HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985_11_20 Town Board Minutes 203
The Regular Meeting of the Town Board was called to order by
Supervisor Battalia at 7:00 p.m.
Present were the following:
Supervisor Dolores A. Battalia
Councilman Lee H. Bloom
Councilman Thomas R. Amlicke
Councilwoman Caroline Silverstone
Councilman Lawrence A. Lerman was not in attendance at this meeting.
Town Administrator Stephen V. Altieri and Counsel to the Town, Steven
M. Silverberg, were also present.
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Bloom,
it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board will recess
into Executive Session in the Council
Room to discuss matters of personnel.
At this time, Fire Chief Fletcher, First Deputy Gordon Albert and
Second Deputy John Perri joined the Town Board to discuss a matter
with respect to volunteer fire personnel.
The Board will discuss this matter further at a later date.
Thereafter, on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by
Councilman Amlicke, it was unanimously resolved to adjourn the
Executive Session.
Upon resumption of the Budget Work Session, the entire Village of
Larchmont Board of Trustees and Beth Hoffstetter and Archie Gianunzio
of the Village of Mamaroneck Board of Trustees joined the Town Board
to discuss the Town of Mamaroneck's tentative Town-wide 1986 budget.
The Town Administrator presented to members of all three Boards a
summary of the 1986 tentative budget and highlighted specifics of
expenditures and revenues. There was discussion as to the allocation
of certain Town-wide expenses into the part-Town portion of the
budget. The Town Administrator stated he would investigate with the
State Comptroller's Office the feasibility of such allocations. A
committee with representation of each Board was formed to further
investigate the allocation of Town-wide expenses. The committee
members are: Lee H. Bloom, Town of Mamaroneck; James Anderson,
Village of Larchmont; Archie Gianunzio, Village of Mamaroneck.
The Town Administrator will also work with the committee on this
The meeting was then moved to the Auditorium.
CALL TO ATTENTION - Location of Exits
Supervisor Battalia pointed out to those assembled the location of
exits as required by law for public gatherings.
PRESENTATION - Conservation Advisory Commission
Conservation Advisory Commissioner Susan Amlicke, with the help of
visual aides, presented the Commission's recommendations with
respect to recycling. She pointed out past and present statistics
regarding the Town's recycling program as well as the problems of
solid waste disposal. Mrs. Amlicke then enumerated the Commission's
proposals as follows: a) that there be more consistent recycling
record keeping; b) that someone monitor the overall recycling
program on a regular basis for improved operation and collection;
and c) that the Town mandate newspaper recycling. The recommendations
also included the request that Cliff Emanuelson, Town Conservation
Consultant, be involved more in the overall program.
At this time, Mrs. Amlicke referred to the information contained in
the "Fact Sheet" noting the savings produced over a ten-year period
due to newspaper, glass and leaf recycling and those places already
conducting mandatory recycling.
Some discussion ensued during which it was discussed and agreed by
the C.A.C. that the ultimate responsibility for the recycling program
should remain with the Joint Sanitation Commission; that the program
should remain at the Town Yard; and that more creative educational
publicity would benefit the recycling efforts. Another item
brought up in the discussion related to ordinances from other
Communities and the enforcement thereof. Ben Larkey, Recycling L.
Coordinator for the County of Westchester agreed with the Commission's
recommendation for mandatory newspaper recycling and emphasized the
caliber of program conducted in the Town. The following requests
were made with respect to the presentation; that the C.A.C. provide
the Town Counsel with copies of model recycling ordinances, that
Mr. Emanuelson work at least another half day, that a job description
of Mr. Emanuelson's position be drafted and made available to Mayor
Curnin and that this presentation be made to Larchmont and Mamaroneck
Village Boards of Trustees for their consideration. Supervisor
Battalia emphasized that the Village of Larchmont must concur with
the Town since the Mayor is one of the two Sanitation Commissioners.
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Battalia at 9:45
p.m. in the Auditorium.
