HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986_09_17 Town Board Minutes II September 17, 1986 Commissioner Dallas then reguested salary authorizations for two Civil Service promotions and on motion by Council- woman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Detective John Pfoh be, and he hereby is, promoted to rank of Probationary Sergeant of Police at an annual salary of $37,115 effective September 17, 1986;and I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Sergeant Joseph Passafume be, and he hereby is, promoted to rank of Probationary Lieutenant of Police at an annual salary of $40,785 effective September 17, 1986. At this time, Sgt. Pfoh and Lt. Passafume were duly sworn in by Supervisor Battalia and congratulations were extended by the staff and members of the Board. Thereafter, the Order of the Agenda resumed. --- BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS On motion by Commissioner Amlicke, seconded by Commissioner Lerman, the meeting was called to order by Commissioner Battalia at 8:50 P.M. in the Court Room. Present were the following members of the Commission: Commissioner Dolores A. Battalia Commissioner Thomas R. Amlicke Commissioner Caroline Silverstone Commissioner Lawrence A. Lerman Commissioner Stephen C. Chapin 1. FIRE CLAIMS Commissioner Amlicke presented the following fire claims for authorization of payment and on his motion, seconded by - Commissioner Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby authorizes payment of the following Fire Department claims as approved by the Fire Chief and audited by the Comptroller's Office: - 2 - MINUTES OF THE REGULAR, MEETINGS OF THE TOWN BOARD AND BOARD OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS OF THE TagN OF MAMARONEC1Z, HELD ON THE 17th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1986 IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM AM THE COURT ROOM OF THE TOWN CENTER, 740 WEST BOSTON POST ROAD MAMARONEM, Dm' YORK CONVENE REGULAR MELTING The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by Supervisor Battalia at 7:00 P.M. in the Court Room. f Present were the following members of the Board: i Supervisor Dolores A. Battalia Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone Councilman Lawrence A. Lerman Councilman Stephen C. Chapin On motion by Councilman Chapin, seconded by Councilman Lerman, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that this Board recess into Executive Session in the Conference Room to discuss matters of personnel. Thereafter, on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman Silverstone, it was unanimously resolved to adjourn the Executive Session at 8:35 P.M. i CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits ; At this time, Supervisor Battalia pointed out to those assembled the location of exits as required by law for public gatherings. Also present were: Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator Steven M. Silverberg, Tam Counsel P. Thomas Leddy, Supt. of Highways William V. Zimmerman, Supt. of Recreation Gordon Albert, Fire Chief William McDermott, Deputy Fire Chief Carol A. Acocella, Deputy Town Clerk Jean A. Marra, Recording Secretary Patricia A. DiCioccio was not in attendance at this meeting. At this time, the Order of the Agenda was changed and Item #5 under Affairs of the Town was taken up. 5. PROfIO£IONS - POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Commissioner Arthur Dallas addressed the Board, introduced the following Police Officers, and highlighted their achievements and qualifications: Ptl. John Infelice Ptl. Stephen Cassiero Ptl. Paul Creazzo Ptl. Robert Ashley Ptl. Frank Fox Ptl. Frank Pennachio I September 17, 1986 AAA Emergency Supply Co., Inc. $ 24.80 Connecticut General Life Ins., Co. 14.90 Crabtree Ford, Inc. 55.20 ESCO 21.73 Excelsior Garage & Machine works, Inc. 163.24 Excelsior Garage & Machine works, Inc. 27.60 Firefighter Ronald DeCosimo 5.50 Firefighter Diane McBrayer 15.84 Group Health Insurance 252.81 -- I & T Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. 32.00 New York Telephone Co. 1,089.28 New York Telephone Co. 77.60 Portronix Communications, Inc. 3.00 RAD 199.03 State Line Fire & Safety Inc. 250.00 Town of Mamaroneck Prof. Firefighters Assn. 110.04 Vincent's Garage 29.00 $ 2,371.57 2. DISCUSSION RE: SCREENING AT FIREHOUSE Administrator Altieri stated that requests have been received from residents of Hillcrest Avenue concerning the possibility of installing screening around the Fire Depart- ment parking lot and he stated that since no funds were available in the 1986 Budget for any screening expense, it would have to be approved by the Town Board as well as the Fire Commissioners. Councilwoman Silverstone recommended the screening and stated that in her opinion it would be very attractive. Chief Albert stated that there were several illegally parked cars in the lot and that they were there without permission. He also stated that he thought the trees would be an enhancement to the community but that he would also like to have a "Na Thru Traffic" sign installed at the entrance to the parking lot. Mr. Arthur Zanko of Hillcrest Avenue suggested that the Chief pursue those who park in the lot illegally and that a request for screening should have nothing to do with cars parking there. Thereafter, on motion by Coimussioner Lerman, seconded by Commissioner Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Board of Fire Commissioners does hereby authorize that $1,000 be allocated towards the purchase of screening for the weaver Street Firehouse. