HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdopted Budget_1969_12/4/1968 1 .4po0ca1't 1q '/0 B R- E S E N T A T I O N Or T H E BUDGET 1 9 6 9 0 ....slizok- kk'vc ,a--- "Ii, ,\i, Tr, ° . 0 0 _ - ,, ---, - , -,,i- . , ja,.. ;, ..,-,,(,,,I, - '.*. ).' N - z t ... , 7 , , 1 Zil / ,/ 0 fil" , • FOUNE ED 1861 • (ARTICLE 8 of the TnWN LAW, SEC. 112) December 4, 1968 TOWN OF MAMARONECK NEW YORK POUNDED test 188 WEST POST ROAD MAMARONECK. N. Y. 10544 OWuNS 8-8800 December, 1968 To: The Residents of the Town of Mamaroneck.The Preliminary Budget for 1969 as adopted on No- - • vember 13th is presented for your study and com- ment at this Budget Hearing. Also presented is the Summary and Explanatory Statement submitted at that time. The budget results from recommendations based on the careful study made by each Department Head of his departmental needs. The Board's final judg- ments are reached after many consultations with members of the various Boards and Commissions and representatives of the Town staff. To all of them, we are grateful. All of the appropriations are recommended by the Town Board with the express purpose of improving the quality of Town services and maintaining the high competence and efficiency of the Town staff. As always, every effort has been made to use tax- payers' money as economically as possible consis- tent with the expectations of the people of our community. Respectfully submitted, • Christine K. Helwig f Deputy Supervisor For the Town Board ckh-b S U M M A R Y Budget 1969 1968 Difference 96 Chan - Planned Expenses $2, 374, 162. $2,088,828. $285, 334. 14% Anticipated Income 539,344. 500,509. 38,835. 8% Balance - To be raised b y taxes 1,834,818. 1,588,319. 246,499. 16% Personnel Costs 1,397,108. 1,150,825. 246,883. 21% Share of Net Operating Expense 70% 69% - Taxes Administration (Note ##1) (General Town Tax) 254, 172. 242,289. 11,883. 5% Rate/$1,000 Assessed Valuation 1.64 1.83 -190 -14% Municipal Expenses (Note #2) Part Town & Special District Taxes 1, 580,646. 1,346, 030. 234,616. 17% Rate/$1,000 Assessed Valuation 24. 86 25. 36 -500 - 2% Note #1 - Administration includes such expenses as official staff an,. Town Office, Elections and Recreation. Note #2 - Municipal expenses are all costs of government for the un- incorporated area including Police, Fire, Garbage, Water, etc. The tax rate shown in this summary is a combination of the rates for general administration and the Part Town and Special Districts that are included in the financial structure of the Town. In a few parts of the Unincorpo- rated Area not all services are performed. These sec- tions are therefore excluded from the Special District taxes (i. e. Park District excludes Dillon Park; Sewer District excludes at the re ent p s time the Prince Willows area) and consequently the tax rates will be slightly less for these areas than the figures shown in this summary. The Preliminary 1969 Town Budget now is available. We urge the pub- lic to refer to copies which are available for inspection at Town Hall and the Public Libraries and will be available at the Special Meeting, November 13th. The Preliminary Budget is prepared in a form required by law and un- fortunately 48 pages of financial exhibits makes for difficult reading. So, we have prepared a brief layman's version. This summary outlines our planned expenses and anticipated income, and shows the money that must be raised by real estate taxes. The 1969 Preliminary Budget totals $2, 374, 162. This is $285, 334. higher than last year, a change of 14%. The most important reason for this increase is Town Board approval of recommendations by the Police and Fire Commissioners. We agreed with the Police Commission recommendation to increase the benefits program for the policemen, and also to increase the size of the force to 38 men. At the same time, it has been agreed to increase • the pay scales of the firemen and make them equal to the police pay schedules. The total cost of these two decisions is $119, 821. , or 42% of the total increase in the Budget. Total Police and Fire protection costs are 35% of the planned expenses of the Town. Incidentally, next year all personnel expenses total $1, 397, 108. , which is 70% of the net operating costs of the Town (eliminating debt service and.contracted services). 87% of the increase in the planned expenses is accounted for by personnel costs. By and large, the rest of the increase in the Budget is accounted for by the higher cost of doing business. However, it is significant that we were able to avoid a substantial additional cost burden by changing our plans for refuse disposal. We are planning to go to a compacting method rather than incineration. As you know, we had faced a million dollar expense for replacing the incineration plant, but now we can handle refuse at a lower capital cost and a lower operating cost. By Spring the air will be cleaner because we will stop burning in the first quarter of 1969. We anticipate receiving State Aid of $185, 548. and other income of $353, 796. , about 11% of which represents interest earnings on tempor- arily idle cash. The total of 1969 income items is $539, 344. The difference between the planned expense and anticipated income is the amount to be raised by taxes. In 1969, this will be $1, 834, 818. compared to $1, 588, 319. for last year, a change of 16%. page two -- Although the Town has two Villages wholly or partly within it by law we tax the property owners only for the services that they receive from the Town government. For instance, the cost of municipal ser- vices in the unincorporated part of the Town is met by taxes only on real estate in this area; the property in the Villages is not taxed to pay for these services. These taxes for municipal services are known as the Part Town and Special District taxes. But some services that the Town government provides are for all the residents of the Town; this is known as the General Town Tax and is paid on all property in the Town. The Part Town Tax rate for the current year was $25. 