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Adopted Budget_1970_11/7/1969
A-EA- Lk) PRESENTATION OF THE BUDGET 1970 • o 1 am\ 0 ( 1 i 0 , - z W +r ! rTl 49/ktak, • FOUNDED 1,661 - �ill CARTtCLE 8 of the TOWN LAW, SEC. 1121 DECEMBER 3, 1969 L J TOWN OF MAMARONECK 158 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK, N. Y. CHRISTINE K. HELWIG OW 8-8300 WPERVI$OR November the 7th 1 9 6 9 To the Residents of the Town of Mamaroneck -- We have prepared a simplified summary of the Preliminary Town Budget for 1970 since the required New York State format is complicated and difficult for our residents to follow. The summary, which is attached, outlines the planned expenses, anticipated income and the amount of money that must be raised by property taxes. For those who wish to study the proposals in greater detail, complete copies may be obtained at the Town Offices. By law, the requests for appropriations must be presented to the Board by the Supervisor and adopted by the Board between • November 10th and 15th each year. Prior to formal adoption of these requests, appropriations may be either raised or lowered. The presentation of budget requests will be made at a special meeting on Wednesday, November 12th, at 8:15 p.m. at the Weaver Street Firehouse. We urge residents to attend this meeting and participate in the discussion of present Town services, estimated costs thereof and future needs of the Town. Following this presentation and prior to November 15th, the Board must formally adopt a Preliminary Budget and set a date before December 10th for the Budget Hearing. Sincerely, • Christine K. Helwig (/ Supervisor b) TOWN OF MAMARONECK 158 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONECK, N. Y. CHRISTINE IC. HEL.WIG OW 8-8800 SUl*RVI$OR December the 3rd 1 9 6 9 To the Residents of the Town of Mamaroneck -- The Preliminary Budget for 1970 as adopted on November 12th is herewith submitted for your comments at this Budget Hearing. A simplified summary outlines the planned expenses, anticipated income and amounts that must be raised by property taxes. Since adoption of the Preliminary Budget, it has become possible to rec- ommend certain reductions as follows: The unincorporated area share of the Library Contract (Schedule 2 p. 24) will be $59,500, a reduction of $1,176 from the $60,676 shown in the Preliminary Budget. In the Highway Fund (Schedule 5 p. 28) $30,500 will be eliminated from General Repairs. The items eliminated consist of $8,000 from the $24,000 requested for • the Orchard Road Storm Drain and $22,500 allocated for resurfacing Wagon Wheel and other roads in the Prince Willows Area in 1970 which will now become part of the revised total for the Prince Willows Sewer Improvement. The net effect of these changes is a reduction of 47c per $1,000 in the overall tax rate for the unincorporated area from $27.02 to $26.55 per $1,000. The Town budget requests are based on careful estimates by Department Heads following detailed study of requirements. The Board's final judg- ments are reached after many consultations with members of the various Boards and Commissions, and representatives of the Town staff. We are grateful to all of them for the time and study devoted to the needs of the Town. As taxpayers of the Town, we, .the members of the Town Board, make every effort to use taxpayer's money as economically as possible while main- taining the kind of service expected by our community. All appropriations recommended by the Board are included with the express purpose of main- taining the competence and efficiency of our Town Staff and improving the quality of the Town services. Respectfully submitted, Christine K. Helwig 0 Supervisor b) Summary of Budget Requests Budget 1970 1969 Difference % Change Planned Expenses $ 2,506,220. $ 2,359,162. $ 147,058. 6 Anticipated Income 576,004. 539,344. 36,660. 7 * - In Planned Expenses and Anticipated Income, the sume of $208,000. has been eliminated for this comparison as explained on "Notes on Summary". Balance - To be raised by taxes 1,930,216. 1,819,818. 110,398. 6 Personnel Costs 1,542,475. 1,397,108. 145,367. 10 Share of Net Operating Expense 74% 70% --- -- Taxes Administration • General Town (Townwide) Tax 211,269. 239,172. -27,903. -12 See Note #1 Rate per $1,000. Assessed Valuation 1.35 1.55 -20c -13 Municipal Expenses Part Town & Special District Taxes 1,718,947. 1,580,646. 138,301. - 9 See Note #2 Rate per $1,000. Assessed Valuation 26.55 24.77 1.78 7 Note #1 -- Administration which is Townwide includes such expenses as Assessor, Receiver of Taxes, official staff of the Town Office, Elections and Recreation. Note #2 -- Municipal expenses are all costs of government for the unin- corporated area including Police, Fire, Garbage, Water, etc. The tax rate shown in this summary is a combination of the rates for general administration and the Part Town and Special Districts that are included in the financial struc- ture of the Town. Notes on Summary • By law, the Town taxes are levied on property owners only for ser- vices they receive from the Town government. The General Town tax Y g is for services rendered to all residents, including those in the Villages, and is levied on all properties in the Town. The Part Town and Special District taxes are for services rendered to resi- dents of the unincorporated part of Town only and are levied on properties lying in the unincorporated area only. In 1969, the General Town tax paid by the residents of the Vil- lages was $1.55 per $1,000. and is estimated for 1970 at $1.35 per $1,000. - a reduction of 20c per $1,000. The total of the Gen- eral Town tax, Part Town and Special District taxes (paid by resi- dents of the unincorporated area only) in 1969 was $24.77 per $1,000, and is estimated for 1970 at $26.55 per $1,000. - an in- crease of $1.78 per $1,000. All expenses for personal services (salaries and fringe benefits) total $1,542,475. as against $1,397,108. in 1969. This is 74% of net operating costs eliminating debt service and contracted ser- vices. 