10244. 11950. 15500. A9040.8 Workmen's Compensation & Public Liability 17367. 18700. 18500. A9045.8 Group Life Insurance 2667. 3800. 3100. A9055.8 Disability Insurance - - - - 875. A9060.8 Group Health Insurance 12534. 13750. 16200. TOTAL 77515. 90900. 97175. 97175. UNCLASSIFIED A9201.4 Bond & Coupon Svice. Fees 94. 200. 200. A9202.0 Mamaroneck Community /// Action Program 5600. 7000, 5675.- kA9203.0 Narcotic Guidance Council 26719. 73658. 82833. A9204.0 Improvement of Hommocks Area 21675. - - - - A9206.0 Moving Expenses, etc. 4231. - - - A9207.0 Refund of Town Taxes / 11924. 400. .18OtraV / _ TOTAL 70243. 81258. 89708. 89708. k*A9203.0 Narcotic Guidance Council (See Contra Page 38) 9203.1 Personal Services $71,053.00 • 9203.2 Equipment 1,000.00 9203.4 Contractual Expenses 10,780.00 Total 82,833.00 -28- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - APPROPRIATIONS • Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS (con'd) - DEBT SERVICE A9710.6 Serial Bonds - Principal 10000. 10000. 10000. A9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes: Elections 3000. 3000. 3000. Homoaocks 27000. 30000. 30000. Central School 11000. 11000. 11000.- A9710.7 Serial Bonds - Interest 2925. 2475. 2025. A9730.7 Bond Anticipation Notes: Elections 410. 200. 80. Hommocks 15288. 6760. 6028. Central School 1795. 1810. 1241! A9760.7 Tax Anticipation Notes 1028. 1728. 1800. TOTAL 72446, 66973. 65174. 65174. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 242558. 270431. 299382. 299382. *Budget before modifications 12500. Less Transfers: Independent Auditing 750. Supervisor's Office 425. Town Attorney 200, Town Offices 1,540. General Recreation 2,000. Adult Recreation 1,500. Community Beautification 600. Transfers Prior to 12/31/72 5,485. 12500. -0- GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND TOWN WIDE APPROPRIATIONS 782350. 854938. 902308. 902308. Less: Federal Sharing Revenue - - NO - • - 75420. 782350. 854938. 902308. 826888. • -29- • SCHEDULE 2 GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted . B3120.0 POLICE 3120.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries (Includes Holiday Compensation & Overtime ) 468656. . 460157. 472732. 534275. 102 Cleaner 3825. 4325. 4560. 103 School Guards 21272. 22745. 27970. 104 Maintenance Man (Traffic Signs) - - 4213. 5367. 105 Senior Steno. 7115. 8020. 8945. 5008689 499460. 519574. 581117. 3120.2 EQUIPMENT • 201 Automotive 15000. 16000. 18000. 201A Motorcycle 2799. - - - - 202 Uniforms, etc. 6835. 7500. 9000. 203 Radios 830. 1500... 1500. 204 Other - Miscellaneous 1746. 1500. 4100. 205 Office Furniture - - 1000. 1000. *206 Vascar 11 Speed Computer - - 1000. - - 1000. 207 Detective Equipment 282. 1200. 1000. 27492. 29700. 34600. 5600. * See page 39 - matching funds. • -3 0- A SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) I 1111 GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted POLICE - (con'd) 3120.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies 7725. 6500. 6500. 402 Building Operation 1221. 22500, 5500. 2600. 403 Telephone 6343. 6500. 7250. 404 Light, Gas & Water 1232. 1200. 1800. 405 Gas and Oil 6653, 6250, 6500. '� 406 Equipment Operation 10851. 9300. -8-51:---)11----- � ( * 407 Traffic Signals & Signs 10209, 6200. 6200. 408 Travel Expenses 278. 600. 1500. 409 Miscellaneous 618. 3075. 3000. 410 Proposed Surveys and Studies 2646. - - - - 411 Professional Development y Program 5044. 8900. 14500. 01°4' ** 412 In-Service Training - - - - 3500. 4110 52820. 71025. 64750. 61850. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 3110.8 New York State Retirement 60393. 77300. 113700. 3115.8 Police Pension Fund 20000. 20000. 20000. 3130.8 Social Security Taxes 17494. 20020. 28050. 27000. 3140.8 Compensation & Liability Insurance 13260. 13550. 14000. 3145.8 Group Life Insurance 4891. 5230. 4560. 3155.8 Disability Insurance (Non-Law Enforcement) - - - - 100. 3160.8 Group Health Insurance 20267. 23290. 26400, 136305. 159390. 206810. 205760. TOTAL 717485, 759575. 825734. 884327. * In 1972 Maintenance Man (Traffic Signs) transferred to A/C 104. ** In-service program allocated as follows: A/C 101 6500.00 A/C 412 3500.00 • 10000.00 -31- 1 SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) • GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted 2O.0 BUILDING & PLUMBING 3620.