36 per $1, 000. of assessed evaluation, and the General Town Tax was $1. 83. In 1969, based on both the new evaluation and the new Budget, these rates will be $24.86 for the Part Town Tax and $1. 64 for the General Town Tax. The recent reevaluation of real estate increased the total value of tax- able property by 17%, after allowing for protests and permissible ex- emptions. . The reevaluation not only increased the tax base but it also made the taxes more equitable by putting all property on a current mar- ket value basis. • Since it is of great interest to the taxpayers to know the impact of both reevaluation and the new Budget on their own property, we want to show you how to calculate what your tax will be, and how to make a compar- ison with what it would have been if there had been no reevaluation. Here's how to do it. First, multiply your old assessed value by the 1968 tax rate which was $25. 36 in the unincorporated area and $1. 83 in the Villages. This was your 1968 Town Tax. Second, multiply your new assessed value by $24. 86 if your property is in the unincorporated area, or by $1. 64 if your property is in the Villages. This will show the Town Tax for next year. Third, multiply your 1968 assessed value by $29. 54 for property in the unincorporated area, or by $1. 92 for property in the Villages. These rates are what your '69 tax rate would have been based on the ' 1968 tax base. The difference between the figures is the impact of both our new Budget page three and reevaluation of your property. We hope that you will attend the Town Board meeting on the Preliminary Budget, and give us both your thoughts about the services you receive -- and the ways in which the Town should expand its services in the future._ Participation of this sort is essential to providing the best possible government for your Town. ,rnia}/6•14 Peter F. Kane Supervisor For the Town Board pk-b November, 1968. • TOWN OF MAMARONECK ANNUAL BUDGET 1969 ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES TAX LEVY GENERAL FUND Town Wide Schedules 1 & 3 568,781,00 329,609.00 239,172,00 Part Town Schedules 2 & 4 683,712.00 30,932.00 652,780.00 HIGHWAY FUND ' Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Schedules 5 & 6 - 344,163.00 59,870.30 284,292.70 SPECIAL DISTRICTS Garbage Schedule 7 216,316.00 - - 216,316.00 Water Schedule 8 85,963.00 80,963.00 5,000.00 Street Lighting Schedule 9 30,656.00 - - 30,656.00 Sewer Schedule 10 115,370.00 29,370.00 86,000.00 Park Schedule 11 88,409.00 3,600.00 84,809.00 Fire Schedule 12 225,792 00 5,000.00 220,792.00 TOTAL 2,359,16.2,00 5394344130 1,01017:7P -1- COMPARISON OF TAX RATES AND ASSESSMENTS TOTAL TAXABLE VALUATION 1968 1969 General Town 132,658,271. 154,615,479. Part Town 57,711,496. 68,643,470.^ Part Town - Highway 57,711,496. 68,643,470. Garbage District 57,711,496. 68,643,470._ Water District 57,717,496.• 68,649,470. Street Lighting District 57,717,496\ 68,649,470.---- Sewer District 52,139,896. 61,763,270.---- 1 Park District 55,341,946. 65,785,080. Fire District 57,711,496. 68,643,470...- • 1968 1969 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES Actual Estimated Increase Decrease General Town 1.83 1.55 .28 • Part Town 9.11 9.51 .40 Part Town - Highway 4.24 4.14 .10 Garbage District 3.71 3.15 .56 Water District .07 .07 Street Lighting District .42 .45 .03 - Sewer District 1.39 1.39 Park District 1.44 1.29 .15 Fire District 3.15 3.22 .07 25.36 24,77 .50 1.09 1968 1969 smutty' BY AREAS Actual _ Estimated Increase Decrease Village of Mamaroneck 1.83 1%54 .28 Village of Larchmont 1.83 1.55 .28 Unincorporated Area 25.36 24.77 .59 i -2- SCHEDULE 1 APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adopted GENERAL GOVERNMENT >UPERVISOR 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Supervisor 8000, 8000. 8000. 102 Deputy Supervisor 600. 600. 103 Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant 7574. 8510. 4940.* 104 Intermediate steno. 4061. 4635. 5255. 20235. 21745. 18795. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Typewriter - - - _ 500; 202 Furniture - - - - 100. 203 Air Conditioner - - - - 200.- - - - - 800. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 763= 700. 700. 763t 700. 700. TOTAL 20998. 22445. 20295. k Supervisor's Office (1/2) and Town Clerk's Office (1/2) . -3- 3Ch2:)ULE 1 - (can`d) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adopted TOWN JUSTICES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Justices (2) 7784. 8500. 9010. 102 Court Clerk 2052. 4500. 4000. X3.36. 13000. 13010. 200 EQUIPMENT 2.01 Typewriter - - 250. a - - - - 250, 400 OTHER EXPENSES ':O1 Supplies 5, Other Expenses 1353. 1975. 2100. 1353. 1975. 2100. TOTAL 11189. 14975. 15360. -4- SCHEDULE 1 - (con1d) Budget As Tentative expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 ,• Adopt I O W N BOARD 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Counciitne (4) 12000. 12000. 12000. 12000. 12000. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 File Calinets 156. - - - 156. - - - - /.3O OTHER EXPENSES 401 1)ablishing Reports, etc. 971. 900. 1200. 402 Travel & Convention 419. 600. 600. 1390. 1500. 1800. TOTAL 13546. 13500. :3800 -5- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentet .ve Expended Modified Budget , 1967 1968 1969 Ad,t?,ptc:'„ TOWN CLERK 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Clerk 10520. 11500. 12190. 102 Intermediate Typist 4820. 5490. 4540. 103 Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant - __:..___.. - - 4940-.* - 15340. 16990, 21670. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 381. 765. 700. 381. • 765. 700. TOTAL 15721. 17755. 22370. * Town Clerk'" O.iice (1/2) & Supervis,ar's Office (1/2). -6. SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1963 1969 Adopted. 