98% of the increase in planned expenses is accounted for by additional personnel costs. The Police Department will remain at its present authorized strength of 38 uniformed men as recommended by the Police Commis- sion and the Chief. Police maintenance operations will be trans- ferred to Highway and the addition of a Records Clerk is proposed. 2 additional men are requested in Highway, 2 in Sanitation, and one part-time Clerk in the Court. Police and Fire protection costs total $890,460. , or 46%, and Highway costs $373,496. , or 19%, of the unincorporated area budget. Anticipated revenues total $784,004. Our State Aid in 1970 will be $178,199. based on the 5% cut enacted by the State in 1969. Other departmental income totals $249,565. , of which $55,000. rep- resents the earnings realized on the investment of temporarily idle funds - and $356,240. cash available in all funds, of which $208,000. represents unexpended funds carried over from 1969 as follows: Hommocks Improvement Area $130,000. and Premium River Project - 78,000. Revenues in the Water District are expected to increase due to extensions of water service to Murdock Woods and Prince Willows. • TOWN OF MAMARONECK ANNUAL BUDGET 1970 ESTIMATED APPROPRIATIONS REVENUES TAX LEVY GENERAL FUND Town Wide Schedules 1 & 3 782,799.00 571,530.00 211,269.00 Part Town Schedules 2 & 4 772,447.00 35,900.00 736,547.00 HIGHWAY FUND Items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Schedules 5 & 6 373,946.00 74,234.00 299,712.00 SPECIAL DISTRICTS . Garbage Schedule 7 245,618.00 1,000.00 244,618.00 Water Schedule 8 59,150.00 57,150.00 2,000.00 Street Lighting Schedule 9 30,650.00 -- 30,650.00 Sewer Schedule 10 124,895.00 23,000.00 101,895.00 Park Schedule 11 93,244.00 10,000.00 83,244.00 Fire Schedule 12 231,471.00 11,190.00 220,281.00 TOTAL 2,714,220.00 784,004.00 1,930,216.00 - 1 - I COMPARISON OF TAX RATES AND ASSESSMENTS • TOTAL TAXABLE VALUATION 1969 1970 ' 7 / General Town (Townwide) 154,615,479. 156,062,762. h a 1, 1,car"Y .ti': Part Town 68,653,470. 68,838,867. i,::`rt ." = ,i , f3`> Part Town - Highway 68,653,470. 68,838,867. Garbage District 68,653,470. 68,838,867. Water District 68,659,470. 68,844,867. Street Lighting District 68,659,470. 68,844,867. Sewer District 61,801,070. 61,892,567. Park District 65,795,080. 65,781,177. Fire District 68,653,470. 68,838,867. 1969 1970 COMPARISON OF TAX RATES Actual Estimated Increase Decrease General Town (Townwide) 1.55 1.35 .20 /. Part Town 9.51 10.70 1.19 Part Town - Highway 4.14 4.35 .21 Garbage District 3.15 3.55 .40 Water District 07 0 3 .04 Street Lighting District .45 .45 -- -- Sewer District 1.39 1.65 .26 Park District 1.29 1.27 .02 Fire District 3.22 3.20 .02 24.77 26.55 2.06 .28 1969 1970 SUMMARY BY AREAS Actual Estimated Increase Decrease Village of Mamaroneck 1.55 1.35 .20 0 Village of Larchmont 1.55 1.35 .20 Unincorporated Area 24 � 24.77 26.55 1.78 - 2 - I SCHEDULE 1 APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPERVISOR 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Supervisor 7738. 8000. 8000. 102 Deputy Supervisor 593. 600. - - *103 Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant 8510. 4940. 5538. 104 Senior Steno. 3673, 5255. 5785. 20514. 18795. 193232 200 EQUIPMENT .4)1 Typewriter - - 500. • - 202 Furniture - - 100. - - • 203 Air Conditioner - - 200, - - - - 800. - 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 965. 700. 900. 965. 700, 900. TOTAL 21479 20295 20223 zit 7 , 8 _r:rvisor's Office (1/2) and Town Clerk's Office (1/2). -3- SCHEDULE 1 - (con',d) Budget As Tentative . Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted TOWN JUSTICES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Justices (2) 8500. 9010. 9010. - *102 Court Clerks (3) 4121. 4000. 9920. % ! ., / ?: 12621. 13010. 18930. " 200 EQUIPMENT o 201 Office Furniture - - - - 100. -` 202 Typewriter - - 250. 300. - - 250. 400. 400 OTHER EXPENSES • 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 2364. 2100. 2490. 2364. 2100. 2490. TOTAL 14985. 15360. 21820. *(1) Court Clerk transferred from Police Dept. and (1) additional Court Clerk. • -4- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted TOWN BOARD 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Councilmen (4) 11795. 12000. 12000. a o. 11795. 12000. 12000. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Publishing Notices, Reports, etc. 1466. 1200. 1500. 402 Travel & Convention 155. 600. 600. 1621. 1800. 2100. -- • TOTAL, ^ 13416. 13800. 14100. • • -5- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted --.�. CLERK 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Clerk 11500. 12190. 12920. 102 Intermediate Typist 4- 5024. 4540. 5150. *103 Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant - - 4940. 5537. 5—/J '7 16524. 21670. 23607. 400 '..OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 579. 700. 700. 9450 579. 700. 700._ TOTAL 17103. 22370. 24307. II, :I 7 *Town Clerk's Office (1/2) and Supervisor's Office (1/2). • S -6- • SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget • 1968 1969 1970 Adopted ASSESSOR 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Assessor 11500. 12190. 12920. af " 102 Assessment ftesk )E Pura 6895. 7310. 7750. "' * 103 Assessment Clerk 3447. 3655. 3875. 104 Intermediate A/C Clerk 4445. 5255. 5935. C 2 0 **105 Sr. Engineering Aide 2595. 4390. 4932. 106 Board of Review 2250. 900_. 900. 31132. 33700. 36312. 3 7 200 EQUIPMENT 201 New Automobile 2338. - - 2338. - - - - • 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 2043. 1000. 1000. '~ 402 Travel & Car Expenses 298. 450. 350. c? 403 Appraisals, Cert. , etc. 4017. 6000. 5000.. 404 . Tax Maps - - 500. 400. 6358. 7950. 6750. • TOTAL 39828. 41650. 