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Inspector 13635. 14940. 16690. 102 Senior Steno. 7925. 8425. 8945. 103 Examining Board of Plumbers 150. 180. 180. 104 Additional Professional Services - - 1000. 1000. 21710. 24545. 26815. 26815. 3620.2 EQUIPMENT 201 New Automobile - - 2800. 3300. _ - - 2800. 3300. 3300. 1 0 3620.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 816. 1000. 600. 816. 1000. 600. 600. TOTAL 22526. 28345. 30715, 30715. -32- - - SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Ado.ted B8010.0 BOARD OF APPEALS (ZONING) 8010.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Secretary 240. 325. 325. 240, 325, 325. 325, 8010.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 189. 350. 350. 189. 350, 350. 350. TOTAL 429. 675. 675. 675, • • -33- SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) • GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted B8020.0 PLANNING BOARD 8020.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Secretary 240. 300. 300. 240. 300. 300. 300. 8020.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 153. 200. 200. 153 . 200. 200. 200. TOTAL 393. 500. 500. 500. 4111 -34- SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) . GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS B3510.4 Humane Society Contract 9739. 10039. 10039. B4020.4 Registrar Vital Statistics 65. 65. 65. B5650.4 Parking Meters, Lot #2 - - 250. 250. B7410.44, Public Library Contract 68320. 76055. 92250. B8520.4 Thruway Noise Abatement - - 30. 30. TOTAL 78124. 86439. 102634. 102634. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS B9010.8 Employees' Retirement System 3286. 3600. 4250. B9030.8 Social Security Taxes 818. 950. 1200. B9040.8 Compensation and Liability Insurance 214. 250. 400. B9045.8 Group Life Insurance 210. 280. 230. B9055.8 Disability Insurance - - - - 65. B9060.8 Group Health Insurance 603. 600. 700. • TOTAL 5131. 5680. 6845. 6845. UNCLASSIFIED B9206.0 Police Station & Court �. House Projects 37481. 12000. 4000. B9490.0 Contingency Fund - - 10000.* 42100. 10000. B9492.0 Miscellaneous (General Code Pub.) - - 1300. - - B9493.0 Joint Composting Venture - - 11000. 12000.E TOTAL 37481. 34300. 58100, 26000. DEBT SERVICE B9730.6 Bond Anticipation Note: Police Station & Court House Projects - Principal - - 10000. 10000. B9730.7 Bond Anticipation Note: Police Station & Court House Projects - Interest - - 3470. 3200. TOTAL - - 13470. 13200. 13200. • -35- SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES - APPROPRIATIONS Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS (con'd) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 120736. 139889. 180779. 148679. *Budget before Modifications $10000. Less Transfers: Transfers prior to 12/31/72 10000. - 0 - GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES APPROPRIATIONS 861569. 928984. 1038403. 1064896., Less: Federal Revenue Sharing - - - - - - 57730. 410 861569. 928984. 1038403. 1007166. • -36- . SCHEDULE 3 - ESTIMATED REVENUES* GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES Budget As Preliminary 1973 • Collected. Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted P " OTHER TAX ITEMS A1090 Interest and Penalties on Taxes 34816 31000. 33000 33000. DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS A1255 Town Clerk's Fees 1297 . 1200. 1100. • A1560 Safety Inspection Fees 430. 450. 500. A1720 Parking Meter Receipts (Lot #1) 15096. 16000. 15000. A1720 Parking Meter Receipts (Lot #3) 7143. 7000. 6500. A2001 Recreation Fees _ 85061. 92570. 110775. 109027., 117220. 133875. 133875. USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY A2401 Interest on Deposits and Investments 75394. 73000. 78000. A2410 Property Rentals 1423. 1422. 1703, III 76817 , 74422. 79703, 79703, LICENSES AND PERMITS A2544 Dog Licenses 2747. 2700. 3500. 3500. FINES AND FORFEITURES A2610 Justices ' Fees 6516„ 6400. 7000. 7000, INTERFUND REVENUES A2842 Engineering Charge Special Districts 5912. 5945. 6300. 6300. MISCELLANEOUS A2772 Civil Defense Refund 693. 