00 PERSONAL SERVICES If)1 .ksses.-2or 10000. 115064 1219C. Clerk . 576. Asses,53aent Clerk 6312. 3655.* Interwediate A/C Clerk 1270. 4635. 5255. 105 Sr. Eng. Aide 2516. 1443.** 4390-** 106 3oard of Review 900. L 9oq, •26574. 3;170, . 33700. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Nel,i- Automobil - -2500;,' - - ■ - 2500. - , ■■•■■■sloNow•■aa. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 & Othca: e7.:pases 10t7,, 1000. 402 Travol & Car Expeoses 450. 450. 403 Appra±.sais, ert. , etc. 1711. -• . 3000. 6000. M 404 Tax 4ps 1033., 750. 500. • 4176. 5200. 7950. LOTAL 30750. • 9870. 41650. Assessor's Office (1/2) & Receiver of Taxes Office (1/2) . Assessor's Office (1/2) & Engineer's Office (1/2) . -7- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Ado Led RECEIVER OF TAXES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Receiver of Taxes 11151. 11500. 12190. 102 Senior Account Clerk 4352. 5150. 3113.* 103 Assessment Clerk 1270. 3448.** 3655.** 16773. 20098. 18958. 406 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 2729. 3000, 3100. 2729. 3000. 3100. TOTAL 19502, 23098, 22058, *Comptroller's Office (1/2) & Receiver of Taxes Office (1/2). **Assessor's Office (1/2) & Receiver of Taxes Office (1/2). -8- SCHEDULE 1 - '(con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adopted =.)WN ATTORNEY 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Attorney 9205. 12000. 12000. 102 Assistant To T3wn Attorney - - - - 5200. 103 Intermediate Steno. 4000. 4000. 5255. 13205. 16000. 22455. 4.00 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 791. 700. 700. +02 Travel Expenses 83. 100. 200. 874. 800. 900. TOTAL 14079. 16800. 23355 • j - 34- 5c q°."1'yd' 3 011-4.4.412 ale-44.4) nu t-10 e.a e s 0 rrt -- 90 610 II. d fee rott, 1311>C50 -9- SCHEDULE 1 - .(con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budet 1967 . 1968 1969 Adopted TGINEER 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Engineer 13150. 14245. 15100. 1.02 Sr. Eng. Aide 2516. 3442.* 4390,.* 103 Sr. Stenographer 2555. 1,755.** 3112 .** 18221. 20442. 22602. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Drafting Board 250. - - - - 202 New Automobile - - - _ 2500- .... 250. ._._.,.._>..,..._ - 2500. ..w Off OTHER EXPENSES 401. Supplies & Other Expenses r8. 900. 1000. 9t 8. 900. ::.300. TOTAL 19439, 21342. 26102. * Engint:er's Office (1/2) & Assessor's Office (1/2) . c Engineer's Office (1/2) & Building & Plumbing Office (1/2). -10- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adopted ELECTIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Custodians 887. 700. 800. 102 Wages 210. 1300. 1300. • 103 Uspectors & Poll Clerks 10970. 12345. 13810 12v67. 14345. 15910, 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Voting Machines & Election Booths - •- 4974. - 202 New Election Map O00. - - 5974. ON - 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 299. 550. 450. 402 Rental Polling Places 2240. 1300. 1300. 403 Transportation of Equipment 8Q'+. 1700. 1700 333. 3550. 3450. TOTAL 15418. 23869. 19360 -11- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adopted COMPTROLLER 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Comptroller 12000. 13210. 15100. 102 Sr. Account Clerk 6000. 6590. 6985. 103 Sr. Account Clerk - - 3112.* 104 Int. A/C Clerk & Typist 4160. 4960. 5600. 22160. 24760. 30797. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Typewriter - - 500. - - 202 Adding Machine 295. - - 300. 295. 500. 300. 400 OTHER EXPENSES - 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 422, 450. 450. 422. 450. 450. TOTAL 22877. 25710. 31547. * Comptroller's Office (1/2) & Receiver of Taxes Office (1/2) -12- SCHEDULE .1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adopted TOWN OFFICES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Intermediate Steno. - - - - 4910. 102 Cleaner 1689. 1600. 1600. 1689. 1600. 6510. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Alterations, Office Equipment, etc. 42. 1175. 1500. 202 Electronic Accounting Machine 11360. - - - 11402 1175 1500. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 3042. 2800. 4000. 402 Stationery & Postage 1317. 1600. 2000. 403 Telephone 4421. 4200. 4200. 404 Light 715. 700. 700. 405 Rent 6000. 6600. 6600. -- 406 Independent Audit 3000. 3000. 3000. 407 Assoc. of Towns Dues 250. 250. 250. 18745. 19150. 20750. T0TAL 31836. 21925. 28760. TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 215355. 241289 264 6 5 7 • I -13- 1 SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget . 1961 1968 1969 Adopted ?riLIC SAFETY CIVIL DEFENSE 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Radio Communications - - 300. - - 202 ;Arens, Antennae, etc. 740. 760. 700. 740._ 1060. 700. 400 °TH.$R EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 360. 200. 300. 401 Repairs, Replacements kic Tools, etc. - - 300. 100. 360 • 500. 400. /OT. L CIVIL DEFENSE 1100. 1560, 1100.* Village of Larchr ont (1/2) & Town of Mamaroneck (1/2). OIER PUBLIC SAFETY 500 Dog Enumerator 275. 300. 330. 501 Humane Society Contract 9139. 9139. 9139. TOTAL OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY 9474. 9439. 9469. TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 10514 10999. 0569. -14- , SCHEDULE 1 - (conic') Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 196$ 1969 Adopted RECREATION GENERAL RECREATION 400 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Superintendent 10520. 11500. 13245. 102 Commission Secretary 200. 200. 200. 103 Recreation Attendant 5086. 5510. 5845. 104 Senior Typist 4530. 5150. 5570. 105 Memorial & Hommocks Park Attendants 3200, 3300. 3700 23536. 25660. 28560. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Memorial park & Play- ground (Shuffle Board Courts, etc.) 779. 800. 3300. 