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before this Commission, on motion by Commissioner Amlicke, seconded by Commissioner Lerman, it was unanimously declared that this meeting be adjourned at 9:40 P.M. - 3 - 464 September 17, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING - RISE ORDIM4CE Attorney Silverberg explained that the proposed Noise Ordinance was drafted because of various complaints the Town has received. He stated that it was basically a plagiarism of the Village of Larchmont's ordinance but that Section 4 placed time limitations on various types of equipment that is used. At this time, on motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and it hereby is, declared open. The Deputy Town Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication and Posting of the Notice of Hearing. Gail Gerardi, 805 Weaver Street, stated that it was a welcomed ordinance because she resides near Bonnie Briar Golf Club and that the garbage trucks started collecting there as early as 5:30 A.M. and that the golf carts made excessive noise also. Betty Hill, of Weaver Street, also stated that garbage is collected from her area around 5:40 A.M., including Saturdays. Mr. Edward F.X. Ryan, of 32 West Garden Road, said he thought it was an excellent ordinance because, in his opinion, noise has come to crisis proportions. Mrs. Bea Powers questioned the Town's policy on garbage collection hours and Supervisor Battalia stated that the starting times would be looked into. Councilman Amlicke stated that he would like to receive a report from the Superintendent of the Joint Sanitation Commission indicating how he intended to enforce the starting time of the Sanitation Department of 7:00 A.M. to which Supervisor Battalia stated that the working hours could not be changed to have them start later because a union contract was in effect and that one of the reasons they started early was so they could to get to the recovery plant before it closed. Mr. Ryan added that air traffic also created a lot of noise pollution to which Councilman Lerman stated that the CZ MC -- addressed the issue but that it is regulated by the Federal Government and the Town does not have the ability to effectuate that kind of change. Mark Jacoby, 5 Durham Road, stated that he was opposed to the idea that the Town would be exempt from the proposed noise ordinance and Attorney Silverberg explained that the Town was exempt in order to perform its municipal functions such as snow removal. - 4 - September 17, 1986 Ms. Patricia Latona questioned why a whistle blew every morning at 8:00 A.M. on Maxwell Avenue to which Supervisor Battalia replied that it was just a test being performed by the Fire Department. Councilman Chapin stated he was not in favor of the — restrictions the proposed ordinance placed on gardening equipment, whereas Councilman Lerman recommended its adoption and then amending it with Councilwoman Silverstone being in agreement. However, Councilman Amlicke stated he would prefer that the proposed ordinance be amended first. At this time, since a decision could not be reached, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Public Hearing be, and it hereby is, declared adjourned. Supervisor Battalia stated that Attorney Silverberg had suggested amending Chapter 51 of the Town Code and, on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that a Public Hearing be held on October 1, 1986 to discuss amendments to Chapter 51 of the Mamaroneck Town Code: Noise Regulation. Thereafter, on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Proposed Local Law amending the Noise Ordinance of the Town of Mamaroneck not be adopted. PRESENTATION - ICE RINK COMMITTEE Mr. Dom Ruggiero, Chairman of the Hommocks Ice Rink Committee, introduced Mr. Warren Bendixen who then reported on the existing conditions of the ice rink facility, the flaws in the present construction, the potential problems, and the feasibility of constructing a new rink. Mr. Bendixen informed the Board of the following approaches regarding what could be done with the present facility: 1. Do nothing -- in essence, just maintain existing building and equipment and upgrade slab in order to bring it up to a safe level. - 5 - September 17, 1986 2. Repair and rehabilitate existing facility at a cost of approximately $337,000. Improvements would make the facility more usable and increase the lifespan of existing equipment and safety hazards could be eliminated. 