325. 200. A2773 Village of Larchmont (Assessor's Office Share) _ 2000. 2000. 2000. 2693. 2325. 2200. 2200. 4111 -37- SCHEDULE 3 - (con'd) • GENERAL FUND - TOWN WIDE - OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES Budget As Preliminary 1973 Collected Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted STATE AID A3001 Per Capita 135879. 122300. 134680. A3005 Mortgage Tax 61705. 41000. 49000. A3007 Loss of Railroad Tax Revenue 1843. 1789. 1511. A3090 Narcotic Addiction Control Commission - State - - 3400. - - A3090 Narcotic Addiction Control Commission - County 20977. 73658. 82833. A3820 Youth Bureau 4028. 4028. 4553 C4001 Federal Revenue Sharing - - - - 37710. 224432. 246175. 310287. 310287. UNEXPENDED BALANCE - GENERAL - - 31250. 28845. UNEXPENDED BALANCE - FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING - - - - 37710, - - 31250. 66555. 66555. • GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND TOWN WIDE - ESTIMATED REVENUES 462960. 517437. 642420. 642420. *Includes unexpended balances. • -38- SCHEDULE 4 - ESTIMATED REVENUES* GENERAL FUND - TOWN - OUTSIDE VILLAGES • OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES Budget As Preliminary 1973 Collected Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS B1520 Police Department Fees 682. 700. 700. B1720 Parking Meter Receipts (Lot #2) 2161. 2200. 1750. B2110 Board of Appeals (Zoning) Fees 375. 400. 500. B2115 Planning Board Fees 85. 200. 100. B2770 Building & Plumbing Fees 1708. 2000. 1800. 5011. 5500. 4850. 4850. STATE AID B3000 State of New York (Matching Funds)** - - 1000. 1000. B3001 Per Capita 32654. 29400. 32365. CF4001 Federal Revenue Sharing - - - - 28865. 32654. 30400. 62230. 62230, 41/ UNEXPENDED BALANCE - GENERAL - - 27230. 10000. UNEXPENDED BALANCE - FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING - - - - 28865. - 27230. 38865. 38865. GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES ESTIMATED REVENUES 37665. 63130. 105945. 105945. *Includes unexpended balances. **See page 30 for contra line item - matching funds. • -39- 1 SCHEDULE 5 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS 4110 Expended Budget As Preliminary Modified Budget 1973 Budget 1971 1972 1 973 Adorz:t f.rz-I DR5110.0 ITEM I - REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENT_FUND 5110.1 Personal Services 116723 . 140730 , 168295. 5110.2 General Repairs 115708._104780. 101000. I . 932431 245530 269295 -26929 , . 5. DR9000 - EMPLOYEE_BENEFITS 9010.8 Employees ' Retirement System 30707, 33100, 33400. 9030.8 Social Security Taxes 7615. 9900, 10400. 9040.8 Compensation Insurance 4707. 4800, 4500. 9045.8 Group Life Insurance 2877 . 3100, 2440, I 9055.8 Disability Insurance - - _ - 720. 9060.8 Group Health Insurance 10145. 10250. 12300, 56051. 61150. 63760. 63760. TOTAL ITEM I 988482 , 306630. 333055. 333055. • DB5120.0 ITEM II - BRIDGE FUND DB5120.1 Personal Services 182, 300, 300. DB5120.4 Contractual Expenses 161. 500, 00. TOTAL ITEM II 343 , 800. 800. 800, DM5130.0 ITEM III - MACHINERY FUND 5130.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Automotive Mechanic 8728. 9200. 9720, 9720, 5130,2 EQUIPMENT 201 Purchase of Equipment 9520 4-7 7 Cii, 1319 1319 -- - , 5130.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 7563, 5000. 7000, 402 Repairs 10233, 6000, 10000, 403 Storage 3355. 4200, 4200, 4110 404 Gas & Oil . 4695. 6300. 6300. 25846. 21500, 27500. 27500, -40- A SCHEDULE 5 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS 4111 Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 a _LcLc) tat HIGHWAY Fulip...„ 11L1L DEBT SERVICE DM97406 Capital Notes - Principal _ _ ( 563. 21563 , DM9740.7 Capital Notes - Interest - - 135. 73L - -. 4098, 22294. 22294. TOTAL ITEM III 44094, 83192. 60833. 60833. DS5140.0 ITEM IV - SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS FUND DS5140.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 5140.4 Cutting Weeds & Brush 2477. 4000. 4000. 5141.4 Miscellaneous 594, 800, 800, 5142.4 Control of Ice & Snow 17809, 22000. 25000. _...._ 20880. 26800. 29800, 29800. 4111 TOTAL ITEM IV 20880, 26800, 29800, 29800. ITEM V - TOWN GARAGE DEBT SERVICE D9710.6 Bonds - Principal 1000. 