202 Office Furniture - - 75. - - 203 Station Wagon - - 2400. - - 204 New Sails (Six Little Bears) 1040. - - -205 Public Address System 217. - - - - 206 Poloroid I.D. System (Lease) - - 452. 1071. 207 Baldwin Hills Project - - 4830 2700. 2036, 8527. 7071., 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 4325. 6800. 6650. 402 Planning Services (Hommocks Improvement) 2750. - - - - 7075. 6800 6650_ YOUTH RECREATION 500 Personal Services 20946. 25446. 29170. 501 Supplies & Other Expenses 7253. 6913. 8083. 28199. 32359. 37253. -15- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1.969 Adopted RECREATION (con'd) • ADULT RECREATION 600 Personal Services 2646,. 3360. 3360. 601 Supplies & Other Services 1474. 3181. 3667. 6120. 6541. 7027. Sin* KING POOL (TOWN'S SHARE) 700 Personal Services _ - 9111. 42335. 701 Supplies & Other Expenses ._.. ° - - 1350. - 9111. 43685. TOTAL 66966. 88998 130246. REVENUES (See Page 26) Estimated State kid 4028. 4028. Estimated Fee. 30760. 61588. TOTAL 34788. 65616. NET APPROPRIATION 54210 64630 NET INCREASE ma 1969 10420. SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adopted ENTERPRISES PARKING. FIELDS 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401-1 Supplies & Other Expenses (Parking Field #1) 2471. 2000. 1000. 402 Lease - County of Westchester 4155. 5500. 6000. 6626. 7500. 7000. GENERAL TOWN (MISC.) 401 Supplies & Other Expenses (Parking Field #3) - - 500. 250, - - 500. 250. • CEMETERIES 500 OTHER EXPENSES 501 Supplies & Other Expenses 216. 300. 300, 216. 300. 300. TOTAL ENTERPRISES 6842. 83O0i 7550. DEBT REDUCTION NOTES 300 Redemption of Bonds & Notes 8000. 13000, 13000, . TOTAL 8000. 13000. 13000. -17- SCHEDULE 1 - (coned) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adopted SHIDRAKS RIVER PROJECT LOU PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Consultant 1000. 1000. 1500. 102 Maintenance Foreman (Gardener) 67000 7270. 8150. 103 Laborers 982. 2800. 2800. 104 Secretary 200. 200. 200, 105 Special Programs - - 250. 260. 8882. 11520, 12910. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Equipment Rental & Operation 100. 700. 1350. 202 Wood Chipper - - 3862. - - 100. 4562. 1350. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1685. 2050. 1950. 1685. 2050. 1950. TOTAL 10667. 18132. 16210. -18- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget • 1967 1968 1969 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS 500 Veteran's Organization Rooms 600. 900. 900. 501 Patriotic Observances 956. 1000. 1000. 502 Shade Tree Fund 1566. 2200. 2200.Bond & Coupon Svice.Fees 131. 275. 275. 504 Real Estate Taxes 720. 1000. 1800. 505 Payment to Retirement System 23105. 26985. 32810. 506 Social Security Taxes 6656. 9710. 9500. 507 Contingency Fund - - 8510.* 14000. I 508 Interest r st on Notes, etc. 1392. 8000. 5540. 509 Improvement of Hommocks Area 87723. 38235. 30300. • 15500. 510 Street Signs 576. 600. 600. 511 Revaluation Program 29449. 35000. - - 512 Supt. of Highways 8000. 10240. 12190. 513 Secretary - Town Hall Committee 205. - No - - 514 : Towt Hall Project - 10000. - - 515 Insurance Consultation - - 250. - - 516 Weaver St. Sidewalk Project - - 24500. - - 161079. 177405. 111315. 96315. INSURANCE 600 Workmen's Compensation 1867. 1250. 2000. 601 Official Bonds & Under- takings 513. 1000. 1000. 602 Fire, Auto Liab., .etc. 9632. 9800. 11000. 603 Group Health 2825. 3315. 11770. 604 Group Life - - - - 4464. 14837. 15365. 30234. 30234. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS & INSURANCE 175916. 192770. 141549. 126549. GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 494260 573488. 583781. 568781. *Budget Before Modifications $27000. Less Transfers: Town Offices $ 600. Misc. General Town 250. Weaver St. Sidewalk 17000. Office of Rec. of Taxes 190. Office of Assessor 450. Transfers Prior to 12/31/68 8510. 27000. 0 - -19- SCHEDULE 2 APPROPRIATIONS • GENERAL FUND Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget _ 1967 1968 1969 Adopted 11 ...ICE 00 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Officers 16400. 295073. 358797,. IOTA Holiday Compensation +eta., , 8500. 13325. 102 Cleaner 2420,. 3120. 3120. 103 School Guards 9424, 12950. 17100. 104 Senior Clerk _._18`'�i.....=..W� x_..' fl0, _-_._W.�..- 5465. 284079. 322:;43. 397857. 700 EQUIPMENT x.01 Aotomotive 9270. 8000. 14000. 2(2 Uniforms, etc. 4579. 4500. 5000. 4u: Radios 1114. 3000. 3000. 34 Other 4891. 2400. 2800. ,u5 Emergency Ambuiar.e & Equipment 1.>5n. - - . 21304. 17900 24800 .00 OTHER EXPENSES 401 :gilding Operation 1842. 000. 3000. 02 :73lephone 3333. 3200. 3200. 403 L I.ght, Gas & Water 648. 650. 700. 7, 4x04 Gds & Oil 3881. 3S00. 5000. 405 Equipment Operation 6417. 5200. 6000. ?)ep '406 Supplies= 43 73. 4000. 5000. 407 Traffic Signals & Signs 2718. X079. 10000, i r 408 Compensation & Liability Insurance 7023. 7100. 7500. 409 Group Health Insurance 3886. 4455. 14685. 410 Group Life Insurance - - - 5472. 411 Employees' Retirement System 44216 . 4/017. 45150. 412 Police Pension Fund 24179. 31100. 31100. 413 Social Security Taxes 1.1.369. 1392.6. 15500, 414 Travel Expenses 649. 1000. 1500. 415 Miscellaneous 972, 300. 4500, 416 Proposed Surveys & Studies -_..- : - - 15000. 115512. 124327. 173307. TOTAL 420895. 464870. 595964. -20- SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adopted TANNING BOARD 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Secretary 200. 200. 200_ • 200. 200. 200. _.�. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Oti2e.r. Expenses 235. 300. 300. 402 Master Plan 4806, - - - 403 Secretary - Joint Economy Stud" Comm. - - 200.* - - 404 Supplies & Other Expenses - Joint Economy Study Come. - - 100.* - - 5041. 600, 300, TOTAL 5241. 800. 500. *Village of Larchmont (1/2) & Town of Mamaroneck (1/2) . -21- SCHEDULE 2 - (cored) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Ado.reC BUILDING & PLUMBING 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Inspector 10520. 11500. 