HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdopted Budget_1960_11/12/1959 it f TOWN OF MAMARONECK ADOPTED TAX BUDGET FOR 1960 To the taxpayers of the Town November the 12th, 1959 p"!ge two S whLb Zu,;lno�ntta Lrr Z7 cent: pf_'r l Vlh.':::'anld, thus Ch total increase of 74 cents per thousand.. Increases and decreases in the other departments and districts comprising the total unincorporated area tax rate balance each other, In order to facilitate your study of this budget, the following further points are called to your attention: 1. Compensation The relative duties and responsibilities of each of the various • positions were carefully evaluated. Comparable salaries in neigh- boring communities were obtained and after detailed study, it was felt that a 6% increase would raise our employees to a level com- mensurate with the job being performed and salaries being paid by other comparable municipalities. Z, Revenues The final effect of a change in the law governing the distribu- tion of State Aid, designated as Per Capita Assistance, becomes ef- fective with the 1960 budget. This figure will remain constant until the 1960 Federal Census figures become effective. Parking meter revenue is now included and the costs of oper- ation and annual payment for the improvement of these parking areas is included in the anticipated expenditures for 1960, An item of $26, 178.00 is included and represents cash available from excess revenues, unexpended appropriations, and unanticipated income. 3. Incinerator Disposal of the increasing amount of rubbish has been a major problem. The Larchmont-Mamaroneck Joint Incinerator Commis- sion has been considering various solutions all of which are expen- sive, It proposes a solution to be used in 1960 on a trial basis by which all burning outside of the Incinerator will be eliminated which accounts for a large part of the increase in this budget. 4, Fire Department The only increase in Town personnel occurs in this depart- , ment, An additional Fire Truck Driver is added because a new law effective in 1960 requires a reduction in the working hours of Fire Department personnel. To the taxpayers of the Town November the 12th„ 1959 page three 5,..1.__Sapilt±l'attems and Equipment The following items are included in the appropriate depart- ment budgets Roads and Drains 17, 500„ 00 Water Distribution System Extensions 6, 000„00 Station Park Rehabilitation 7,, 000, 00 Four Police Cars 60500000 One Police Radio Receiver 550. 00 Traffic Light 1, 200, 00 Police Electric Timer 550., 00 Town Car 2, 000,, 00 One Highway Radio Receiver 600, 00 2-Man Chain Saw 400_ 00 Snow Plow 1, 200. 00 Tractor with Backhoe and Front Loader 8,, 500; 00 Fire Alarm Dispatch Board 500.00 Fire Radio System 5, 307. 00 • Chief's Car 2, 200000 Park Department Mower 1, 200, 00 61, 207000 Your Board, in presenting this budget to its citizens, believes it will provide the funds necessary to continue to render at a reason- able cost the same high quality of municipal service for both the op- eration of the government and capital improvement projects which our residents have come to expecte We believe, further, that under the newly-enacted legislation it contains a fair and equitable apportionment of governmental costs between the Town and the Villages according to services rendered and benefits received. Respectfully submitted, THE TOWN BOARD • George D, Burchell Supervisor C, Benjamin Brush,„ Jr, Peter F. Kane, Sre Battista J„ Santoro Christine K0 Heiwig Councilmen b„ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Summary of Proposed Tax Budget 1 - 2 Estimated Revenues 3 - 4 GENERAL TOWN Depsrtment of Town Offices 5 Department of Supervisor 6 Department of Comptroller 7 Department of Town Clerk 8 Department of Elections 9 Department of Receiver of Taxes 3.0 Department of Assessor 11 Department of Law 12 Department of Justices of the Peace 13 Contributions & Donations 14 Department of Engineer 15 Department of Recreation 16 Department of Highways 17 Miscellaneous Expenditures 18 Department of Civil Defense 19 Debt Service 20 OUTSIDE VILLAGES Police Department 21 Planning Board 22 Building & Plumbing Department 23 Department of Board of Appeals 24 Miscellaneous Expenditures 25 Debt Service : 6 Department of Highways `27 