HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017_09_06 Town Board Minutes September 6, 2017 Town of Mamaroneck Town Board Agenda Wednesday September 6, 2017 THE TOWN BOARD WILL CONVENE –AT 5:00PM, IN CONFERENCE ROOM D TO DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING TOPICS 1.Update from GHD Engineering- Sewer System Evaluation Study 2.Change of Town Payroll Computer System 3.Proposed Water Rate Increase 4.Purchase of Electric Vehicles 5.Community Solar Grant Project 6.New Business 7.Request for Executive Session CALL TO ORDER – AT 8:00PM, TOWN CENTER COURT ROOM SUPERVISOR’S REPORT CITIZEN COMMENTS BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS 1.Fire Claims 2.Other Fire Department Business AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK 1.Consideration –Water Rate Increase 2.Report of Bids-Contract TA-17-06-Dredging of Gardens Lake 3.Authorization- Logics Payroll System 4.Authorization- Transfer of Funds- Hommocks Ice Rink Sound System 5.Authorization- Transfer of Funds- Data Processing Systems 6.Consideration of Certiorari REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL TOWN CLERK’S REPORT ADJOURNMENT - In Memory of Eugene Warrington- Founder of Walter’s Hot Dogs NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING – Tuesday, September 19, 2017 1 September 6, 2017 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING AND WORK SESSION OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MAMARONECK HELD ON SEPTEMBER 6, 2017, BEGINNING AT 5:00PM IN CONFERENCE ROOM D AND CONTINUING AT 8:00 PM IN THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 W. BOSTON POST ROAD, MAMARONECK, NEW YORK PRESENT: Supervisor Nancy Seligson Councilman Ernest C. Odierna Councilwoman Abby Katz Councilwoman Jaine Elkind Eney Councilman Thomas A. Murphy ALSO PRESENT: Christina Battalia, Town Clerk Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Connie Green O’Donnell, Assistant Town Administrator William Maker, Jr., Town Attorney CALL TO ORDER - WORK SESSION On motion of Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilman Murphy, the Work Session was unanimously opened at 5:00PM. Update from GHD Engineering- Sewer System Evaluation Study Additionally Present: John Lagorga of GHD Engineering Mr. Lagorga gave a PowerPoint presentation detailing the Sewer System Evaluation Study that his firm recently completed. Mr. Lagorga discussed the work completed to date, which included sewer cleaning and televising, manhole inspections, smoke and dye testing, and flow monitoring. The PowerPoint presentation included a hydrograph displaying inflow and infiltration. Mr. Lagorga presented the results, the proposed resolutions, to be completed in phases, and the projected costs. The costs of construction for phase one is $2.9 million, with legal, fiscal, contingency and design issues factored in. The total first phase cost is estimated at $5.8 million. The Town Board discussed possible funding grants available through environmental NYS Environmental Facilities Corps, that Assemblyman Steve Otis has help to create. These funds could provide up to 40% of the cost of the project. Change of Town Payroll Computer System Additionally Present: Tony Siligato Town Comptroller and Roz Cimino IT Director Mr. Siligato presented to the Town Board his request to contract with Logics LLC for the purchase of a new payroll system. This system would also include a comprehensive human resources component. The current payroll application KVS, has experienced multiple changes in ownership, causing very slow response times, 2 September 6, 2017 and soon will no longer be supported. The cost of the new software is 44,575 plus $3,000 for network and server implementation. Proposed Water Rate Increase ADDED ITEMS The Town Board reviewed Affairs of the Town number 5, Transfer of Funds – Data Processing with Ms. Cimino and Mr. Altieri. The Board also discussed the water rate increase, Affairs of the Town number 1. The Town Board re- emphasized that there are large future capital projects that the communities will face very high rates in future years. The Board favors having enough capital to complete local projects while still maintaining as low of a rate increase as possible. The Town Board is recommending a rate increase of 3.5%. OUT OF ORDER Community Solar Grant Project “The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) sponsors the Clean Energy Communities Program. The purpose of the program is to offer grants to eligible