12190. 102 Sr. Stenographer 2555.* 2755.* 3113.* 103 Examining Board of Plumbers 150. 180. 180. 13225 14435. 15483 200 EQUIPMENT 201 New Automobile 1980. 1980. - - - ,00 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 469. 450• 500. 469, 450 500, TOTAL 15674. 14885. 15983. *Building & Plumbing (1/2) & Engineering (1/2) 22- SCHEDULE 2 - (could) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 196S 1969 BOARD OF APPEALS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Secretary 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. +'.'OO OTHER EXPENSES ;:fit Supp1:ir. Other Expenses 292. 360. 300. 292. 360. 300. TOTAL 492. 560. 500. -23- SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adopte<'. I sCELLANEOUS 0i Public Library Contract 47692. 54656.* 56952.* .02 Registrar Vital Statistics - - 65. 65. 03 Employees' Retirement System 3460. 2615. 2900. iO4, Social. Security Taxes 540. 740. 700. Contingency Fund - - 6625.** 6500. Thruway Noise Abatement 2. 100. 100. 507 Group Health Insurance 177. 225. 660. 503 Gro,Ir Life Insurance - - - - 288. 509 Corpeo. ation & Liability Insurance 409. 400. 400. 510 Dutch Ulm Disease Program 279. 400. 400. 511 Miscellaneous 163. 150. 1150. 512 Codification of Town Ordinances 4616. 4250. - - 513 Parking Meters (Maxwell Street) Lot #2 2325. 250. 150. 514 Refuse Collection 1429. - - - - 515 Classification & Salary Plan 3000. - - - - 516 Premium River Project - 1375. - - 64092. 71851. 70265. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 64092. 71851. 70265. DEBT REDUCTION NOTES 300 Bond Anticipation Notes 3000. - -_,_� - - 3000, - - *Operation & Maintenance $54880. Preliminary architectural plans & appraisal re contemplated addition - carried over from 1968 Budget. 2072. $56952. . .**Budget Before Modifications j,ees Transfers: $ 8000. Premium Rer Project $ 1375. . Transfers Prior to 12/31/68 662.1= 80f.o. -4+- SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adopted PUBLIC HEALTH 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1658. 500.* 500.* • 1658.5 . 500. 500. TOTAL 1658. 500. 500. -Proportionate share of operating expenses Town of Mamaroneck & Village of Mamaroneck. GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND n".,RT SOW APPROPRIATIONS 508052. 556466. 683 712. • -25- SCHEDULE 3 - ESTIMATED REVENUES • GENERAL FUND OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES Budget As Tentative Collected Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adopted STATE AID State Aid Per Capita 109145. 109145. 109145. State Aid - Mortgage Tax 37317. 40000. 40000. State Aid - Youth Bureau 3902. 4028. 4028. State Aid - Railroads 1843. 1843. 1843. 152207. 155016. 155010. - INTEREST AND PENALTIES ON TAXES 21224. 19500. 19500. 21224. 49500. 19500 LICENSES AND PERMITS Dog Licenses 2228. 2250. 2800. 2228. 2250, 2800 DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS Town Clerk's Fees 1347. 1100, 1200. Recreation Fees 18865. 30760. 61588. Justices' Fees 5948. 8200. 2A• Illsc. Inspection Fees 830. 650. 800, Parking Meter Receipts (Lot #1) 13288. 13000. 14000. 40278. 53710 857.8. OTHER REVENUES Civil Defense Refunds 561. 780. 5`-0. Property Rentals 1.422. 1422. 14 :2. Engineering Charge Special District 4380. 4745 .533. Interest on Deposits and Investments 40278. 36000. 410OQ. . Parking Meter Receipts (Lot #2) 2148. 2600. 4500. Cash Available 88462. 54176, 14000 _.___ 137251. _ 10072 . GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND I ESTIMATED REVENUES 353188. 331199. 329609. -26- SCHEDULE 4 - ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL FUND PART TOWN OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES Budget As Tentative Collected Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Ado+tf STATE AID Slate Aid - Per Capita 25332. 25332. 25332, 25332. 25332. 25332. DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS Police Department Fees 388. 500. 500. Planning Board Fees 162. 180. 200. A-+ard of Appeals Fees 270. 400. 300. wilding & Plumbing Fees 2813. 3000. 2000. Parking Meter Receipts (Lot #3) 1102. 1200. 1600. Joint Economy Study Comm. - - 150. - 4735. 5430. 4610, OTHER EARNINGS Cash Available 3500. - - 1000. 3500. - - 1000. RAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES 33567. 30762. 30932. -27- SCHEDULE 5 APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget .. 1967 1968 1969 Adopted ITEM I General Repairs 107429. 159320. 18363x, Employees ` Retirement System 19656. 19380. 20700. Social Security Taxes 4146. 6150. 6500. Compensation Insurance 2482. 2750. 2850. Group Health Insurance 2110. 2770. 8250. Group L:i fe Insurance - - - - 3600. 135823. 190370. 225538. L ,1 ',.. , / ; ,:.., ITEM II Maintenance & Repairs - Bridge Labor 89. 300. 300. Materials 6. 500. 500. 95, 800. 800. �. ITEM III Machinery Purchase 31111. 13750. 31974. Repairs 6132. 4000. 4000. Storage 1869. 2500. 2700. Gas and Oil 5646. 5500. 6000. Automotive Mechanic 6011. 6895. 7310. Principal on Notes - - - - 24750. Interest on Notes - - - - 891. 50769. 32645. 77625. ITEM IV Snow & Miscellaneous Control of Ice & Snow 16842. 20000. 20000. Cutting Weeds & Brush 2635. 3000. 3000. Other Miscellaneous 317. 3350. 3450. 19794. 26350. 26450. ' ITEM V Town Garage Construction Construction Costs (Addition) - - 15000. Redemption of Bonds 10000. 10000. 10000. Interest on Bonds 4350. 4050. 3750. 14350, 29050. 13750. GRAND TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND 220831. 279215. 344163. ; ( , -28- r SCHEDULE 6 - ESTIMATED REVENUES OTHER -THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES HIGHWAY FUND Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adonf, ITEM I State Aid 5150.00 5200.00 5200.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 200.00 200.00 Unexpended Balance 19862.00 22000.00 32000.00 25212.00 27400.00 37400.00 ITEM II Bridge Unexpended Balance 400.00 500.00 500.00 _.. 