Department of Highways (Breakdown detail) 28 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page GARBAGE DISTRICT NO, 1 Department of Sanitation 29 Garbage Incineration 30 FIRE DISTRICT NO, I Fire Department 31 Hydrant Rental 32 STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT Street Lighting 32 WATER DISTRICT NO. 1 - Capital Construction 32 Debt Service 32 DISTRICT NOG I Department of Parks 33 Debt Service 34 SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 Sewer Department 35 Debt Service 36 MISCELI,ANE^UJ Comparison of Assessment & Tax Rates 37 Schedule of Outstanding Bonds 38 Tax Rates 39 1. TOWN OF MAMARONECK SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1960 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp. GENERAL TOWN Town Offices 29, 731. 00 26,886. 00 Supervisor 12, 689. 00 13,075. 00 Comptroller 2, 658. 00 2,906 00 Town Clerk 8, 153. 00 12, 332 00- - Elections 10, 050. 00 12, 147.00 Receiver of Taxes 15, 148. 00 15,936. 00 Assessor 23, 139. 00 24, 196.00 Law 8, 363.00 11,686. 00 Justices of the Peace 8, 300. 00 8, 500. 00 Contributions & Donations 1, 600. 00 1,600. 00 Engineer 11, 520, 00 10,6120 00 Recreation 23,607.00 26,953. 00 Highway-General Town 37,600. 00 - Miscellaneous Expenditures 60,400. 00 58, 585. 00 Civil Defense 162. 50 162. 50 Debt Service 800. 00 10, 440.00 Gross Total 253,920, 50 236 ,016. 50 Less: Revenues 172, 645. 00 210, 432. 71 Net Levy 81,275, 50 25, 583. 79 OUTSIDE VILLAGES Police Department 227, 379, 00 242,007. 00 - Planning Board 2,660. 00 640, 00 Building & Plumbing 3,250 00 S, 125. 00 Board of Appeals 1, 660. 00 365. 00 Miscellaneous 35 , 202. 00 ' 36, 699. 00 Debt Service 3,412. 50 3,247. 50 Gross Total 273, 563. 50 288,083. 50 Less: Revenues 9, 750. 00 5, 870. 06 Net Levy 263,813 . 50 282,213. 44 HIGHWAY DISTRICT-0/V Highway Department 85, 7160 00 131, 677, 01 2 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1960(continued) 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp.. Approp GARBAGE DISTRICT NO.. 1 Sanitation Department 76, 251- 00 80, 000 00 Incineration 22, 000, 00 34.800., 00 _ Gross Total 98,. 251. 00 114. 800 00 Less: Revenues 4, 900: 00 3, 795 45 Net Levy 93, 351, 00 111:, 004. 55 FIRE DISTRICT NO. I Fire Department 83, 034- 60 90, 774, 00 Hydrant Rental 11, 100„ 00 11, 500. 00 Gross Total 94, 134 60 102, 274, 00 Less: Revenues 6, 326: 10 Net Levy 94, 134_ 60 95.947: 90 LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 1 • Street Lights 27, 650 00 28., 000 00 Less: N to ues 1,461. 11 Levy 27, 650. 00 26, 536. 89 WATER SUPPLY DISTRIC - Construction Costs & Equipment 'i. 000 OC 6, 000. 00 Debt Service 33,814. 00 58, 581. 50 Gross Total 38,814, 00 64, 581, 50 Less: Revenues 38,814. 00 64, 581., 50 Net Levy PARK DISTRICT NO. I • Park Department 36, 590: 00 41, 216. 00 Debt Service 16,959. 50 16,466 50 Grass Total 53. 549, 50 57, 682- 50 Less: Revenues 4, 500:00 3,275, 00 Net Levy 49, 049.. 50 54,407, 50 SEWER DISTRICT NO 1 Sewer Department 13, 700. 00 5, 750. 00 Debt Service 91, 642, 62 89 m 198. 37 Net Levy -..`174 `94, 948. 37 2a. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED TAX BUDGET FOR 1960(Continued) 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp Approp. SUMMARY Total Operating Gross Budget 885, 112, 60 940, 129. 51 Total Debt Service 145,828. 62 177,933. 87 Gross Total 1, 030,941, 72 1, 118, 063. 38 Less: 230., 609. 00 295, 743. 93 ' Net Levy 800, 332, 72 822, 319,45 3. TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED REVENUES 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp. GENERAL TOWN Interest & Penalties on Taxes 12, 500. 00 14, 000. 00 Town Clerk's Fees 1,850. 00 1, 600. 00 Miscellaneous Fees 400, 00 400. 00 Rental Town Property 600. 00 1 b 200. 00 Justices' Fees and Fines 2, 500, 00 20000. 00 Per Capita Assistance 117 , 134. 00 112, 643. 67 Mortgage Tax 24,000. 00 26, 000. 00 Interest On Deposits 2,750. 00 6, 000000 Cash on Hand 26, 178. 04 Dog Licenses 2, 200. 00 2, 100. 00 Recreation Fees 5, 800. 00 5, 600. 00 State Aid Youth Commission 1,911. 00 1, 911. 00 Parking Meter Receipts 9, 800, 00 ` • Engineering Costs-Special District _ 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 • Total General Town Revenues 172, 645. 00 210 . 432. 