10000. 10000. D9710.7 Bonds - Interest 3150. 2850. 2550. ... TOTAL ITEM V 4150. 12850. 12550. 12550. GRAND TOTAL - HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS 357949. 430322, 437038. 437038. 4111 -41- SCHEDULE 6 - ESTIMATED REVENUES* OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES HIGHWAY FUND Budget As Preliminary 1973 Collected Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted ITEM I - REPAIRS & IMPROVEMENT FUND DR2680 Miscellaneous 300. 2076. 2100. DR3501 State Aid 5400. 2600. 2600. Unexpended Balance 33000. 31500. 35000. 38700. 36176. 39700. 39700. ITEM II - BRIDGE FUND Unexpended Balance 300. 300. 300. • 300. 300. 300. 300. ITEM III - MACHINERY FUND DM2850 Gas & Oil Refunds 6300. 5800. 6000. Unexpended Balance 8000. 47184. 6000. 14300. 52984. 12000. 12000. III ITEM IV - SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS FUND DS2850 Snow Removal Refunds 2000. 1700. 1800. Unexpended Balance 1000. 2316. 4000. 3000. 4016. 5800. 5800. ITEM V - TOWN GARAGE Unexpended Balance - - - - - - GRAND TOTAL - HIGHWAY FUND REVENUES 56300. 93476. 57800. 57800. ! z, u o *Includes unexpended balances. /G ' I -42- SCHEDULE 7 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS • Expended Budget As Preliminary Budget 1973 Modified Budget 1971 1972 1973 Ado.ted SR8160.0 GARBAGE DISTRICT #1 8160.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 145169. 154785.00 163045. 145169. 154785.00 163045. 163045. 8160.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 3873. 4000.00 7000. 402 Equipment Operation 17876. 5500.00 6000. 403 Incinerator Operation 84000. 102663.96 135326. 105749. 112163.96 148326. 148326. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SR9010.8 Employees' Retirement System 15037. 14100.00 17350. SR9030.8 Social Security Taxes 7168. 6500.00 9540. SR9040.8 Compensation and Liability Insurance 7017. 7350,00 7500. SR9045.8 Group Life Insurance 1596. 2100.00 2220„ SR9055.8 Disability Insurance - - - - 650. SR9060.8 Group Health Insurance 6832. 8100.00 10425. 37650. 38150.00 47685. 47685. DEBT SERVICE SR9740.6 Capital Notes - Principal - - 6987.00 6987. SR9740.7 Capital Notes - Interest - - 260.00 538. - - 7247,00 7525. 7525. TOTAL 288568. 312345.96 366581. 366581. REVENUES Unexpended Balance - 8663.96 - • TOTAL - - 8663.96 - - - - • GARBAGE DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 303682.00 366581. 366581. -43- SCHEDULE 8 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS & REVENUES* Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted F8340.0 WATER DISTRICT #1 APPROPRIATIONS 8340.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 249. 1800. 2000. 402 Water District System Capital Costs 15000. 40900. 20000. 15249. 42700. 22000. 22000. DEBT SERVICE F9710.6 Serial Bonds - Principal 19000. 17000. 16000. F9710.7 Serial Bonds - Interest 11326. 10585. 9933. 30326. 27585. 25933. 25933. TOTAL 45575. 70285. 47933. 47933. REVENUES Unexpended Balance - - 20900. - - F2414 Pipe Line Rentals - - 3434. 3433. F2770 Water Revenues (Net) - - 25951. 24500. 44500_ TOTAL - - 50285, 27933. 47933_ WATER DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 20000 20000 - - * Includes unexpended balances. 4110 -44- SCHEDULE 9 1 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS • Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted SL5182.0 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #1 5182.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 3330. 4212,00 3578. 3330. 4212„00 3578. 3578. 5182.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 406. 600.00 992. 402 Operation (Energy) 20470. 24969.79 33000. 403 Installations 6938. 5500.00 4800, 27814. 31069.79 38792. 38792. TOTAL 31144. 35281.79 42370. 42370. REVENUES • Unexpended Balance - - 1969.79 - - - r__ TOTAL - - 1969.79 - - - - STREET LIGHTING TAX LEVY - - 33312.00 - - 42370, • -45- SCHEDULE 10 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS • Expended Budget As Preliminary 1973 Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted SS8120.0 SEWER DISTRICT #1 8120.1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages __-1534. 3000, 3000. 1534. 3000. 3000. 