Present were the following:
Commissioner Dolores A. Battalia
Commissioner Lee H. Bloom
Commissioner Thomas R. Amlicke
Commissioner Caroline Silverstone
Commissioner Lawrence A. Lerman was not in attendance at this
Alco present were the following:
Dorothy S. Miller, Town Clerk
Carol A. Acocella, Deputy Town Clerk
Stephen V. Altieri, Town Administrator
- Steven M. Silverberg, Counsel to the Town
P. Thomas Leddy, Highway Superintendent
Clifford Emanuelson, Consultant
1. Claims
In the absence of Commissioner Lerman, the Town Administrator,
Mr. Altieri enumerated the fire claims for authorization of payment
and on motion by Commissioner Silverstone, seconded by Commissioner
' Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Commission hereby
authorizes payment of the following Fire
Department claims as approved by the Fire
Chief and audited by the Comptroller's
R. G. Brewers, Inc. $ 5.36
Con Edison 2.01
Con Edison 2.03
Dri-Chem Extinguisher Co. 1,573.10
Group Health Inc. 247.41
Hampshire Country Club 3,766.50
IBM Corp. 26.84
Franklin Cleaners 606.45
Portronix Communications 314.90
Lieutenant William Premuroso 157.32
Portronix Communications 7.00
New Rochelle Water Company 135.84
Shore Line Oil Company, Inc. 141.92
Town of Mamaroneck Highway Fund 11.59
Tri-City Auto Parts 53.95
Westchester Joint Water Works 9,113.75
There being no further business to come before this Commission, on
motion by Commissioner Bloom, seconded by Commissioner Silverstone,
it was unanimously declared that this meeting be adjourned at 9:48 p.m.
The minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 14, 1985 were presented
and on motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman
Amlicke, were unanimously approved as corrected.
Action on the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 11, 1985
was tabled until the meeting of December 4, 1985.
At this time the order of the Agenda was changed and item #3 was
taken up.
3. Larchmont Reservoir - Planting Plan
Larchmont Village Mayor Curnin questioned why the above-captioned
item was on the Town Board's Agenda since the .matter had not
come before her Village Board, the owner of said property.
Councilman Amlicke explained that the matter was merely being
presented for the Town Board's information. Therefore, there
was no further discussion of this matter.
The regular order of the Agenda was resumed and item #1 was taken up.
1. Report of Bids - Sheldrake River Wall
The Administrator explained that the reason for re-bidding on
the above-captioned project was due to the fact that the bids
received previously exceeded the estimated budget amount.
He described the original project as well as the scaled down
version. Thereafter he recommended that the Board accept the
bid of the lowest responsible bidder and also requested
authorization to appropriate funds for this project until
said funds are received. Some discussion followed Councilwoman
Silverstone's queries with respect to the project being on
private property during which clarifications were made by
Mr. Altieri and Councilman Bloom. Thereafter, on motion by
Councilman Bloom, seconded by Councilman Amlicke, it was
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby awards the
contract for the reconstruction of the
Sheldrake River Wall to the lowest responsible
bidder meeting the Town's plans and specific-
ations, namely Bradhurst Site Construction
at a total cost of $38,444;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Administrator is hereby
authorized to enter into a contract with
Bradhurst Site Construction of Valhalla,
New York for the reconstruction of the
Sheldrake River Wall;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
the appropriation of funds to implement
this project since the portion of the funds
that will be reimbursed by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency have not yet
been received.
2. Authorization - Prepare Specifications and Accept Bids -
Relocation Services
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman
Amlicke, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board authorizes the
Town Administrator to prepare specific-
ations and advertise for and receive
bids for relocation services relative
to moving Town departments to the newly
renovated Town Center.
4. Salary Authorization - Recreation
On motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilwoman
Silverstone, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
that Stephen Savino, Senior Recreation
Leader in the Figure Skating Program, be
compensated at a total salary of $5,760.00
for the season, effective retroactive to
November 9, 1985;
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this Board hereby authorizes
that Janet Millar, Recreation Assistant of
the Murray Avenue Pre. School, be compensated
at the rate of $45.00 per week, effective
retroactive to July 1, 1985 for six (6)
There were no written communications to come before the Board.
There were no oral communications to come before the Board.
Regular Reports
The Town Clerk presented the report of the Town Clerk's office for
the month of October 1985.
The Supervisor inquired as to the status of the outstanding minutes
and stated that the Board would have to have them at the next meeting.