43062,,. , V ./ * Assessor's Office (1/2) and Receiver of Taxes Office (1/2). ** Assessor's Office (1/2) and Engineer's Office (1/2). . • -7- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) • • Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted RECEIVER OP TAXES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES • 101 Receiver of Taxes 11500. 12190. 12920. ='J '= ,) * 102 Sr. Account Clerk 5098. 3113. 3500. +.. - **103 Assessment Clerk 3448. 3655. 3875. ao • w r r,: ,::� 20046. . 18958. 20295. . 5} e? 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Adding Machine - - - - 300. - - - 300. • 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other • Expenses 3046. 3100. 3300 3046. 3100, 33001 41 -"Q r.) TOTAL 23092. 22058. 23895 a'' Y , . O • * Comptroller's Office (1/2) and Receiver of Taxes Office (1/2). r,�< ** Assessor's Office (1/2) and Receiver of Taxes Office (1/2). • • -8- • SCHEDUIE 1 - (con'd) • Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted TOWN ATTORNEY 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Attorney 12000. 12000. 13000. / , 102 Assistant--to• Town At-t-or'ney• ,..,,r,,:. ;'i r,),/=r;:j•/.t ,,41 - t.L.- s 5200, 5200. 47 enJ 103 Steno. Services 4695 5255. 5900. • 3 0 16695. 22455. 24100. 6 occ 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 545. 700. 700. 7c o 402 Travel Expenses 5. 200. 200. io a 550. 900. 900. TOTAL 2 17245. 23355. 25000i -' • • -9- • SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted ENGINEER 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Town Engineer 14245. 15100. 16935. - * 102- Sr. Engineering Aide 2595. 4390. 4933. **103 Senior Steno. /; 2755. 3112. - 19595 22602 21868 10 , 200 EQUIPMENT 201 New Automobile - - 2500 — - No - 2500. - - 400 OTHER EXPENSES • 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1065 1000. 1000 1065 1000 1000 TOTAL 20660. 26102_. 22868. N Engineer's Office (1/2) and Assessor's Office (1/2). ** Transferred to Building & Plumbing Department. • -10- • SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted ELECTIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Custodians 825. 800. 900. 102 Wages 388. 1300. 1300. 103 Inspectors & Poll Clerks 12895. 13810. 15058. 14108. 15910, 17258. ., 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Voting Machines & Election Booths 4861. 12000. 3000. 4861. 12000. 3000. 400 OTHER EXPENSES • 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 455. 450. 650. 402 Rental Polling Places 1745. 1300. 1300. 403 Transportation of 1 0 1700. 1700. 7 Equipment ment . u 4 5 3950. 3450. 3650. TOTAL 22919. 31360. 23908. • -11- • SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted COMPTROLLER 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Comptroller 13210. 15100. • 17030. 102 Sr. Account Clerk 6590. ::6985. 7405. *103 Sr. Account Clerk - - 3112. 3500. 104 Intermediate A/C Clerk & Typist 4960. 5600. 6300. - 24760. 30797. 34235. 4/ 335-- 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Typewriter 381. - - 202 Adding Machine - - 300. 725. • 381. 300. 725. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 414. 450. 350. 7c'a 414. 450. 350. TOTAL si 25555. . 31547. _ .35310. *Comptroller's Office (1/2) and Receiver of. Taxes (1/2) rr7rr , ;r , • -12- • • • • SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted TOWN OFFICES 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Intermediate Typist - - 4910. •5150. " ' -' 102 Custodian (Cleaner) 1600. 1600. 16001 1600. 6510. 6750. =1 n i a 200 EQUIPMENT • 201 Alterations, Office Equipment, etc. 984. 1500. 500. 3o o / .4c 4 1 984. 1500. 500. -2 / 62 .-, 400 OTHER EXPENSES - 401 Supplies & Other • Expenses 4436. 4000. 4500. 4( a r 0 402 Stationery & Postage - 2006. 2000. 2200. . _ Oe) 403 Telephone - 4002. 4200. 4200. c„ 404 Light 684. 700. 700. --•- 405 Rent 6600. 6600. 7200. 7- :4 O 406 Independent Audit 3000. 3000. 4000. 407 Assoc. of Towns Dues 250. 250. 250. j. 317 20978. 20750. 23050. ,Z 4,471.:::20 TOTAL 23562. 28760. 30300. -.73 :--e 6 j ca TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 239844. 276657. 284793. • 0 / Ids,?n s, ih ,. /„r.:.4_, /1 -13- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) • Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted EOBLIC.,SAFETY CIVIL DEFENSE 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Radio'Communications - - 700. - - 202 Sirens . - - - - 10000 - - 700. 1000. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 460. 300. 300. 402 Repairs, Replacements & Tools, etc. - - 100. 100. 460. . 400. 400. • TOTAL CIVIL DEFENSE 460. 1100. 1400.* *Village of Larchmont (1/2) and Town of Mamaroneck (1/2). OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY 500 Dog Enumerator 311. 330. 600. oo **501 Humane Society Contract 9139. 9132. - - -* TOTAL OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY 9450. -9469t. 600. An o - **Transferred. by legislation, to Miscellaneous Part Town. TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 9910. 10569. 2000. 411 -14- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) . Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget RECREATION 1968 1969 1970 Adopted rN" RAL RECREATION iOO PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Superintendent 11500. 13245. 14845. r •= z1 102 Commission Secretary 200. 200, 200. _. ,'? 103 Recreation Attendants �. .1 (Maintenance) 5510. 5845. 10198. . _K 104 Intermediate A/C Clerk and Typist 5150. 5570. 5205. "!o 105 Memorial & Hommocks Park Attendants 4059. 3700. 6000. ' 26419. 28560, 36448, ,.1.' ,/ , v,. 2.00 EQUIPMENT 201 Memorial Park & Play- ground (Shuffle Board Courts, etc.) - - 3300. 3300. 41 202 New Sails (Two Falcons) - - - 500. -, 203 - r-Wagon 2521. /'' • 204 Overhaul Launch Engine - - - - 750. 205 New Tractor Brush & Plow (Memorial & Hommocks Park) - - - - 2000, 206 Poloroid T.D. System (Lease) 459. 1071. - - 207 Baldwin Hills Project 4971. 2700. - - 208 Equipment-Hommocks Area - - - - 3000. 