400.00 500.00 500.00 ':.'2i M III t� chinery Gas & Oil Refunds, etc. 5314.00 5000.00 6000.00 Unexpended Balance 1000.00 - - 3000.00 ..�._ 6314.00 5000,00 9000.00 ITEM IV Snow & Miscellaneous Snow Removal Refunds 1981.00 1700.00 1500.00 Unexpended Balance - - . - - 8000.00 1981.00 1700.00 9500.00 ITEM V Town Garage Construction Unexpended Balance .36 - - 3470.30 .36 - - 3470.30 GRAND TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND REVENUES 33907.36 34600.00 59870.30 -29- SCHEDULE 7 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS GARBAGE DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adopter' APPROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 95303. 103480. 116920. 95303. 103480. 116920. 400- EQUIPMENT 201 New Garbage Loadpackers (2) 1967 - (1) 1968 22047. 12000. - - 22047. 12000. - - 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Equipment Operation 3959. 4950. 3750. 402 Supplies & Other Expenses 531. 2460. 2580. 403 Employees' Retirement System 9184. 10625. 12250. 404 Social Security Taxes 4198. 5175. 5600. 405 Group Life Insurance - - - 2016. 406 Group Health Insurance 1264. 1350. 4400. 407 Compensation & Lia- bility Insurance 3412. 3880. 4800. 408 Incinerator Operation 67316. 70000. 64000. 89864. 98440. 99396. is TOTAL 207214, 213920. 216316. � . REVENUES Cash Available 11460. - - - - TOTAL 11460. - - - - GARBAGE DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 213920. 216316. -30- SCHEDULE 8 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS WATER DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adt ,J,7 APPROPRIATIONS 400 OTHER R EXPENSES 401 Water District System Capital Costs 4774. 34500. 42500. 402 Redemption of Bonds and Notes .33500. 26500. 26500. 403 Interest on Bonds and Notes 15924. 14814, 13763. 404 Refunds - Water Mains 412. •- - - - 405 Supplies & Other Expenses - - 650. 3200. TOTAL 54610. 76464. 85963. n::...._fEN JE S Water Revenues (Net) 57310. 49000. 48413. Pipe tine' Rentalt 4153. 4000. 4000. =:ash Available 12944. 19650. 28550. TOTAL 74407. 72650. 80963. ATER DISTRICT TAX LEVI - - 3814. 5000. -31- SCHEDULE 9 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 ,_-,- 1969 Ador iy APPROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 1873. 3000. 4656. 1873. 3000. 4656. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Utility Body_ and Aerial Device 2500. - - - 2500. - - - - 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses - - 500. 400. 402 Operation (Energy) 18842. ,S 00. 18600. 403 Installations 3022. w O0O. X000. 21864. .. 24500. 26000. TOTAL 26''37. 27500. 30656. UVENUES Cash Available - - 3500. - - TOTAL - - 3500 - - STREET LIGHTING TAX LEVY - - 24000. 30656: -32- 1.,. SCHEDULE 10 APPROPRIATIONS - SP$CIAL DISTRICTS SEWER DISTRICT #2 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budge,._ 1967 __ -�- - 1968 196 t!ROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries and Wages, 1.540.. 1945. 3086. 1540. 1945. 3086. _^ 200 EQUIPMENT 201 SeweRodeR - - - 4800. --...___-.�.... 4800. '.0O OTHER EXPENSES -t L Supplies & Oth. .r Expenses 490. 1300. 1.000. 02 Compensation and 'liability Insurance 34. 300. 300. LO Sewer Construction Costs 31695. 35000, 35/33. 404 Redemption of Debt 51500. S1500. 57500. Interest on Notes and Bonds 16929. 14767. 17751. 4E;a Maintenance - Two Sewer Pump Stations 347. 1100. 7.1.00. 100995. 103967. 112284 TOTAL 102535. 110712. 1.15370. REVENUES Cash Available 36333. 18000. 2Q3" . TOTAL 36833. 38000. 2'670. SEWER TAX LEVY - - 72712. 31000, -33- SCHEDULE 11 APPROP$IATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS PARR DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 -.... 1.968 i969 Adopter'. APPROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Park Superintendent 9500. 9860. 10450. 102 Park Foreman 7200, 7690. 8525. 103 Laborers 27574. 33275. 30250. _ 104 Secretax.y 200 200. 200. 44474. 51025. 49425. 200 EQUI f T 201 Rotary Power Mowers (2) 180. •- - 300. 202 Gravely Spray Rig Atte..chment - - 250, - 203 Cha:..n Saw - - - - 00. -goo. 25G. 500. 400 OT,.. EXPENSES ES 401 SApplies & Other E-.pen es 1641. 2745. 2885, 402 Building Operation 726. 1160. 1300. 403 Equipment and Operating Costs 730. 1000, 1190. 404 Eriployees' Retirement System 7$85. 8210, 6000. 405 Group Life Insurance •- - - - 864. 406 Group health Insurance 718. 760. 1760. 407 Compensation and Liability Insurance 1317. 1.900. 23C0. 408 Social Security Taxes 1789. 2630. 22C0. 409 Redemption of Debt. 10000. 10000. 60(0. 410 Interest on Bonds 2295. 1845. 14:.5. 411 Landscaping New Section Murray Ave.-N;Chatsworth 2455. 1545. - . 412 Resurfacing Pane Walks & Installing New Benches 21.0, 3000. 413 Capital Improvement - - - Dredging Sh'•ldrake Lake ,-___ - - 12500. 9_1N4.-- 34795. 38484. -34- SCHEDULE 11 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 _ 1969 Adopted PARK DISTRICT #1 - (con'd) TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 74478 86070 88409 REVENUES Cash Available 9300. 6370. 3600. TOTAL 9300. 6370 3600 PARK DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 79700. 84809. • -35- SCHEDULE 12 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS FIRE DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 _ Adopted APPROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries 98226. 110250. 129060. 93226. 110250. 129060. 200 EQUIPMENT 01 Chief's, Automobile (Radio) -• - 650. 3000. 202 Clothing 1525. 2000. 2000. 203 Radio 650. - - 800. 204 Aerial Ladder (Part) - - 7500. 15000. 2175. 10150. 20800. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Equipment Operation. 4615. 5000. 5000. 402 Building Operation 4762. 14600. 9000. 403 Supplies & Other. , Expenses 3062. 3750. 4000. 404 Gas, LLght, Water ud IL:at 2073. 2100. 2100. 4C5 Inspection & Travel 2309. 2600. 2700. 406 Telephone & Alarm 1415. 1500. 1500. 407 Employees ' Retirement • System 16350. 17165. 18490. 408 Social Security Taxes 3723. 5465. 5000. 