71 ESTIMATED REVENUES--O/V Civil Defense Radio Refund 8' G Police Department Fees - 100. 00 Planning Board Fees 50. 00 50. Building & Plumbing Fees 1, 250. 00 2, 000. 00 Board of Appeals Fees 100.00 200. 00 Cash on Hand 8, 350,00 2, 629, 81 Total Outside Village Revenues 9, 750. 00 — 5, 870. 06 . GARBAGE DISTRICT NO. 1 Cash on Hand 3, 000. 00 3, 79 45 Sale of Incinerator Property 1, 900. 00 Total Garbage District Revenue 4,900. 003 795 -45 FIRE DISTRICT NO_ 1 Civil Defense Radio Refund q --- - _ 2, 6:33, 25 Cash on Hand 3,. 67:=,, 85 Total Fire District Revenues _ _.4_..9 ..�. .,sp-7-_ 4. TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED REVENUES 1959 : 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp, LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 1 Estimated Cash On Hand 1,463. 11 WATER DISTRICT NO. 1 Water Revenues 38,814. 00 61, 181. 50 Town Share Pipe Line Rental 3, 400. 00 Total Water District Revenues 38,814. 00 64, 581. 50 • PARK DISTRICT NO. 1 Cash on Hand 4, 500. 00 3, 275. 00 5. TOWN OF IV/AMARONECK--GENERAL TOWN 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF TOWN OFFICES 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp. COMPENSATION 101 Town ,Accountant 7, 803. 00 8,271. 00 103 Telephone Operator 4, 100. 00 104 Int. Account Clerk 4, 264. 00 4, 520. 00 105 Custodian, P. T. 1, 224. 00 1,298. 00 106 Int. Account Clerk & Typist 3, 590. 00 3,947. 00 107 Office Manager 200. 00 200. 00 • OTHER EXPENSES • 201 Supplies and other expenses 1,200. 00 1, 350. 00 202 Telephone 2,250. 00 2, 500. 00 203 Light 575. 00 600. 00 206 Rent 4, 200. 00 4,200. 00 EQUIPMENT 301 Office Equipment 325. 00 29, 731, 00 26, 886. 00 • 6. - - TOWN OF MAMARONECK- -GENER AL TO?kN 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF SUPERVISOR 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. .Approp. COMPENSATION 101 Supervisor 7, 500. 00 7, 500. 00 102 Clerk to Supervisor 4, 774. 00 5,200. 00 OTHER EXPENSES • 201 Supplies and other expenses 415. 00 375. 00 12,689. 00 13, 075, 00 • 7. TOWN OF MAMARONECK--GENERAL TOWN 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF COMF TROLLER 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp. COMPENSATION 101 Comptroller 2, 458. 00 2, 606. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies and other expenses 200. 00i 300. 00 _ . 2, 658. 001 2,906. 00 8. TOWN OF MAMARONECK--GENERA. TOWN 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF TOWN CLERK 1959 1960 Budget Budget App12 _ Approp. COMPENSATION 101 Town Clerk 7, 803. 00 8,271. 00 102 Deputy Town Clerk 3, 421. 00 OTHER EXPENSES . 201 supplies and other expenses 350. 00 425, 00 301 Equipment 215. 00 8, 153. 00 12, 332. 00 ' r 9. TOW', C. F MAi:1APo:4".ci:_. .. fl!NER 2e. N 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF ELECTIONS 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp, COMPENSATION 101 Custodians 400. 00 400. 00 102 Inspectors and Poll Clerks 7, 210000 8,832. 00 104 Labor 600. 00 900.00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies and other expenses 200. 00 200. 00 206 Rental Election Polls 740. 00 740. 00 208 Transportation & handling expense 900. 00 900. 00 EQUIPMENT 301 Election booths etc. 175, 00 10, 050, 00 12, 147. 00 100 • TOWN OF MAMARONECK—GENERAL TOWN 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF RECEIVER of TAXES 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp. COMPENSATION 101 Receiver of Taxee 7, 803. 00 8,271. 00 102 Senior Account Clerk 5, 345. 00 5, 665. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies and other expenses 2, 00040 2, 000. 00 15, 143.00 15936. 00 • IL_ TOWN OF MAMARONECK--GNERAL TO 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSOR 1959 1960 Budget Budget A COMPENSATION 101 Assessor 7, 803. 00 8, 271. 00 10?_ Senior Typist 4, 264000 4, 520. 00 103 _Assessment Clerk 4, 264. 00 4, 760. 00 104 Intermediate Clerk 3, 958. 00 4, 195. 00 105 Board of Review 750. 00 750. 00 106 .Appraisals 1,000. 00 500. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies and other expenses 400. 00 500. 00 210 Traveling car expense 350. 00 350, 00 211 Printing Assessment Maps 350. 00 350. 00 23, 139, 00 24, 196. 00 . - 12. TOWN OF MAMARONECK—GENERAL TOWN 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF LAW 1959 Budget Budget Amorop. COMPENSATION 101 Town Attorney 8, 313, 00 rt„ $111, 00 102 Stenographic Services 1, 500. 