7951, 7071. 9550} <. ,-.> 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 5316. 6650 7500. F - 5316. 6650. 7500 YOUTH RECREATION 500 Personal Services 21660. 29170. 30010. : - 1 1,1.-2_, 501 Supplies & Other Expenses 8127. 8083 8541 '' 29787. 37253. 38551. • `'' /, f i' ',1 • -15- • SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Ado.ted RECREATION (con'd) ADULT RECREATION 500 Personal Services 2913. 3360. 4065. 601 Supplies & Other Expenses 3307. 3667, 3450, ) 6220. 7027 . 7515. ° ! '/ 7IMP {ING POOL (TOWN'S SHARE) 700 Personal Services - - 42335. 45666. " ? 701 Supplies & Other Expenses - - 1350. 1650 - - 43685. 47316 . • TOTAL 75693. 130246. 146880. / -7.'; REVENUES (See Page 26) Estimated State Aid 4028. 3827. Estimated Fees 61588. 67798, TOTAL 65616 71625 ti 1 NET APPROPRIATION 64630. 75255, ' -- NET INCREASE FOR 1970 10625. 461 -16- • SCHEDULE 1 (con d) Budget As -- Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted ENTERPRISES PARKING FIELDS 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401-1 Supplies & Other Expenses (Parking Field #1) 3207. 1000. 4500. 402 Lease - County of Westchester 4508. 6000. 6000, 0.' /.5, 7 3 7. 7715. 7000. 10500. GENERAL TOWN (MISC.) 401 Supplies .& Other Expenses (Parking Field #3) 152. 250. 250. • 152. 250. 250. CEMETERIES 5L)0 OTHER EXPENSES 501 Supplies & Other Expenses 196, 300. 400. o 0 196. 300. 400. TOTAL ENTERPRISES 8063. •7550 11150 i1'3, t6O t1 too DEBT REDUCTION NOTES 300 Redemption of Bonds and Notes 13000, 13000. 10000. i D f TOTAL 13000 13000. X0000. SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted "uw LDRAKE RIVER PROJECT 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Consultant 1000. 1500. 1000. 102 Maintenance Foreman (Gardener) 7270. 8150. 8640. l / n 103 Laborers 2546. 2800. 2800. 104 Secretary 200. 200. 200. ..._ .._n 105 Special Programs 250, 260. - - 11266. 12910. 12640, ) -i , / r:: a 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Equipment Rental & Operation 880. 1350. 1600. 1, 5 ::) o 2J2 Wood Chipper {',->'- 3862. - - - _ r ,:- :, .-, III 4742. 1350. 1600, =I :, c, 00 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 1750 1950 2050. .2 .`l0 1750, 1950, 2050, TOTAL 17758. 162101 16290, , / 3''c? v • • -18- SCHEDULE 1 - (con'd) - Budget- As Tentative Expended Modified Budget • 1968 1969 1970 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS . . • ' 500 Veteran's Organization . Rooms 900. 900. 9004 301 Patriotic Days Observances 897. 1000. 1000. ! 502 Shade Tree Fund 2136. 2200. 2000. • ' :" Bond & Coupon Svce. Fees 126. 275. 275. 504 Real Estate Taxes 1761. 1800. 3000.- 505 Payment to Retirement System 24508. 32810. 27900. - 506 Social Security Taxes 7219. ' 9500. 9700. 7 / *507 Contingency Fund - - 10000. 10000. 508 Interest on Bonds & Notes 4210. 5540. 6023. • 509 Improvement of Hammocks Area 41749. 315500. 130000, ' '- 310 Street Signs '204. 600. 600. 511 Revaluation Program 34122-.- - .- "f1 � ' - - .y 312 Supt. of Highways 10240. 12190. 14040.. , = '. 51:; Town Hall Project 627. - - W=`=/ -5-F4-Insurance Consultation 225. Tc= r 'n,%; , ':- p/'' r..' ,." o f ca 515 .Weaver--St-:Sidewa lk Pro ject 23632. t„ND C?'"-l'•'••■■'' : i ::;j_ti Premium River Project- - - 80000. 78000. 517 Data Processing - Payroll - - - - 1300. ' .- 60 • 152556, 472315. 284738. Yry' ��.y��,t L+ '/ �), •4et, /5.5055- \ .I. 1S U t`.ANCE 600 Workmen's Compensation 1921. • 2000. 1200. : f01. Official Bonds and Undertakings 472. 1000. 800. -- - 602 Fire, Auto. Liab,, etc, 12700. 11000. 11000. -i '% ,.u. 603 Group Health 3323. 11770. ' 10120. 604 Group Life - _ 4464. 3828. .,3 104, __18416. 30234. 26948. `/1 -.-, TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS & INSURANCE 170972. 502549. 311686. /91 '> r4 , P *Budget Before Modifications $14000. Less Transfers: Premium River Project $ 4000. Transfers Prior to 12/31/69 10000. 14000, - 0 - • • GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND • APPROPRIATIONS 535240. 956781. 782799. D'9`-/ - . -19- • SCHEDULE 2 APPROPRIATIONS - GENERAL FUND • Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted POLICE 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Officers 295073. 352255.22 393000. 101A Holiday Compensation 8180. 13000.00 14300. 102 Cleaner 3120. 3120.00 3305. 103 School Guards 13110. 13500.00 18815. * 104 Court Clerk 3000. 3000.00 - - 105 Senior Steno. - - 3300.00 6190. 106 Senior A/C Clerk - - - - 5785. 322483. 388175.22 441395. *Transferred to Town Justices Department 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Automotive 6333. 12300.00 14000. 202 Uniforms, etc. 5334. 6250.00 6250. 203 Radios 2827. 1800.00 2000. 204 Other - Miscellaneous 2069. 2800.00 3000. • 205 Office Furniture - - 2000.- 206 Photography Equipment 1800. 207 Tape Recorder for Switchboard - - - 4000. 208 Electronic Siren and P. A. System - - - - 750. 16563. 23150.00 33800. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Building Operation 1739. 4500.00 5500. 402 Telephone 3535. 4680.00 4000. 403 Light,Gas & Water 630. 700.00 , 700. 404 Gas and Oil 4313. 5000.00 6000. ' 405 Equipment Operation 8162. 9700.00 7000. 406 Supplies 5886. 5300.00 •6000. 407 Traffic Signals & Signs 5185. 6000.00 14200. 408 Compensation & Liability . Insurance 8465. 9300.00 11000. 409 Group Health Insurance 4500. 14685.00 17600. 410 Group Life Insurance - - 5472.00 5544. , 411 Employees' Retirement System 41017. 45190,00 46300. 412 Police Pension Fund 31100. 31100.00 29100. • -20- SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) • Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted POLICE - (con'd) 400 OTHER EXPENSES - (con'd) 413 Social Security Taxes 11713. 15500.00 17100. 414 Travel Expenses 520. 1800.00 1750. 415 Miscellaneous 1655. 15800.00 4500. 416 Proposed Surveys and Studies - - 13500.00 - - 417 Professional Develop- ment Program - - - 7500. 128420. 