Supervisor Battalia reported:
a) that she and the Town Administrator were invited to attend
a meeting on Friday, November 22nd at the Westchester County
Offices to go over the Town's flooding application. She
noted that the 'benefits of the flood control device at the
reservoir has certainly had an impact on the Village of
Mamaroneck since there was no flooding in the Washingtonville
area at all during the most recent hurricane.
b) that the Substance Abuse Task Force met on Tuesday, November
19th and has completed its mailing relative to Safe Homes and
noted that said mailing has generated a great deal of positive
responses. She also stated that plans are being formulated
for a Substance Abuse Awareness Forum to be held in April of 1986.
c) on her attendance, along with Mr. Altieri, at a meeting in White
Plains relative to the reevaluation of the Youth Advocate position
for another year's funding. She further stated that they did
not get a positive response and were advised to write to the
Departments of Social Services and Office of Youth Services as
well as our State Legislators.
d) that although the situation with respect to the drought is much
better, it is important for everyone to be reminded that all
drought restrictions are still in force.
Councilman Bloom:
a) thanked the Town Administrator for his continued pressure on the
State Department of Transportation and stated that he had
noticed a bit of construction beginning at the Murray/Myrtle/
North Chatsworth intersection.
b) reported on the Human Rights Commission Meeting which was held
on November 18th at which time Supervisor Battalia joined the
group in a discussion on housing for the homeless. He further
stated that the Commission will probably sponsor, along with
the Commissions in the two Villages, an open informational
meeting sometime early in 1986.
Councilman Amlicke:
a) asked the Town Administrator to report on the status of the
Hommocks Ice Rink study, and Mr. Altieri responded that several
proposals had been received from consultants and that a meeting
would be held to review those proposals in order that a
recommendation be made to the Town Board.
b) advised the Board that he has now heard from all concerned
such as the School Board and both Villages and that all agreed
that the Tri—Municipal Bicycle Safety Committee be terminated.
Councilwoman Silverstone:
a) reported that it has been decided to put off construction at
Myrtle Park until the Spring of 1986. She also stated that
the new tennis 'court should be ready by Memorial Day and
that the playground area and rest rooms will be renovated
in the early Spring.
At this time Supervisor Battalia asked the Board's approval
for her to request that either County Legislator Keane or
some other County representative make a presentation at this
Board's next meeting with respect to the County's proposed
1986 Budget. The Board agreed with her proposal.
Thereafter, on motion by Councilman Amlicke, seconded by Councilman
Bloom, it was unanimously
RESOLVED, that this Board will recess
into Executive Session in the Council
Room to ,discuss matters of personnel
and litigation.
The Town Administrator presented to the Board information relating
to a proposed retirement option for certain elegible employees of
the Town.
On motion by Councilwoman Silverstone, seconded by Councilman Amlicke,
it was unanimously '',resolved to adjourn the Executive Session.
There being no further business to come before the Board, at the
request of Supervisor Battalia, on motion by Councilman Bloom and
seconded by Councilman Amlicke, this meeting was declared adjourned
at 11:10 p.m. in respect to the memory of Joseph Markowitz, Counselor
at the Mamaroneck High School, with the following resolution spread
upon the minutes of this meeting as a public and permanent tribute
to him:
(see next page)
Town Administrator
Town Clerk
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Mamaroneck
learned with deep sadness of the death of
Joseph Markowitz
Teacher and Guidance Counselor in the
Mamaroneck School System for 34 years;
WHEREAS, Joe Markowitz, through his compassion and
dedication, was an invaluable educator of
and advisor to students;
WHEREAS, as a good friend to all in the Community,
Joe's most memorable service was as a Counselor
for the Greater Mamaroneck Community Action
Program, Youth Director at the Larchmont
Temple and Co-Chairman of the Larchmont-Mamaroneck
Narcotics Guidance Council;
- RESOLVED, that we, the members of this Board, together
with all of our residents express our sincere
admiration of him and our deep sorrow at his
and be it further
RESOLVED, that we convey to Mrs. Markowitz and the
members of his family our sense of loss and
and be it further
RESOLVED, that this resolution be spread upon the
Minutes of this Meeting as a public and
permanent tribute to him -- and that this
Meeting convene in regular session this
20th day of November 1985 be adjourned in
respect to his memory.