00 2, 000. 00 • OTHER EXPENSES - • 201 Supplies and other exp.-nses 350. 00 450, 00 210 Traveling expenses 300. 00 175. 00 212 Title searches and other legal costs 900. 00 250. 00 11„ 373. 0d 11, 686. 00 • - _ _ 13. TOWN OF MAlv1A.RONECK--GENERAL TOWN 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp, COMPENSATION 101 Justices of the Peace 6,400. 00 6,400. 00 102 Clerical Assistance 1,650. 00 1, 650. 00 103 Court Stenographic Services 100. 00 200, 00 • OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies and other expenses 150. 00 _ 250. 00 • 8, 300. 00 8, 500. 00 - '1 14. - TOWN OF MAMARONECK--GENERAL TOWN 1960 BUDGET E0i..;Arm CONTRIBUTIONS & DONATIONS 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp. , 401 Patriotic Days Observance 1, 000. 00 1, 000. 00 MAINTENANCE of POST QUARTERS 402 American Legion 2 Posts 400. 00 400. 00 403 V. F. W. 1 Posts 200. 00 200. 00 1,600. 00 1, 600. 00 15. 'TOWN OF MAMARONECK—GENERAL TOWN 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEER 1959 1960 Budget Budget Appr op. .A-3nroo COMPENSATION 101 Town Engineer 4, 850 00 3 450. 00 102 Senior Engineer Aid 6, 120. 00 f) 487. 00 OTHER EXPENSES • 201 Supplies and other expenses 300. 00 500. 00 210 Traveling Expenses 250. 00 175. 00 71732757:66-- 10, 612. 00 • 7.'01411.4 . • DEPATJUN7 : t 1961:.• ' . - .;‘YArop„ COMPENSATION 101 Superintendent of Pecrea0-: 102 Secretary _57). 03 c'0. 00 103 Wages f), OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies and other ex )ensee 210 Traveling & car exp-,z ase 47::. Or, RECREATION 401 Recreation 402 Supplies Field Maintnance o,).4".i CO 403 Summer Recreatioz: 33. 404 Pre-School Play ":43r 405 Music School _ . 17. ,TOWN OF MAMARONECK--GENERAL TOWN 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp. Bridge Fund Item II 1, 000. 00 Machinery Fund Item III 21,400. 00 Snow & Miscellaneous Fund Item IV 13, 500. 00 Gross Levy 40, 900. 00 Less: Snow Removal Refunds 2, 300. 00 Estimated unexpended balances 1,000. 00 3, 300. 00 Net Levy 37, 600. 00 } 18, 4• 'OWN OF MAMARONECX--GENERAL TOWN 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES 1959 1960 Budget Budget Appr op. Approp. TOWN BOARD 101 Salaries--Councilman 9, 600. 00 9,600. 00 401 Publishing Notices & Reports 1, 500. 00 1, 300. 00 402 Audit 2, 700. 00 2, 700. 00 403 Shade Tree Fund 2, 500. 00 5; 000. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 210 Traveling & Convention Expense 400. 00 300. 00 405 Bond & Coupon servicing Fees 225. 00 275. 00 406 Insurance & Surety Bonds 12, 700. 00 12, 975. 00 407 Care Town Cemetery 200. 00 300, 00 408 Association of Towns Dues 250. 00 250, 00 409 Real Estate Taxes 650, 00 675. 00 410 Retirement Fund Contvib”,-a.,- ;�,_. u, kit) 10, 500, 00 411 Social Security Taxes 2, 825. 00 3, 300. 00 412 Humane Society Contract 1,900. 00 1,900. 00 413 Feert-- Dot Enumerator 300. 00 300. 00 414 Maintenance & Lighting Parking Lots 1, 250. 00 2, 010. 00 415 Contingency Fund 5, 000. 00 5, 000. 00 416 Hammocks Area Improvement 5, 000. 00 417 Automobile 2, 000, 00 418 Legal Opinion (Borrowing) 200. 00 �60,400. 00 _585. 00 19- TOWN OF MAM.ARONLCK—GENERAL TN 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT Or CIVIL DEFENSE 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp_ EXPENSES 201 Supplies and other expenses 50„ 00 50. 0G 202 Telephone 225. 00 225, 00 210 Traveling Expense 50,00 50, 00 325 00 325. 00 Less: 50% payable by Village of Larchmont 162. 50 162. 50 162c 50 162. 50— • • _ • - _ - r, • 20, ''TOWN OF MAMARONECK—GENERAL TOWN 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE _ 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp, 50 i Principal- Bond Anticipation Note 8,000. 00 (Parking Lots) 502 ' Interest on Temporary Loans 800. 00 2,4400 00 800. 00 10, 440. 00 • • • • 2.1. �, . TOWN OF MAMARONECK--OUTSIDE VILLAGES 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS POLICE DEPARTMENT 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp, Approp. COMPENSATION 101 Police Chief 8, 188. 00 8, 682. 00 102 Lieutenant 6, 732. 00 7, 135. 00 103 Sergeants 31, 293. 00 33, 171. 00 104 Detective 6. 117. 00 6,487. 00 105 Patrolmen 112,413. 00 120, 450. 00 106 Custodian, P. T. 2,611. 00 2. 767. 00 107 School Guards 3, 700. 