3000. 8120.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 441. 750. 750. 402 Compensation and Liability Insurance 147. 300. 300. 403 Sewer Construction Costs 97193. 55816. 37745. 404 Maintenance - Two Sewer Pump Stations 571. 800. 1000. 98352. 57666. 39795. 39795. DEBT SERVICE • SS9710.6 Serial Bonds - Principal 52000. 47000. 47000, SS9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes - Principal - - 6000. 6000. SS9740.6 Capital Notes - Principal - - 13500. 13500. SS9710.7 Serial Bonds - Interest 12341. 10176. 8160. SS9730.7 Bond Anticipation Notes - Interest - - 5925. 6548/ SS9740.7 Capital Notes - Interest - - 412. _L'8-1c.-) 64341. 83013. 82059. 82059. TOTAL 164227. 143679. 124854. 124854. REVENUES Unexpended Balance - - 33871. 3800'. TOTAL - - 33871. 3800. 3800. SEWER DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 109808. 121054. 121054. • -46- SCHEDULE 11 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS • Expended Budget As Preliminary Budget 1973 Modified Budget 1971 1972 1973 Ado ted SP7110.0 PARK DISTRICT P1 7110.0 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Assistant General Foreman (Park) 11475. 12275. 13295. 102 Park Foreman 9960. 10460. 10980. 103 Laborers 31049. 34680. 36830. 104 Secretary 120. 200. 200. 52604. 57615. 61305. 61305. 7110.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Heavy Duty Power Mower 150. - - - - 202 Heavy Duty Leaf Blower 300. - - - - 450. - - - - _ ._ 7110.4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies 6: Other 1110 Expenses 3631, 3000. 3000. 402 building Operation 672, 1360. 1425. 403 Equipment and Operating Costs 1023. 1300. 1350. 404 Capital Improvement (Resurfacing Sidewalks @ Memorial Park) - - - - 4775. 5326. 5660. 1.0550, 10550. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SP9O1O,8 Employees' Retirement System 7850. 8800. 11350. SP903O,8 Social Security Taxes 2367. 2650. 3420. SP9O4O.8 Compensation and Liability Insurance 2894. 3050. 2850. SP9045,8 Group Life Insurance 693. 800. 670, SP9O55.8 Disability Insurance - - - - 200. SP9O6O,8 Group Health Insurance 2563, 2650. 3100. 16367. 17950, 21590, 21590. s -47- SCHEDULE 11 - (con'd) SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS • Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget — 1971 1972 19'13 Adapted PARK DISTRICT #1 (con'd) DEBT SERVICE SP9710.6 Serial Bonds - Principal 6000. 6000. 6000, SP9710,7 Serial Bonds - Interest 945. 675, 405. 6945, 6675. 6405. 6405. TOTAL 81692. 87900, 99850, 99850, REVENUES Unexpended Balance _ - 5000, 7200. TOTAL - - 5000. 7200 7200. PARK DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 82900. 92650. 92650. • -48- SCHEDULE 12 SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS • Expended Budget As Preliminary 1973 Modified Budget Budget 197k 1972 1973 Adopted SF3410.0 FIRE DISTRICT #1 3410,1 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries (Includes Holiday Compensation & Overtime) 57258, 167923, 181239, • 157258. 167923. 181239. 181239. 3410.2 EQUIPMENT 201 Base Station Antenna Cable 1150. - - - - 202 Chief's Automobile - - - - 4000. 203 Clothing 5004. 5100. 4000. 204 Radios 1861. 2000. 1000. 205 Quad 5 - Apparatus (Part) - - 5000, - - 206 Horn System - Alarm - - 1000. 1000. 207 Emergency Generator - - 4000. - - 208 Fire Fighting Equipment - - 4000. 2000, 8015, 21100, 12000. 12000. • 3410,4 CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 8821. 9000. 9000. . 402 Equipment Operation 5815. 5000, 5000. 403 Building Operation 6103. 13000, 5000, 404 Gas, Light, Water & Heat 3467. 3000., 3500•, 405 Inspection & Travel 2537. 2785. 2500• at.‘'•);} 406 Telephone & Alarm 2290, 2000, 2000. 407 Hydrant Rental 20686. 21150. 21150, 408 Fire Prevention Program - -, 200, 200, 409 Educational Program _ _ 5C�0, 500. °2- '11;50 49719. 56635, 48850. 48850. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SF9010.8 Employees' Retirement System 20727, 24700. 42300. SF9030.8 Social Security Taxes 1001, 6600. 8850. SF9040.8 Compensation and Liability Insurance 14246, 14750. 13750. SF9045.8 Group Life Insurance 1617. 1800, 1560. SF9O60..8 Group Health Insurance 6223. 6500. 7550. 1111 48814. - -- 54350, 74010. 