188227.00 183794. TOTAL 467466, 599552.22 658989. • C • -20a- SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted PLANNING BOARD 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Secretary 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 193. 300. 200. __- 193. 300, 200. TOTAL 393. 500. 400. • • • -21- Ill SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted BUILDING & PLUMBING 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Inspector 11500. 12190. 12920. • *102 Senior Steno. 2755. 3113. 7000. . 103 Examining Board of Plumbers 180. 180. 180, 14435. 15483. 20100: 200 EQUIPMENT 201 New Automobile - - - - 2600 - - 2600. 400 OTHER EXPENSES • 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 479. 500. 700. 479. 500. 700. TOTAL 14914. • 15983. 23400. . *Transferred 1/2 from Engineering Department. -22- Aft SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted BOARD OF APPEALS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Secretary 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 400 OTHER EXPENSES • 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 270. 300. 300. 270. , 300L 300. TOTAL 470. 500. 500. • -23- SCHEDULE 2 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget • 1968 1969 1970 Adopted MISCELLANEOUS 501 Public Library Contract 54656. 56952. 60676. 59,500. 502 Registrar Vital Statistics 53. 65. 55. 503 Employees' Retirement System 2593. 2900. 2800. 504 Social Security Taxes 603. 700. 800. 505 Contingency Fund - - 6500.* 6500. 506 Thruway Noise Abatement 84. 100. 50. 507 Group Health Insurance 207. 660. 264. 508 Group Life Insurance - - 288. 550. 509 Compensation & Liability Insurance 60. 400. 200. 510 Dutch Elm Disease Program - - 400. - - 511 Miscellaneous 87. 1150. 500. 512 Codification of Town Ordinances 4250. - - - - 513 Parking Meters (Maxwell Street) Lot #2 31. 159. , 200. 514 Premium River Project 1375. - - - - 515 Humane Society Contract - - - - 9739. 516 Police Station Project - - - - 7500 TOTAL 63999. 70265. 89834._ 88658. • DEBT REDUCTION NOTES 300 Bond Anticipation Notes 3000, . - - - - 3000 - - - - *Budget Before Modifications 6500. Less Transfers Prior to 12/31/69 6500. -0- All -24- SCHEDULE 2 - (coned) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted PUBLIC HEALTH 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies and Other Expenses 500. 500.00 500, TOTAL 500 500,00 500 GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND PART TOWN APPROPRIATIONS 550742, 687300922 773623, 772,447 • -25- SCHEDULE 3 - ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL FUND • OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES • Budget As Tentative Collected Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted STATE AID State Aid - Per Capita 109145., ' 109145. 103687. i '` °`-' ' State Aid - Mortgage Tax 54771. 40000. 40000. , ..� 3 . State Aid - Youth Bureau 4028. 4028. 3827. .i State Aid - Railroads 1843. 1843. 1751. ; - , I, I' .1) - < f-C S 6 750 169787. 155016. 149265. 1, :- 3 • INTEREST AND PENALTIES `- A _ r f ON TAXES 19326. 19500. 21000. 19326. 19500. 21000, `i no.. LICENSES AND PERMITS Dog Licenses 2775. 2800. 2700. .1 7 o d 2775. 2800 2700 DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS "_77s Clerk's Fees 1299. 1200. 1300. a Son Recreation Fees 17910. 61588. , 67798. '7 Li 1 P, Justices' Fees 7451. 8200. - 8200, '<.:', 1 Misc. Inspection Pees 820. 800. 500. Parking Meter Receipts 14000. 7, 000 (Lot #1) 13741. 14000. 41221. 85788. ' 91798_. OTHER REVENUES • Civil Defense Refunds 230. 550. ' 700. Property Rentals 1422. 1422. 1422. I <-I :) :, • Engineering Charge - . s. , Special District * 'I I ' '- ='= i ' 4745. 5033. ' 5645. ` " Interest on Deposits and Investments 54006. 41000. 55000. `- Parking Meter Receipts ,. (Lot #2) 5075. 4500.' 6000. ; : ' "" rash-Available 54176. . 402000. 238000. 5 q , `7o 7 119654. 454505. • 306767. 1 .'.,Y .-L / ill GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 352763. 717609. 571530, -17/1 5-43 -26- r mill SCHEDULE 4 - ESTIMATED REVENUES GENERAL FUND PART TOWN OTHER THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES Budget As Tentative Collected Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted STATE AID State Aid - Per Capita 25332. 25332.00 24100. 25332. 25332.00 24100. DEPARTMENTAL EARNINGS Police Department Fees 470. 500.00 800. Planning Board Fees 180. 200.00 100. Board of Appeals Fees 305. 300.00 300. Building & Plumbing Fees 2519. 2000.00 2000. Parking Meter Receipts (Lot . #3) 1496. 1600.00 1600. Joint Economy Study Comm. - - - - - - 411 4970. 4600.00 4800. OTHER EARNINGS Cash Available - - 4588.22 7000. - - 4588.22 7000. GRAND TOTAL - GENERAL FUND PART TOWN ESTIMATED REVENUES 30302. 34520.22 35900. -27- APPROPRIATIONS - HIGHWAY FUND Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget . 1968 1969 1970 Adopted ITEM I General Repairs 135188. 183638. 225502. 195,002. Employees' Retirement System 20214. 20700. 23600. Social Security Taxes 4770. 6500. 7600. Compensation Insurances 3546. 2850. 2850. Group Health Insurance 2682. 8250. 10340. Group Life Insurance - W. 3600. 3432. 166400 225538 273324 242 824. ITEM II Maintenance & Repairs - Bridge Labor 382. 300. 300. Materials 170. 500, 500. 552. 800, 800. ITEM III Machinery. • Purchase 58652. 31974. 41450. Repairs 5730. 4000. 5300. Storage 2031. 2700. 2700. Gas and Oil 4539. 6000. 6000. Automotive Mechanic 6938. 7310. 8180. Principal on Notes - - 24750. 24750. Interest on Notes - - 891. 1782. . Miscellaneous 1412. - - - 79302. 77625, 90162. ITEM IV Snow & Miscellaneous Control of Ice & Snow 10487. 20000. 20000. Cutting Weeds & Brush 2971. 3000. 3000. Miscellaneous 581, 3450. 3710. 14039, 26450, 26710. • -28- 4 SCHEDULE 5 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Ado•ted HIGHWAY FUND - (con'd) ITEM V Town Garage Construction Construction Costs (Addition) 11530. - - -n Redemption of Bonds - ds 10000. 10000. 