00 3s.9900. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies and other expenses 1, 700. 00 1, 500. 00 202 Telephone 2, 500. 00 2,600. 00 203 Light, Gas & Water 600. 00 600. 00 204 Fuel 700. 00 700. 00 205 Gasoline & Oil 3, 000. 00 3,000. 00 210 Traveling Expenses 600. 00 725. 00 211 Camera & Fingerprint supplies 450. 00 250, 00 2,12 Pistol Range Supplies 550. 00 500. 00 213 Traffic Signals & Signs 2, 100. 00 3,; 300. 00 214 Medical & Witness costs --. - 300. 00 301 General Equipment 500. 00 550. 00 302 Automotive Equipment 5, 000. 00 6, 500. 00 303 Clothing 3. 500. 00 3, 000. 00 401 Building supplies & maintenance 1, 500. 00 1, 100. 00 402 Automotive maintenance 4, 750. 00 4, 750. 00 ' 403 Radio maintenance 1, 800. 00 1, 800. 00 404 Insurance 7, 950. 00 8,240. 00 405 Retirement Fund Contributions 15, 800. 00 16,400. 00 406 Social Security Taxes 3, 325. 00 3, 510. 00 727, 379. 00 249 007, no I • • TOWN OF MAMARONECK—OUTSIDE VILL...,. .c.:,%7E43 1960 EUDGET REQUIREMENTS PLA1,11\11N(.7:. 50.A,RD' 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp„ .Approp. COMPENSATION 101 Sc?c,.retary 60, 00 90, 00 102 Attorney (Apportioned Salary) 1, 500, 00 -- OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplieci 100, 00 50, 00 1-\!ISCE.I.,L,A NE 0 LT S 401 Publiehing Notices, Etc. . 1, 000. 00 500. 00 6 6e0„ 00 640. 00 • • TOWN OF MAMARONECK—OUTSIDE VILLAGE:-.) 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS BUILDING AND PLUMBING DEPART,AEN';.‘ 1959 Budget Bu et COMPENSATION 101 Examining Board of Plumbers 150. 80 350. 00 102 Building & Plumbing Inspector 2, 750. 00 4, 700. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies and other expenses 100. 00 100. 00 • 210 Traveling expenses 250. 00 175. 00 3,250. 00 5, 1 a5. 00 • • • '•: .. 2 P"L 101 Se 90 0,3 ID ': Ft-L07 ' CL, IA pp Et3. OTHER - • 201 StAprAi.es (.)0 01 3f,•;s. 00 • 25. • TOWN OF MAIVIARONECK--OUTSIDE VILLAGES 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp, 401 Public Library 26, 777. 00 28, 039. 00 402 Public Health Nurse 4,830. 00 4, 530. 00 403 Fees--Vital Statistics 50. 00 50. 00 404 Publishing Reports, Etc. 3,000. 00 2, 000. 00 410 Retirement Fund Contributions 425. 00 460. 00 411 Social Security Taxes 120. 00 120. 00 412 Contingency Fund 1, 500. 00 35,202. 00 36, 699. 00 • • 7 - 26. TOWN OF MAMARONECK—OUTSIDE VIiLJGS 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp. 501 Amortization of Highway and Drainage Bonds 3, 000, 00 3; 000. 00 502 Interest on Highway and Drainage Bonds 412. 50 247. 50 3,412. 50 3247. 50 • - I • • • 27 T©WN"OED MAiMA ONH:CI{ 1960 .BUDGET. ,REQUIREMENTS D.EPAt'.T M.ENT OF HIGHWAYS 1959 1960 Budget Budget • Approp, Approp. Item I -- Repairs & Improvements to Highways and Drains 94, 000. 00 100, 300. 00 (a) Less: Estimated State Aid 2, 284. 00 2, 3'r 2,00 Cash on Hand 6,000. 00 4, 332, 15 Net Levy -- Item I 85, 716. 00 93, 595085 Item II -- Bridge Fund --- 1, 000. 00 Less: Cash on Hand MOO--- 19 0000 00 Net Levy -- Item II ---- 0. Item III -- Machinery Fund ---- 21, 047, 50 'b) Less: Rental Equipment ---- 1, 500.00 Refund on Civil Defense Radio ---- 270.00 Cash on Hand ---- 2, 371.67 Net Levy -- Item III ---- 16, 905. 83 Item IV -- Snow and Miscellaneous Fund ---- 25, 625.00 (c) Less: Snow Removal Refunds ---- 3, 000.00 Cash on Hand ---- 1,449. 67 Net Levy -- Item IV 21, 1750 33 . - Total Net Levy, Highway Department 85,716, 00 131, 677. 01 Note: For breakdown detail on Item Ztem III t'b) and item !V cc), please see next page. I� SIN MAMARONECK iO N OF MAMARONECK 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS • . DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Item I -- (a) Sealcoating 12, 000. 00 Labor 58, 800.00 Materials, etc. 12, 000.00 Capital Construction 17, 500.00 /� /�(► 100, 300.00 Item III -- (b) Garage Maintenance 1, 130.00 Tires 1, 000. 00 Equipment Repair 5, 100.00 Boom and Sweeper E quip:rent & Material 2„ 325. 00 Rai n Clothing 300,00 Tire Chains 400. 00 Sand & Supplies 492,50 Radio 600. 00 Snow Plow 1, 200. 00 Tractor 8, 500. 00 21, 047. 5 0 Item IV -- (c) Salary, S uperintende nt 6,771. 00 Snow Bkxn oval 10, 000. 00 Soc ial Security Ta cq 1, 700. no Contribution, Retirement System 1,4425, 00 iiscellaneous 2, 229.00 Contribution, Health Plan 1, 000. 00 . I asurance 2, 5 00. 