409 Group Life Insurance - - _ _ 1872. 410 Group Health Insurance 1259. 1325. 4070. 411 Compensation & Liability Insurance 8902. 9200. 9200. 412 Hydrant Rental 12362. 13000. 13000. 60832. 75705. 75932. -36- i SCHEDULE 12 - (coned) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1967 1968 1969 Adopted FIRE DISTRICT ,#1 - co_ed TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 161233. 196105. 225792, REVENUES Cash Available 1000. 14540. 5000. TOTAL REVENUES 1000, 14540. 5000. FIRE DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 181565. 220792 -37- r' SCHEDULE 13 / TAX RATES YEAR TOWN COUNTY SCHOOL ASSESSMENT 1969 24.77 154,615,479 1968 25.36 17.36 51.71 132,658,271 1967 23.28 14.11 43.86 130,996,235 1966 22.09 12.72 40.14 128,303,420 1965 20.41 11.94 37.19 125,807,224 1964 19.03 11.64 35.30 125,370,203 1963 19.40 11.67 33.30 120,950,660 1962 18.25 11.65 29.32 117,319,554 1961 17.55 11.67 28.53 114,813,216 1960 17.56 11.34 27.90 111,233,241 1959 16.80 11.26 26.90 108,606,448 1958 15.97 10.82 25.86 106,729,722 1957 15.85 10.66 24.32 103,369,000 1956 15.74 10.80 23.20 98,679,000 1955 16.38 11.13 21.45 95,095,000 1954 16.06 11.01 18.87 91,702,000 1953 16.15 10.93 18.94 89,456,000 1952 15.59 10.25 18.81 87,754,000 1951 15.59 10.24 17.87 85,445,000 1950 14.37 10.54 16.94 83,939,000 1949 14.71 10.76 17.38 81,011,000 1948 14.43 10.10 15.99 78,602,000 1947 15.76 10.63 16.64 77,627,000 1946 16.91 9.21 13.49 75,688,000 1945 16.78 7.92 12.37 76,370,000 1944 17.04 8.52 11.78 77,719,000 1943 16.62 9.02 10.69 . 79,490,000 -38- SCHEDULE 14 TOWN OF MAMARONECK YEARLY AMORTIZATION AND INTEREST CHARGES ON ALL BOND ISSUES AS OF JANUARY 1, 1969 YEAR AMORTIZATION INTEREST TOTAL 1969 $ 106,500.00 $ 39,659.62 $ 146,159.62 1970 104,000.00 35,129.50 139,129.50 1971 97,000,00 30.687.50 127,687.50 1972 90,000.00 26:760.00 116,760.00 1973 89,000.00 23,072.50 112,072„50 1974 80,000.10 19,576.30 99,578,50 1975 67,000.00 16,573 .00 83,573.00 1976 56,000.00 1.4, 177.50 70,177.50 1977 35,000.00 12,012.50 47,012.50 1978 30,000.00 10,650.00 40,650.00 1979 30,000.00 9,525.00 39,525.00 1980 30,000.00 - 8,400.00 38,400.00 1981 30,000.00 7,275.00 37,275.00 1982 20,000.00 6,300.00 26,300.00 1983 20,000.00 5,475.00 25,475.00 1984 20,000.00 4,650.00 24,650.00 1985 20,000.01) 3,825.00 23,825.00 1986 20,000.00 3,000.00 23,000.00 1987 20,000.00 2,175.00 22,175.00 1988 20,000.00 1,350.00 21,350.00 1989 20,000,00 • 525.00 20,525.00 $1,004.500.00 $ 280,800.62 $1,285,300.62 RECAPITULATION: General Town Bonds $ 85,000.00 Water tii. t:;-ict Bonds 339,000.00 Park District Bonds 36,000.00 - Sewer District Bonds 414,500.00 Highway District Bonds 130,000.00 $1,004,500.00 -39- I SCi.. ULE 14 (continued) GENERAL TOWN BONDS w,'EAR AMORTIZATION INTEREST TOTAL 1969 $ 10,000.00 $ 3,825.00 $ 13,825.00 1970 10,000.00 :3 ,375.00 13,375.00 1971 10,000.00 2,925.00 12,925.00 1972 10,000.00 2,475.00 12,475.00 1973 10,000.00 2,025.00 12,025,00 1974 10,000.00 1,575.00 11,575.00 1.075 10,000.00 1,125.00 11,125.00 1976 15,000,00 67.5.00 _ 15,675.00 $ 85,000.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 103,000.00 1 A'TER DISTRICT BONDS 19t9 $ 23 ,000.00 $ 13,349.50 $ 36,349.50 1970 24,000.00 12.343.00 36,343.00 1971. 19.000,00 11 ,326.50 30,326.50 1972 17000.00 3.0,584.50 27,584.50 1973 16,000„00 9,932.50 25,932.50 1974 15,000.00 9,300.00 24,300.00 J.575 15,000.00 8,700.00 23,700.00 1976 15,000.00 8,100.00 23,100.00 -.977 15,000.00 7,500.00 22,500.00 1978 15,000.00 6,900.00 21,900.00 1.479 15,000.00 6,300.00 21,300.00 1980 1.5,000.00 5,700.00 20,700.00 1961 15,000.00 5,100.00 20,100.00 1982 1.0,000.00 4,500.00 19,500.00 1983 L5,000.00 3,900.00 18,900.00 1984 15,000.00 3,300.00 18,300.00 1985 15,000.00 2,700.00 17,700.00 1986 5,000.00 2,100.00 17,100.00 '987 .5,000,00 1,500.00 16,500.00 , 38 1.5,000.00 900.00 15,900.00 1989 15,000.00 300.00 15,300.00 $ 339,900.00 S 134,336.00 $ 473,336.00 • PARK DISTRICT t'ONDS 1969 $ 6,000.00 $ 1,485.00 $ 7,485.00 1970 6,000.00 1,215.00 7,215.00 1971 6,000.00 945.00 6,945.00 1972 6,000.00 675.00 6,675.00 1973 6,000.00 405,00 6,405.00 1974 6,000.00 135.00 6,135.00 $ 36,000.00 $ 4,860.00 $ 40,860.00 -40. SCHEDULE 14 (continued) SEWER DISTRICT BONDS YEAR AMORTIZATION INTEREST TOTAL 1969 $ 57,500.00 $ 17,250.12 $ 74,750.12 1970 54,000.00 14,746.50 66,746.50 1971 52,000.00 12,341.00 64,341.00 1972 47,000.00 10,175.50 57,175.50 1973 47,000.00 8,160.00 55,160.00 1974 39,000.00 6,318.50 45,31.3.50 1975 32,000.00 4,798.00 36,79.00 1976 16,000.00 3,752.50 19,752.50 1977 10,000.00 3,162.50 13,162.50 1978 5,000.00 2,700.00 7,700.00 1979 5,000.00 2,475.00 7,475.00 1980 5,000.00 2,250.00 7,250.00 . 1981 5.000.00 2,025.00 , .025.00 7 025 00 1982. 5,000.00 1,800.00 6,800.00 1983 5,000.00 1,575.00 6,575.00 1984 5,000.00 1 350 00 6,350.00 1985 5,000.00 1,125.00 6,125.00 1986 5,000.00 ' 900.00 5,900.00 1-987 5,000.00 675.00 5,675.00 1988 5,000.00 450.00 5,450.00 1989 5,000.00 225.00 5,225.00 $ 414,500.00 $ 98,254.62 $ 512,754.62 HIGHWAY DISTRICT BONDS 1969 $ 10,000.00 $ 3,750.00 $ 13,750.00 1970 1.0,000.00 3,450.00 13,450.00 1971 10,000.00 3,150.00 13,150.00 1972 10,000.00 2,850.00 12,850.00 1973 10,000,00 2,550.00 12,550.00 3.974 10,000.00 2,250.00 12,250.00 1)7.5 10,000.00 1,950.00 11,950.00 1976 10,000.00 1,650.00 11,650.00 1977 10,000.00 1,350.00 11,350.00 1978 10,000.00 1,050.00 11,050.00 1979 10,000,00 750.00 10,750.00 1980 10,000.00 450.00 10,450,00 1981 10,000.00 150.00. 10,150.00 $ 130,000.00 $ 25,350.00 $ 155,350.00 -41- SCHEDULE 15 SCHEDULE OF :SALARIES AND WAGES - ALL FUNDS RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION! GENV.=AI. TOWN S1iP'v VISOR Jupervisor P.T. 1 8000. Deputy Supervisor P.T. 1 600. Confidential Secretary 4940. & Executive Assistant (1/2) 1 4940. 494:x_ *Intermediate Stenographer 1 5255. TOTAL 18795. TOWN JUSTICES Town Justic::e P.T. 2 4505. 9010, Court Clerk P,T, 1 • 4000. TOTAL 13010. COUNCILMEN Council-A-len P.T. 4 3000, . 