74010. -49- SCHEDULE 12 - (con'd) SPECIAL DISTRICTS - APPROPRIATIONS • Budget As Preliminary 1973 Expended Modified Budget Budget 1971 1972 1973 Adopted FIRE DISTRICT #1 - (con'd) DEBT SERVICE • SF9730.6 Bond Anticipation Note - Principal - - - - 7000. SF9730.7 Bond Anticipation Note - Interest - - - - 1050. - - - - 8050. 8050. TOTAL 263806, 300008. 324149. 324149. REVENUES Unexpended Balance - - - - 8000. TOTAL - - - - 8000. 8000. • FIRE DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 300008. 316149 316149. • -50- SCHEDULE 13 - TAX RATES YEAR TOWN COUNTY SCHOOL ASSESSMENT 1973 34.26 158,892,524. 4110 1972 31.66 25.29 65.72 157,735,040. 1971 29.71 20.80 63.08 157,544,453. 1970 26.55 20.33 59.02 156,062,762. 1969 24.77 17.12 53.17 154,615,479. 1968 25.36 17.36 51.71 132,658,271. 1967 23.28 14.11 43.86 130,996,235. 1966 22.09 12.72 40.14 128 303 420. 1965 20.41 11.94 37.19 125,807,224. 1964 19.03 11.64 35.30 125,370,203. 1963 19.40 11.67 33.30 120,950,660. 1962 18.25 11.65 29.32 117,319,554. 1961 17.55 11.67 28.53 114,813,216. 1960 17.56 11.34 27.90 111,233,241. 4111 1959 16.80 11.26 26.90 108,606,448. 1958 15.97 10.82 25.86 106,729,722. 1957 .15.85 10.66 24.32 103,369,000. 1956 15.74 10.80 23.20 98,679,000. 1955 16.38 11.13 21.45 95,095,000. 1954 16.06 11.01 18.87 91,702,000. 1953 16.15 10.93 18.94 89,456,000. 1952 15.59 10.25 18.81 87,754,000. 1951 15.59 10.24 17.87 85,445,000. 1950 14.37 10.54 16.94 83,939,000. 1949 14.71 10.76 17.38 81,011,000. 1948 14.43 10.10 15.99 78,602,000. • 1947 15.76 10.63 16.64 77,627,000. 1946 16.91 9.21 13.49 75,688,000. 1945 16.78 7.92 12.37 76,370,000. -51- SCHEDULE 14 III TOWN OF MAMARONECK YEARLY AMORTIZATION AND INTEREST CHARGES ON ALL BOND ISSUES AS OF JANUARY 1, 1973 YEAR AMORTIZATION INTEREST TOTAL 1973 $ 89,000.00 $ 23,072.50 $112,072.50 1974 80,000.00 19,578.50 99,578.50 1975 67,000.00 0 16,573 .00 83,573.00 1976 56,000.00 14,177.50 70,177.50 1977 35,000.00 12,012.50 47,012.50 1978 30,000.00 10,650.00 40,650.00 1979 30,000.00 9,525.00 39,525.00 1980 30,000.00 8,400.00 38,400.00 1981 30,000.00 7,275.00 37,275.00 1982 20,000.00 6,300.00 26,300.00 1983 20,000.00 5,475.00 25,475.00 1984 20,000.00 4,650.00 24,650.00 1985 20,000.00 3,825.00 23,825.00 1986 20,000.00 3,000.00 23,000.00 1987 20,000.00 2,175.00 22,175.00 1988 20,000.00 1,350.00 21,350.00 1989 20,000.00 525.00 20,525.00 $607,000.00 $148,564.00 $755,564.00 IIII RECAPITULATION: General Town Wide Bonds $ 45,000.00 Water District Bonds 256,000.00 Park District Bonds 12,000.00 Sewer District Bonds 204,000.00 Highway District Bonds 90,000 00 $607,000.00 -52- SCHEDULE 14 (continued) GENERAL TOWN WIDE BONDS YEAR AMORTIZATION INTEREST TOTAL 1973 $ 10,000.00 $ 2,025.00 $ 12,025.00 1974 10,000.00 1,575.00 11,575.00 1975 10,000.00 1,125.00 11,125.00 1976 15,000.00 675.00 15,675.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 50,400.00 WATER DISTRICT BONDS 1973 $ 16,000.00 $ 9,932.50 $ 25,932.50 1974 15,000.00 9,300.00 24,300.00 1975 15,000.00 8,700.00 23,700.00 1976 15,000,00 8,100.00 23,100.00 1977 15,000.00 7,500.00 22,500.00 1978 15,000.00 6,900.00 21,900.00 1979 15,000.00 6,300.00 21,300.00 1980 15,000.00 5,700.00 20,700.00 1981 15,000.00 5,100.00 20,100.00 1982 15,000.00 4,500.00 19,500.00 1983 15,000.00 3,900.00 18,900.00 III 1984 15,000.00 3,300.00 18,300.00 1985 15,000.00 2,700.00 17,700.00 1986 15,000.00 2,100.00 17,100.00 1987 15,000.00 1,500.00 16,500.00 1988 15,000.00 900.00 15,900.00 1989 15,000,00 300.00 15,300.00 $256,000.00 $86,732.50 $342,732.50 PARK DISTRICT BONDS 1973 $ 6,000,00 $ 405.00 $ 6,405.00 1974 6,000.00 135.00 6,135.