communities and nonprofit agencies for original projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Town through its past environmental activities and some current efforts, has been designated an eligible Clean Energy Community. As a result of our eligibility, the Town has the opportunity to be awarded a grant in the amount of $50,000.00 to be applied to an energy savings program.” The Town has been evaluating a Community Solar Project, specifically the installation of solar panels at the Hommocks Ice Rink roof to benefit residents of the Hommocks Park Apartments. The project might not be a viable option. The Town will continue to look for an eligible project, and will look at the Town’s Energy Performance Contract with Honeywell to see if any projects that were not implemented would meet the NYSERDA criteria. Purchase of Electric Vehicles Mr. Altieri explained that the Town is awaiting a final proposal for either the purchase or leasing of Nissan Leafs offered under a special rebate plan that has been worked out with Sustainable Westchester. Mr. Altieri further noted that it is still unclear what the resale value is for these vehicles, and he is therefore recommending lease versus purchase. Mr. Altieri further added that there have never been prices this low for electric vehicles, and so now may be the right time to enter into this market on a small scale. It was noted that there appears to be grant opportunities for charging stations. ADDED ITEMS 3 September 6, 2017 Councilman Murphy brought to the Town Boards attention a request by the KEEPS (children’s) program for use of the Town’s Senior Citizen Bus. It was noted that the grant for the purchase of these buses required that they only be utilized for seniors. Supervisor Seligson asked the Board to think about the LMC-TV request to defer receipt of the franchise fees for two years. She mentioned funding requests from other outside organizations such as those from COOP Camp, the Community Resource Center, and the Community Counseling Center. The Board will continue to discuss the LMC-TV request as it analyzes and prepares the 2018 budget. New Business Supervisor Seligson was asked to speak about consolidating sewer districts at the recent joint meeting of the Westchester County Board of Legislators Budget, Environment and Infrastructure Committee meeting. Supervisor Seligson stated that there were many County Legislators in attendance and they seemed receptive to the idea. Unfortunately, this is not part of the County’s plan in response to the State’s mandatory shared services requirement. Mr. Altieri distributed documents from Zarin & Steinmetz, the attorney for Gjoko Spa and Salon. The document is a Petition for a Zoning Text Amendment for 176 Myrtle Blvd. Mr. Maker stated that options before the Town Board are, to outright reject the petition, embark on the process and refer this to the Planning Board for their report, or to invest in a parking study. Mr. Maker further stated that a parking study has not been done since the implementation of the residential parking district, and suggested the Board consider engaging Frank Fish to see the tolerance for on street parking. Mr. Altieri asked the Board to read th through the petition and he will put it on the September 19 worksession agenda. Councilwoman Elkind Eney asked to review the transfer of funds for the Hommocks Ice Rink Sound System. This item is on the regular agenda this evening. Councilwoman Elkind Eney discussed the breakdown of the funding, including prior appropriations. Councilwoman Elkind Eney asked the Town Board, and Mr. Altieri if they would consider taking the $7,500 already allocated, but unused, and apply it to the balance being transferred from the trust fund, thereby reducing the amount of funds coming out of the trust fund for this project. The resolution for this evening will reflect this change in allocations. Request for Executive Session On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney, the Board unanimously agreed to enter into an Executive Session to discuss litigation with Brianna Camaj, sale of land, and the employment history of a particular employee in the Building Department. EXECUTIVE SESSION Litigation with Brianna Camaj Sale of Land Employment History of a Particular Employee in the Building Department 4 September 6, 2017 On motion of Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilman Murphy, the Board unanimously agreed to resume the Regular Meeting. CALL TO ORDER - REGULAR