00 .�. 25, 625. 00 2 J 29. TOWN OF MAMARONECK--GAR E3AGE DFSTRICT NO. 1 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION 1959 1960 Budget Budget COMPENSATION Approp. 11.2 0:22.1 101 Supervision (apportioned salary) 1, 200.00 1, 200.00 102 Salaries and Wages 59, 500. 00 62, 550.00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies and Other Expenses 735.00 750.00 205 Gas, Oil, Tires 1,800.00 1, 800.00 • 402 Truck Repairs k Tires 1,800.00 3,000.00 404 Insurance 3, 950. 00 4, 110.00 405 Contribution--Retirement System 3, 270. 00 3,450. 00 407 Dump Maintenance 1, 221. 00 250.00 408 Social Security Taxes 1, 275. 00 1, 390. 00 409 Rental Eruipment 1, 500. 00 1, 500. 00 76, 251. 00 80, 000.00 • 30. TOWN OF MAMARONECK--GARBAGE DI$TRaOT NO. 1 • 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS GARBAGE ENG'1N:,RATION 1959 1960 Budget Budget Ap_prop. Approp. 401 Town Share of Incinerator Operation 22, 000. 00 34, 800. 00 . 31 TOWN OF MAMARON_c.uK-_.FIRE D STRICT NO, 1 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS FIRE DEPARTivENT 1959 .1960 Budget Budget COMPENSATION Approop. Approp. 101 Fire Lieutenants 5, 630. 00 5, 967, 00 102 Fire Truck Drivers 41, 390, 00 48, 150, 00 103 Fire inspector, P. T. 960, 00 960. 00 104 Stenographic Service 150. 00 150. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies, Materials & Misc. Equip. 3, 500. 00 3, 000. 00 202 Telephone & Alarm System 1, 000. 00 1, 500.00 . . 203 Light, Gas and Water 600. 00 700.00 204 Fuel 1, 100. 00 1, 100. 00 205 Gas and Oil 300.00 150.00 210 Traveling & Convention Expenses 300,00 300. 00 303 Clothing 850. 00 1, 000. 00 305 1958 Emergency Repair 6, 054. 60 401 Repair and Building Maintenance 3, 000.00 3, 000. 00 403 Equipment Repairs 1, 350.00 1, 300. 00 404 Insurance 6, 425.00 6, 215. 00 405 Contribution Retirement System 7, 350. 00 6, 625. 00 406 Fire Inspection Expenses 1,800.00 1, 800. 00 407 Dues--Fire Chief's Emergency Plan 50, 00 50. 00 408 Social Security Taxes 1, 125000 1, 200. 00 409 Real Estate Taxes 100., 00 100. 00 ' 410 Radio System - 5, 307. 00 501 Chief's Car -- . 2;, 200. 00 83, 034, 60 90, 774.00 32. TOWN OF MAMARONECK--FIRE DISTRICT NO. 1 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS HYDRANT RENTAL 1959 1960 Budget Budget Apps opop. Approp, 401 Rental of Eire Hydrants 11, 000. 00 11, 500. 00 STREET LIGHTING 401 Street lighting maintenance rentals and energy 26, 650.00 27, 000.00 • 402 New Street Lights, Includ- ing Installation 1, 000.00 1,000.00 • 27, 650. 00 28, 000. 00 WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT NO. 1 401 Water Distribution System Ex- tension Costs 2, 500.00 3, 500.00 - 402 Meters Installed 2, 500.00 2, 500.00 5, 000. 00 6, 000. 00 WATER DISTRICT DEBT SERI CE 501 Amortization of Water Bonds 23, 000. 00 33, 000.00 502 Interest on Water Bonds 10,814.00 25, 581. 50 33,814.00 58, 581. 50 • 33. • TOWN OF MAMARONECK--PARK DISTMCT NO, I 1960 BUDGET REOU:REMENTS DEPART 1IJENT OE PARKS 1959 1960 Budget Zu.dget COMPENSATION Approp. a pprop„ 101 Park Foreman 6, 630. 00 7, 200„ 00 102 Assistant Park Foreman 5, 1000 00 5, 406. 00 103 Laborers 12, 750, 00 13, 600. 00 104 Secretary 60, 00 90, 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies, Materials, etc. 8, 000, 00 10, 700. 00 203 Light, Water, Telephone 5000 00 600. 00 205 Gas, Oil & Equip, Repairs 275„00 400. 00 _ 401 Building Maintenance 100.00 50. 00 404 Insurance 1, 325, 00 1, 300, 00 405 Retirement Fund Contribution 1, 100,00 1, 115, 00 406 Social Security Taxes 5750 00 580.00 407 Real Estate Taxes 175,00 175.00 36, 5900 00 41, 216, 00 r 34. TOWN OF MAMARONECK--PARK DISTRICT NO 1 1960 BUDGET REQUIF:EIvIENTS DEBT SERVICE 1959 1%0 Budget Bu ?get Appropo Approp. 501 Amortization of Park District Bonds 11, 000.00 11, 000, 00 502 Interest on Park District Bonds 5, 959. 50 5,466. 50 16, 959, 50 16,466, 50 35, TO WN OF MAMARONECK---SE WER D',STRICT Noe 1 1960 BUDGET REQU REM.+NTS SE WER DEPARTMENT 1959 1960 Budget Budget CO MPE NSAT%tON App r op. Appr op 101 Supervision (apportioned salary) 300.00 300.00 - 102 Wages 2, 500 00 3, 000. 00 OTHER EXPENSES 201 Supplies and Other Expenses 750. 00 1, 000.00 404 insurance 100. 00 200. 00 407 Lease Rental 50. 00 50. 00 408 Sewer Construction 10, 000. 