10000. Interest on Bonds 4050 3750 3450 25580. 13750, 134501 GRAND TOTAL HIGHWAY FUND 285873. 344163, ,404446. �7i_9 6_ • -28a- SCHEDULE 6 - ESTIMATED REVENUES .OTHER 'THAN REAL PROPERTY TAXES • HIGHWAY FUND Budget As Tentative Collected Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted ITEM I State Aid 5220. 5200.00 4834. Miscellaneous 433. 200.00 300. Unexpended Balance 22000. 32000.00 60000. 27653. 37400.00 65134. ITEM II Bridge Unexpended Balance 500. 500,00 100. 500, 500.00 100. ITEM III • Machinery • Capital Notes 49510. - - - - Gas & Oil Refunds, etc. 4805. 6000.00 6000. Unexpended Balance - - 3000.00 - - 54315, 9000.00 6000. ITEM IV Snow & Miscellaneous Snow Removal Refunds 900. 1500.00 2000. Unexpended Balance - 8000.00 1000. 900. 9500.00 3000. ITEM V Town Garage Construction Unexpended Balance - - --3470.30 - - -3470.30 - GRAND TOTAL • HIGHWAY FUND REVENUES 83368. 59870.30 74234. -29- SCHEDULE 7 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS GARBAGE DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted LPROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES . 101 Salaries & Wages 112689. 116920. 141000, 112689. 116920, 141000. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Truck (Loadpacker) 11720. - - - - .11720. - - 400 OMER EXPENSES 401 Equipment Operation- 3124. 3750. 3750. 402 Supplies & Other III Expenses 1416. 2580. 3360.. 403 Employees' Retirement System 11514. 12250. 12500. 404 Social Security Taxes 4973. . 5600. 7300. 405 Group Life Insurance - 2016. 1848. 406 Group Health Insurance 1369. 4400. 5335. 407, Compensation & Lia- bility Insurance 5850. 4800. 6525. 408 Incinerator Operation 61258. 64000. 64000. 89504. 99396. 104618. TOTAL 213913. 216316. 245618, ZEVENUES Cash Available - - - - 1000'. TOTAL - - - - 1000 GARBAGE DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 216316. 244618. • -30- SCHEDULE 8 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS WATER DISTRICT #1 • Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted APPROPRIATIONS 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Water District System Capital Costs 964. 62500. 15950. 402 Redemption of Bonds and Notes 26500. 26500. 27500. 403 Interest on Bonds and Notes 14749. 13763. 12500. 404 Supplies-and':Other:... Expenses 642. 3200. 3200. TOTAL 42855. 105963. 59150. L , REVENUES • Water Revenues (Net) 58774., 48413. 48000. Pipe Line Rentals. 4000. 4000. 4200. Cash Available 19000. 48550. 4950. TOTAL 81774. 100963. 57150. WATER DISTRICT TAX LEVY • - - 5000. • 2000. -31- • S SCHEDULE 9 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted APPROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries & Wages 2786. 4656, 4000. 2786, 4656, 4000. 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401. Supplies & Other • • Expenses 273. 400. 550. 402 Operation (Energy) 17132. 18600. 20600. • 403 Installations 7306. 7000. 5500. 24711, 26000. 26650. TOTAL 27497. 30656. 30650. REVENUES Cash Available - - - - - TOTAL - - - STREET LIGHTING TAX LEVY - - 30656 36650. -32- SCHEDULE 10 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS • SEWER DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted APPROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries and Wages 2710. 3086. 3000. 2710. 3086. 3000. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 SeweRodeR 4553. - - AN - 4553. - - - - 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other • Expenses 360. 1000. 500. 402 Compensation and Liability Insurance 93. 300. 300. 403 Sewer Construction Costs 23806. 205133. 51545. 404 Redemption of Debt 51500. 57500. 54000. 405 Interest on Notes and Bonds 14767. 17251. 14750. 406 • Maintenance - Two Sewer Pump Stations 391. 1100. • 800. • 90917. 282284. 1218951 TOTAL 98180, 285370. 124895. REVENUES Cash Available - - 199370. 23000. TOTAL - - 199370. 23000. SEWER TAX LEVY - - 86000 101895 • -33- SCHEDULE 11 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS PARK DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted APPROPRIATIONS 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Park Superintendent 9860. 10450. 11075. 102 Park Foreman 7690. 8525. 9560. 103 Laborers 23869, 30250. 33247. 104 Secretary 200. 200. 200. 41619. 49425. 54082. 200 EQUIPMENT 201 Rotary Power Mowers (2) - - 300. - - 202 Gravely Spray Rig Attachment 200. - - - - 203 Chain Saw - - 200. - - 200, 500. - - • 400 OTHER EXPENSES 401 Supplies & Other Expenses 4341. 2885. 2885. 402 Building Operation 353. 1300. 1060. 403 Equipment and Operating Costs 1320. 1190. 1200. 404 Employees' Retirement System 8145. 6000. 6600. 405 Group Life Insurance - - 864. 792. 406 Group Health Insurance 616. 1760. 2310. 407 Compensation and Liability Insurance 2770. 2300. 2000. 408 Social Security Taxes 1697. 2200. 2600. 409 Redemption of Debt 10000. 6000. 6000. 410 Interest on Bonds 1845. 1485. 1215. 411 Landscaping New Section Murray Ave.-N.Chatsworth 407. - - - - 412 Capital Improvement - Dredging Sheldrake Lake - - 12500. 12500. 31494. 38484. 391621 • -34- • SCHEDULE 11 - (con'd) Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted PARK DISTRICT #1 - (con'd) TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 73313. 88409. 93244. REVENUES Cash Available - - 3600. 10000. TOTAL - - 3600. 10000, PARK DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 84809 83244 • -35- Ill • ScHEDULE• 12 APPROPRIATIONS - SPECIAL DISTRICTS FIRE DISTRICT #1 Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted APPROPRIATIONS _ 100 PERSONAL SERVICES 101 Salaries 110,414. 129,060. 137,220. 110,414. 129,060. 137,220. 2.00 EQUIPMENT • 201 Chief's Automobile - _ (Radio) 670. 3,000. - - 202 Clothing 1,806. 2,000. 2,200. 203 Radio - - '800. 885. 204 Aerial Ladder (Part) - - 15,000. 10,000. • 2,476. 20,800. 13,085. 400 OTSER EXPENSES 401 Equipment Operation 5,809. 5,000. 5,000. 402 Building Operation 8,388. 9,000. 9,000. 403. 'Supplies & Other Expenses 4,019. 4,000. 