3. Provide a staged construction towards ultimate project development starting with the installation of pile foundations for slab support and future building additions. 4. Construct a full-service, year-round facility at an approximate cost of $3,000,000. i When questioned as to how long he thought the present bubble on the ice rink might last, Superintendent of Recreation, William Zimmermann, stated that perhaps until 1989 but that it has already outlived its life expectancy. Pass. Marks, a local resident, pleaded that a multi-use building be constructed for the children of the area and requested that the Board give some serious thought to making it a community facility. Mrs. Wexler, also a local resident, added that a community center would provide the children with a place to go and Mr. Ed Ryan, of 32 West Garden Road, also stated that he was in favor of it. Pis. Maureen King, of the Town of Mamaroneck, requested the Board not to think of the issue as just "Save the Ice" but rather the giving of a true recreational facility to the children of the community and she stated that she felt strongly about the Villages of Larchmont and Mamaroneck addressing the issue as well because, in her opinion, this was a fractured community and there was a need of a centralized community center. After further discussion, Supervisor Battalia stated that this matter would be placed on the agenda for the October lst meeting in order for the area children to be present to voice their enthusiasm for this project. i PROCLAMATION - DAR Supervisor Battalia stated that next week was declared as Constitution Week, and on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman Lerman, it was unanimously resolved, that the following Proclamation be, and it hereby is, adopted: WHEREAS, it is the privilege and duty of the American People to commemorate the One Hundred Ninety-Seventh Anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America with appropriate ceremonies; and WHEREAS, the Constitution of the United States of America gives us our foundation of freedom and liberty for every citizen, but each generation must also strive to preserve that foundation for itself and for others, so that it is not lost through indifference; and - 6 - September 17, 1986 WHEREAS, the independence granted to the American People to enjoy such freedom and liberty, unknown in most countries, should be celebrated during Constitution Week, September 17th through 23rd, as designated by proclamation of the President of the United States in accordance with Public Law No. 915. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that all residents of the Town of Mamaroneck join with me in officially recognizing this memorable anniversary week by paying special attention to our Federal Constitution and the advantage of American Citizenship. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the Town of Mamaroneck to be affixed this 17th day of September 1986. /s/ Dolores A. Battalia Town Supervisor AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN 1. ADOPTION OF BUDGET CALENDAR Administrator Altieri presented the 1987 Budget Calendar and, on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Council- woman Silverstone, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that October 22nd and 29th, 1986 be, and they hereby are, designated as the dates for Public Work Sessions with outside agencies. 2. WESTCHESTER COUNTY BUS SHELTER AGREEMENT Following the presentation by Administrator Altieri, and after amending the agreement to incorporate Councilman Amlicke's correction concerning the Town's compensation, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator be, and he hereby is, authorized to execute the Bus Shelter Renewal Agree- ment with the County of Westchester subject to approval by Town Counsel. - 7 - Septenber 17, 1986 3. REQUEST OF UN ASSOCIATION Administrator Altieri presented a request from the Scarsdale/Hartsdale Westchester Shore Chapter of the United Nations Association of the United States of America for permission to use the Court Room and Senior Center in the Town Center Building on December 7, 1986 and, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to the Westchester Shore Chapter of the UN Association to use the Court Room and Senior Center in the Town Center Building on December 7, 1986; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a $100 fee will be charged for use of said premises. 4. REFERRAL - TRI-14MICIPAL CABLE TELEVISION COMIISSION Administrator Altieri presented a communication from UA Columbia Cablevision requesting consent to change the control of its parent corporation and, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator be, and he hereby is, authorized to refer this matter of UA Columbia Cable- vision requesting consent to change the control of its parent corporation to the Tri-Municipal Cable Commission. 