00 1, 200.00 13,700, 00 5, 750„ 00 • 36. TOWN OT MAMARONECK--SEWER DISTRICT NO. 1 1960 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS DEBT SERVICE 1959 1960 Budget Budget Approp. Approp. 501 Amortization on Sewer District Bonds 55, 000.00 55, 500.00 .502 Interest on Sewer District Bonds 36, 142. 62 33, 698. 37 91,642.62 89, 198. 37 37. COMPARISON OF TAX RATES & ASSESSMENTS Assessed valuation 1959 1960 General Town 108, 606, 448 111. 233. 241 Outside Villages 45, 849, 400 46, 857, 589 Outside Villages-Highway 45,849,400 46,857, 589 Garbage District 45, 849,400 46,857, 589 Fire District 45, 849, 400 46, 857, 589 Lighting & Water District 45, 856, 900 46, 865, 089 Park District 43,999, 000 45, 013,039 Sewer District 40, 119, 230 41, 286, 219 Mamaroneck Valley Sewer 84, 307,030 86, 814, 031 New Rochelle Sanitary Sewer 31,878, 690 32, 184, 190 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES 1959 196G Increase Decrease • . Tax District Actual Estimated Over 1959 Over 1959 General Town . 75 , 23 . 52 Outside Villages 5. 75 6. 02 . 27 Highway-Outside Village 1. 87 2. 81 . 94 Garbage District 2, 04 2. 37 . 33 • Fire District 2. 05 2. 04 . 01 Lighting & Water District . 60 57 „ 03 Park District 1. 11 1, 20 . 09 Sewer District 2. 63 2. 30 . 33 16. 80 17. 54 1. 63 . 89 SUMMARY BY AREAS Village of Mamaroneck , 75 , 23 . 52 Village of Larchmont . 75 . 23 . 52 Unincorporated Area - 16, 60 17. 54 . 74 38. r TOWN OF MAMARONECK YEARLY AMORTIZATION AND INTEREST CHARGES ON ALL BOND ISSUES AS OF JANUARY 1, 1960 Year Amortization Interest Total 1960 $102, 500. 00 $64,993. 87 $167, 493.87 1961 100, 500. 00 60,480. 62 160,980. 62 _ 1962 9S, 500. 00 56,099. 87 154, 599., 87 1963 99, 500. 00 51, 757. 87 151, 257, 87 1964 99,500. 00 47, 394, 62 • 146,894.. 62 1965 95, 500. 00 43,031. 37 138, 531, 37 1966 95, 500, 00 38,838. 12 134, 338, 12 1967 91, 500, 00 34, 723. 62 126, 223. 62 1968 84, 500, 00 30, 957. 87 115, 457, 87 1969 80, 500. 00 27, 314.62 107, 814. 62 1970 79,000, 00 23, 804„ 50 102, 804. 50 1971 72,000. 00 20, 337. 50 92, 337, 50 " ' 1972 65., 000, 00 17, 385. 00 82, 385, 00 1973 64, 000. 00 14, 672. 50 78,672, 50 • 1974 55,000. 00 12, 153. 50 67, 153. 50 1975 42,000. 00 10, 123. 00 52, 123, 00 1976 26, 000, 00 8, 702. 50 34, 702. 50 1977 20, 000. 00 7 737. 50 27, 737. 50 1978 15,000, 00 6,900. 00 21, 900, 00 1979 15,000. 00 6, 300, 00 21, 300, 00 . 1980 15,000, 00 5, 700, 00 20, 700. 00 1981 15,000. 00 5, 100, 00 20, 100. 00 1982 15, 000. 00 4, 500, 00 19, 500. 00 1983 15, 000, 00 3,900, 00 18,900, 00 1984 15, 000. 00 3, 300, 00 18, 300. 00 1985 15,000, 00 2, 700., 00 17, 700. 00 1986 15, 000, 00 2, 100.. 00 17, 100.. 00 1987 15, 000, 00 1, 500. 00 16, 500. 00 1988 15,000, 00 900 00 15, 900.. 00 1989 15, 000, 00 300. 00 15, 300 00 • 1,551, 000. 00 613, 708 . 45 2, 164, 708, 45 ' Recapitulation: General Town Bonds Outside Village Bonds 6,000. 00 Water District Bonds 626, 000. 00 Park District Bonds 127, 000, 00 Sewer District Bonds 792,000,, 00 1, 551, 000, 00 n 39, TAX RATES Year Town Count3r School Assessment 1960 17, 54 111,233, 241 1959 16.. 80 11. 26 26 90 108,606, 648 1958 15 97 10 8? 25 86 106, 729, 722 1957 15 85 10. 66 24,. 32 103, 369. 000 1956 15. 74 10.80 23: 20 98e679,000 1955 16. 38 11. 13 21.45 95,095, 000 1954 16. 06 11. 01 18. 87 ■ 91, 702, 000 . , 1953 16. 15 10. 93 18. 94 89,456,000 1 1952 15. 59 10. 25 18. 81 87, 754, 000 . . 1951 15. 59 10. 24 17. 87 85,445,000 1950 14. 37 10. 54 16. 94 83,939, 000 1949 14. 71 10. 76 17. 38 81, 011, 000 - 1948 14. 43 10. 10 15. 99 78. 602s 000 1947 15. 76 10. 63 16. 64 77, 627,000 1946 16.91 9. 21 13.49 75, 688, 000 1945 16, 78 7. 92 12. 37 76, 370, 000 1944 17. 04 8. 52 11. 78 77, 719,000 1943 16. 62 9.02 10. 69 79,490, 000 ,. . or • • • • a • F frs J. rj r _ ., ____ : r ''' `,`'•;,3 ...:',;....---1- -2--'',,t. '•--, . wHEREAs this,Board.has_re vie we cl.-the.,..ittgXas-,413,.. -6 -, ----- -- - f. :..A S.1^ ''''' • T0 '-'7 \ 0_ 7-7' 7,, r ,"--- ,-7,", •-.7. •-• - , ' t',,r - .t.':.(3.4.-'en7...t...:0)..' 1-bf-": 1 9 5 9 ..... Tc.1 the t ±.- yer1.-?- GI.= :he Telci-...-v,.' - The net budget for 1960 cove-.--incr the cpere.':41on of `ale _r&-ral Tor.r....-z Outf..,id-.:! rrr 1.ii.1.1z7.L4y.::„ anci :.-37-•: ei,...I7 12-ii,ir'f-t-t3, §--.! ilk - •- 4.G.. ,,,,, !, , :eased by only $21, 937.00 over 199. E-Iwevr, a major change . r th:..., d.istribt...tion of xrar.ious iternst:ecomes P.f.!?