MEETING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Seligson at 8:20 PM, she then pointed out the location of the exits. Supervisor Seligson noted that the Town Board met for a worksession beginning at 5:00 o’clock this evening, adding this is an open meeting that all residents’ are welcomed to attend. SUPERVISOR’S SUMMARY REPORT We have a new speed limit in front of Mamaroneck High School on the Boston Post Road. Thanks to NYS DOT, our state legislators, Senator George Latimer and Assemblyman Steve Otis, and especially Kim Larsen of Safe Routes to School for their work to lower the speed limit. The speed limit is now 20 MPH. Please drive slowly and carefully in the community. The Larchmont Mamaroneck Joint Garbage Commission Food Waste Recycling program will launch on thth September 18. You will be able to buy food waste kits beginning Saturday September 16 at the Larchmont Festival Day, the Farmer’s Market and Maxwell Avenue Recycling Center. The Maxwell Avenue Recycling Center will resume normal hours for the public tomorrow. th Please remember school taxes are due September 30 and that there is a state imposed penalty if they th are even a minute late. Since September 30 is a Saturday the tax payment deadline is Monday October nd 2. You can pay your taxes online and with a credit card. This Friday at 7:25 the Town is showing the movie, Zootopia, in Memorial Park. Monday we will have th our annual September 11 ceremony. Everyone is welcome to attend. CITIZEN’S COMMENTS Supervisor Seligson asked if anyone in the audience would like to address the Board, and there was not. BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS The Meeting was called to order by Commissioner Seligson, and then on motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, the Board of Fire Commissioners was unanimously declared open. Present were the following Members of the Commission: Commissioner: Nancy Seligson Commissioner: Ernest C. Odierna Commissioner: Abby Katz Commissioner: Jaine Elkind Eney Commissioner: Thomas A. Murphy 5 September 6, 2017 1. Fire Report Commissioner Elkind Eney read the Fire Report for the Month of August as submitted by Chief Tortorella as follows: August 2017 ALARM TYPE NUMBER Generals 28 Minors 23 Stills 1 Out of Town (Mutual Aid) 3 EMS 40 Drills 3 TOTAL 98 Total number of personnel responding: 625 Total time working: 39 hours and 11 minutes 2.Other Fire Department Business Commissioner Elkind Eney announced receipt of the Service Awards Report for the second quarter of 2017 as certified by Fire Council, and presented them for acceptance. On motion of Commissioner Elkind Eney, seconded by Commissioner Katz, it was RESOLVED, that the Board of Fire Commissioners does hereby accept the Service Awards for the second quarter of 2017 were accepted. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Commissioner Murphy Aye Commissioner Elkind Eney Aye Commissioner Katz Aye Commissioner Odierna Aye Commissioner Seligson Aye There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion of Commissioner Elkind Eney, seconded by Commissioner Murphy, the Commission unanimously adjourned and the Town Board reconvened. 6 September 6, 2017 AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. Consideration –Water Rate Increase At the last Town Board Meeting a presentation was made by David Birdsall Business Director and Acting Manager for the Westchester Joint Water Works. At that presentation a proposed rate increase from the Westchester Joint Water Works was 2.2%. The Town Board has considered the expected new debt expense to be incurred by the Town’s Water District Fund in 2018, and therefore is proposing a rate increase of 3.5%. On motion of Councilman Odierna, seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney, it was RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby authorize for 2017 an increase of 3.5% to be applied to all applicable water use rates charged by the Westchester Joint Water Works, and that such rate increase shall be effective with the Westchester Joint Water Works water rate billing for September 2017. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye 2. Report of Bids-Contract TA-17-06-Dredging of Gardens Lake The report of bids is entered into the record as follows: ATTACHMENT A On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilman Murphy, the following was approved, WHEREAS, on August 16, 2017 the Town publically opened and read one (1) bid for Contract TA-17-06 Sediment Removal- Gardens Lake NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby award Contract TA-17-06 Sediment Removal-Gardens Lake to, the lowest responsible bidder meeting all of the Town’s requirements, Aqua Cleaner Environmental of Lancaster, New York, to conduct the required work at a cost of $175,800, and BE IT, FURTHER 7 September 6, 2017 RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the Town. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby authorize the budget amendment and transfers of funds as detailed by the Town Comptroller in the following schedule: AMEND 2016 CAPITAL PROJECT & BUDGET - STORM WATER DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS 9/6/2017 TOWN BOARD MEETING CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND (FUND H): AMEND BUDGET: EXP H.5110.0400.2016.49 STORM WATER DRAINAGE $ 135,483.00 IMPROVEMENTS REV H.0000.5041.2016.49 TRANSFERS $ 10,483.00 FROM TRUST FUND REV H.0000.5031.2016.49 TRANSFERS FROM GENERAL TOWN $ 125,000.00 FUND (CAPITAL PROJECT #2016-49) (Increase project budget with $10,483 Trust Fund donations & $125,000 General Town Unreserved Fund Balance to fund the sediment removal contract TA-17-06 for Gardens Lake drainage improvement project. * Original Capital Project Budget: $ 88,000.00 * Funding source: * SERIAL BONDS -Issued 10/2016 $ 88,000.00 * TRANSFER FR TRUST FD - $ 10,483.00 R.O.B. 9/6/17 * TRANSFER FR GEN TOWN FD - $ 125,000.00 R.O.B. 9/6/17 * Capital Project Budget as Amended & Adopted on 9/6/17: $ 223,483.00 8 September 6, 2017 TRUST (FUND T): FUNDS TRANSFER: LIAB T.0000.0105 GARDENS LAKE $ (10,483.00) AERATOR TRUST GENERAL TOWNWIDE (FUND A): AMEND BUDGET: EXP A.9900.9950 TRANSFER TO $ 125,000.00 CAPITAL PROJECT REV A.0000.5995 APPROPRIATED $ 125,000.00 FUND BALANCE * Increase Fund A budget with $125,000 of appropriated fund balance (for Capital Project). The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye 3. Authorization- Logics Payroll System On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby authorize the agreement with Logics LLC for the purchase of a new payroll system at a cost of $44,575, and BE IT, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby authorized to execute said agreement, subject to approval by Town Attorney to form of contract, on behalf of the Town. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye 9 September 6, 2017 On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby authorize the budget amendment and transfer of funds for the purchase of a new payroll system, as detailed by the Town Comptroller in the following schedule: AMEND 2017 CAPITAL PROJECT & BUDGET - COMPUTER SOFTWARE 9/6/2017 TOWN BOARD MEETING CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND (FUND H): AMEND BUDGET: EXP H.1680.0400.2017.19 COMPUTER SOFTWARE $ 47,575.00 REV H.0000.5031.2017.19 TRANSFERS FROM $ 47,575.00 GENERAL TOWN FUND (CAPITAL PROJECT #2017-19) (Increase project budget with $47,575 additional funding to be transferred from General Town Unreserved Fund Balance to fund computer software (payroll application) as detailed in attached memorandum prepared by Comptroller. * Original Capital Project Budget: $ 73,718.00 * Funding source: * INTERFUND TRANSFERS APPROPRIATED IN 2017 BUDGET $ 73,718.00 * TRANSFER FR GEN TOWN FD - R.O.B. 2/1/17 $ 6,700.00 * TRANSFER FR PART TOWN FD - R.O.B. 4/19/17 $ 13,540.00 * TRANSFER FR HIGHWAY FD - R.O.B. 4/19/17 $ 8,000.00 * TRANSFER FR GEN TOWN FD - $ 47,575.00 R.O.B. 9/6/17 * Capital Project Budget as Amended & Adopted on 9/6/17: $ 149,533.00 GENERAL TOWNWIDE FUND (FUND A): AMEND BUDGET: EXP A.9900.9950 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL $ 47,575.00 PROJECT REV A.0000.5995 APPROPRIATED FUND $ 47,575.00 BALANCE The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye 10 September 6, 2017 4. Authorization- Transfer of Funds- Hommocks Ice Rink Sound System On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilman Murphy, it was RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby approve the Contract with PEER 97 Music Group, LLC, to supply and install a new sound system at the Hommocks Park Ice Rink, at a total cost of $30,419.85. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby authorize the budget amendment and transfers of funds for the installation of the sound system at the Hommocks Ice Rink, as detailed by the Town Comptroller as follows: AMEND 2017 CAPITAL PROJECT & BUDGET - ICE RINK IMPROVEMENTS 9/6/2017 TOWN BOARD MEETING CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND (FUND H): AMEND BUDGET: EXP H.7265.0400.2017.24 ICE RINK $ 18,420.00 IMPROVEMENTS REV H.0000.5031.2017.24 TRANSFERS FROM $ 7,500.00 GENERAL TOWN REV H.0000.5041.2017.24 TRANSFERS FROM $ 10,920.00 TRUST FUND (CAPITAL PROJECT #2017-24) (Increase project budget with $18,420 additional funding to be transferred from Gen Twn F/B & Ice Rink Trust Fund T.0109 to fund cost of Ice Rink sound system replacement as detailed by Recreation Supt. * Original Capital Project Budget: $ 86,644.00 * Funding source: * INTERFUND TRANSFERS APPROPRIATED IN 2017 BUDGET $ 86,644.00 * TRANSFER FR GEN TWN FD - $ 7,500.00 R.O.B. 9/6/17 11 September 6, 2017 * TRANSFER FR TRUST FD - $ 10,920.00 R.O.B. 9/6/17 * Capital Project Budget as Amended & Adopted on 9/6/17: $ 105,064.00 GENERAL TOWNWIDE FUND (FUND A): AMEND BUDGET: EXP A.9900.9950 TRANSFER TO CAPITAL $ 7,500.00 PROJECT REV A.0000.5995 APPROPRIATED FUND $ 7,500.00 BALANCE TRUST FUND (FUND T): FUNDS TRANSFER: LIAB T.0000.0109 ICE RINK TRUST $ (10,920.00) The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye 5. Authorization- Transfer of Funds- Data Processing Systems On motion of Councilwoman Elkind Eney, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was RESOLVED, that the Mamaroneck Town Board does hereby authorize the budget amendments and transfers of funds for computer equipment and consultant services as detailed by the Town Comptroller in the following schedule: BUDGET AMENDMENT - INCREASE 2017 GENERAL TOWNWIDE FUND & PART TOWN FUND BUDGET 9/6/2017 TOWN BOARD MEETING GENERAL TOWNWIDE (FUND A): INCREASE BUDGET: REV: A.0000.5995 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE $ 79,898.00 EXP: A.1680.1019 STIPEND $ 12,000.00 EXP: A.1680.2136 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $ 1,600.00 12 September 6, 2017 EXP: A.1680.4035 CONSULTANT SERVICES $ 66,298.00 PART TOWN (FUND B): INCREASE BUDGET: REV: B.0000.5995 APPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE $ 29,225.00 EXP: B.1680.1019 STIPEND $ 3,000.00 EXP: B.1680.1021 SALARIES - PART TIME $ 5,250.00 EXP: B.1680.2136 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $ 400.00 EXP: B.1680.4035 CONSULTANT SERVICES $ 20,575.00 REPRESENTS ANTICIPATED USAGE OF GENERAL TOWN & PART TOWN UNRESERVED FUND BALANCE TO FUND THE UNANTICIPATED I.T. EXPENDITURES AS DETAILED IN ATTACHED MEMORANDUM PREPARED BY I.T. DIRECTOR. The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye 6. Consideration of Certiorari On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilman Odierna, it was RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the settlement of the following tax certiorari on the following terms: Triple D Associates 2151 and 2155 Palmer Avenue Section/Block/Lot: 6-1-427 and 5-1-1 Town of Mamaroneck Year Assessment Amount of Reduction Reduced Assessment 2011 $ 57,000 $-0- $ 57,000 2012 $ 57,000 $-0- $ 57,000 2013 $ 4,420.000 $ 970,000 $ 3,450,000 2014 $ 4,420,000 $ 870,000 $ 3,550,000 2015 $ 4,420,000 $ 730,000 $ 3,690,000 2016 $ 4,420,000 $ 595,000 $ 3,825,000 13 September 6, 2017 The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye On motion of Councilman Murphy, seconded by Councilwoman Katz, it was RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the settlement of the following tax certiorari on the following terms: Harborview Condominiums 680 West Boston Post Road Block: 916 Lots: 1.01-1.61 Town of Mamaroneck/Village of Mamaroneck Year Assessment Amount of Reduction Reduced Assessment 2016 $13,000,600 $1,500,600 $11,500,000 The above resolution was put to a roll call vote: Murphy Aye Elkind Eney Aye Katz Aye Odierna Aye Seligson Aye WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None REPORT OF COUNCIL The Town Board Members reported on their various activities and meetings since the last Town Board Meeting. ADJOURNMENT The Town Board closed the meeting in memory of Eugene Warrington, founder of Walter’s Hot Dogs. Mr. Warrington was the son of the founder, but truly the man who developed and made it flourish this last century. He was a wonderful member of the Community, who truly enjoyed what he had accomplished and 14 September 6, 2017 what he provided to our Community. He was 95 years old, having lived a good long life, and it is sad to see him go. On motion of Councilwoman Katz, seconded by Councilman Murphy, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 9:00 PM ________________________________ Submitted by Christina Battalia, Town Clerk 15