5. PROMOPIONS - POLICE DEPAIMMT This item was taken up earlier in the agenda. ii 6. DISCUSSION - PROPOSAL ART WORK 717N7N CENTER BUILDING Administrator Altieri stated that he has been working with the Mamaroneck Artist Guild on a proposal for the instal- lation of an art display in the Courtroom and second-floor corridor of the Town Center Building. Councilman Amlicke suggested this matter be referred to the Town's architect for an opinion and he then requested that this project go out to bid and, following further dis- cussion, it was decided to table the issue until the October 1st meeting. - B - it I September 17, 1986 7. RBDUEST OF HILLCREST ASSOCIATION This item was discussed earlier in the meeting under Board of Fire Commissioners. _ 8. UPDATE ON CAUTERIZATION Administrator Altieri stated that computers are now being used in the Court Clerk's office but said it was too early for an evaluation. He added that the computers in the other departments will not be operative in time to utilize them for the Town Budget this year. 9. RECOD24EMATION - TRAFFIC COMMITTEE Burton Road Administrator Altieri stated that the Traffic Committee met on September 9th to discuss several traffic matters and they made the recommendation that "No Thru Traffic" signs be installed on Burton Road to deter motorists from using this shortcut from Palmer Avenue and, on motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator be, and he hereby is, authorized to have a "No Thru Traffic" sign installed on Burton Road at the intersection of Palmer Avenue in order to eliminate a shortcut being taken between Palmer Avenue and Boston Post Road. Howell Park Administrator Altieri expressed the concern that the Howell Park residents have over the high volume of traffic that is utilizing this route to bypass the traffic light at Palmer Avenue and Weaver Street and he stated that the residents recommended that a "No Thru Traffic" sign be installed at the corner of Palmer Avenue and Howell Road, and also at Carleon Avenue and Palmer Avenue, and another at Weaver Street and Howell Avenue. Additionally, that stop signs be placed at the corners of Howell Avenue and Hawthorn Road, Howell Avenue and Meadow Place and also at Meadow Place and i Howell Avenue. Ms. Pat Latona, a former member of the Traffic Committee, stated that a stop sign already existed where one was proposed to which Supervisor Battalia replied that she would consult with Tom Leddy regarding this. - 9 - 470 September 17, 1986 Councilman Amlicke questioned why this particular area should have "No Thru Traffic" signs and then suggested that it be referred back to the Traffic Committee. After further discussion, and on Councilman Amlicke's suggestion, Supervisor Battalia recommended that this matter be referred back to the Traffic Committee for further study and recommendations. �I 10. RESOLUTION RE: TOWN HISTORIAN Following Supervisor Battalia's recommendation, and on motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously resolved that the following resolution be adopted: At this time of the celebration of the 325th Anniversary of the acquisition by John Richbell of a grant which comprised the land we now know as Mamaroneck, we record the great contribution of our fellow resident, DR. MARY O. ENGLISH WHEREAS, in the transcription of the data in the files of our Town resulting in the publication of Early Town Records of Mamaroneck. 1697-1881, she exhibited impeccable scholarship and made a devoted contribution of four years of her life; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the members of the Tbwn Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, New York, hereby express our profound appreciation of her contribution in a perpetuation at our cultural heritage; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and a copy of it presented to her. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Town of Mamaroneck to be affixed this 17th day of September, 1986. Supervisor Dolores A. Battalia TOWN OF MAMARONECK - 10 - i September 17, 1986 11. AUTHORIZATION RE: SIGNING OF DEED - POLICE HEADQUARTERS Attorney Silverberg stated that the authorization of the Town Board was needed for the purpose of signing the deed for the sale of the old Police Headquarters and, on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman Lerman, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, the Town Police Department has relocated its operation to the Town Center Building; WHEREAS, Lots 236 and 237 on a Map entitled "A Correct Map of 428 Lots of the Long Island Sound Land and Improvement Company at Larchmont, in the Town of Mamaroneck, Westchester County, New York," made by Fletcher Herdt, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, dated July 27, 1892 and filed in the Office of the Register of the County of Westchester on July 29, 1982 as Map No. 1033 (the two Lots on said Map fronting on Myrtle Blvd. are a portion of said Police Department property); and WHEREAS, title to said Lots 236 and 237 are currently