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 540.00 $ 12,540.00 1111 -53- SCHEDULE 14 (continued) SEWER DISTRICT BONDS YEAR AMORTIZATION INTEREST TOTAL 1973 $ 47;000.00 $ 8,160.00 $ 55,160,00 1974 39,000.00 6,318.50 45,318.50 1975 32,000.00 4,798.00 36,798.00 1976 16,000.00 3,752.50 19,752.50 1977 10,000.00 3,162.50 13,162.50 1978 5,000.00 2,700.00 7,700.00 1979 5,000.00 2,475.00 7,475.00 1980 5,000.00 2,250.00 7,250.00 1981 5,000.00 2,025.00 7,025.00 1982 5,000.00 1,800.00 6,800.00 1983 5,000.00 1,575.00 6,575.00 1984 5,000.00 1,350.00 6,350.00 1985 5,000.00 1,125.00 6,125.00 1986 5,000.00 900.00 5,900.00 1987 5,000.00 675.00 5,675.00 1988 5,000.00 450.00 5,450.00 1989 5,000.00 225.00 5,225.00 $204,000.00 $43,741.50 $247,741.50 HIGHWAY DISTRICT BONDS 0 1973 $10,000.00 $ 2,550.00 $ 12,550.00 1974 10,000.00 2,250.00 12,250.00 1975 10,000.00 1,950.00 11,950.00 1976 10,000.00 1,650.00 11,650.00 1977 10,000.00 1,350.00 11,350.00 1978 10,000.00 1,050.00 11,050.00 1979 10,000.00 750.00 10,750.00 1980 10,000.00 450.00 10,450.00 1981 10,000.00 150.00 10,150,00 $ 90,000.00 $12,150.00 $102,150.00 • -54- SCHEDULE 15 RECOMMENDED SALARY STRUCTURE • JOB GROUP MINIMUM STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 MAXIMUM INCREMENT I $ 5790. $ 6090. $ 6390. $ 6690. $ 6990. $ 300, II 6020. 6335. 6650, 6965. 7280. 315. III 6350. 6690. 7030. 7370, 7710, 340. IV 6745. 7110. 7475. 7840. 8205. 365. V 6995. 7380. 7765. 81.50, 8535, 385. V-A 7065. 7450. 7835. 8220. 8605. 385. VI 7325. 7730, 8135. 8540. 8945. 405. VII 7590. 8015. 8440. 8865. 9290. . 425 VIII 7940. 8385. 8830. 9275. 9720 445. IX 8300. 8770. 9240. 9710. 10180.05t 470. X 8880. 9405. l 9930. 10455. 10980. ( 525. . XI 10. 075. 1060, ✓ (11285. 11890. // 12495.. 605. 11 .711,° . i3 * any, o . /3c-rTs XI-A 10415. 11060. 11705. 12350. 12995. 645. XII 11630. 12385. 13140. 13895. 14650. 755. XIII 13270. 14125. 14980. 15835.✓ 16690.✓ 855. XIV 14965. 15950. 16935. 17920. 18905. 985. XV 16780. 17890. 19000. 20110. 21220, 1110. i o 1 4 % 4 1 J 10s 5 ! 0 . ` . ti 0 • -55- SCHEDULE 15 - (con'd) LIST OF CLASS - RECOMMENDED BY JOB GROUP STUDY • Job Group I ($5790. - $6990.) Job Group II ($6020, - $7280.) Job Group III ($6350. - $7710.) Intermediate Typist Court Clerk - Grade I Job Group IV ($6745. - $8205.) Court Clerk - Grade II t Intermediate Account Clerk 1_ Intermediate Account Clerk & Typist t, Intermediate Stenographer , *Senior Typist .r Job Group V ($6995. - $8535.) Sanitation Man 1 Job Group V-A ($7065. - $8605.) *Assistant Assessment Clerk Laborer, i Job Group VI ($7325. 1 $8945.) Laborer - Skilled h • Motor Equipment Operator 1 Maintenance Man - Repair 1 Maintenance Man - Traffic Signs-,1 Senior Stenographers 1 Job Group VII ($7590. t_$929O.)) Senior Account Clerk ' Heavy Duty Equipment Operator 1 Job Group VIII ($7940, - $9720.) Automotive Mechanic ' Sewer Maintenance Foreman 'h Labor Foreman - Grade I Job Group IX ($8300. - $10,180.) *Junior Accountant Job Group X ($8880. - $10980.)/".' *Deputy Assessor Maintenance Foreman - Gardener 4 Park Foreman Job Group XI ($10075. - $12495.) Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant . Senior Engineering Aide,, *Employees subject to Civil Service Examination. • -56- SCHEDULE 15 - (con'd) LIST OF CLASS - RECCHMENDED BY JOB GROUP STUDY Job Grou. ($10415, - $12995.) General eman oikaLwao k Assistant General Foreman (Park). Job Group XII ($11630. - $14650.) Receiver of Taxes & Assessments,‘ • Town Clerk- Job Group XIII ($13270. - $16690.) Superintendent of Recreation Superintendent of Highways 'k Building & Plumbing Inspector II IN Assessor Job Group XIV ($14965. - $18905.) Town Engineer, Job Group XV ($16780. - $21220,) Comptroller/Director of Finance 410 • -57- SCHEDULE OF SALARIES AND WAGES - ALL FUNDS • RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION GENERAL FUND -- TOWN WIDE A1010.0 TOWN BOARD Councilmen P.T. 4 3000. 12000, A1110.0 TOWN JUSTICES Town Justices P.T. 2 6200. 12400. Court. Clerks 2 7370. & 8205. 15575. Court Clerk P.T. 1 2750. 2750. TOTAL 30725. A1220.0 SUPERVISOR Supervisor P.T. 1 12000, Confidential Secretary & 6248. Executive Assistant (1/2) 6247. 6248, Senior Stenographer 1 8540. TOTAL 26788, • A1315.0 COMPTROLLER Comptroller 1 21220. Senior Account Clerks 2 9290. 18580. *Junior Accountant 1 9910. Temporary Additional Services 1500. TOTAL 51210. A1330.0 RECEIVER OF TAXES Receiver of Taxes 1 (Includes 300. longevity) 14950. Senior Account Clerk 1 9290. Temporary Additional Services 2400. TOTAL 26640. A1355.0 ASSESSOR Assessor 1 16690. *Deputy Assessor 1 9930. *Assistant Assessment Clerk 1 7065. • 'Temporary Additional Services 700. Board of Review 3 1100. TOTAL 35485, -58- SCHEDULE 16 - (con'd) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION • A1410.0 TOWN CLERK Town Clerk 1 (Includes 250. longenvity) 14900. Temporary Additional Services 2340. Confidential Secretary & 6247. Executive Assistant (1/2) 1 6248, 6247. TOTAL 23487. A1420.0 TOWN ATTORNEY Town Attorney P.T. 1 17500. Contingent Prof. Svices, 3500. Steno. Services 7000. TOTAL 28000. A1440.0 ENGINEER Engineer 1 18905. -- Sr. Engineering Aide 1 12495. Additional Prof. Svices. 