12000. TOWN CLERK Town Clerk 1 12190. ;Intermediate Typist 1 4540. Confidential Secretary 4940. & Executive Assistant (1/2) 1 4940, 4940, TOTAL 21670. ASSESSOR Assessor 1 12190. *Assessment Clerk 1 7310. Assessment Clerk (1/2) 1 3655. Receiver of Taxes 3655. 3655. Sr. Engineering Aide (1/2) 1 4390. • Engineering Dept. 4390, 4390. *Intermediate A/C Clerk 1 5255. Board of Review 3 900. TOTAL 33700. -42- 5(ga= 15 • (con'd) RA`.CJ. OF TOTAL TITLE NTJBE_! COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION RECEIVER OF TAXES Receiver of Taxes 1 12120, Senior A/C Clerk (1/2) 1 3113. 3_ . , Comptroller's Office ; 112. Assessment Clerk (1/2) 1 Assessor's Office 355. TOTAL .211(2-1 )WN ATTORNEY Town Attorney P.T. 1 12000. . ssist, to Town Attorney P.T. 1 5 200. utermediate Steno. 1 52x5, TOTAL 22455. E . '-.T ER irneer 1 15100. <xnw.or Engineering Aide (1/2) 1 4390. 4390. .e-Jessor's Office 4390. nior Stenographer (1/2) 1 3112. 3:12. Building & Plumbing Dept. 3113. TOTAL 22602. COMPTROlLER Comptroller 1 15100. *Int. A/C Clerk & Typist 1 5600. &.enior Account Clerk 1 6985, Senior Account..Clerk (1/2) 1 3112. 3112. Receiver of Taxes (1/2) 3113. TOTAL 30797. - TOWN OFFICES Intermediate Steno. 1 4910. Cleaner P.T. 1 1600. TOTAL 651.0. ELECTION Custodians 2 400, 800. Temporary Employees 1300. Election Officials 100 13810. TOTAL 15910. -43- SCHEDULE 15 - (con'd) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPRO iATIOT RECREATION '`� tperintendc r t: 1 1.3245. '-:aenior Typist 1 5570. �',ommissio . Secretary P.T. 1 200. Recreation Attendant 1 5845. Memorial. & Hommocks P=.i:k Attendants P.T. 2 1850. 37'_0. Mnming Pool Maintenance P.T. (Town's Share) Temporary Summer Employees 32530. TOTAL 103425. • SiELDRAKE RIVER PROJECT • Consultant P.T. 1 1500. s it i.ntenance Foreman (Gardener) _. 8150.. Laborers 2800. Secretary P.T. ' ' 200. Special Programs '.to .—.. TOTAL 12910. MISCELLANEOUS - GENERAL TOWN Superintendent of Highways 1 12190. PART TOWN • Chief 1 14205. Lieutenant 1 11965. Detective Sergeant 1 10570. Sergeants 5 10120. 50600. Detectives 2 9610. 19220. Patrolmen 28 Wage scale 8100.-9160. p uis holiday compensation & overtime. 265612. *Senior Clerk 1 5465. - School Guards 9 10,10 per day. 17100. Cleaner P.T. 1 „_3120. TOTAL 397857. PLANNING BOARD Secretary P.T. I 200. SCHEDULE 15 - (con'd) 1 RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION WILDING & PLUMBING Inspector 1 12190. Scni.or Stenographer (1/2) 1 3113. 3113. Engineering Dept. 3112. Exam.-- Board of Plumbers 3 180. TOTAL 15483, BOARD} OF APPEALS Secretary Pa. 1 unomormada= HIGHWAY General Foreman 1 9880. Labor Foreman 2 7310.(Additional 250. at end of year). 15120. Automotive Mechanic 1 7310. Motor Equipment 0 erators 5 *Wage scale 5465. - 6985. 34925. Laborers - Skilled 2 *Wage scale 5465. - 6985. 13970. Laborers 13 *Wage scale 5205. - 6665. 51613. *Plus overtime. TOTAL 132818.** **Total of $165,560. (Highway Dept.) apportioned to Highway, Garbage, Sewer and Street Lighting. GARBAGE DISTRICT Collectors (Sanitation Men) 14 Wage scale 5205. - 6665. (4 Drivers 200. additional) 91920. Laborers (See Highway) 25000. • TOTAL 116920_ PARK DISTRICT . Park Superintendent 1 10450. Park Foreman 1 8525. Laborers - Skilled 1 Wage scale 5465. - 6985. plus overtime . 6985. • Laborers 3 Wage scale 5205. - 6665. plus overtime and additional labor. 23265. Secretary P,T. 1 200. TOTAL 49425. SEWER DISTRICT Laborers (See Highway) 3086. -45- SCHEDULE 15 - (con'd) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATT S TREET LIGHTING DISTRICT Laborers (See Highway) 4656. FIRE DISTRICT Lieutenant 1 10120. Fireman - Charge of Shift 3 Wage scale 9335. - 9425. 28185. Firemen 9 Wage scale 8100. - 9160. plus holiday compensation & overtime. 89795. Inspector P.T. 1 960. TOTAL 129060. *Employees subject to Civil Service examinations in these positions. -45a- SCHEDULE 16 RECOMMENDED SALARY STRUCTURE JOB GROUP MINIMUM STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 MAXIMUM INCREMENT I $ 4000. $ 4285. $ 4570. $ 4855. $ 5140. $ 285. II 4235. 4530. 4825. 5120. 5415. 295. III 4540. 4860. 5180. 5500. 5820. 320. IV 4910. 5255. 5600. 5945. 6290. 345. V 5205. 5570. 5935. 6300. 6665. 365. • VI 5465. 5845. 6225. 6605. 6985. 380. . VII 5710. 6110. 6510. 6910. 7310. 400. VIII 6035. 6455. 6875. 7295. 7715. 420. IX 6370. 6815. 7260. 7705. 8150. 445. X 7040. 7535. 8030. 8525. 9020. 495. XI 8170. 8740. 9310. 9880. 10450. 570. XII 9510. 10180. 10850. 11520. 12190. 670. XIII 10965. 11725. 12485. 13245. 14005. 760. XIV 12475. 13350. 14225. 15100. 15975. 875. XV 14100. 15085. 16070. 17055. 18040. 985. p -46- SCHEDULE 16 - (cord) LIST OF CLASSES BY RECOMMENDED JOB GROUP Job Group I ($400'0. - r5140.) Job Group II G4235. -- $5415.) Job Group III ($4540. - $5820.) Interme6_.: ce Typist Job Group IV ($4910. - $6290.) Intermediate Account Clerk Intermediate Account Clerk & Typist Iatern ed;".a.te Stenographer • Job Group V ($5205. !)6W;.) ) • Laborer Sanit .tic,n Man Senior Typist Job Group VI ($5465. - $6985.) Laborer - Skilled Motor Equipment O peratcr Recreation Assistant Senior Account Clerk Senior Stenographer Job Group VII ($5710. - $7310.) Assessment Clerk Automotive Mechanic Labor Foreman Job Group VIII ($60:35. - $7715.) .Tob Group Ins. ($6370. - $8150.) Maintenance t'o eman - Gardener Job Croup X ($7040. c.9O20.) ?ark Foreman Jou Group XI ($8170. - $10450.) Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant General Foreman (Highway) Senior Engineering Aide Park Superintendent Job Group XII ($9510. - $ll190.) Assessor Building & Plumbing Inspector II Receiver of Taxes & Assessments Superintendent of Highways Town Clerk -47- SCHEDULE 16 - (con'd) LIST OF CLASSES BY RECOMMENDED JOB GROUP .To:~ Croup X I). ($10965. - $14u05.) Saperintendet REftion Job Group XIV 012475. - $15975.) Comptroller Town Engineer Job Group XV ($14100. - $18040.' -48.