in the Board of Sewer Commissioners of Sewer District No. 1 of the Town of Mamaroneck; and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck took possession of all property of said Board of Sewer Commissioners by Resolution adopted January 2, 1934 and pursuant to then Section 61 of the Town Law, effective January 1, 1934; and WHEREAS, said Lots 236 and 237 are no longer necessary for municipal purposes; and WHEREAS, pursuant to a Resolution subject to Permissive Referendum adopted at the April 2, 1986 meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck, the Town Administrator was authorized to proceed with the sale of the said property, including said Lots 236 and 237, at a price of no less than -- $150,000; and WHEREAS, the Town Administrator has entered into a contract for the sale of said property for the price of $180,000; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT - 11 - 472 September 17, 1986 RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be, and hereby is, authorized to execute a Deed of the said Police Department property, designated as Section 1, Block 123, Lot 53 on the Tax Map of the Town of Mamaroneck, which includes aforesaid Lots 236 and 237 on the Fletcher Herdt Map of 1892 to Wilson Matos in accor- dance with the terms and conditions of a Contract of Sale dated May 21, 1986. I I 12. SALARY AUTHORIZATION — CLERK'S OFFICE RECREATION DEPARTMENP Clerk's office Administrator Altieri requested that salary authorization be approved for Lillian Robustelli in the Town Clerk's Office and, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Lerman, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Lillian Robustelli be, and she hereby is, hired to fill the vacancy in the Town Clerk's Office at an annual salary of $161875, effective September 22, 1986. Recreation Department Administrator Altieri submitted a memo for salary authorization from William Zimmermann, Superintendent of Recreation, and on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that as provided for in the 1986 Town Budget, this Board hereby authorizes the hiring of the following individuals at the salaries so stated: Robert Lunde, Recreation Assistant, Hommocks Park Ice Rink installation, $7.50/hour, effective 9/29/86. Robert Tencza, Recreation Assistant, Hommocks Park Ice Rink installation, $6.00/hour, effective 9/29/86 Albert Wallen, Recreation Assistant, Hommocks Park Ice Rink installation, $6.00/hour, effective 9/29/86. Timothy Codispoti , Recreation Assistant, Hommocks Park Ice Rink installation, $5.00/hour, effective 9/29/86. David Sandoval , Recreation Assistant, Hommocks Park Ice Rink installation, $4.50/hour, effective 9/29/86. Michael Acocella, Recreation Assistant, Hommocks Park Ice Rink installation, $4.00/hour, effective 9/29/86. Christopher Iarocci , Recreation Assistant,l'Hommocks Park Ice Rink installation, $3.35/hour, effective 9/29/86. Julie Gacio, Recreation Assistant, Teen Center, $7.00/hour, effective 9/8/86. Bea Stone, Recreation Assistant, Teen Center, $7.35/hour, effective 9/8/86. Peggy Sollazzo, Recreation Assistant, Teen Center, $7.35/hour, effective 9/8/86. — 12 — 473, HOMMOCKS POOL September 17, 1986 NAME POSITION SALARY John Teller Alternate Director $7.00/hour Debbie Reda Alternate Director $7.00/hour Laura LaMagna Alternate Director $7.00/hour Gregory Johanson Lifeguard $4.25/hour Colin Villone Lifeguard $3.95/hour Carrie Reilly Lifeguard $3.80/hour Dan Schwager Lifeguard $3.80/hour Gary Metz Lifeguard $3.65/hour Kyle Owen Lifeguard $3.50/hour Doug Sheridan Lifeguard $3.50/hour Randy Smith Lifeguard $3.50/hour Jenny Stratis Lifeguard $3.50/hour Liz White Alternate Lifeguard $3.65/hour Marion Davidson Alternate Lifeguard $3:65/hour Chrissy Soulet Alternate Lifeguard $3.65/hour Coleen Quinlan Alternate Lifeguard $3.50/hour Rebecca Shimkin Alternate Lifeguard $3.50/hour Kim Healy Alternate Lifeguard $3.50/hour Jennifer Bruder Alternate Lifeguard $3.50/hour Victor Piacente Alternate Lifeguard $3.50/hour Marianne Baillet Alternate Lifeguard $3.50/hour Hilary Barrows Alternate Lifeguard $3.50/hour Laura LaMagna Alternate Lifeguard $5.00/hour Ester Scutaro Key Attendant $3.35/hour -- Debbie Logan Key Attendant $3.35/hour Diahann Montacvo Key Attendant $3.25/hour John Dindas Key Attendant $3.45/hour Mickey Ruggerio Key Attendant $3.25/hour David Judice Key Attendant $3.25/hour Joey Paldino Alternate Key Attendant $3.25/hour Mike Moss Alternate Key Attendant $3.25/hour Andrea Parnell Alternate Key Attendant $3.25/hour Kim Papachristou Alternate Key Attendant $3.25/hour All Lifeguards Alternate Key Attendant $3.25/hour All Lifeguards and alternates Swim Instructor $12/session Effective retroactive to September 10, 1986. APPPJWAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of May 29, 1986 were presented and, on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman Lerman, were unanimously approved. - The Minutes of June 18, 1986 were presented and, on motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, were