1000. TOTAL 32400, A1450.0 ELECTION Custodians 2 600. 1200. Temporary Employees 2575. Election Officials 100 16129. TOTAL 19914. A1620.0 TOWN OFFICES Temporary Additional Svces. (Vacations, Overtime, etc.) 660. A7020.0 RECREATION Superintendent 1 16690. *Senior Typist 1 7840. Commission Secretary P.T. 1 300. Maintenance Man (Repair) 1 8945. Maintenance Wages 1500. Memorial & Houimocks Park Attendants P.T. 4 7600. • Swimming Pool Maintenance P.T. (Town's Share) 41508. Temporary Summer Employees 53433 . TOTAL 137816. 4 RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION A8510.0 COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION • Consultant 1000, Maintenance Foreman (Gardener) 1 10980. Laborers 4800. Secretary P.T. 1 300. Temporary Addtl. Services 600. TOTAL 17680, MISCELLANEOUS Superintendent of Highways 1 16690. Bookkeeper P.T. 1 520. TOTAL 17210. GENERAL FUND - TOWN OUTSIDE VILLAGES B3120.0 POLICE 1/1/73 6/28/73 Chief 1 17872. - - Lieutenant 1 15148. - - Lieutenant 1 15448. - - (Includes 300. longevity) Sergeants 6 12950. 13800. 0 Detective Sergeants 2 13550. 14400. Detective 1 12350. 13200. Detective 1 12600. 13450. (Includes 250. longevity) Patrolmen 25 10538. - 11750. 11388. - 12600. 1 TOTAL OFFICERS 534275.° Senior Stenographer 1 - 8945. School Guards 11 2797u. Cleaner P.T. 1 4560. Maintenance Man 3578. (Traffic Signs) P.T. 3/5 5367. 5367. GRAND TOTAL 581117, *Includes holiday compensation, regular and in-service program overtime. B3620.0 BUILDING & PLUMBING Inspector 1 16690. Senior Stenographer 1 8945. Examining Board of Plumbers 3 180. Addtl. Professional Services 1000. STOTAL 26815. B8010.0 BOARD OF APPEALS (ZONING) ;'� .1xr ` Secretary P.T. 1 325. -60- SCHEDULE 16 - (con'd) RATE OF TOTAL • TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION B8020,0 PLANNING BOARD Secretary P.T. 1 300. DR5110,0 HIGHWAY FUND General Foreman 1 12 995. Labor Foreman - Grade I 1 9720.* Sewer Maintenance Foreman 1 (Additional 250, for special assignment included in base salary) 9970,* Automotive Mechanic 1 972.0,* Heavy Duty Equipment Operator 3 Wage scale 7590. - 9290.) Motor Equipment Operator 5 Wage scale 77325. - 8945.) 155810.°^ Laborer - Skilled 3 Wage scale 7325. - 8945.) Laborer 6 Wage scale 7065. - 8605.) *Plus overtime. TOTAL 198215.** **Highway Fund apportioned to Item I - 168295., Item II - 300. , Item III - 9720., Item IV - 1.6,500. , Sewer - 3000. & Cemeteries - 400. SPECIAL DISTRICTS • SR8160.0 GARBAGE DISTRICT #1 Collector (Sanitation Man) 20 Wage scale 6995. - 8535. (5 Drivers 200. additional) (5 Assist. Drivers 100, addtl,) 163045, SP7110.0 PARK DISTRICT #1 Assist. General Foreman (Park) 1 (Includes 300. longevity) 13295, Park Foreman 1 10980,* Laborer - Skilled 1 Wage scale 7325. - 8945.) 36830.* Laborer. 3 Wage scale 7065. - 8605.) Secretary P.T. .E 200, *Plus overtime and additional labor„ TOTAL 613051 SS8120,0 SEWER DISTRICT r1 Laborer 3000. SL5182.0 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #1 Maintenance Man (Traffic 5367, Signs) P.T. 2/5 1 3578, 3578, -61- SCHEDULE 16 - (con'd) • RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER RATE APPROPRIATION SF3410.0 FIRE DISTRICT Lieutenant 1. (Includes 300, longevity) 13110. Lieutenant 3 12810. 38430. Firemen 10 Wage scale 10360.-11644. plus holiday compensation and overtime. 128734. Inspector P.T. 1 360. TOTAL 181239. *Employees subject to Civil Service Examinations. • • -62- CO e•-). t I i I i I e at ••••-4 4 1 I I I t I CU •cr)- .0 • 0 ‘ ..-4 ..--4 v 0 0 r•-•. i a. I C t I C 4.3 Cn. 1 g I 0 1 I 1 0 C.I I 1 0 t:, 0 ra 0 0 0 ON, g I I 0 1 i 0 0 0, 4:1 4.1 tr) ) I I 0 i I 8 c 411 1--.. ON H 1 1 I 0 0 i CN a• Is, ,,-• M .., .1.4 > 0 0 0 Ct 00 0 0 0 •-•4 ,...• 2 1,:. ‘-. 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