6,000. 404 Gas, Light, Water & Heat •2,328. 2,100. 2,000. 405 Inspection & Travel 2,451. 2,700. 2,700. 406 Telephone & Alarm 1,437. 1,500. 1,400. 407 Employees' Retirement System 14,343. 18,490. 408 ' Social Security Taxes 4,493. 5,000. 5,700. ` 409 Group Life Insurance - - 1,872. .. 1,716. 410 Group Health Insurance 1,413. 4,070. 411 Compensation & Liability Insurance 8,764. 9,200. 11,400. 412 Hydrant Rental 12,480. 13,000. 13,000, 65,925. 75,932, 81,166. • -3¢- SCHEDULE 12 - (con'd) • Budget As Tentative Expended Modified Budget 1968 1969 1970 Adopted FIRE DISTRICT #1 - (con'd) TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 178815. 225792. 231471. REVENUES Cash Available - • 5000. 11190. TOTAL REVENUES - - 5000. 11190. FIRE DISTRICT TAX LEVY - - 220792. 220281. • -37- vCkLDUiA 13 TAX RATES YEAR TOWN COUNTY SCHOOL ASSESSMENT • 1970 26.55 156,062,762 1969 24.77 17.12 53.17 154,615,479 1968 25.36 17.36 51.71 132,658,271 1967 23.28 14.11 43.86 130,996,235 1966 . 22,09 12.72 40.14 128,303,420 1965 20.41 11.94 37.19 125,807,224 1964 19.03 - 11.64 35.30 _ 125,370,203 1963 19.40 11.67 33.30 120,950,660 1962 18.25 11.65 29.32 117,319,554 1961 17.55 11.67 28.53 114,813,216 1960 17.56 11.34 27.90 111,233,241 1959 16.80 11.26 26.90 108,606,448 1958 15.97 10.82 25.86 106,729,722 111 1957 15.85 10.66 24.32 103,369,000 1956 15.74 10.80 23.20 98,679,000 1955 16.38 11.13 21.45 95,095,000 1954 16.06 11.01 18.87 91,702,000 1953 16.15 10.93 18.94 89,456,000 1952 15.59 10.25 18.81 87,754,000 1951 15.59 10.24 17.87 85,445,000 1950 14.37 10.54 16.94 83,939,000 1949 14.71 10.76 17.38 81,011,000 1948 14.43 10.10 15.99 78,602,000 1947 15.76 10.63 16.64 77,627,000 1946 16.91 9.21 13.49 75,688,000 1945 16.78 7.92 12.37 76,370,000 • 1944 17.04 8.52 11.78 77,719,000 1943 16.62 9.02 10.69 79,490,000 -38- SCHEDULE 14 • TOWN OF MAMARONECK YEARLY AMORTIZATION AND INTEREST CHARGES ON ALL BOND ISSUES AS OF JANUARY 1, 1970, YEAR AMORTIZATION INTEREST TOTAL 1970 $104,000.00 $ 35,129.50 $ 139,129.50 1971 97,000.00 30,687.50 127,687.50 1972 90,000.00 26,760.00 116,760.00 1973 89,000.00 23,072.50 112,072.50 1974 80,000.00 19,578.50 99,578.50 1975 67,000.00 16,573.00 83,573.00 1976 56,000.00 14,177.50 70,177.50 1977 35,000.00 12,012.50 47 ,012.50 1978 30,000.00 10,650.00 :40,650.00 1979 30,000.00 9,525.00 39,525.00 1980 30,000.00 8,400.00 38,400.00 1981 30,000.00 7,275.00 37,275.00 1982 20,000.00 6,300.00 26,300.00 1983 20,000.00 5,475.00 25,475.00 1984 20,000.00 4,650.00 24,650.00 1985 20,000.00 3,825.00 23,825.00 1986 20,000.00 3,000.00 23,000.00 1987 20,000.00 2,175.00 22,175.00 III 1988 20,000.00 1,350.00 21,350.00 1989 20,000.00 525.00 20,525.00 $898,000.00 $241,141.00 $1,139,141.00 RECAPITULATION: General Town Bonds $ 75,000.00 Water District Bonds 316,000.00 Park District Bonds 30,000.00 Sewer District Bonds 357,000.00 Highway District Bonds 120,000.00 $898,000.00 -39- . 411 $CHEDULE 14 (continued) • GENERAL TOWN BONDS YEAR AMORTIZATION INTEREST TOTAL 1970 $ 10,000..0Q $ 3,375.00 $ 13,375.00 1971 10,000.00 2,925.00 12,925.00 1972 10,000.00 2,475.00 12,475.00 1973 10,000.00 2,025.00 12,025.00 1974 10,000.00 1,575.00 11,575.00 1975 10,000.00 1,125.00 11,125.00 1976 15,000.00 675.00 15,675.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 14,175.00 $ 89,175.00 WATER DISTRICT BONDS 1970 $ 24,000.00 $ 12,343.00 $ 36,343.00 1971 19,000.00 11,326.50 30,326.50 1972 17,000.00 10,584.50 27,584.50 1973 16,000.00 9,932.50 25,932.50 1974 15,000.00 9,300.00 24,300.00 1975 15,000.00 8,700.00 23,700,00 1976 15,000.00 8,100,00 23,100.00 1977 15,000.00 . 7,500.00 . 22,500.00 1978 15,000.00 6,900.00 21,900.00 III 1979 15,000,00 6,300.00 21,300.00 1980 15,000.00 5,700.00 20,700.00 • 1981 15,000.00 5,100.00 20,100.00 1982 15,000.00 4,500.00 19,500.00 1983 15,000.00 3,900.00 18,900.00 1984 15,000;00 3,300.00 18,300.00 1985 15,000.00 2,700.00 17,700.00 1986 15,000.00 2,100.00 17,100.00 1987 15,000.00 1,500.00 16,500.00 1988 15,000.00 900.00 15,900.00 1989 15,000.00 300.00 15,300 00 316,000,00 $120,986.50 $436,986.50 PARK DISTRICT BONDS - 1970 $ 6,000.00 $ 1,215.00 ' . $ 7,215.00 1971 6,000.00 945.00 6,945.00 1972" 6,000.00 675.00 6,675.00 1973 6,000.00 • 405.00 " 6,405.00 1974 6,000100 135.00 6,135.00 $ :,30.,00000 $ 3,375.00 $ 3 ,375.00 -40- SCHEDULE 14 (cons .trued) SEWER DISTRICT BONDS • YEAR AMORTIZATION INTEREST TOTAL 1970 $ 54,000.00 . $ 14,746.50 $ 68,746.50 1971 52,000.00 12,341.00 64,341.00 1972 47;000.00 10,175.50 57,175.50 1973 47,000.00 8,160.00 • 55,160.00 1974 39,000,00 6,318.50 45,318.50 1975 32,000.00 4,798.00 36,798.00 1976 16,000.00 3,752.50 19,752.50 . 1977 10,000.00 3,162.50 13,162.50 1978 5,000.00 2,700.00 7,700.00 1979 5,000.00 2,475.00 7,475.00 1980 • 5,000.00 2,250.00 • 7,25000 1981 5,000,00 2,025.00 7,025.00 1982 5,000.00 1,800.00 6,800.00 1983 5,000.00 1,575.00 6,575.00 1984 5,000.00 1,350,00 6,350.00 1985 5,000.00 1,125.00 6,125.00 1986 5,000.00 900,00 5,900.00 1987 5,000.00 675.00 5,675.00 1988 .; 5,000.00 450.00. 5,450.00 1989 5.000.00 —. 225.00 5,225.00 • • $357,000.00 $ 81,004.50 $438,004.50 • HIGHWAY DISTRICT BONDS 1970 $ 10,000.00 $ 3,450.00 $ 13,450.00 1971 10,000.00 3,150.00 13,150.00 1972 10,000.00 2,850.00 12,850.00 .1973 10,000.00 . 2,550.00 12,550.00 .1974 ,10,000.00 2,250.00 • 12,250.00 1975 10,000.00 1,950.00 11,950.00 1976 10,000.00 1,650.00 11,650.00 1977 10,000.00 - 1,350.00 11,350.00 1978 10,000.00 1,050.00 11,050.00 1979 10,000.00 750.00 10,750.00 1980 10,000.00 , 450.00 . 10,450.00 1981 , 10.000.00 X1550.00 . 10.150.00 $120,000.00 $ 21,600.00 $141,600.00 -41- SCHEDULE 15 SCHEDULE OF SALARIES AND WAGES - ALL FUNDS • RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATL2,. ZN RAL TOWN 14WMVISOR 5l'.pervisor P.T. 1 8000. Confidential Secretary 5538. 6. Executive Assistant (1/2) 1 5537. 5538. * Senior Stenographer 1 5785. TOTAL 19323, TM JUSTICES Town Justices P.T. 2 4505. 9010. Court Clerks P.T. 3 2500. - 4240. 