unanimously approved as amended. The Minutes of June 27, 1986 were presented and, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, were unanimously approved. - 13 - l September 17, 1986 The Minutes of July 16, 1986 were presented and, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Chapin, were unanimously approved. The Minutes of August 6, 1986 were presented and, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, were unanimously approved as amended. WRITTEN CCNBRMCATIONS There were no written communications to come before the Town Board at this time. ORAL COW NICATIONS At this time, Ms. Bea Powers of Maxwell Avenue stated that the Highway Department's shed which is located next to her home was being used as a sign-painting shop and requested that the Town discontinue using it for those purposes and that the flammable materials which are stored there be removed. She also requested that the broken fence in the back of the shed be repaired, the recycling area be cleaned up, the grass be mowed and that the overgrown weeds which are choking and killing expensive tree plants be pulled. Administrator Altieri explained that these quarters were being used because they were out of working space in the Town's yard for repairing materials and other necessary items and Supervisor Battalia added that the matter would be addressed immediately. Mr. Ned Ryan questioned the work that was being done on the Weaver Street Bridge and Rockland Avenue Bridge and also the overnight parking situation in the Town. Supervisor Battalia explained that a survey was taken three years ago and it was the consensus that the residents do not want overnight street parking and stated that temporary parking exemptions could be obtained through the Police Department, or that variances for additional off-street parking areas could be obtained through the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Ryan then recommended that a sign be installed at the Town yard indicating its hours of operation. Councilman Lerman suggested that overnight parking be allowed with a permit or sticker being issued to the residents to which Attorney Silverberg explained that this was done in Yonkers and the courts found that permits had to be issued to commercial establishments in the area as well because, based upon case law, they had just as much right to park there as the area residents did. - 14 - i September 17, 1986 THE SUPERVISOR Reports 1. The Supervisor stated that Marilyn Faust resigned from the Conservation Advisory Commission thus causing a vacancy and requested that suggestions for nominations be made. 2. Supervisor Battalia also stated that there was an opening on the Traffic Committee and, on motion by Councilman Lerman, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously RESOLVED, that Edward F.X. Ryan, of 32 West Garden Road, Town of Mamaroneck, be, and he hereby is, appointed as a member of the Traffic Committee for an unspecified term of office. i 3. Supervisor Battalia stated that there is a Critical Housing Needs meeting on October 18th. 4. The Supervisor stated that she received a letter from the County of Westchester Housing Action Council, at the Law Center at Pace University, requesting that the Town be a sponsoring agency. 5. Supervisor Battalia announced that the Town's 325th Anniversary Celebration was this coming weekend and encouraged everyone to participate in the scheduled events: A "3.25" Mile Race starting at Flint Park in Larchmont on Saturday, September 20th at 9:00 A.M. The Parade of Yachts off the coast of the Town of Mamaroneck on Saturday, September 20th at 12 Noon. A Parade down Palmer Avenue to the Town Center Building on Sunday, September 21st at 1:00 P.M. Concluding with a Dinner/Dance at Mamaroneck High School Gym on Sunday, September 21st at 5:00 P.M. REPORTS OF THE COUNCIL Councilman Chapin reported: 1. That he viewed the new wall on Falls Road and he stated that it looked very good except for the jagged concrete on the inside of the wall which he thought destroyed the view of the waterfall area and suggested it be covered with large stones stoping down to the water. - 15 - Septenber 17, 1986 Administrator Altieri explained that the jagged concrete had to remain because it was the supporting base for the wall. truck with Texas license plates was still 2. That the tru th the p parked on Falls Road. 3. That the duck pond was very dirty and a disgrace and was overrun by ducks, geese and pigeons. 4. Requested that counsel furnish a periodic legal update on pending litigation. THE ADMINISTRATOR Reports I 1. Administrator Altieri reported that the pedestrian all-red phase on the traffic light at the intersection of Myrtle, Murray and North Chatsworth Avenues would be installed shortly. I i I ADJOUPNM= i On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Chapin, it was unanimously resolved that the meeting be adjourned at 12:57 P.M. Patricia A. DiCioccio Town Clerk I C I i /j 16 -