-.:.1-1vf.z -.-.,T-ith Ia ::...-!. !:, .-Idgeto .t...„,R. . , . , , Fo.r =tally .r...ears, the villa2,ec were by 1.?;‘,-., c;- 11.± ci to eilari---- 1 . „,.. 4. ,i; pgin eze cost of n-_,-...1..rzy E.e.1.21,--.7'.ce.e. frr::-.7-I ---'13c..", tilf-...7- 3-;_.; .,:,:z.,=47•:.1 -4,-( t"..•-_,r,::- - ,• -t,fit-s., The rnr-jor itOr:fiS in this c..ate-4.,:or7/- inc3z,d,se ----%:-..e cozit:,- c.... tl-xt=., - fkluz!d -?.., ;',-..-.4.1.7. .71:::rr:7...!‘7",C4, ;-"...i'"4:1--1 4-7- t'n. r:.:,-i 0, 11'4•-• ::::,:-....4_-_--, , f '-' ,;.-4`..the 2.1"--..;-17:tie IT.....-....a.liz:v. Tierze13, zzlcv.,- -4•::-."2--z.tc-,,-,.:-.1, t..'-:,,.. t.-. -:---.. ..7.-?---,- 't.7er-;-- s..-,-..t* il-,--: .- "f - • ztd tii-,:, r: 1,1::3 1::I 0:--.t ar..r 4..-.u.7-,:,- 4....-ta‘..:_ii_-_=.:_s.r.s..4.: v.-....-..ed. exci-a.civoly Au ',..:-,..c uni:.--.:.c -....-al-ecl a,rezz.-, A - ,,,, -"i'l'..A.hough the cb.arges f.i.-fr the ser. vices 7.'elOdere e. by tb...:a-f.: A ..'t- .... .. --•- OlverC. spl-ea:1 t,.-v‘../rer both tile v-i.Ilanc:.?J z--:_S 1.71":'11 p the ,. „.A ..... 6•., "'Cs- -3 tl'_c StF:Tvices ..e ..:-...L ", :, zu,--_-,-,-::;.-..-., ..-.-zed s:In-?--, i.r. :-.1. , 41,...P.,...........--I .:re., 1 ,...44.-.;,- ..L.Feyers cd ti),.--tt az-ea. t.e..7cfitte.-3. -,:-I.,... e i 1 -- --1 , '-- -eroair The int- uitiefs ...-..,c.-..y:e co-r.7-c-:ctc-17.7,34- 1- -1-17- ;-i-..4-,e c .i01 So . :44: , ‘4," kittaat now- the e.r.' a- bc--,-; -1-itt ,d by f.-::::e ze---:-2vic viill 1.--;--y it entire 4 -- ..... . -0 .4. ) - - - 7-4t... lc?r . 0. - _ ".....-_,... ,. .., a-- , -1,,, .....:-.... -„)0-.E °liege:, tir/<...S 04 at..5..-:, e LO C-a•Tre C -.'r:a I fil :/,.":": %-:"-,e l-i. -;;;; ,1 .1.-.. '-••• • .1* .'s."74- 44."A'1' '-1••••,-. '..--A.- 1-,•■•-A• ,.....A...... -.• ..--1' "" ..- .-' A , 4, - ...---.• -......4.• 4.4. ".." 4,-*• .E,--. "::.4 . ': .4- f,, • _ ' .1.... 4,-:' i a7 .).-...; "SZ-4,, •-.....4.A...i 2..C- , 41.4,4,a, 23 r4-:,,..";c1c...ef.-- ;:-'41r4.41 i.he 7,::::-yy cb_ai:p,cett)16„.' to the t .z..,...-ver of . ... - i ...- 41.be ur....incorpt-.)ratsd area is 2.`..I•creazz-f,'d. '1.711.erefore i,-1 1969 tize , , - --Cener-c-1 To-.7.:7. T.-3-1.--c is reduced by 52 cents per t'ho-aca.nd While the , ... -... .... t-; ..:t.t....f. t---c ratt-- in the ttnincoz-r)oratfad area if3 increased by 74 cer-Ats per i ....ti. _ -:: and 1 t: i- There ari.--: two items -.rrhich ?.-natze-up the decl-ease in thc,-. : -,- 4.- . , ,quer.c.-.r.,..1 Town Ta.z -- transfer of the laighv.ry costs for anr.,',7). r,-- ,.- .:-.. -'1:1_. ov.'''1, the sornpenzation of the Superintendent of Highways - d Highways, ct.n - 41-6L. - e acquisktion and repair of highway equipment, and the .12-:cli0 n - . .of 8.1--qu. -. - p' -4t4..„ - c..-.,h cie a redo..ction of the tax levy. The two iter.ns pri- . . .. , riIN. responsible fez- the 74 cents per tli-touca.n.d 1,-icrea'se in the .,- • r.1-ie Out-side Villa;-,-e budget ) :•7 Of the above-mentioned higlzway coatz,-, which am,--.-,-, 1- 4- ,,......i......- fa -t cr r•t 4 •., 1 - 4....,_ 4.-,4,,„ . _.-4-4. 4_40: 3.4.4:41.1. oi 4,42 ,- ei:10. 00 in the ..1;ncnr-.. tar: budget .4. - -,.... . 4 • -— — 4 ;41T1V rjr'--- c„:",;: '• 4.4.7 A.:•-e, • ■... 44 ...:.. '1 • '14.44-4- ,,.'•...-4,1."1111P"'"1'''''1.4/,..":'•-•"'"-fl•*.4""'-..).-1'';>.1.""-:•---,.',..).."',.,... ,%'4,4■„•''''45.,:."14::,..7:04..,,-4'4,...i1;41.1,„ ''-_i4.Aott,,,..,-Iiiteltic",_ -•-,r,r4-, 4.,..Z,.e. _;44_,r.,;--,,,,,,w.,:,,..-,s_;.-.-...:...1444%.:4•%Aiti..,41: 4,4 avik:'4,,,,,-.;',. ...1. 14,...,-. ;,,,- ,,;..-,4,.-,,,,W,,-,1,;..,.,„ki:ek.."-?,,,,,,,,,,,:,-,,„;,:.-''.."`,-,,,,,....4„,,-.-1*-,■,,,'„,-.,..:.',..!..,";,f,r,ir-;41.P.-,t-1:-.4-:-•'-','-:;,,,-,1"--1-$44,S.,,,, .. -::‘-'-%.,)tliele-7;;4r.'-` 'P'..'-'1--.1-.- '- ,-. dv.,,,,.A,...,). -.' --.• •-..7.kr of"0-..P.,.1.'r:, '3-')-,-.3:-,.....; ,f,l':I.".'"ri`,,,:.,,- ":1 f,'7,t,',4", --'.01., ....,,--.----,,, .: -f '.-,,:', ....tt,,w,_',..7.;;„T.;• .+,''',--11,:,,e, ,"tt- ' „"."-'' •''''''. ,P- ' -,* , - ••••--',''',.-- '•.*-:::,,e. .f.'+", '‘‘‘.-.74'...--",, ^",*...k.,..,..0*".APv'q:s'.'Z'rf..:1' * '•"/.4't.-.7-•'''' '' '''' 1 " .2' A''''' ''`'". '`'''.''..4 '''''. '' ' ''''''''' ''''''.**'*** - *'''''.* ',. *-' ... * ... ::