9920. TOTAL 18930. CCTV`:OILMEN Councilmen P.T. 4 3000. 12000. TON CLERK Town Clerk 1 12920. Intermediate Typist 1 5150. Confidential Secretary 5537. Executive Assistant (1/2) 1 5538. 5537. TOTAL 23607. ASSESSOR Assessor 1 12920. * Assessment Clerk 1 7750. Assessment Clerk (1/2) 1 38 75. Receiver of Taxes 3875. 3875. Sr. Engineering Aide (1/2) 1 4932. Engineering Dept. 4933. 4932. * Intermediate A/C Clerk 1 5935. Board of Review 3 900. TOTAL 0 36312. • -42- SCHEDULE 15 - (con'd) . RATE' OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIAT1Ci RECEIVER OF TAXES Receiver of Taxes 1 12920. Senior A/C Clerk (1/2) 1 3500. 3500. Comptroller's Office . 3500. Assessment Clerk (1/2) 1 3875. Assessor's Office 3875. -3875. _ TOTAL 202„- 95. - TOWN ATTORNEY Town Attorney P.T. 1 13000. - Assist. to Town Attorney P.T. 1 5200. Steno. Services 1 5900. TOTAL 24100. ENGINEER Engineer 1 16935. Senior Engineering Aide (1/2) 1 4933. Assessor's Office 4932. 4933. • TOTAL 21868, COMPTROLLER Comptroller 1 17030. * Int. A/C Clerk & Typist 1 6300. Senior Account Clerk 1 7405. Senior Account Clerk (1/2) . 1 3500. 3500. Receiver of Taxes (1/2) 3500. TOTAL 235 TOWN OFFICES * Intermediate Typist 1 5150. Cleaner P.T. 1 1600. TOTAL_ 67,50. ELECTION Custodians 2 • 450. 900. Temporary Employees 1300. Election Officials 100 15058. zummormairm -43- SCHEDULE 15 - (con'd) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION E E':REATION Superintendent 1 14845. * ::;ntermediate A/C Clerk Typist 1 5205. Commission Secretary P.T. 1 200. P:ecreation Attendants - 1 P.T. 2 1 - 6595. 1 - 3603. 10198. Mienmorial &. Hommocks Park Attendants P.T. 3 6000. Swimming Pool Maintenance P.T. (Town's Share) 45666. Temporary Summer Employees 34075. TOTAL 116--r-- 6-- SHELDRAKE RIVER PROJECT Consultant P.T. 1 1000. [aintenance Foreman (Gardener) 1 8640. Laborers 2800. Secretary P.T. 1 200. TOTAL 12�, 64 7 • MISCELLANEOUS - GENERAL TOWN Superintendent of Highways 1 14040. PART TOWN POLICE Chief 1 15400. Lieutenant 1 12840. Sergeants 5 10725. 53625. --- Detectives 2 10185. 20370. Patrolmen 29 Wage scale 8590.-9710. plus . holiday compensation & overtime. 301065. * Senior Steno. 1 6190. • School Guards 9 11.00 per day 18815. Cleaner P.T. 1 _ 3305.. * Senior Account Clerk 1 5785. Maintenance: 1 f4000. TOTAL 441395. Jill • -44- SCHEDULE 15 - (con'd) RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATI04: PLANNING NNING BOARD secretary P.T. 1 200,, b ;ILDING & PLUMBING Inspector I 12920. Senior Stenographer 1 7000, Examining Bd. of Plumbers 3 180, — TOTAL 201001 BOARD OF APPEALS Secretary P.T. 1 X00, HIGHWAY General Foreman 1 11075. Labor Foreman 2 7750. (Additional 250. at end of year) . 16000. Automotive Mechanic 1 8180. Motor Equipment Operators 9 *Wage scale 6595. - 7405.) • Laborers - Skilled 3 *Wage scale - 7405.) 92202. Laborers 9 *Wage scale 5910. - 7065.) *Plus overtime. TOTAL 127457.* ** Total of $184,460. (Highway Dept.) apportioned to Highway, Garbage, Sewer, Street Lighting, Recreation and Police Dept. , etc. C A RAGE DISTRICT Collectors (Sanitation Men) 14 Wage scale 6295. - 7065. (4 Drivers 200. additional) .99000. Laborers (See Highway) 42000, TOTAL 141000, PARK DISTRICT Park Superintendent 1 11075. Park Foreman 1 9560. Laborers - Skilled 1 *Wage scale r - 7405. 7405. Laborers 3 .*Wage scale 6680. - 7065. 25842. 2ecretary P.T. 1 200. *Plus overtime and additional labor. • TOTAL 54082. -45- SCHEDULE 15 - (con'd) • RATE OF TOTAL TITLE NUMBER COMPENSATION APPROPRIATION Sf MER DISTRICT Laborers (See Highway) 3000. STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT Laborers (See Highway) i4 00.0 FIRE DISTRICT Lieutenants 4 Wage scale 9975. - 10725. 40650. Firemen 9 Wage scale 8590. - 9710. plus holiday compensation & overtime. 95610. Inspector P.T. 1 960. TOTAL 137220. • 'Employees subject to Civil Service examinations in these positions. e • • -45a- ToLAd so (fli m , PoN .EG - fg10 SCHBDULE 16 RECORD SALARY STRUCTURE JOB GROUP MINIMUM STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 MAXIMERV INCREMENT I $ 4250. $ 4550. $ 4850. $ 5150. $ 5450. $ 300. II 4480, 4795. 5110. 5425. 5740. 315. III 4810, 5150. 5490. 5830. 6170. 340. IV 5205. 5570, 5935. 6300, 6665. 365. V 5525. ' 5910. 6295. 6680. 7065. 385. r VI 5785. 6190. 6595. 7000. 7405. 405. VII 6050. 6475. 6900. 7325. 7750. 425. VIII 6400. • 6845. 7290. 7735. 8180. 445. IX 6760. 7230. 7700. 8170. 8640. 470. X 7460. 7985. 8510. 9035. 9560. 525. XI 8655. 9260, 9865. 10470. 11075. 605. 411 XII 10080. 10790. 11500. 12210. 12920. 710. XIII 11625. 12430. 13235. 14040. 14845. • 805. XIV 13215. 14145. 15075. 16005. 16935. 930. XV 14940. 15985. 17030. 18075. 19120. 1045. r -46- SCHEDULE 16 - (con'd) LIST OF CLASSES BY RECOMMENDED JOB GROUP Job Group I ($4250. - $5450.) Job Group II ($4480. - $5740.) Job Group III ($4810. - $6170.) Intermediate Typist Job Group IV ($5205. - $6665.) Intermediate Account Clerk Intermediate Account Clerk & Typist Intermediate Stenographer Job Group V ($5525. - $7065.) Laborer Sanitation Man Senior Typist Job Group VI ($5785. - $7405.) Laborer - Skilled Motor Equipment Operator Recreation Assistant Senior Account Clerk Senior Stenographer • Job Group VII ($6050. - $7750.) Assessment Clerk Labor Foreman Job Group VIII ($6400. - $8180.) Automotive Mechanic Job Group IX ($6760. - $8640.) Maintenance Foreman - Gardener Job Group X ($7460. - $9560.) Park Foreman Job Group XI ($8655. - $11075.) Confidential Secretary & Executive Assistant General Foreman (Highway) Senior Engineering Aide Park Superintendent Job Group XII ($10080. - $12920.) Assessor Building & Plumbing Inspector II Receiver of Taxes & Assessments Town Clerk -47- SCHEDULE 16 - (con'd) LIST OF CLASSES BY RECOMMENDED JOB GROUP Job Group XIII ($11625. $14845.). Superintendent of Recreation Superintendent of Highways Job Group XIV ($13215. - $16935.) Town Engineer t Job Group XV ($14940. - $19120,) Comptroller • -48-